School | Architecture and Cities |
Littlefield, D. 2025. Bath Abbey and Authenticity: the role of the replica and the voicefulness of historic surfaces. in: The Heritage, creativity and innovation nexus: critical approaches and interdisciplinary case-studies Oxford Routledge.
Saleem, S. 2024. From Kelmscott to Cambridge: Britain's long encounter with the Islamic Arts. in: Bain, R. (ed.) Tulips and Peacocks: William Morris and Art from the Islamic World Yale University Press. pp. 157-171
Saleem, S. 2024. The Ramadan Pavilion at the Victoria and Albert Museum 2023. in: Sengupta, T. and King, S. (ed.) Reclaiming Colonial Architecture London RIBA.
Saleem, S. 2024. The Mosque in Britain 1990-2021. in: Barnwell, P.S. (ed.) Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland 1990-2021 Lincolnshire Shaun Tyas. pp. 161-175
Jordan, K. 2024. Women's Religious Communities and Patronage in the UK: Two Case Studies. Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea. 11, pp. 102-115.
Deriu, D. 2024. Reclaiming the Vertical City: London Rising as a Narrative of Urban Explorations. in: Deriu, D. and Maggi, A. (ed.) Picturing Cities: The Photobook as Urban Narrative Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 165-179
Jordan, K. 2024. Theatres of change: rethinking cinemas as places of worship. Future for Religious Heritage.
Jordan, K. 2024. Gurdwaras, mosques, temples and churches: how faith groups are reviving England's old cinemas. The Conversation.
Deriu, D. and Maggi, A. (ed.) 2024. Picturing Cities: The Photobook as Urban Narrative. Milan FrancoAngeli.
Watson, V.A. 2023. Weaving an Air Grid 01. Clerkenwell, London 01 Jan 2020
Watson, V.A. 2023. Utopia Re-Visited: Post-Crash New Town. University of Westminster
Saleem, S. 2023. The Mosque in Britain 1929-1990. in: Barnwell, P. and Doig, A. (ed.) Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland 1929-1990 Lincolnshire Shaun Tyas. pp. 236-250
Littlefield, D. 2023. What is a thing? Considering the 'extended object' and the relationships from which it emerges. London Conference in Critical Thought. London Metropolitan University 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2023
Littlefield, D. 2023. Plural Authenticities: How Can Digital Representation Enhance, Extend and Even Rival the Original Object? in: Griffin, H. (ed.) (In)tangible Heritage(s): a conference on design, culture and technology - past, present and future Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) Proceedings Journal Series. pp. 88-99
Littlefield, D. 2023. The agency of small things: indicators of ownership on the streets of Liverpool and Belfast. in: Martire, A., Hausleitner, B. and Clossick, J. (ed.) Everyday Streets: inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets London UCL Press. pp. 17-32
Jordan, K. 2023. White spirit: situating whiteness in contemporary church architecture. Architectural Histories. 11 (1).
Lau, C. 2023. Rethinking the Sites of the Ditchley Portrait through Notions of Polyvocality: Drawing upon narratives of place, time and medium. AMPS Proceedings Journal Series: Representing Pasts - Visioning Futures. 32, pp. 207-219.
Jordan, K. 2023. Architecture and buildings: building the post-emancipation Church. in: Mangion, C.M. and O'Brien, S. (ed.) The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism, Vol IV, Building Identity, 1830-1913 Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 56-76
Deriu, D. 2023. Photography as Criticism: Gabriele Basilico and the Project of a “Small Utopia”. European Architectural History Network 7th International Meeting. Madrid, Spain 15 - 18 Jun 2022 Ediciones Asimétricas.
Deriu, D. 2023. After Falling Away: Reflections on a Vertiginous Art Exhibition. in: Bratchford, G. and Zuev, D. (ed.) Vision and Verticality: A Multidisciplinary Approach Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 137-144
Jordan, K. 2023. Moving Pictures: Reusing Cinemas as Places of Worship in Diaspora.
Deriu, D. 2023. Travelling to Ankara: Western Perspectives of the Modern Capital. Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory. 8 (Spring/Summer), pp. 190-195.
Deriu, D. 2023. On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo. London Lund Humphries.
Lau, C. 2023. Montage and Dialectical History: The Accession Day Tilts, Whitehall and Embodied Participation. AMPS Proceedings Journal Series: (In)Tangible Heritage(s). 29.2, pp. 376-384.
Victoria Watson 2023. Architecture and Faux-nationalism: reflections on a remark made by the British architectural historian Gavin Stamp about the German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. in: Pandya, S. (ed.) After belonging: Architecture, Nation, Difference Routledge.
Jordan, K. 2023. Victorian Values: past and present in the refurbishment of London's historic churches. Journal of Architectural Conservation. 29 (1), pp. 20-39.
Jordan, K. and Saleem, S. 2022. Introductory Essay: Sacred, Spiritual, Secular: Spaces of Faith in the Twenty-first century. Architecture and Culture. 10 (4), pp. 565-570.
Jordan, K. 2022. Between the Sacred and Secular: Faith, Space and Place in the Twenty-First Century. Architecture and Culture. 10 (4), pp. 571-597.
Griffiths, S. 2022. The Poverty Of Embodiment. Architecture, Media, Polities Society (AMPS): Lived Space, Past and Present, part of the conference series on Representing Pasts-Visioning Futures. Queens University Belfast 01 - 03 Dec 2022 Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) Proceedings Journal Series.
Lau, C. 2022. Rethinking the Sites of the Ditchley Portrait Through Polyvocality: Representations of place, time, scale, medium and narrative. Architecture, Media, Polities Society (AMPS): Lived Space, Past and Present, part of the conference series on Representing Pasts-Visioning Futures. Queens University Belfast 01 - 03 Dec 2022
Lau, C. 2022. Montage and Dialectical History: The Accession Day Tilts, Whitehall and Embodied Participation. Architecture, Media, Polities Society (AMPS): (In)Tangible Heritage(s): A conference on design, culture and technology – past, present, and future. Canterbury, Kent, UK 15 - 17 Jun 2022
Jordan, K. 2022. Urban churches in an infrasecular landscape: three case studies from the Anglican Diocese of London. Journal of Architecture. 27 (2-3), pp. 346-371.
Deriu, D. 2021. Falling Away. Ambika P3 21 Oct 2021 - 20 Nov 2022
Saleem, S. Turner, C. and Kilgallon, E. (ed.) 2021. British Mosques. Foolscap Editions.
Deriu, D. 2021. Adventures in Scale. Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory. 5, pp. 92-107.
Lau, C. 2021. Architecture and Allegory, A Tale of Three Sites. 15th European Architectural Envisioning Association (EAEA) International Conference, Envisioning Architectural Narratives . Online, organised by the University of Huddersfield 01 - 03 Oct 2021 University of Huddersfield.
Lau, C. 2021. Architecture and Allegory, A Tale of Three Sites. Monograph European Architecture Envisioning Association (EAEA)15. Envisioning Architectural Narratives. pp. 50-60.
Lau, C. 2021. Learning from World Architecture Festival 2015: Transitional opportunities and teaching in the new normal. Charrette. 7 (1), pp. 99-124.
Dean, C., Watson, V.A. and Santo, D. 2021. Trace: Translating Bankside Air Raid Shelter through Material and Spatial Tracings. in: Troiani, I. and Ewing, S. (ed.) Spaces of Tolerance Routledge.