Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial"
Dominici, S. 2024. Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial". PhotoResearcher. 41, pp. 4-15.
Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain
Dominici, S. 2023. Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain. History of Photography. 47 (3), pp. 234-255.
Editorial: 24 Years of Visual Culture in Britain: The Relaunch Issue
Dominici, S., Bratchford, B., Horne, V. and Coomasaru, E. 2024. Editorial: 24 Years of Visual Culture in Britain: The Relaunch Issue. Visual Culture in Britain.
Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial"2024
Editorial: 24 Years of Visual Culture in Britain: The Relaunch Issue2023
Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain2022
Early Photographic Federations and the Pursuit of Collaborative Education2021
DARKROOM NETWORKS: Mundane subversiveness for photographic autonomy, 1880s-1900s2020
The Postal Service, Circulating Portfolios and the Cultural Production of Modern Networked Identities2020
From the Proliferation of the Photographic to the Nullification of Truth: Personal and Commercial Narratives of Travel in Britain, 1890s-1930s2019
New Mobile Experiences of Vision and Modern Subjectivities in Late Victorian Britain2018
‘Cyclo-Photographers’, Visual Modernity, and the Development of Camera Technologies, 1880s–1890s2016
The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-19392015
Tourist Photographers and the Promotion of Travel: the Polytechnic Touring Association, 1888–19392023
Wish You Were Here?2021
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination2021
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination2019
The Impact of the Camera on Wheels: The Moving Gaze in the Modern Subject2019
How to go from A to B2019
Interview with Chloe Dewe Mathews2018
Travel Marketing and Popular Photography in Britain, 1888–1939: Reading the Travel Image2022
Sonata by Aaron Schuman2014
The Democratisation of Photography and the Promotion of Tourism: the Polytechnic Touring Association (1888-1939)