Westminster Law School

CollegeLiberal Arts and Sciences
HeadProf Luke Mason
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Public Interest Litigation and the Civil Society Factor

Journal article

Samuels, H. 2018. Public Interest Litigation and the Civil Society Factor. Legal Studies. 38 (4), pp. 515-528. https://doi.org/10.1017/lst.2018.9

Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children

Book chapter

Freeman, M. and Taylor, N. 2018. Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children. in: Douglas, G., Murch, M. and Stephens, V. (ed.) International and National Perspectives on Child and Family Law: Essays in Honour of Nigel Lowe Cambridge Intersentia. pp. 329-342

What's Wrong With Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations


D'Souza, R. 2018. What's Wrong With Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations. London, UK Pluto Press.

Doctor Who: A British Alien


Nicol, D. 2018. Doctor Who: A British Alien. London Palgrave Macmillan.

The stop and search of minors: A 'vital police tool'?

Journal article

Flacks, S. 2018. The stop and search of minors: A 'vital police tool'? Criminology and Criminal Justice. 18 (3), pp. 364-384. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895817720485

'Don't make me go back': post-feminist retreatism in Doctor Who

Journal article

Franke, A. and Nicol, D. 2018. 'Don't make me go back': post-feminist retreatism in Doctor Who. Journal of Popular Television. 6 (2), pp. 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1386/jptv.6.2.197_1

The ‘Ombuds Watchers’: Collective Dissent and Legal Protest Among Users of Public Services Ombuds

Journal article

Gill, C. and Creutzfeldt, N. 2018. The ‘Ombuds Watchers’: Collective Dissent and Legal Protest Among Users of Public Services Ombuds. Social and Legal Studies. 27 (3), pp. 367-388. https://doi.org/10.1177/0964663917721313

Stepping into uncharted waters no more: the Court of Justice and EU Criminal Law

Book chapter

Lazowski, A. 2018. Stepping into uncharted waters no more: the Court of Justice and EU Criminal Law. in: Brière, C. and Weyembergh, A. (ed.) The needed balances in EU Criminal Law: past present and future Oxford and Portland, Oregon Hart Publishing.

Sexuality and the politics of rights in post-colonial Southern Africa: the legacy of Venus Monstrosa


Phillips, O. 2018. Sexuality and the politics of rights in post-colonial Southern Africa: the legacy of Venus Monstrosa. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Speaker on the ‘Conceptual Analysis and Theory of Refugee Protection’ on the Refugee Law Initiative Short Course: The International Protection of Refugees and Other Displaced Persons


Kathrani, P. Forthcoming. Speaker on the ‘Conceptual Analysis and Theory of Refugee Protection’ on the Refugee Law Initiative Short Course: The International Protection of Refugees and Other Displaced Persons.

The Rome II Regulation in Italian and Other National Courts

Journal article

Marchetti, F. 2017. The Rome II Regulation in Italian and Other National Courts. Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale. 53 (4).

Fan Works and the Law: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction

Book chapter

Schwabach, A. 2017. Fan Works and the Law: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction. in: Gelder, K. (ed.) New Directions in Popular Fiction Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 405-424

Labour Rights

Book chapter

Mason, L. 2017. Labour Rights. in: Cassese, S., von Bogdandy, A. and Huber, P. (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law Oxford Oxford University Press.

The Concept of Establishment and Data Protection Law: Rethinking Establishment

Journal article

Sancho, D. 2017. The Concept of Establishment and Data Protection Law: Rethinking Establishment. European Law Review. 42 (4), pp. 491-508.

Disruption, temporality, law: the future of law and society scholarship?

Journal article

Peters, T., de Silva-Wijeyeratne, R. and Flood, J. 2017. Disruption, temporality, law: the future of law and society scholarship? Griffith Law Review. 26 (4), pp. 459-468. https://doi.org/10.1080/10383441.2017.1576378

Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2016-2017


Alofs, E., François, A., Smis, S. and Van Limberghen, G. (ed.) 2017. Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2016-2017. Gent Larcier.

International Crimes, National Trials and the Role of Victims’ Rights: Locating the Problems and Possibilities of Victim Participation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Book chapter

Smis, S., Inman, D. and Muhindo Magadju, P. 2017. International Crimes, National Trials and the Role of Victims’ Rights: Locating the Problems and Possibilities of Victim Participation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. in: Obel Hansen, T. (ed.) Victims and Post-Conflict Justice Mechanisms in Africa Nairobi, Kenya Kenyan Human Rights Commission. pp. 28-46

Rewriting Social and Economic Rights Action Centre and the Centre for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria (African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights): Pushing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Africa Forward

Book chapter

Smis, S. and Inman, D. 2017. Rewriting Social and Economic Rights Action Centre and the Centre for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria (African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights): Pushing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Africa Forward. in: Brems, E. and Desmet, E. (ed.) Integrated Human Rights in Practice: Rewriting Human Rights Decisions Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 401-444

Au-delà des Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires et de la Cour Pénale Spéciale centrafricaine : Repenser la création fragmentée des juridictions hybrides en Afrique au profit de la Cour africaine de justice, des droits de l’homme et des peuples

Journal article

Smis, S. and Amani Cirimwami, E. 2017. Au-delà des Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires et de la Cour Pénale Spéciale centrafricaine : Repenser la création fragmentée des juridictions hybrides en Afrique au profit de la Cour africaine de justice, des droits de l’homme et des peuples. Revue belge de droit international. 2017/1, pp. 314-338.

Le régime des obligations positives de prévenir et de poursuivre à défaut d’extrader ou de remise prévues dans le texte des projets d’articles sur les crimes contre l’humanité provisoirement adoptés par la commission du droit international

Journal article

Amani, E. and Smis, S. 2017. Le régime des obligations positives de prévenir et de poursuivre à défaut d’extrader ou de remise prévues dans le texte des projets d’articles sur les crimes contre l’humanité provisoirement adoptés par la commission du droit international. La Revue québécoise de droit international. 30 (1), pp. 314-338.

Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children, Global Future Directions Report


Freeman, M. and Taylor, N. 2017. Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children, Global Future Directions Report.

Preliminary Document No. 6 of August 2017 Report on the Experts' Meeting on Issues of Domestic/Family Violence and the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, 12 June 2017, The University of Westminster, London


Freeman, M. 2017. Preliminary Document No. 6 of August 2017 Report on the Experts' Meeting on Issues of Domestic/Family Violence and the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, 12 June 2017, The University of Westminster, London. Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH).

Report on the Experts’ Meeting on Issues of Domestic / Family Violence and the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, 12 June 2017, The University of Westminster, London

Journal article

Freeman, M. 2017. Report on the Experts’ Meeting on Issues of Domestic / Family Violence and the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, 12 June 2017, The University of Westminster, London. International Family Law Journal. 2017 (IFL), p. 174.

Book Review: Religion, Law and the Constitution by Hall and Garcia Oliva

Book review

Bacquet, S. 2017. Book Review: Religion, Law and the Constitution by Hall and Garcia Oliva . Law & Justice - the Christian Law Review. 179, p. 207.

R2P: Activating the International Community’s Responsibility to Protect by Shifting Focus Away from Collective Action by the Security Council Towards Early Warning and Prevention

Journal article

Law, M. 2017. R2P: Activating the International Community’s Responsibility to Protect by Shifting Focus Away from Collective Action by the Security Council Towards Early Warning and Prevention. King's Student Law Review. 8 (1), pp. 88 - 107.


Book chapter

Mandic, D. 2017. Movement. in: Kilian, A. and Franzbecker, J. (ed.) Dreams & Dramas: Law as Literature: The Reader Berlin, Germany New Society for Visual Art (NGBK). pp. 220-222

Listening to the Elders as Keepers of the Water (expanded version)

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2017. Listening to the Elders as Keepers of the Water (expanded version). in: Giri, Ananta Kumar (ed.) Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research: New Horizons of Transformative Practice and Collaborative Imagination Delhi Primus Books. pp. 351-362

Listening to the Elders at the Keepers of the Water Gathering

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2017. Listening to the Elders at the Keepers of the Water Gathering. in: Christian, Dorothy and Wong, Rita (ed.) Downstream: Reimagining Water Waterloo, Ontario Wilfred Laurier University Press. pp. 197-206

Artificial Intelligence in Legal Services: the boundary between disruption and evolution


Kathrani, P. and Cranfield, S. 2017. Artificial Intelligence in Legal Services: the boundary between disruption and evolution.

A Human Rights-Based Approach in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Europe and the Maghreb


Kathrani, P. Vega Gutiérrez Ana María (ed.) 2017. A Human Rights-Based Approach in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Europe and the Maghreb. Spain Thomson Reuters.

Discussion panel guest at the screening of Helen Knowles' film 'The Trial of SuperdebtThunderbot’


Voiculescu, Aurora, Knowles, H., Kathrani, P. and Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. 2017. Discussion panel guest at the screening of Helen Knowles' film 'The Trial of SuperdebtThunderbot’.

Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track, Co-chair and Panel Organizer

Conference item

Voiculescu, Aurora, Buhmann, K. and Fasterling, B. 2017. Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track, Co-chair and Panel Organizer. European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference . Jyväskylä, Finland 14 - 16 Jun 2017

Technology and Law at the Crossroads: Human Rights Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence Between Excitement and Disruption

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. Technology and Law at the Crossroads: Human Rights Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence Between Excitement and Disruption. Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference. Newcastle University 05 - 07 Apr 2017

The Corporate Form and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Socio-Legal Astigmatic Perspective

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. The Corporate Form and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Socio-Legal Astigmatic Perspective. Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference. Newcastle University 05 - 07 Apr 2017

Intersecting Spheres of Analysis in Business and Human Rights: From Transnational Regulatory Capacity to Governance Opacity

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. Intersecting Spheres of Analysis in Business and Human Rights: From Transnational Regulatory Capacity to Governance Opacity. European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track. Jyväskylä, Finland 14 - 16 Jun 2017

The LAW of Unintended Consequences: Between Disruptive Technologies and Enhanced Learning

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. The LAW of Unintended Consequences: Between Disruptive Technologies and Enhanced Learning. Learning and Teaching Symposium. University of Westminster 22 Jun 2017

Interdisciplinarity and Methods in Business and Human Rights Research

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. Interdisciplinarity and Methods in Business and Human Rights Research. European Society of International Law Roundtable. University of Geneva 26 Nov 2017

Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: Brexit Transitional Arrangements


Lazowski, A. 2017. Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: Brexit Transitional Arrangements. European Papers. 2 (3), pp. 845-862. https://doi.org/10.15166/2499-8249/179

Gamification and Legal Education

Conference paper

Kathrani, P. 2017. Gamification and Legal Education . Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe: Training of Lawyers, Challenges and Opportunities . Brussels, Beligium 14 - 14 Dec 2017

Bottish: Digital Online Conference


Kathrani, P. 2017. Bottish: Digital Online Conference .

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Abrams, Pamela

Senior Lecturer

Azam, Ayshea


Bacquet, Sylvie

Assistant Head of School

Betts, Paul

Senior Lecturer

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Chronopoulou, Anna

Senior Lecturer

Chryssostalis, Julia

Principal Lecturer

Collins, Susan

Senior Lecturer

Cyprys, Dagmara

Senior Lecturer

Dawson, Sarah

Senior Lecturer

Dymott, Jochim

Assistant Head of School

Earle, Richard

Senior Lecturer

Fenton, Alan

Senior Lecturer

Freeman, Marilyn

Principal Research Fellow

Glinavos, Ioannis

Senior Lecturer

Kandelia, Seema

Senior Lecturer

Keramidas, Giannis

Assistant Head of School

Mandic, Danilo

Senior Lecturer

Marchetti, Filippo

Senior Lecturer

Mason, Luke

Head of School - Westminster Law School

Mason, Marc

Senior Lecturer

McClean, Emma

Senior Lecturer

Newman, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Osborn, Guy


Pedamon, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Roberts, Stephanie

Senior Lecturer

Samuel, Adam

Visiting Lecturer

Samuels, Harriet

Assistant Head of School

Sancho, Diana

Senior Lecturer

Sephton, Claire

Senior Lecturer

Spreeuw, Marloes

Principal Lecturer

Steiner, Anna

Senior Lecturer

Stewart, David

Principal Lecturer

Stonestreet, Jane

Principal Lecturer

Sutherland, Kate

Senior Lecturer

Turek, Krystof

Senior Lecturer

Whyte, Avis

Senior Research Fellow

Yu, Forest
