Narratives in the politics of recognition of Alevis in the course of migration from Turkey to Western Europe since the 1960s2025
The Sunnification and Turkification of Alevi Kurds in Turkey: The Use of Education as a Colonising Practice2024
Alevi Kurds in the United Kingdom: Community Formation, Visibility, and Integration2024
Alevi Kurds in the UK: Paving the way towards recognition of a new ethno-religious identity2023
Britanya’da yaşayan Kürt Aleviler: Göç, Kimlik, Adaptasyon, İntihar2018
An Ethnographic Study of Suicide Among Young Men in the London Alevi Community2020
Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London2018
From a ‘sort of Muslim’ to ‘proud to be Alevi’: The Alevi Religion and Identity Project combatting the negative identity among second-generation Alevis in the UK2017
Cosmopolitanism and the relevance of ‘zombie concepts’: the case of anomic suicide amongst Alevi Kurd youth2020
Editorial: Alevi Kurds: History, politics and identity2018
Editorial of Special Issue of National Identities: Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries2018
Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries2018
Conducting an Exploratory Survey of a Little Researched Marginalised Transnational Migrant Community2016
Durkheim, ethnography and suicide: researching young male suicide in the transnational London Alevi-Kurdish community