Segovia, S., Schiano-Phan, R., Gonçalves, J. and Mulfarth, R. 2024. Daylighting in modernist educational architecture in the United Kingdom : the Marylebone building London. PARC: Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construcao. 15 (00) e024020.
Clarke, L., Duran-Palma, F. and Georgiadou, M. 2024. SCAFFOLD: Improving Training, Working Conditions, and Transformation in the European Scaffolding Sector. Brussels CLR.
Georgiadou, M., Greenwood, D., Schiano-Phan, R. and Russo, F. 2024. Assessing retrofit policies for fuel-poor homes in London. Buildings and Cities. 5 (1), pp. 133-149.
Schiano-Phan, R., Guedes, C., Georgiadou, M., Clarke, L. and Duran-Palma, F. 2023. Women in Construction, Wood and Forestry: a Resource Toolkit for Gender Equality at Work. Brussels, Belgium European Federation of Building and Woodworkers.
Schiano-Phan, R., Georgiadou, M., Russo, F., Laurel, R., Anselmo, A. and Naccarato, M. 2023. Tackling Fuel Poverty in London. London University of Westminster.
Clarke, L., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Winch C. 2023. Building it Green: European Report.
Clarke, R. 2023. Social Economy in the Classroom: The London Birkbeck Schools. The London Journal. 48 (3), pp. 239-260.
Duran-Palma, F. and Urrutia, M. 2023. Chile – from Pinochet’s neoliberal counter-revolution to the 2019-20 anti-neoliberal revolt. in: Atzeni, M., Mezzardi, A., Moore, P. and Apitzsch, U. (ed.) Research Handbook on the Global Political Economy of Work Edward Elgar. pp. 642-659
Clarke, L., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Winch, C. 2022. Vocational education and training for a greener construction sector: low road or high road approaches to apprenticeships? in: Apprenticeships for green economies and societies Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union. pp. 87-96
Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2022. Climate Change and Architectural Practice - competing visions and practices of sustainability. British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2022. Online 20 - 22 Apr 2022 British Sociological Association.
Wall, C. (ed.) 2021. The History of Building Trades and Professionalism: the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Construction History Society. Cambridge Construction History Society.
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2021. Why radical transformation is necessary for gender equality and a zero carbon European construction sector. in: Magnusdottir, G.L. and Kronsell, A. (ed.) Gender, intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialized States London and New York Routledge. pp. 164-180
Clarke, L., Westerhuis, A. and Winch, C. 2021. Comparative VET European Research since the 1980s: Accommodating Changes in VET Systems and Labour Markets. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 73 (2), pp. 295-315.
Sahin-Dikmen, M., Clarke, L. and Winch, C. 2020. Transforming vocational education and training for nearly zero-energy building. Buildings and Cities. 1 (1), pp. 650-661.
Clarke, L., Duran-Palma, F. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2020. Towards nearly zero energy building in Europe: the challenge of vocational education and training for the construction industry. in: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A. and Wall T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: SDG9Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Switzerland Springer.
Clarke, R. and Anteric, M. 2020. Northern Heartlands Great Place Scheme Final Evaluation & Completion Report. London CEPAR.
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2020. Unions and the green transition in construction in Europe: contrasting visions . European Journal of Industrial Relations. 26 (4), pp. 401-418.
Clarke, L. and Lipsig-Mummé, C. 2020. Future conditional: from Just Transition to radical transformation? European Journal of Industrial Relations. 26 (4), pp. 351-366.
Clarke, L., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Winch, C. 2020. Overcoming diverse approaches to vocational education and training to combat climate change - the case of low energy construction in Europe . Oxford Review of Education. 46 (5), pp. 619-636.
Clarke, L. and Fitzgerald, I. 2020. The changing nature of labour regulation: the distinctiveness of the National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry (NAECI). Industrial Relations Journal. 51 (1-2), pp. 58-74.
Wall, C. 2019. “It Was a Totally Different Approach to Building!”: Constructing Architectural Concrete in 1960s London. in: Gosseye, J., Stead, N. and van der Plaat, D. (ed.) Speaking of Buildings: Oral History in Architectural Research New York Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 50-75
Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Clarke, L. 2019. Vocational Education and Training for Low Energy Construction in Europe. Transforming Construction into a Green Industry. University of Westminster 18 Jul 2019
Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2019. A field lens onto Architectural Practice: the grand and the mundane. 14th European Sociological Association Conference. Manchester 19 - 23 Aug 2019
Clarke, L., Gleeson, C.P., Sahin-Dikmen, M., Winch, C. and Duran-Palma, F. 2019. Inclusive Vocational Education and Training for Low Energy Construction: VET4LEC Final Report and Country Summaries. Brussels European Commission.
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2019. City Building (Glasgow): Inspirational model low energy construction and direct labour. Scottish Left Review. 110.
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2019. Trade unions and the green transition in construction: challenges and opportunities. International Labour Process Conference. University of Vienna 24 - 26 Apr 2019
Clarke, L. 2018. Introduction for Building Capitalism. in: L’Histoire de la construction/ Construction History: Relevé d’un chantier européen /Survey of a European Building Site Paris Classiques Garnier. pp. 591-598
Clarke, L. 2018. From Craft to Qualified Labour in Britain: a comparative approach. in: L’Histoire de la construction/ Construction History: Relevé d’un chantier européen / Survey of a European Building Site. Tome II Paris Classiques Garnier. pp. 737-765
Clarke, L. 2018. Builiding Capitalism Introduction . in: L’Histoire de la construction/ Construction History: Relevé d’un chantier européen / Survey of a European Building Site. Tome II Paris Classiques Garnier. pp. 591-598
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2018. Green transitions in the built environment in Europe. Workshop: What kind of green and just transition?. University of Westminster 12 - 12 Jul 2018
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2018. Challenges for vocational education and training for low energy construction in Europe: divergent contexts, approaches and practices. Sustainability and Green Jobs Seminar, Middlesex University. Middlesex University 22 Mar 2018
Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Clarke, L. 2018. Transforming the employment relation in construction to achieve energy efficiency: the need for a new coalition of actors. British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) Conference. Middlesex University, London 27 - 29 Jun 2018
Wall, C. 2018. A collection of voices. The Modernist. Winter (29).
Clarke, L., Michielsens, E. and Snijders, S. 2018. Misplaced Gender diversity policies and practices in the British construction industry: developing and inclusive and transforming strategy. in: Emuze, F. and Smallwood, J. (ed.) Valuing People in Construction Abingdon Routledge. pp. 130-150
Clarke, L. 2018. Contradictions between Artisan and Wage Labour Production: Non–Simultaneity in the Building of Somers Town from the End of the Eighteenth Century. in: Heine, E.-C. and Rauhut, C. (ed.) Producing Non-Simultaneity: construction sites as places of progressiveness and continuity Abingdon Routledge.
Wall, C. 2018. William Arrol and Peter Lind: demolition, construction and workmanship on London’s Waterloo Bridges 1934 -1946. 6th International Congress on Construction History. Brussels 09 - 13 Jul 2018
Wall, C. 2018. Lost lesbian spaces: memories of an urban community in 1970s London. European Social Science History Conference. Queen's University, Belfast 04 - 07 Apr 2018
Wall, C. 2018. ‘Nuclear prospects’: the siting and construction of Sizewell A power station 1957-1966. Contemporary British History. 33 (2), pp. 246-273.
Wall, C. 2018. Constructing Brutalism: in situ knowledge and skill on London's South Bank. in: Heine, E.-C. and Rauhut, C. (ed.) Producing non-simultaneity: construction sites as places of progressiveness and continuity Farnham, Surrey Ashgate. pp. 95-109
Clarke, L. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2017. DLO Examples Today: Wakefield District Housing and Glasgow City Council. Workshop: Direct Labour Past and Present-The Answer to the Housing Crisis, Construction Training and Low Energy Building?. University of Westminster 13 - 13 Jul 2017