College | Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Head | Prof Luke Mason |
Moor, F. and King, F. 2011. Prohibited by Parliament but Considered in Courts: Pursuing an Action in Nuisance under the Planning Act 2008. Environmental Law & Management. 23 (5), p. 300.
Moor, F. and King, F. 2011. Planning for Nuisance? A Review of the Effects of the Planning Act 2008 on the Statutory Authority Defence in the UK. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment . 3 (1), pp. 65-82.
Bhandar, B., Chryssostalis, J.H., Loizidou, E. and Richardson, J. 2011. Time for Reflection? Considering the "Past", "Present" and "Future" of Feminist Legal Scholarship: A Roundtable Discussion. feminists@law. 1 (1).
Voiculescu, Aurora 2011. Human rights in business context: perspectives and trends. in: Voiculescu, Aurora and Yanacopulos, H. (ed.) The business of human rights: an evolving agenda for corporate responsibility London Zed Books.
Voiculescu, Aurora 2011. Human rights and the normative ordering of global capitalism. in: Voiculescu, Aurora and Yanacopulos, H. (ed.) The business of human rights: an evolving agenda for corporate responsibility London Zed Books.
Voiculescu, Aurora 2011. Challenges and innovation in the legal discourse: achieving corporate responsibility for human rights. Society and Business Review. 6 (3), pp. 278-291.
Smis, S. 2011. The UN mapping report on crimes committed in the DRC between 1993 and 2003: from a responsibility to remember to a responsibility to react. in: Marysse, S., Reyntjens, F. and Vandeginste, S. (ed.) L’Afrique des Grands Lacs: Annuaire 2010-2011 L'Harmattan. pp. 105-125
Roscini, M. 2011. Negative security assurances in the protocols additional to the treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones. in: Gartner, H. (ed.) Obama and the Bomb - The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 129-147
Phillips, O. 2011. The 'perils' of sex and the panics of race: the dangers of interracial sex in colonial Southern Rhodesia. in: Tamale, S. (ed.) African sexualities: a reader Oxford Fahamu. pp. 101-115
Phillips, O. 2011. Teaching sexuality and law in Southern Africa: locating historical narratives and adopting appropriate conceptual frameworks. in: Tsanga, A. and Stewart, J.E. (ed.) Women and law: innovative approaches to teaching, research and analysis Weaver Press.
Phillips, O. 2011. Blackmail in Zimbabwe: troubling narratives of sexuality and rights. in: Thoreson, R. and Cook, S. (ed.) Nowhere to turn: blackmail and extortion of LGBT people in Sub-Saharan Southern Africa New York International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. pp. 19-45
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. The sound of a breaking string: critical environmental law and ontological vulnerability. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. 2 (1), pp. 5-22.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. Towards a critical environmental law. in: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas (ed.) Law and ecology: new environmental foundations London Routledge. pp. 18-38
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. Suspension of suspension: notes on the hybrid. in: Akerstrom Andersen, N. and Sand, I. (ed.) Hybrid forms of governance: self-suspension of power London Palgrave Macmillan.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. Looking for the space between law and ecology. in: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas (ed.) Law and ecology: new environmental foundations London Routledge. pp. 1-17
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. Giving guilt: the aneconomy of law and justice. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory. 12 (1), pp. 79-93.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2011. Critical autopoiesis: the environment of the law. in: De Vries, U. and Francot, L. (ed.) Law's environment: critical legal perspectives Eleven International Publishing.
Nicol, D. 2011. Business rights as human rights. in: Campbell, T., Ewing, K.D. and Tomkins, A. (ed.) The legal protection of human rights: sceptical essays Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 229-243
Newman, S. 2011. The development of copyright and moral rights in the European legal systems. European Intellectual Property Review. 33 (11), pp. 677-689.
McClean, E. 2011. The dilemma of intervention: human rights and the UN security council. in: Odello, M. and Cavandoli, S. (ed.) Emerging areas of human rights in the 21st century: the role of the universal declaration of human rights Taylor & Francis. pp. 24-44
Lazowski, A. 2011. Visionary behind the iron curtain: Cezary Berezowski on european integration. International Community Law Review. 13, pp. 43-57.
Lazowski, A. 2011. Treaty of Lisbon and EU’s absorption capacity. Polish Quarterly of International Affairs. 19, pp. 56-78.
Lazowski, A. 2011. Half full, half empty glass: the application of EU law in Poland (2004-2010). Common Market Law Review. 48 (2), pp. 503-553.
Lambert, H. 2011. Article 2 1951 Convention (general obligations). in: Zimmermann, A. (ed.) The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: a commentary Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 625-642
Kathrani, P. 2011. Asylum law or criminal law: blame, deterrence and the criminalisation of the asylum. Jurisprudence. 18 (4), pp. 1543-1554.
Kandelia, S. 2011. Life meaning life: is there any hope of release for prisoners serving whole life orders? Journal of Criminal Law. 75 (1), pp. 70-89.
Greenfield, S., Osborn, G. and Rossouw, J.P. 2011. The juridification of sport: a comparative analysis of children’s rugby and cricket in England and South Africa. Journal for Juridical Science. 36 (1), pp. 85-104.
Greenfield, S. and Osborn, G. 2011. Sport and the law: considerations for sports managers. in: Trenberth, L. and Hassan, D. (ed.) Managing sport business: an introduction Routledge. pp. 285-298
D'Souza, R. 2011. When unreason masquerades as reason: can law regulate networked communication ethically? in: Cheney, G., May, S. and Munshi, D. (ed.) The handbook of communication ethics Abingdon Routledge. pp. 475-493
D'Souza, R. 2011. Three actors, two geographies, one philosophy: the straightjacket of social movements. in: Motta, S.C. and Nilsen, A.G. (ed.) Social movements in the global south: dispossession, development and resistance Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 227-249
Brown, A., Jaquiss, K., James, M., Kiernan, A., Osborn, G., Boyle, D. and Hall, T. 2011. Developing football regulation to encourage supporter community ownership in football. Supporters Direct.
Brown, A., Jaquiss, K., James, M., Kiernan, A. and Osborn, G. 2011. Developing public policy to encourage supporter community ownership in football. Supporters Direct.
Bacquet, S. 2011. Press coverage of the second intifada (September 2000 - April 2002): impressions of media bias. VDM Verlag.
Bacquet, S. 2011. Freedom of expression v. hate speech: an illustration of the dilemma through an in-depth analysis of judicial approaches in England and France. VDM Verlag.
Bacquet, S. 2011. Book review: Law and religion, by Russell Sandberg. Law & Justice - the Christian Law Review. 167, pp. 87-91.
Voiculescu, Aurora and Yanacopulos, H. (ed.) 2011. The business of human rights: an evolving agenda for corporate responsibility. London Zed Books.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas (ed.) 2011. Law and ecology: new environmental foundations. Abingdon Routledge.
James, M. and Osborn, G. 2011. London 2012 and the impact of the UK’s Olympic and Paralympic legislation: protecting commerce or preserving culture? Modern Law Review. 74 (3), pp. 410-429.
Mandic, D. Forthcoming. Copylight v Copytight: The Case of Intangibility. Guest speaker at the Law on Trial 2010, Copyleft and Copyright roundtable discussion. School of Law, Birkbeck University, London Jul 2010