Dr Alessandro D'Arma

(Un)welcome guests: VoD platforms and the new rules on European works quotas in Italy
D'Arma, A. and Gangemi, G. 2021. (Un)welcome guests: VoD platforms and the new rules on European works quotas in Italy. Journal of Digital Media & Policy. 12 (3), pp. 451-470. https://doi.org/10.1386/jdmp_00078_1
Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK
D'Arma, A., Raats, T. and Steemers, J. 2021. Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK. Media, Culture & Society. 43 (4), pp. 682-700. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443720972909
How Do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s ‘Charter Manifestos’
D'Arma, A. 2018. How Do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s ‘Charter Manifestos’. Journal of Information Policy. 8, pp. 199-226. https://doi.org/10.5325/jinfopoli.8.2018.0199
The Hollowing Out of Public Service Media: A Constructivist Institutionalist Analysis of the Commercialisation of BBC’s In-house Production
D'Arma, A. 2018. The Hollowing Out of Public Service Media: A Constructivist Institutionalist Analysis of the Commercialisation of BBC’s In-house Production. Media, Culture and Society. 40 (3), pp. 432-448. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443717713260
Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy: From Berlusconi to Grillo
D'Arma, A. 2015. Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy: From Berlusconi to Grillo. Lanham/Boulder Lexington Books.
Public Service Media and the Internet: Two Decades in Review2021
(Un)welcome guests: VoD platforms and the new rules on European works quotas in Italy2018
How Do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s ‘Charter Manifestos’2018
The Hollowing Out of Public Service Media: A Constructivist Institutionalist Analysis of the Commercialisation of BBC’s In-house Production2012
Evaluating and regulating the role of public broadcasters in the children’s media ecology: the case of home-grown television content2021
Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK2020
Why advocate for public service media? Perspectives from organizations for media development2017
Making a difference? Public service broadcasting, distinctiveness and children’s provision in Italy and Spain2014
Public service media in Europe at times of crisis: some reflections2012
Localisation strategies of US-owned children's television networks in five European markets2011
Global media, business and politics: a comparative analysis of News Corporation’s strategy in Italy and the UK2011
Content aggregation in the age of online video: an analysis of the impact of internet distribution on the television business2010
Italian television in the multichannel age: assessing change and continuity in industry structure, programming and consumption2009
Broadcasting policy in Italy’s 'Second Republic': national politics and European influences2009
Review of Ofcom policy investigation: "The future of children's television programming"2025
Challenges and Developments in Public Service Journalism2024
Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption2015
Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy: From Berlusconi to Grillo2025
Public Service Journalism in Digital Markets2024
Public Service Media as Enablers of Epistemic Rights2024
Public Service Media: Challenges for delivering universal public service in the platform age2021
The Future of Public Service Media and the Internet2019
PSM in Italy: Troubled RAI in a Troubled Country2017
Italia: Políticas sobres Concentratión y Medios Públicos2015
Challenges and confusion in media and communication regulation: a four country comparison2013
Children’s television: markets and regulation2013
United Kingdom2010
Policy interventions, funding and the crisis in advertising2010
Public service media and children: serving the digital citizens of the future2010
Serving children in public service media2010
Shaping tomorrow's television: digital television policies in Italy 1996-20062007
Le TV locali e la questione dell’accesso al tempo del digitale terrestre2005
Le Televisioni Locali2008
Children's television: the soft underbelly of public service broadcasting2007
Digital switchover in Italy: an analysis of government policy 1996-20062007
Broadcasting policy in Italy's 'second republic' 1994-20062007
Screen encounters with Britain. What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture? Final Report2004
A Mapping Study of Media Concentration and Ownership in Ten European Countries