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Thussu, D.K. (ed.) 2009. Internationalizing media studies. Abingdon Routledge.
Park, J.Y., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2009. Identification of image attributes that are most affected with changes in displayed image size. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance VI : 19-21 January 2009, San Jose, California, USA IS&T - The Society for Imaging and Science and Technology and SPIE.
Getting, S.J., Kaneva, M., Bhadresa, Y., Renshaw, D., Leoni, G., Patel, H.B., Kerrigan, M.J.P. and Locke, I.C. 2009. Melanocortin peptide therapy for the treatment of arthritic pathologies. The Scientific World Journal. 9, pp. 1394-1414.
Chatterjee, R. 2008. TV review: The story of India with Michael Wood: BBC television series (BBC/PBS: 2007). Global Media and Communication. 4 (3), pp. 369-373.
Corby, T. 2008. Landscapes of feeling arenas of action: information visualisation as art practice. Leonardo: Art Science and Technology. 41 (5), pp. 460-467.
Mano, W. and Willems, W. 2008. Emerging communities, emerging media: the case of a Zimbabwean nurse in the British Big Brother show. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 22 (1), pp. 101-128.
Goddard, M. 2008. Eurotrash Between Trash Culture and the Avant-Garde: The Strange Case of Walerian Borowczyk. in: Rachwal, T. (ed.) Rubbish, Waste and Litter: Culture and its Refus(e)als Warsaw, Poland SWPS Academica. pp. 270-281
Goddard, M. 2008. Kontrol, Apparitions and Taxidermia: New Corporeal Cartographies in Hungarian Cinema. in: Christensen, M. and Erdogan, N. (ed.) Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in a European Context Newcastle, UK Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 172-187
Goddard, M. 2008. Figure of Post-Communist Desire?: The Performance of Katarzyna Figura and the Becoming-Popular of Polish Cinema. in: Klejsa, K. and Nurczyńska-Fidelska, E. (ed.) Kino Polskie: Re-Interpretacje Lodz University of Lodz Press.
Goddard, M. 2008. Sonic and Cultural Noise as Production of the New: The Industrial Music Media Ecology of Throbbing Gristle. in: O'Sullivan, S. and Zepke, S. (ed.) Deleuze, Guattari and the Production of the New Continuum. pp. 162-172
Fullman, Aimee 2008. Trends in private foundation support for U.S. cultural diplomacy. Grantmakers in the Arts Conference. Atlanta, Georgia 13 Oct 2008
Watson, F. 2008. Soundings from the estuary. The Contemporary Urban Centre, Southwark 20 Jun - 20 Jul 2008
Watson, F. 2008. Isles of grain. The Contemporary Urban Centre, Southwark 20 Jun - 20 Jul 2008
Thussu, D.K. 2008. Globalization and Bollywood: the hype and the hope. in: Kavoori, A.P. and Punathambeker, A. (ed.) Global Bollywood New York New York University Press. pp. 97-116
Steemers, J. 2008. Reflections 2: Television fiction exchange: methodological issues. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies. 3 (1), pp. 99-100.
Puppin, G. 2008. Come si costruisce un sogno: slogan pubblicitari a servizio delle Olimpiadi di Pechino 2008 (How to construct a dream: advertising slogans to serve the 2008 Beijing Olympics). Cosmopolis. III (1), pp. 43-53.
Nedelcheva, Y., Getting, S.J. and Kerrigan, M.J.P. 2008. The role of the actin cytoskeleton in chondrocyte protection following single impact. pA2 Online. From the University of Brighton, Winter 2008 Meeting: Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society. 6 (4).
Morris, T. and Goldsworthy, S. 2008. Public relations for the new Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Morris, T. and Goldsworthy, S. 2008. Public relations for Asia. Palgrave Macmillan.
Morris, T. and Goldsworthy, S. 2008. PR: a persuasive industry? Palgrave Macmillan.
Kerrigan, M.J.P. and Scott, R. 2008. Podcasting in the School of Biosciences. 7th Annual Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium: Enhancing Learning. University of Westminster, London 02 Jul 2008 Association for Learning Technology.
Kennett, C. 2008. A tribe called Chris: pop music analysis as idioethnomusicology. Open Space Magazine. 10 (1).
Getting, S.J., Kaneva, M. and Kerrigan, M.J.P. 2008. A role for melanocortin peptides in modulating oxidative stress induced inflammation in A549 cells. pA2 Online. From the University of Brighton, Winter 2008 Meeting: Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society. 6 (4), p. C020.
Gauntlett, D. 2008. Media, gender and identity: an introduction. 2nd edition. London, UK Routledge.
Gauntlett, D. 2008. Creative brainwork: building metaphors of identity for social science research. in: Lundby, K. (ed.) Digital storytelling, mediatized stories: self-representations in new media New York Peter Lang.
Fujisawa, N., Brown, K., Nakayama, Y., Hyatt, J. and Corby, T. 2008. Visualization of scientific arts and some examples of applications. Journal of Visualization. 11 (4), pp. 387-394.
D'Arma, A. and Steemers, J. 2008. Children's television: the soft underbelly of public service broadcasting. RIPE@2008 Conference: Public Service Media in the 21st Century: Participation, Partnership and Media Development. Mainz, Germany 08 - 11 Oct 2008
Blazic, L. 2008. In this place of safety. Novas Gallery, London 20 Jun - 20 July 2008
Ali, N., Getting, S.J. and Kerrigan, M.J.P. 2008. The effect of prolonged hypotonicity on chondrocyte volume regulation and intracellular calcium signalling. pA2 Online. From the University of Brighton, Winter 2008 Meeting: Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society. 6 (4).
Kerrigan, M.J.P. and Hall, A.C. 2008. Regulation of chondrocyte Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD)by [Ca2+]i and cell shape. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage. 16 (3), pp. 312-322.
Corby, T. and Baily, G. 2007. Cyclone.soc: an interactive artwork visualizing Internet newsgroup postings as cyclonic weather conditions. Journal of Visualization. 10 (4), p. 339.
Thussu, D.K. 2007. The 'Murdochization' of news? The case of star TV in India. Media, Culture & Society. 29 (4), pp. 593-611.
Goddard, M. 2007. BBW: Techno-Archaism, Excessive Corporeality and Network Sexuality. in: Jacobs, K., Pasquinelli, M. and Janssen, M. (ed.) C’lick Me Reader Amsterdam Institute of Network Cultures. pp. 187-196
Goddard, M. 2007. Creative Cultural Differentiation: The New Pop Art of Laibach/NSK and Lodz Kaliska; Introduction: Transnationality in Arts and Media. in: Kujawinski-Courtney, K. and Lukowska, M. (ed.) Multiculturalism at the Start of the 21st Century: The British-Polish Experience; Australian Theory and Practice Lodz Lodz University Press. pp. 335-346
Fullman, Aimee 2007. Cultural observatory characteristics: measurements of success.
Fullman, Aimee and Baroldi, L. 2007. Model UNESCO: a conversation on cultural diversity and the 2005 UNESCO Convention.
Fullman, Aimee and DeSantis, H. 2007. Cultural diversity equals soft power? Measuring Canada's international influence.