Westminster School of Arts

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadProf Catherine Dormor
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Participatory imagination and narration in the work of vision machine and Jean Rouch

Book chapter

Oppenheimer, J. and Uwemedimo, M. 2007. Participatory imagination and narration in the work of vision machine and Jean Rouch. in: ten Brink, J. (ed.) Building bridges: the cinema of Jean Rouch London, UK Wallflower Press.

Beneath the sheets of history: historical recovery in the work of Vision Machine Project

Book chapter

Oppenheimer, J. and Uwemedimo, M. 2007. Beneath the sheets of history: historical recovery in the work of Vision Machine Project. in: Marchessault, J. and Lord, S. (ed.) Fluid screens, expanded cinema Toronto, Canada University of Toronto Press. pp. 167-183

Show of force


Oppenheimer, J. 2007. Show of force.

He who has never dreamt of Mae West: surrealist masculinity and the late collages of ELT Mesens

Book chapter

Matheson, N. 2007. He who has never dreamt of Mae West: surrealist masculinity and the late collages of ELT Mesens. in: Allmer, P. and van Gelder, H. (ed.) Collective inventions: surrealism in Belgium Leuven University Press.

Gursky, Ruff, Demand: allegories of the real and the return of history

Book chapter

Matheson, N. 2007. Gursky, Ruff, Demand: allegories of the real and the return of history. in: Sutton, D., Brind, S. and McKenzie, R. (ed.) The state of the real: aesthetics in the digital age London, UK I.B. Tauris. pp. 38-47

Hyperbolic heritage: bourgeois spectatorship and contemporary Thai cinema

PhD thesis

Ingawanij, M.A. 2007. Hyperbolic heritage: bourgeois spectatorship and contemporary Thai cinema. PhD thesis University of London London Consortium

Artists' studio


Dawood, S. 2007. Artists' studio.

Artist's studio


Dawood, S. Perrot, C. (ed.) 2007. Artist's studio. London Culture Shock Media.

Stuart Cumberland: Congratulations


Cumberland, S. 2007. Stuart Cumberland: Congratulations.

Seung Woo Back's double vision

Book chapter

Campany, D. 2007. Seung Woo Back's double vision. in: Seung Woo Back: real world Tokyo, Japan Foil Co. Ltd.. pp. 60-75

Photography and cinematic surface


Campany, D. 2007. Photography and cinematic surface. Aperture. 188, pp. 40-49.

Everyday madness: surrealism, ethnography and the photographic image

Book chapter

Bate, D., Wollen, P., Christie, I. and Cowie, E. 2007. Everyday madness: surrealism, ethnography and the photographic image. in: ten Brink, J. (ed.) Building bridges: the cinema of Jean Rouch London, UK Wallflower Press.

Emperor's new clothes

Book chapter

Bate, D. 2007. Emperor's new clothes. in: Elkins, J. (ed.) Photography theory London Routledge. pp. 253-255

Automatic pictures

Book chapter

Bate, D. 2007. Automatic pictures. in: Allmer, P. and Van Gelder, H. (ed.) Collective inventions: surrealism in Belgium Belgium Leuven University Press.

The cinematic


Campany, D. (ed.) 2007. The cinematic. London ; Cambridge, Mass Whitechapel ; MIT Press.

Short films 2001-3

Digital or visual media

Oppenheimer, J. 2006. Short films 2001-3.

Indian summer, Romanian winter: a 'procession of memories' in post-communist Romania


Bradeanu, A. and Thomas, R. 2006. Indian summer, Romanian winter: a 'procession of memories' in post-communist Romania. South Asian Popular Culture. 4 (2), pp. 141-146. https://doi.org/10.1080/14746680600797129

Un-Thai sakon: the scandal of teen cinema


Ingawanij, M.A. 2006. Un-Thai sakon: the scandal of teen cinema. South East Asia Research. 14 (2), pp. 147-177.

The impact of the National Minimum Wage in low-wage sectors: does the Earnings Top-up Evaluation study add to our understanding?


Urwin, P.J., Jack, G. and Lissenburgh, S. 2006. The impact of the National Minimum Wage in low-wage sectors: does the Earnings Top-up Evaluation study add to our understanding? Industrial Relations Journal. 37 (3), pp. 259-277. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2338.2006.00402.x

Blissfully whose? Jungle pleasures, ultra-modernist cinema and the cosmopolitan Thai auteur


Ingawanij, M.A. and MacDonald, R.L. 2006. Blissfully whose? Jungle pleasures, ultra-modernist cinema and the cosmopolitan Thai auteur. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film. 4 (1), pp. 37-54. https://doi.org/10.1386/ncin.4.1.37_1

The ghost stamp, the detective and the hospital for boots: light and the postwar battle over spirit photography


Matheson, N. 2006. The ghost stamp, the detective and the hospital for boots: light and the postwar battle over spirit photography. Early Popular Visual Culture. 4 (1), pp. 35-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/17460650600590359

We Are Time: Laibach/NSK, Retro-Avantgardism and Machinic Repetition


Goddard, M. 2006. We Are Time: Laibach/NSK, Retro-Avantgardism and Machinic Repetition. Angelaki. 11 (1), pp. 45-54. https://doi.org/10.1080/09697250600797856



Twomey, C. 2006. Trophy.



Twomey, C. 2006. Temporary. Northern Clay Centre, Minneapolis, USA 14 Jul - 27 Aug 2006

The predator


Tabrizian, M. and Williams, C. 2006. The predator.

'Border' and 'Tehran' 2006


Tabrizian, M., Golding, A. and Nava, Z. 2006. 'Border' and 'Tehran' 2006.

Mariners and migrants: in search of home


Rawlings, J. 2006. Mariners and migrants: in search of home.

The 'Autoethnographic' in Chantal Akerman's News from Home, and an Analysis of Almost Out and Stages of Mourning

Book chapter

Pucill, S. 2006. The 'Autoethnographic' in Chantal Akerman's News from Home, and an Analysis of Almost Out and Stages of Mourning. in: Hatfield, J. (ed.) Experimental film and video: an anthology Eastleigh, UK John Libbey. pp. 83-92

Stages of Mourning


Pucill, S. 2006. Stages of Mourning. 66 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003 18 Nov 2006

The world possessed


Orlow, U. 2006. The world possessed. Museum of Garden History, London, UK 03 Jul - 29 October 2006

Midday/Midnight (66° 33')


Orlow, U. 2006. Midday/Midnight (66° 33'). ICA, London 24 May - 16 Jul 2006

Latent archives, roving lens

Book chapter

Orlow, U. 2006. Latent archives, roving lens. in: Lanyon, J. and Connarty, J. (ed.) Ghosting: the role of the archive within contemporary artists' film and video Bristol, UK Picture This Moving Image.

Housed memory


Orlow, U. 2006. Housed memory. Dark Studio, Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, UK 03 - 25 Jun 2006

Transistor and temporality: the rural as modern Thai cinema's pastoral

Book chapter

Ingawanij, M.A. 2006. Transistor and temporality: the rural as modern Thai cinema's pastoral. in: Fowler, C. and Helfield, G. (ed.) Representing the rural : space, place, and identity in films about the land Detroit Wayne State University Press. pp. 80-100

Morpho-illogical: Collage Reportage


Gray, R. 2006. Morpho-illogical: Collage Reportage. Victoria and Albert Museum, London 02 Feb 2006 - 23 Apr 2006

Posing, acting and photography

Book chapter

Campany, D. 2006. Posing, acting and photography. in: Green, D. and Lowry, J. (ed.) Stillness and time: photography and the moving image Brighton, UK Photoworks / Photoforum. pp. 97-112

Zone. A series of 16 photographs exploring dimensions of social change in Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union through the case study of one city, Tallinn.


Bate, D. 2006. Zone. A series of 16 photographs exploring dimensions of social change in Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union through the case study of one city, Tallinn.

The sources of surrealism


Matheson, N. (ed.) 2006. The sources of surrealism. Hastings Lund Humphries.

The sources of surrealism


Matheson, N. (ed.) 2006. The sources of surrealism. Hastings, UK Helm Information.



Thompson, Shirley and Maliphant, R. 2005. Shift.

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