School | Architecture and Cities |
Delgado, L., Tanner, G., Gomez, I. and Argerich Martin, C. 2022. Dispatcher3 D7.2 - Project communication, dissemination and exploitation rreport.
Delgado, L., Argerich Martin, C., Gregori, E., Mas-Pujol, S. and Skorobogatov, G. 2022. Dispatcher3 D4.4 - Prototype package (final release).
Argerich Martin, C., Gregori, E., Mas-Pujol, S., Skorobogatov, G. and Delgado, L. 2022. Dispatcher3 D4.3 - Architecture and prototype description.
Delgado, L., Kuljanin, J., Mas-Pujol, S., Skorobogatov, G., Argerich Martin, C. and Gregori, E. 2022. Dispatcher3 D5.2 - Verification and validation report.
Kuljanin, J., De Homdedeu, J., Valput, D. and Delgado, L. 2022. Dispatcher3 D5.1 - Verification and validation plan.
Delgado, L., Argerich, C., Gregori, E. and Mas-Pujol, S. 2022. Dispatcher3 D4.2 - Prototype package (first release) - User manual.
Argerich, C., Gregori, E., Mas-Pujol, S. and Delgado, L. 2022. Dispatcher3 D4.1 - Technical documentation (first release).
Argerich, C., Valput, D., Gregori, E., Delgado, L., De Falco, P., Mas-Pujol, S. and Skorobogatov, G. 2022. Dispatcher3 D3.1 - Data analytics engineering and analytic techniques repor.
Gurtner, G. 2022. BEACON - D5.1 First tactical model and results.
Leonardi, J. 2022. Evaluation of Sustainable Solutions in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Europe. 6th Annual European Supply Chain Management Strategies Summit. Berlin 07 - 09 Nov 2022 Mark Allen Group.
Wang, R., Cao, M., Yao, Y. and Wu, W. 2022. The inequalities of different dimensions of visible street urban green space provision: A machine learning approach. Land Use Policy. 123 106410.
Liu, T., Zhu, X. and Cao, M. 2022. Impacts of reduced inequalities on quality education: Examining the relationship between regional sustainability and higher education. Sustainability. 14 14112.
Cao, M. and Zhang, S. 2022. Editorial Introduction: Shifting frontiers of the new spatial planning paradigm from a theoretical and methodological development perspective. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. 10 (4), p. 1–6.
Delgado, L., Mas-Pujol, S., Skorobogatov, G., Argerich, C. and Gregori, E. 2022. Dispatcher3 – Machine learning for efficient flight planning - Approach and challenges for data-driven prototypes in air transport. Towards Sustainable Avitaion Summit (TSAS 2022). Toulouse, France 18 - 20 Oct 2022
Delgado, L., de la Torre, D., Kuljanin, J. and Prats, X. 2022. Considering TMA holding uncertinaty into in-flight trajectory optimisation. 2022 International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC 2022). Tokyo, Japan 25 - 27 Oct 2022
Mas-Pujol, S., De Falco, P., Salamí, E. and Delgado, L. 2022. Pre-Tactical Prediction of ATFM Delay for Individual Flights. 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). Portsmouth, VA, USA 18 - 22 Sep 2022 IEEE .
Prats, X., de la Torre, D. and Delgado, L. 2022. In-Flight Cost Index Optimisation Upon Weather Forecast Updates. 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). Portsmouth, VA, USA 18 - 22 Sep 2022 IEEE .
Hansen, L., Graupner, S.T., Leonardi, J. and Lindkvist, H. 2022. Challenges and needs of European cities in using geofencing for urban traffic management. Trondheim SINTEF.
Thomas, A., Furlong, J. and Aldred, R. 2022. Equity in temporary street closures: The case of London’s Covid-19 ‘School Streets’ schemes. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 110 (September 2022) 103402.
Xia, S., Ling, Y., De Main, L., Lim, M.K., Li, G., Zhang, P. and Cao, M. 2022. Creating a low carbon economy through green supply chain management: investigation of willingness-to-pay for green products from a consumer’s perspective. International Journal of Logistics: research and applications. 27 (7), pp. 1154-1184.
Cohen, T. and Verlinghieri, E. 2022. Tackling transport injustice - practical advice for local authorities. London University of Westminster.
Mas-Pujol, S., Delgado, L. and De Falco, P. 2022. Pre-tactical advice using machine learning for Air Traffic Flow Management delay estimation. Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Society (AGIFORs). on-line 11 - 13 May 2022
Riss, C., Antunes, F., Gurtner, G., Camara Pereira, F., Delgado, L. and Azevedo, C. 2022. Active Learning for Air Traffic Management Simulation Metamodeling. Transportation Research Board 101th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC 10 - 10 Jan 2022 Transportation Research Board.
Bai, Y., Cao, M., Wang, R., Liu, Y. and Wang, S. 2022. How street greenery facilitates active travel for university students. Journal of Transport and Health. 26 101393.
Delgado, L. 2022. Dispatcher3 - Machine learning to support dispatching processes. PACEdays 2022. Berlin 10 - 11 May 2022
Delgado, L. 2022. Pilot3 - Multi-criteria trajectory optimisation final results. PACEdays 2022. Berlin 10 - 11 May 2022
Delgado, L., De Falco, P., Argerich, C., Valput, D., Gomez, I., Prats, X. and Schultz, R. 2022. Pilot3 D7.2 - Project communication, dissemination and exploitation report.
Kuljanin, J., Prats, X., De Homdedeu, J., Montlaur, A., Delgado, L., De Falco, P., Argerich, C., Valput, D. and Schultz, R. 2022. Pilot3 D5.2 - Verification and validation report.
Delgado, L., de la Torre, D. and De Falco, P. 2022. Pilot3 D4.4 - Crew assistant decision model software package (final release) - Pilot3 - User manual.
Delgado, L., de la Torre, D., De Falco, P., de Montlaur, A. and Argerich, C. 2022. Pilot3 D4.3 - Crew assistant decision model description (final release).
Smeds, E. and Papa, E. 2022. Street space experiments: tensions for just transitions towards post-car cities. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2022. Online 25 Feb - 01 Mar 2022
Henderson, A., Cao, M. and Liu, Q. 2022. Access-based consumption, behaviour change and future mobility: Insights from visions of car sharing in Greater London. Future Transportation. 2 (1), pp. 216-236.
Gao, X., Meng, J., Ling, Y., Liao, M. and Cao, M. 2022. Localisation economies, intellectual property rights protection and entrepreneurship in China: A Bayesian analysis of multi-level spatial correlation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 61, pp. 156-165.
Zhang, Y., Cao, M., Cheng, L., Gao, X. and De Vos, J. 2022. Exploring the temporal variations in accessibility to health services for older adults: A case study in Greater London. Journal of Transport and Health. 24 101334.
Cao, M. and Spurling, J. 2022. Fundamental Concepts and Functions of Passenger and Freight Transportation in Great Britain. Boca Raton Brown Walker Press.
Wang, Y., Cao, M., Liu, Y., Ye, R., Gao, X. and Ma, L. 2022. Public transport equity in Shenyang: Using structural equation modelling. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 42 100555.
Liu, C., Cao, M., Yang, T., Ma, L., Wu, M., Cheng, L. and Ye, R. 2022. Inequalities in the commuting burden: Institutional constraints and job-housing relationships in Tianjin, China. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 42 100545.
Gurtner, G., Delgado, L. and Valput, D. 2021. An agent-based model for air transportation to capture network effects in assessing delay management mechanisms. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 133, p. 103358 103358.
Gurtner, G. 2021. Credit-based mechanisms for user-driven prioritisation during ATFM regulations. Irrgang, M. (ed.) Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Society (AGIFORs). on-line 11 - 13 May 2022
Gurtner, G., Bolic, T., Kelly, H. and Ranger, H. 2021. D8.3 POPD - Requirement No. 7.