Dr Umit Cetin

The Sunnification and Turkification of Alevi Kurds in Turkey: The Use of Education as a Colonising Practice2025
Alevileri Ehlîleştirmek -Aleviliği Evrenselleştirmek: Türkiye ve Birleşik Krallık’ta Eğitim Politikalarına Bakış2025
Narratives in the politics of recognition of Alevis in the course of migration from Turkey to Western Europe since the 1960s2024
Alevi Kurds in the United Kingdom: Community Formation, Visibility, and Integration2024
Alevi Kurds in the UK: Paving the way towards recognition of a new ethno-religious identity2023
Britanya’da yaşayan Kürt Aleviler: Göç, Kimlik, Adaptasyon, İntihar2018
An Ethnographic Study of Suicide Among Young Men in the London Alevi Community2020
Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London2018
From a ‘sort of Muslim’ to ‘proud to be Alevi’: The Alevi Religion and Identity Project combatting the negative identity among second-generation Alevis in the UK2017
Cosmopolitanism and the relevance of ‘zombie concepts’: the case of anomic suicide amongst Alevi Kurd youth2020
Editorial: Alevi Kurds: History, politics and identity2018
Editorial of Special Issue of National Identities: Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries2018
Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries2018
Conducting an Exploratory Survey of a Little Researched Marginalised Transnational Migrant Community2016
Durkheim, ethnography and suicide: researching young male suicide in the transnational London Alevi-Kurdish community