Dr Deborah Husbands

Chatbot -assisted self-assessment (CASA): Co-designing an AI -powered behaviour change intervention for ethnic minorities2025
The W-ICAD model: Redefining museum access through the Workshop for Inclusive Co-created Audio Description2024
The Impostor Phenomenon Among Racially Minoritised University Students: “Who Knows How to Get Rid of This?”2024
The impact of chatbot-assisted self-assessment (CASA) on intentions for sexual health screening in people from minoritised ethnic groups at risk of sexually transmitted infections2024
Individual differences in sharing false political information on social media: deliberate and accidental sharing, motivations and positive schizotypy2024
Achieving health equity through conversational AI: A roadmap for design and implementation of inclusive chatbots in healthcare2024
Promoting students’ interest through culturally sensitive curricula in higher education2023
Leaving egos outside: A ‘reverse mentoring’ study of BAME psychology students and senior university leaders2023
Why Do People Share Political Information and Misinformation Online? Developing a Bottom-Up Descriptive FrameworkImpostor Phenomenon Among Black Female University Students in the UK and the US
Husbands, D. Forthcoming. Impostor Phenomenon Among Black Female University Students in the UK and the US. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
The W-ICAD model: notes for practitioners2024
Decolonising the Psychology Curriculum: A Toolkit Approach2015
Are the scope and nature of psychology properly understood? An examination of belief in myths of popular psychology among university students2024
Celebrate Black History Year and tackle racial inequality all year long2024
Preprint: Individual differences in sharing false political information on social media: deliberate and accidental sharing, motivations and positive schizotypy2023
Can exposure to cultural facemasks increase intentions to adhere to protective public health measures?2023
Why do people share false political information on their personal social media accounts?2023
Reasons for deliberate and accidental sharing of false political information online2023
Individual differences and motivation as predictors of sharing false political information on social media2023
Why do people share false political information online?2023
How to be an anti-racist ally on the university campus2012
Developing a sense of belonging: Findings from a three institution study with implications for BME students and staff engagement2019
Multiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students’ Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher Education