Conway, D. and Edenborg, E. 2025. Rainbow Diplomacy: LGBTQ+ Rights and Everyday Diplomatic Practice at Pride. International Affairs.
Cetin, U. 2025. Alevileri Ehlîleştirmek -Aleviliği Evrenselleştirmek: Türkiye ve Birleşik Krallık’ta Eğitim Politikalarına Bakış. in: Cumhuriyet’in 100. yilinda Aleviler Istanbul
Ramis Moyan, R., Smith, G., Ganuza, E. and Pogrebinschi, T. 2025. Mini-publics and Party Ideology: Who Commissioned the Deliberative Wave in Europe? Journal of Deliberative Democracy. 25 (1).
Kaul, N. and Anand, D. (ed.) 2025. Contemporary Colonialities: Kurds and Kashmiris . London University of Westminster Press.
Mellier, C. and Smith, G. 2024. Activism and Climate Assemblies. in: Jones, E. and Youngs, R. (ed.) Civic Activism in an Intensifying Climate Crisis Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. pp. 21-29
Greenwood, D., Gerhards, J., Aldred, R. and Fadel, M. 2024. Scales of governance, polycentricity and the case of active travel infrastructure in West London. Public Policy and Administration. Advanced online publication.
Chipato, F. and Chandler, D. 2024. Race in the Anthropocene: Coloniality, Disavowal and the Black Horizon. Routledge.
Chandler, D. and Pugh, J. 2024. Critique beyond Relation: The Stakes of Working with the Negative, the Void, and the Abyss. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Advanced online publication.
Basu, I. 2024. Reclaiming Indigeneity and Democracy in India's Jharkhand. Oxford Oxford University Press.
Smith, G. 2024. We Need To Talk About Climate: How Citizens' Assemblies Can Help Us Solve the Climate Crisis. University of Westminster Press.
Chandler, D. and Chipato, F. 2024. Justice ‘to Come’? Decolonial Deconstruction, from Postmodern Policymaking to the Black Horizon. International Political Sociology. 18 (4) olae041.
Chandler, D. 2024. Refusing the Lure of the Human and the World, part of Forum: At the crossroads – Critical perspectives on the study of climate security. Geoforum. 155 104101.
Chandler, D. and Pugh, J. 2024. Problematising the Geographic Subject: an abyssal approach. Dialogues in Human Geography. 14 (3), pp. 541-545.
Anand, D., Kaul, N., Gohain, S and Mukherjee, S Anand, D., Kaul, N., Gohan, S and Mukherjee, S (ed.) 2024. Special issue: The Himalayas from its edges: networks, identities, and place-making. Paris Centre d’études sud-asiatiques et himalayennes.
Kaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S., Mukherjee, S., Datta, S., Chawla, S., Desal, T., Palmo, T. and Deka, K. Kaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S. and Mukherjee, S. (ed.) 2024. Himalayas from its edges: networks, identities, and place-making. Paris European Bulletin of Himalayan Research.
King, M. and Smith, G. 2024. Disrupting deliberation? The impact of the pandemic on the social practice of deliberative engagement. New Media and Society. Advanced online publication.
Curato, N., Smith, G. and Willis, R. 2024. Delberative Democracy and Climate Change: Exploring the Potential of Climate Assemblies in the Global South. Strömsborg International IDEA.
Smith, G. 2024. Climate assemblies: Current trends, challenges and opportunites. Brussels Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies.
Tor Krever, Marina Veličković, Frédéric Mégret, Karen Engle, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Robert Knox, Shahd Hammouri, John Quigley, Nora Jaber, Sophie Rigney, Sara Kendall, Clare da Silva, Christine Schwöbel-Patel, Nahed Samour, Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, Ruti G. Teitel, Outi Korhonen, Bill Bowring, Lori A Allen, David Chandler, Vasuki Nesiah, Ilan Pappé, Michael Fakhri, Zinaida Miller, Mark A Drumbl, Hani Sayed, Ntina Tzouvala, Daniel Joyce, Costas Douzinas, Souheir Edelbi, Florian Hoffmann, Zeina Jallad, Arnulf Becker Lorca, Alaa Hajyahia, Reshard L. Kolabhai, Teresa Almeida Cravo, Madelaine Chiam, Francisco-José Quintana, Laura Betancur-Restrepo, Fabia Fernandes Carvalho, Lys Kulamadayil, Darryl Li, John Reynolds, Abdelghany Sayed, Luis Eslava, Jessica Whyte, Martin Clark, Richard Clements, Christopher Gevers, Ihab Shalbak, Justina Uriburu, Umut Özsu, Gleider Hernández and Immi Tallgren 2024. On international law and Gaza: critical reflections. London Review of International Law. 12 (2), pp. 217-301.
McLaren, D.P., Anderson, C., Barry, J., Castán Broto, V., Cheveigné, S., Chilvers, J., Crowther, A., Hupé, J., Kalaugher, L., Labussiere, O., Rothery, T.L., Nadai, A., Ortar, N., Raine, J., Smith, G., Wallenborn, G. and Walker, G. 2024. Developing a minifesta for effective academic-activist collaboration in the context of the climate emergency. Frontiers in Education. 9 1384614.
Kaul, N. 2024. Arundhati Roy ‘anti-terror’ charge part of a push to silence Modi’s critic. The Conversation.
Conway, D. 2024. Conceptualising queer activist critiques of Pride in the Two-Thirds World: Queer activism and alternative Pride organising in South Africa, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Sexualities. Advanced online publication.
Dapprich, J.P. and Greenwood, D. 2024. Cybersocialism and the future of the socialist calculation debate. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics. 17 (1).
Kaul, N. and Cachelin, S. 2024. Non-Lethal Weapons and the Sensory Repression of Dissent in Democracies. Security Dialogue. 55 (4), pp. 368-385.
Hathout, S. and Chandler, D. 2024. Posthumous Resilience and Active Withdrawal: Byronic Contemplation of Violence and Vulnerabilities in the Anthropocene Embodied in the Sculpture of the Dying Gaul . New Perspectives. 32 (2) (2), pp. 181-198.
Chandler, D. 2024. The Politics of the Unseen: Speculative, Pragmatic and Nihilist Hope in the Anthropocene. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory. 25 (1), pp. 1-16.
Chipato, F. and Chandler, D. 2024. Critique and the Black Horizon: Questioning the Move ‘Beyond’ the Human/Nature divide in International Relations. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 37 (3), pp. 277-295.
Kaul, N. and Menon, A. 2024. Hindutva, Muslim Women, and Islamophobic Governance in India. in: Easat-Daas, A. and Zempi, I. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia Cham, Switzerland Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 377-396
Cetin, U. and Jenkins, C. 2024. Alevi Kurds in the UK: Paving the way towards recognition of a new ethno-religious identity . in: Wang, C. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London: Bridging Borders, Creating Spaces Multilingual Matters.
Chandler, D. 2024. The Black Anthropocene: And the End(s) of the Constitutionalizing Project. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. 15 (1), pp. 37-55.
Conway, D. Forthcoming. 'We are here, we are queer and we are African': Discussing Pride, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ Activism in Johannesburg. Spotify
Kaul, N. 2023. Thinking Global Podcast – Nitasha Kaul. ISSN 2053-8626
Basu,I. 2023. My City (In)visible: Colombo. Liverpool
Fernandez Martinez, J.L., Font, J. and Smith, G. 2023. The Sin of Omission? The Public Justification of Cherry-Picking. in: Jacquet, V., Ryan, M. and van der Does, R. (ed.) The Impacts of Democratic Innovations Colchester ECPR Press. pp. 233-254
Kaul, N. 2023. Electoral bonds are a threat to Indian democracy. Financial Times.
Smith, G. 2023. Climate Assemblies: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities. Brussels Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies.
Kaul, N. 2023. Bharat: why the recent push to change India’s name has a hidden agenda. The Conversation.
Bolton, G., Castell, S., Jacobs, J.J., Obijiaku, C. and Smith, G. 2023. Collaboration for democratic change: a guide for practitioners and academics. London The Democracy Network.
Kaul, N. 2023. Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech sounded more like a snake oil salesman than a statesman. The Conversation.