Why advocate for public service media? Perspectives from organizations for media development

Aslama Horowitz, M., D'Arma, A. and Michalis, M. 2020. Why advocate for public service media? Perspectives from organizations for media development. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. 11 (2), pp. 261-268. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc_00023_7

TitleWhy advocate for public service media? Perspectives from organizations for media development
AuthorsAslama Horowitz, M., D'Arma, A. and Michalis, M.
AbstractIn this commentary, we discuss how five prominent media development organizations (BBC Media Action, Council of Europe, DWA, PMA and UNESCO) define public service broadcasting (PSB)/public service media (PSM) and how they envisage its role and functions in their recent projects and reports. In view of the increasing challenges of the current media landscape, international donors are looking at models to provide a path to independent media and journalism and several international organizations support projects and institutional arrangements they label PSB/PSM. However, given the fundamental questions that existing PSBs face, is PSB a meaningful tool for media development? And how do these various advocates for PSB/PSM understand the concept and why do they feel that it is worth supporting? We find that there seems to have been a shift, common to all five organizations, towards defining PSB/PSM in terms of public service ethos, and we explain why this should be seen as a welcome development.
JournalInteractions: Studies in Communication & Culture
Journal citation11 (2), pp. 261-268
Accepted author manuscript
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc_00023_7
Publication dates
Published01 Jul 2020
Published in print01 Jul 2020

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Technological convergence: regulatory competition. The British case of digital television
Hills, J. and Michalis, M. 1997. Technological convergence: regulatory competition. The British case of digital television. Policy Studies. 18 (3-4), pp. 219-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/01442879708423734

Digital television and regulatory issues: the British case
Hills, J. and Michalis, M. 1997. Digital television and regulatory issues: the British case. Communications et Strategies. 27 (3), pp. 75-101.

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Michalis, M. 1994. Whither Greek telecommunications policy? Politics, the state and telecommunications policy in Greece. European Journal of Communication. 9 (4), pp. 441-459. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323194009004004

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