Managerial Perceptions in Knowledge Management Implementation: Results from a Case Study and a Survey’

Mohamed, S., Amar, A.D. and Coakes, E. 2014. Managerial Perceptions in Knowledge Management Implementation: Results from a Case Study and a Survey’. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies.. Barcelona, Spain 13 Jul 2014

TitleManagerial Perceptions in Knowledge Management Implementation: Results from a Case Study and a Survey’
AuthorsMohamed, S., Amar, A.D. and Coakes, E.
TypeConference paper

Employing case study of an insurance company and a knowledge management (KM) survey of over 1000 respondents, we study managers’ perceptions of KM prior to its implementation. Using content analysis to organize contextual data, we determine perceptions of benefits of KM, barriers to its implementation, and the requirements for its practice; and find that managers strongly align KM with communication. Organizational structure is not an issue. We narrate managerial misconceptions contrasting knowledge and communication, and indicate how organizations can have the knowledge shared effectively

KeywordsKnowledge Engineering and Management
Conference20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies.

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