Can television be good for children?

Kondo, K. and Steemers, J. 2007. Can television be good for children? London Save Kids’ TV.

TitleCan television be good for children?
AuthorsKondo, K. and Steemers, J.
PublisherSave Kids’ TV
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
Web address (URL)

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Walters, J. and Steemers, J. 2010. The bigger picture: preschool television in its critical and aesthetic contexts. in: Steemers, J. (ed.) Creating preschool television: a story of commerce, creativity and curriculum Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 191-211

Creating preschool television: a story of commerce, creativity and curriculum
Steemers, J. 2010. Creating preschool television: a story of commerce, creativity and curriculum. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

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Serving children in public service media
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Policy interventions, funding and the crisis in advertising
D'Arma, A. and Steemers, J. 2010. Policy interventions, funding and the crisis in advertising. in: Steemers, J. (ed.) Creating preschool television: a story of commerce, creativity and curriculum Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 171-190

The BBC's role in the changing production ecology of preschool television in Britain
Steemers, J. 2010. The BBC's role in the changing production ecology of preschool television in Britain. Television and New Media. 11 (1), pp. 37-61.

The thin line between market and quality
Steemers, J. 2009. The thin line between market and quality. Televizion. 22/2009/E, pp. 53-56.

Virtual worlds: an overview and study of BBC Children’s Adventure Rock
Jackson, L., Gauntlett, D. and Steemers, J. 2009. Virtual worlds: an overview and study of BBC Children’s Adventure Rock. London BBC & University of Westminster.

Children in virtual worlds: Adventure Rock users and producers study
Jackson, L., Gauntlett, D. and Steemers, J. 2009. Children in virtual worlds: Adventure Rock users and producers study. London BBC & University of Westminster.

Review of Ofcom policy investigation: "The future of children's television programming"
D'Arma, A. and Steemers, J. 2009. Review of Ofcom policy investigation: "The future of children's television programming". Cultural Trends. 18 (1), pp. 77-82.

Research Methods Used in Studying Media Consumption and Children in a Diaspora. A Case of Japanese Families in London
Kondo, K. 2008. Research Methods Used in Studying Media Consumption and Children in a Diaspora. A Case of Japanese Families in London. in: Rydin, I. and Sjöberg, U. (ed.) Mediated Crossroads. Identity, Youth Culture and Ethnicity Theoretical and Methodological Challenges Göteborg, Sweden UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom, Goteborg University. pp. 93-112

Reflections 2: Television fiction exchange: methodological issues
Steemers, J. 2008. Reflections 2: Television fiction exchange: methodological issues. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies. 3 (1), pp. 99-100.

Children's television: the soft underbelly of public service broadcasting
D'Arma, A. and Steemers, J. 2008. Children's television: the soft underbelly of public service broadcasting. RIPE@2008 Conference: Public Service Media in the 21st Century: Participation, Partnership and Media Development. Mainz, Germany 08 - 11 Oct 2008

Europe: television in transition
Steemers, J. 2007. Europe: television in transition. in: Artz, L. and Kamalipour, Y.R. (ed.) The media globe: trends in international mass media Lanham, Md. ; Plymouth Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 57-78

BBC to the rescue! Digital switchover and the reinvention of public service broadcasting in Britain
Smith, P. and Steemers, J. 2007. BBC to the rescue! Digital switchover and the reinvention of public service broadcasting in Britain. Javnost / The Public. 14 (1), pp. 39-56.

Gutachten Grossbritannien
Steemers, J., Trappel, J. and Uhrmann, C. 2006. Gutachten Grossbritannien. in: Analyse des verhaltnisses zwischen programmauftrag und weiteren leistungen IPMZ. pp. 93-104

Old Europe, new Europe: television in transition
Steemers, J. 2006. Old Europe, new Europe: television in transition. in: Artz, L. and Kamilipour, Y.R. (ed.) The media globe: trends in international mass media Lanham, MD, USA Rowman & Littlefield.

European television in the global market
Steemers, J. 2006. European television in the global market. in: Marcinkowski, F., Meier, W.A. and Trappel, J. (ed.) Medien und demokratie / Media and democracy: Europische erfahrungen / experiences from Europe Bern, Switzerland Haupt Verlag AG. pp. 91-109

The BBC's role in the changing production ecology of pre-school television in Britain
Steemers, J. 2006. The BBC's role in the changing production ecology of pre-school television in Britain. RIDE@2006: Public Service Broadcasting in a Multichannel Environment: Programmes and Platforms. Amsterdam 16 - 18 Nov 2006

No longer 'the best in the world': the challenge of exporting British television drama
Steemers, J. 2005. No longer 'the best in the world': the challenge of exporting British television drama. Media Information Australia. 115, pp. 33-47.

Balancing culture and commerce on the global stage: BBC worldwide
Steemers, J. 2005. Balancing culture and commerce on the global stage: BBC worldwide. in: Lowe, G.F. and Jauert, P. (ed.) Cultural dilemmas in public service broadcasting Goteborg, Sweden Nordicom. pp. 231-250

European television industries
Iosifides, P., Steemers, J. and Wheeler, M. 2005. European television industries. London, UK British Film Institute.

Building a digital cultural commons: the example of the BBC
Steemers, J. 2004. Building a digital cultural commons: the example of the BBC. Convergence. 10 (3), pp. 102-107.

The roles of Global and diasporic media in the process of developing children’s identities
Kondo, K. 2004. The roles of Global and diasporic media in the process of developing children’s identities. merz. 48 (6), pp. 59-71.

The global TV bazaar
Steemers, J. 2004. The global TV bazaar. in: McGown, A. (ed.) BFI television handbook 2005: the essential guide to UK TV London, UK British Film Institute. pp. 95-96

Selling television: British television in the global marketplace
Steemers, J. 2004. Selling television: British television in the global marketplace. London, UK British Film Institute.

Globalisation strategies
Steemers, J. 2004. Globalisation strategies. in: McGown, A. (ed.) BFI television handbook 2005: the essential guide to UK TV London, UK British Film Institute. pp. 61-62

Europe as a television market
Steemers, J. 2004. Europe as a television market. in: Sinclair, J. (ed.) Contemporary world television London, UK British Film Institute. pp. 35-38

Public service broadcasting is not yet dead: survival strategies in the 21st century
Steemers, J. 2003. Public service broadcasting is not yet dead: survival strategies in the 21st century. in: Lowe, G.F. and Hujanen, T. (ed.) Broadcasting & convergence: new articulations of the public service remit Goteborg, Sweden Nordicom. pp. 123-136

BBC online
Steemers, J. 2003. BBC online. in: Ralph, S., Manchester, H. and Lees, C. (ed.) Diversity or anarchy?: papers from the 31st University of Manchester Broadcasting Symposium, 2001 Luton, UK University of Luton Press.

Onlineaktivitäten der BBC: gratwanderung zwischen public-service-verpflichtungen und kommerziellen zielen
Steemers, J. 2001. Onlineaktivitäten der BBC: gratwanderung zwischen public-service-verpflichtungen und kommerziellen zielen. Media Perspektiven. 3, pp. 126-132.

In search of a third way: balancing public purpose and commerce in German and British public service broadcasting
Steemers, J. 2001. In search of a third way: balancing public purpose and commerce in German and British public service broadcasting. Canadian Journal of Communication. 26 (1), pp. 69-87.

Auf konfrontationskurs: die BBC auf der flucht nach vorne
Steemers, J. 2001. Auf konfrontationskurs: die BBC auf der flucht nach vorne. Message: Internationale Fachzeitschrift fur Journalismus. 3 Quartal, pp. 70-72.

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