Westminster Law School

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HeadProf Luke Mason
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Britain's transnational constitution

Book chapter

Nicol, D. 2009. Britain's transnational constitution. in: O'Cinneide, H. and Colner, J. (ed.) Current legal problems 2008 Oxford Oxford University Press.

Buddhist cosmological forms and the situation of total terror in Sri Lanka’s ethnic civil war

Book chapter

de Silva-Wijeyeratne, R. Forthcoming. Buddhist cosmological forms and the situation of total terror in Sri Lanka’s ethnic civil war. in: Kapferer, B. (ed.) State, Resistance, Transformation: Anthropological Perspectives on the Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Global Realities London Sean Kingston Publishing. pp. 231-264

Building a European asylum policy under the 'first pillar' of the consolidated treaty establishing the European Community


Lambert, H. 1999. Building a European asylum policy under the 'first pillar' of the consolidated treaty establishing the European Community. International Journal of Refugee Law. 11 (2), pp. 329-337. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijrl/11.2.329

Building bridges: the role of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in development and security

Conference paper

McClean, E. 2008. Building bridges: the role of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in development and security. Annual Conference of the Academic Council for the United Nations System. Bonn, Germany 05 - 07 Jun 2008

Building institutions to address miscarriages of justice in England and Wales: "mission accomplished"?


McCartney, C. and Roberts, S. 2012. Building institutions to address miscarriages of justice in England and Wales: "mission accomplished"? University of Cincinnati Law Review. 80 (4), p. Art 13.


Book chapter

Lazowski, A. and Yosifova, S. 2006. Bulgaria. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 207-246

Business & Human Rights: Implications for Management, Knowledge Needs and Teaching

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2016. Business & Human Rights: Implications for Management, Knowledge Needs and Teaching. Copenhagen Business School Conference. Copenhagen Business School 18 - 19 May 2016

Business and Human Rights on a Networked Governance Platform: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance in a System Perspective

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2016. Business and Human Rights on a Networked Governance Platform: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance in a System Perspective. Studies of Society and Business Symposium. Paris 26 Feb 2016

Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track, Co-chair and Panel Organizer

Conference item

Voiculescu, Aurora, Buhmann, K. and Fasterling, B. 2017. Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track, Co-chair and Panel Organizer. European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference . Jyväskylä, Finland 14 - 16 Jun 2017

Business Responsibility for Human Rights Violations from a Theoretical Perspective: Towards a Moral Division of Labour

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2015. Business Responsibility for Human Rights Violations from a Theoretical Perspective: Towards a Moral Division of Labour. European Business Ethics Network Research Conference. Copenhagen Business School 01 - 03 Oct 2015

Business Responsibility for Human Rights Violations from a Theoretical Perspective: Towards a Moral Division of Labour

Book chapter

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. Business Responsibility for Human Rights Violations from a Theoretical Perspective: Towards a Moral Division of Labour. in: Rendtorff, J.D. (ed.) Perspectives on Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics: Including a Special Section on Business and Human Rights Cham, Switzerland Springer. pp. 227-246

Business rights as human rights

Book chapter

Nicol, D. 2011. Business rights as human rights. in: Campbell, T., Ewing, K.D. and Tomkins, A. (ed.) The legal protection of human rights: sceptical essays Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 229-243

Can justice dethrone democracy in the European Union? A reply to Jürgen Neyer


Nicol, D. 2012. Can justice dethrone democracy in the European Union? A reply to Jürgen Neyer. Journal of Common Market Studies. 50 (3), pp. 508-522. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-5965.2011.02235.x

Can Robots Ever be Persons?


Kathrani, P. 2018. Can Robots Ever be Persons?

Can we Prosecute a Robot?


Kathrani, P. 2016. Can we Prosecute a Robot?

Capacity development in international criminal justice: a mapping exercise of existing practice

Project report

Chehtman, A. and MacKenzie, R. 2009. Capacity development in international criminal justice: a mapping exercise of existing practice. DOMAC.

Capital punishment and mental health issues: global examples


Browne, M., Kandelia, S., Reddy, R. and Hodgkinson, P. 2006. Capital punishment and mental health issues: global examples. Saint Louis University Public Law Review. 25 (2), pp. 383-407.

Capital punishment: a review and critique of abolition strategies

Book chapter

Hodgkinson, P., Kandelia, S. and Gyllensten, L. 2008. Capital punishment: a review and critique of abolition strategies. in: Yorke, J. (ed.) Against the death penalty: international initiatives and implications Ashgate. pp. 249-275

Capital punishment: Creating more victims?

Book chapter

Kandelia, S. 2020. Capital punishment: Creating more victims? in: Loucks, N., Smith Holt, S. and Adler, J.R. (ed.) Why We Kill: Understanding Violence Across Cultures and Disciplines, Oxon Routledge. pp. 89-108

Capital punishment: creating more victims?

Book chapter

Hodgkinson, P., Kandelia, S. and Reddy, R. 2009. Capital punishment: creating more victims? in: Loucks, N., Holt, S. and Adler, J. (ed.) Why we kill: understanding violence across cultures and disciplines Hendon Middlesex University Press. pp. 63-82

Career paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors


Boon, A., Duff, L. and Shiner, M. 2001. Career paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors. Modern Law Review. 64 (4), pp. 563-594. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.00339

Case assignment in English courts

Book chapter

Banakar, R., Flood, J., Webb, J. and Whyte, A. 2007. Case assignment in English courts. in: Langbroek, P.M. and Fabri, M. (ed.) The right judge for each case: a study of case assignment and impartiality in six European judiciaries Antwerp ; Oxford Intersentia.

Caspian catachreses: environmental transplanting and integration in a space of flows

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2004. Caspian catachreses: environmental transplanting and integration in a space of flows. in: Bantekas, I., Paterson, J. and Suleimenov, M. (ed.) Oil and gas law in Kazakhstan: national and international perspectives The Hague, Netherlands Kluwer Law International.

Causation in international protection from armed conflict

Book chapter

Lambert, H. 2014. Causation in international protection from armed conflict. in: Cantor, D. and Durieux, J.F. (ed.) Refuge from inhumanity? War refugees and international humanitarian law Leiden, Netherlands Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 57-77

Celebrate Black History Year and tackle racial inequality all year long


Husbands, D., Bunbury, S. and Anand, D. 2024. Celebrate Black History Year and tackle racial inequality all year long. THE Campus of Times High Education.

Chaired Panel on ‘Refugee and Asylum Law’ at Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Conference 2012: Taking Risks and Challenging Legal Thought


Kathrani, P. 2012. Chaired Panel on ‘Refugee and Asylum Law’ at Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Conference 2012: Taking Risks and Challenging Legal Thought.

Challenges and innovation in the legal discourse: achieving corporate responsibility for human rights


Voiculescu, Aurora 2011. Challenges and innovation in the legal discourse: achieving corporate responsibility for human rights. Society and Business Review. 6 (3), pp. 278-291. https://doi.org/10.1108/17465681111171019

Changing Landscapes: The relationship between Student Law Clinics, Litigants in Person and family law dispute resolution in England and Wales


Camplin, H. 2017. Changing Landscapes: The relationship between Student Law Clinics, Litigants in Person and family law dispute resolution in England and Wales. International Family Law, Policy and Practice. 5 (1), pp. 25-32.

Changing Paradigms of Corporate Criminal Responsibility: Lessons for Corporate Social Responsibility

Book chapter

Voiculescu, Aurora 2007. Changing Paradigms of Corporate Criminal Responsibility: Lessons for Corporate Social Responsibility. in: McBarnet, D., Voiculescu, Aurora and Campbell, T. (ed.) The New Corporate Accountability: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 399-431

Charlotte O'Brien: Unity in Adversity: Eu Citizenship, Social Justice and the Cautionary Tale of the UK

Book review

Creutzfeldt, N. 2019. Charlotte O'Brien: Unity in Adversity: Eu Citizenship, Social Justice and the Cautionary Tale of the UK. Journal of Law and Society. 46 (4), pp. 697-698. https://doi.org/10.1111/jols.12198

Children in military custody


Sedley, S., Scotland, P., Oldham, F., Hildyard, M., Khan, J., Harrill, J., Lanchin, J., Davies, G. and Mason, M. 2012. Children in military custody. London United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

Children of the Lesser Law: A Commentary on Joined Cases Ziółkowski and Szeja


Lazowski, A. 2013. Children of the Lesser Law: A Commentary on Joined Cases Ziółkowski and Szeja. European Law Review. 38 (3), pp. 404-418.

Chinese Translation of "Imperialism and Self Determination: Revisiting the Nexus in Lenin"

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2014. Chinese Translation of "Imperialism and Self Determination: Revisiting the Nexus in Lenin" . in: He Ping (ed.) Lenin Thought In The Twenty-first Century: Interpretation And Value Beijing People's Publishing House. pp. 104-121

Classified: University of Westminster celebrates 100 years of the BBFC


Osborn, G. 2012. Classified: University of Westminster celebrates 100 years of the BBFC. University of Westminster, London, UK 2012

Co Chair Roundtable session "How to design a law degree"

Conference paper

Stonestreet, J. 2023. Co Chair Roundtable session "How to design a law degree". Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2023. Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2023 17 2013 - 18 Apr 2023

Co-Chaired Five Seminars in the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative Seminar Series ‘New Challenges in Refugee Integration’


Kathrani, P. 2011. Co-Chaired Five Seminars in the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative Seminar Series ‘New Challenges in Refugee Integration’.

Codification, cartography and the making and remaking of empires

Conference paper

D'Souza, R. 2007. Codification, cartography and the making and remaking of empires. Critical Legal Conference 2007. Birkbeck University of London 14 - 16 Sep 2007

Colonial law and the Tungabhadra disputes: lifting the veil over the agreement of 1892


D'Souza, R. 2005. Colonial law and the Tungabhadra disputes: lifting the veil over the agreement of 1892. Natural Resources Journal. 45 (2), pp. 311-344.

Colonialism, neo-colonialism, post-colonialism

Book chapter

D'Souza, R. 2007. Colonialism, neo-colonialism, post-colonialism. in: Hartwig, M. (ed.) Dictionary of critical realism London Routledge. pp. 68-70

Comentario al Artículo 22 Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos

Book chapter

Sancho, D. 2020. Comentario al Artículo 22 Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos. in: Comentarios al Reglamento General de Protección de Datos Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. pp. 91-109

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Azam, Ayshea


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Collins, Susan

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Dawson, Sarah

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Delibas, Emek

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Dymott, Jochim

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Earle, Richard

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Fenton, Alan

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Fowler, Alexandra

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Freeman, Marilyn

Principal Research Fellow

Glinavos, Ioannis

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Kandelia, Seema

Senior Lecturer

Keramidas, Giannis

Assistant Head of School

Mandic, Danilo

Senior Lecturer

Marchetti, Filippo

Senior Lecturer

Mason, Luke

Head of School - Westminster Law School

Mason, Marc

Senior Lecturer

McClean, Emma

Senior Lecturer

Newman, Simon

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Osborn, Guy


Pedamon, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Roberts, Stephanie

Senior Lecturer

Samuel, Adam

Visiting Lecturer

Samuels, Harriet

Assistant Head of School

Sancho, Diana

Senior Lecturer

Sephton, Claire

Senior Lecturer

Spreeuw, Marloes

Principal Lecturer

Steiner, Anna

Senior Lecturer

Stewart, David

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Stonestreet, Jane

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Sutherland, Kate

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Turek, Krystof

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Tweedale, Ruth

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Whyte, Avis

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Yu, Forest
