Staying poor: Unpacking the struggles of barefoot institutional entrepreneurship failure  

Granados, Maria, Rosli, Ainurul and Gotsi, Manto 2022. Staying poor: Unpacking the struggles of barefoot institutional entrepreneurship failure  . Journal of Business Venturing. 37 (3) 106204.

TitleStaying poor: Unpacking the struggles of barefoot institutional entrepreneurship failure  
TypeJournal article
AuthorsGranados, Maria, Rosli, Ainurul and Gotsi, Manto

Research on barefoot entrepreneurship is growing, yet we still know little about the potential limits of institutional entrepreneurship in the context of extreme poverty. Challenging institutional entrepreneurship theory’s agency-centric assumptions, we seek to understand how barefoot institutional entrepreneurship efforts fail amidst resistance from powerful actors in the institutional context. Our qualitative study of marginalized waste pickers in Colombia sheds light on the role of power in barefoot institutional entrepreneurship failure. We unpack a paradox of inclusion: the more marginalized barefoot entrepreneurs push for and gain regulatory legitimacy for their market inclusion, the more this accentuates overt and covert power mechanisms that work to suppress the diffusion of institutional change, aggravating barefoot entrepreneurs’ market exclusion. Our study shows that while regulatory change is necessary to enhance barefoot entrepreneurs’ market inclusion, on its own it is not sufficient, without normative and cognitive support from powerful actors in the institutional field.

KeywordsBarefoot institutional entrepreneurship
Power mechanisms
Market inclusion
Paradox of inclusion
Article number106204
JournalJournal of Business Venturing
Journal citation37 (3)
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published online21 Feb 2022
FunderBA (British Academy)
University of Westminster - Global challenges research fund

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