Westminster Law School

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HeadProf Luke Mason
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Feminist activism, third party interventions and the courts


Samuels, H. 2005. Feminist activism, third party interventions and the courts. Feminist Legal Studies. 13 (1), pp. 15-42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10691-005-1454-5

The critical instance 'after' the critique of the subject


Chryssostalis, J.H. 2005. The critical instance 'after' the critique of the subject. Law and Critique. 16 (1), pp. 3-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10978-005-4901-1

Targeting and contemporary aerial bombardment

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2005. Targeting and contemporary aerial bombardment. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 54 (2), pp. 411-444. https://doi.org/10.1093/iclq/lei005

Perceptions of lawyers: a transnational study of student views on the image of law and lawyers

Journal article

Asimow, M., Greenfield, S., Jorge, G., Machura, S., Osborn, G., Robson, P., Sharp, C. and Sockloskie, R. 2005. Perceptions of lawyers: a transnational study of student views on the image of law and lawyers. International Journal of the Legal Profession. 12 (3), pp. 407-436. https://doi.org/10.1080/09695950500420358

The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice and Factual Innocence: remedying wrongful convictions in the Court of Appeal


Roberts, S. 2004. The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice and Factual Innocence: remedying wrongful convictions in the Court of Appeal. Justice Journal. 1 (2), pp. 86-94.

A defining moment: a feminist perspective on the law of sexual harassment in the workplace in the light of the Equal Treatment Amendment Directive


Samuels, H. 2004. A defining moment: a feminist perspective on the law of sexual harassment in the workplace in the light of the Equal Treatment Amendment Directive. Feminist Legal Studies. 12 (2), pp. 181-211. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:FEST.0000043307.48041.64

An analysis of the resurgence of anti-semitism in France


Bacquet, S. 2004. An analysis of the resurgence of anti-semitism in France. Journal of Diplomatic Language. 1 (4).

The democracy-development tension in dam projects: the long hand of the law


D'Souza, R. 2004. The democracy-development tension in dam projects: the long hand of the law. Political Geography. 23 (6), pp. 701-730. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2004.03.003

(Dis)Continuities of custom in Zimbabwe and South Africa: the implications for gendered and sexual rights


Phillips, O. 2004. (Dis)Continuities of custom in Zimbabwe and South Africa: the implications for gendered and sexual rights. Health and Human Rights: an international journal. 7 (2), pp. 82-113.

Alternative dispute resolution: a mapping exercise on accreditation schemes

Project report

Boon, A. and Whyte, A. 2004. Alternative dispute resolution: a mapping exercise on accreditation schemes. London, UK University of Westminster.

Beyond otonomy, or beyond the law of law's ear


Chryssostalis, J.H., Hanafin, P., Gearey, A. and Brooker, J. 2004. Beyond otonomy, or beyond the law of law's ear. Journal of Law & Society. 31 (1), pp. 149-158. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6478.2004.00284.x

The invisible presence of homosexuality: implications for HIV/AIDS and rights in Southern Africa

Book chapter

Phillips, O. 2004. The invisible presence of homosexuality: implications for HIV/AIDS and rights in Southern Africa. in: Kalipeni, E., Craddock, S., Oppong, J. and Ghosh, J. (ed.) HIV and AIDS in Africa: beyond epidemiology Oxford, UK Blackwell Publishers. pp. 155-166

Caspian catachreses: environmental transplanting and integration in a space of flows

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2004. Caspian catachreses: environmental transplanting and integration in a space of flows. in: Bantekas, I., Paterson, J. and Suleimenov, M. (ed.) Oil and gas law in Kazakhstan: national and international perspectives The Hague, Netherlands Kluwer Law International.

Boundaries of exclusions past: the memory of waste

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. 2004. Boundaries of exclusions past: the memory of waste. in: Lippens, R. (ed.) Imaginary boundaries of justice: social and legal justice across disciplines Oxford, UK Hart. pp. 469-495

Beauty and the beast: art and law in the hall of mirrors


Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. 2004. Beauty and the beast: art and law in the hall of mirrors. Entertainment Law. 2, pp. 1-34.

Copyright: moral rights, fair use, and the online environment


Newman, S. and Koehler, W. 2004. Copyright: moral rights, fair use, and the online environment. Journal of Information Ethics. 13 (2), pp. 38-57.

A Guide to the Childrens Act, 2001


McClean, E. and Kilkelly, U. 2004. A Guide to the Childrens Act, 2001. Dublin, Ireland National Childrens Office.

Extending the scope of employment equality legislation: comparative perspectives on the prohibited grounds of discrimination


McClean, E., Kilcommins, S., McDonagh, M., Mullally, S. and Whelan, D. 2004. Extending the scope of employment equality legislation: comparative perspectives on the prohibited grounds of discrimination. Dublin, Ireland Stationary Office.


Book chapter

McClean, E. and Austin, A. 2004. Detention. in: Kilkelly, U. (ed.) ECHR and Irish law Bristol, UK Jordans. pp. 181-215

A missed opportunity? EU law and asylum in the 21st century

Book chapter

Lambert, H. 2004. A missed opportunity? EU law and asylum in the 21st century. in: Tridimas, T. and Nebbia, P. (ed.) European law for the twenty-first century: rethinking the new legal order Oxford Hart.

The EU Qualification Directive, the UK and international law

Conference paper

Lambert, H. 2004. The EU Qualification Directive, the UK and international law. International Association of Refugee Law Judges European Conference. Edinburgh Nov 2004

Copyright law and power in the music industry

Book chapter

Greenfield, S. and Osborn, G. 2004. Copyright law and power in the music industry. in: Simon, F. and Marshall, L. (ed.) Music and copyright. 2nd edition Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press. pp. 89-102

Report on costs of legal aid in other countries

Project report

Flood, J. and Whyte, A. 2004. Report on costs of legal aid in other countries. UK University of Westminster.

International taxation, taxation of natural resources and taxation issues in Kazakh bilateral and investment treaties

Book chapter

Earle, R. 2004. International taxation, taxation of natural resources and taxation issues in Kazakh bilateral and investment treaties. in: Ilias, B., John, P. and Maidan, S. (ed.) Oil and gas law in Kazakhstan: national and international perspectives The Hague, Netherlands Kluwer Law International.

Cross-border taxation of corporate investment income profits arising from Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry

Book chapter

Earle, R. 2004. Cross-border taxation of corporate investment income profits arising from Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry. in: Bantekas, I., Paterson, J. and Suleimenov, M. (ed.) Oil and gas law in Kazakhstan: national and international perspectives The Hague, Netherlands Kluwer Law International.

Equality and diversity: women solicitors research study 48


Duff, L. and Webley, L. 2004. Equality and diversity: women solicitors research study 48. London, UK Law Society.

Re-envisioning transboundary water disputes as development conflicts

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2004. Re-envisioning transboundary water disputes as development conflicts. in: Rumley, D. and Chaturvedi, S. (ed.) Geopolitical orientations, regionalism and security in the Indian Ocean New Delhi South Asian Publishers. pp. 172-193

Global commons: but where is the community

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2004. Global commons: but where is the community. in: Yagelski, R.P. and Miller, R. (ed.) The informed argument. 6th edition Thomson/Wadsworth Publishers. pp. 370-373

Statutes and conventions on private international law. 2nd edition


Chuah, J. and Earle, R. 2004. Statutes and conventions on private international law. 2nd edition. London, UK Cavendish Publishing.

Democratic Republic of the Congo. Comments and recommendations of the July 2003 draft law implementing the Rome statute of the international criminal court

Project report

Roscini, M. 2004. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Comments and recommendations of the July 2003 draft law implementing the Rome statute of the international criminal court. London Amnesty International.

The suspension of suspension: settling for the improbable


Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. 2003. The suspension of suspension: settling for the improbable. Law and Literature. 15 (3), pp. 345-370. https://doi.org/10.1525/lal.2003.15.3.345

Sexual harassment in the workplace: a feminist analysis of recent developments in the UK


Samuels, H. 2003. Sexual harassment in the workplace: a feminist analysis of recent developments in the UK. Women's Studies International Forum. 26 (5-6), pp. 467-482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2003.08.004

De wet betreffende ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht in theorie en praktijk


Smis, S. 2003. De wet betreffende ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht in theorie en praktijk. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van de Stichting Auschwitz. 80-81, pp. 7-28.

'Unsafe' convictions: defining and compensating miscarriages of justice


Roberts, S. 2003. 'Unsafe' convictions: defining and compensating miscarriages of justice. Modern Law Review. 66 (3), pp. 441-451. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.6603007

Film lawyers: Above and beyond the law

Book chapter

Greenfield, S. and Osborn, G. 2003. Film lawyers: Above and beyond the law. in: Mason, P. (ed.) Criminal Visions Willan Publishing.

Remote control: Legal censorship of the creative process

Book chapter

Greenfield, S. and Osborn, G. 2003. Remote control: Legal censorship of the creative process. in: Cloonan, M. and Garofalo, R. (ed.) Policing Pop Temple University.

Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones)


Roscini, M. 2003. Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones). Turin, Italy G. Giappichelli.

Economic sanctions: rethought entirely?


McClean, E. 2003. Economic sanctions: rethought entirely? Cork Online Law Review.

Asylum, exceptional leave to remain and the right of appeal


Lambert, H. 2003. Asylum, exceptional leave to remain and the right of appeal. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal. 3 (1), pp. 127-135.

Re-territorialising and re-centering empires: the connivance of law and geography

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2003. Re-territorialising and re-centering empires: the connivance of law and geography. in: Gao, J., Le Heron, R. and Logie, J. (ed.) Windows on a changing world: proceedings of the 22nd New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, University of Auckland, 6-11 July Auckland New Zealand Geographical Society.

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Earle, Richard

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Kandelia, Seema

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Keramidas, Giannis

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Mandic, Danilo

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Marchetti, Filippo

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Mason, Luke

Head of School - Westminster Law School

Mason, Marc

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McClean, Emma

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Newman, Simon

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Osborn, Guy


Pedamon, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Roberts, Stephanie

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Samuel, Adam

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Samuels, Harriet

Assistant Head of School

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Sephton, Claire

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Spreeuw, Marloes

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