Westminster School of Media and Communication

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Michaela O'Brien
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Critique of the political economy of web 2.0 surveillance

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2012. Critique of the political economy of web 2.0 surveillance. in: Fuchs, Christian, Boersma, K., Albrechtslund, A. and Sandoval, M. (ed.) Internet and surveillance: the challenges of web 2.0 and social media New York Routledge. pp. 31-70

Conference report: The 4th ICTs and society conference: critique, democracy and philosophy in 21st century information society


Fuchs, Christian 2012. Conference report: The 4th ICTs and society conference: critique, democracy and philosophy in 21st century information society. Nordicom Information. 34 (3-4), pp. 89-99.

Tradition and innovation: five decades of Harrow ceramics


Brown, C. 2012. Tradition and innovation: five decades of Harrow ceramics.



Brown, C. 2012. DreamWork.

Anxiety of endeavour: personal recollections of Harrow

Book chapter

Brown, C. 2012. Anxiety of endeavour: personal recollections of Harrow. in: Tradition and innovation: five decades of Harrow ceramics (exhibition catalogue) Ceramics Research Group.

Another room


Brown, C. 2012. Another room.

It's ownership, stupid: why plurality lies at the heart of media policy reform - and how to achieve it

Book chapter

Barnett, S. 2012. It's ownership, stupid: why plurality lies at the heart of media policy reform - and how to achieve it. in: Keeble, R.L. and Mair, J. (ed.) The phone hacking scandal: journalism on trial Bury St Edmunds Abramis Academic Publishing. pp. 352-364

Imposition or empowerment? Freedom of speech, broadcasting and impartiality

Book chapter

Barnett, S. 2012. Imposition or empowerment? Freedom of speech, broadcasting and impartiality. in: Amos, M., Harrison, J. and Woods, L. (ed.) Freedom of expression and the media The Hague Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 45-71

Tweeting like a pigeon: the Internet in the Arab

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2012. Tweeting like a pigeon: the Internet in the Arab. CyberOrient. 6 (2).

Social media, mediation and the Arab revolutions

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2012. Social media, mediation and the Arab revolutions. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 10 (2), pp. 518-536.

Framing the Internet in the Arab revolutions: myth meets modernity

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2012. Framing the Internet in the Arab revolutions: myth meets modernity. Cinema Journal. 52 (1), pp. 148-156. https://doi.org/10.1353/cj.2012.0120

Marx is back: the importance of Marxist theory and research for critical communication studies today


Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent (ed.) 2012. Marx is back: the importance of Marxist theory and research for critical communication studies today. TripleC.

Critical theory and political economy of the Internet @ Nordmedia 2011


Fuchs, Christian and Bolin, G. (ed.) 2012. Critical theory and political economy of the Internet @ Nordmedia 2011. TripleC.

Assessing the British Public Value Test: benefits, limitations and challenges ahead


Michalis, M. 2012. Assessing the British Public Value Test: benefits, limitations and challenges ahead. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 8 (1), pp. 13-30. https://doi.org/10.1386/macp.8.1.13_1

Balancing public and private interests in online media: the case of BBC Digital Curriculum


Michalis, M. 2012. Balancing public and private interests in online media: the case of BBC Digital Curriculum. Media, Culture & Society. 34 (8), pp. 944-960. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443712455557

Confined offline, traversing online Palestinian mobility through the prism of the Internet

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2011. Confined offline, traversing online Palestinian mobility through the prism of the Internet. Mobilities. 6 (3), pp. 375-397. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2011.590036

Technologies of Culture: Digital Feature Filmmaking in New Zealand

Journal article

Pitts, V. 2011. Technologies of Culture: Digital Feature Filmmaking in New Zealand. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film. 9 (1), pp. 3-17. https://doi.org/10.1386/ncin.9.1.3_1

The Role of the Internet in Current Global Activism

Book chapter

Kavada, A. 2011. The Role of the Internet in Current Global Activism . in: Papathanassopoulos, S. (ed.) Communication and Society from the Twentieth to the Twenty-first Century (Fourth Edition) Athens Kastaniwtis. pp. 392-412

Gub Neal: Cracking the Business of TV Drama Production


Hogg, C. 2011. Gub Neal: Cracking the Business of TV Drama Production. Journal of British Cinema and Television. 8 (1), pp. 118-132. https://doi.org/10.3366/jbctv.2011.0009

Language as culture: the question of Arabic

Book chapter

Alshaer, A. 2011. Language as culture: the question of Arabic. in: Sabry, T. (ed.) Arab cultural studies: mapping the field London I.B. Tauris. pp. 275-297

Crusaders or pigs in raincoats?


Barnett, S. 2011. Crusaders or pigs in raincoats? British Journalism Review. 22 (3), pp. 13-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/09564748110220030105

Web 2.0, grassroots journalism and social justice in China

Book chapter

Xin, X. 2011. Web 2.0, grassroots journalism and social justice in China. in: Meikle, G. and Redden, G. (ed.) News online: transformation and continuity New York Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 178-194

Placing political economy in relation to cultural studies: reflections on the case of cinema in Saudi Arabia

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2011. Placing political economy in relation to cultural studies: reflections on the case of cinema in Saudi Arabia. in: Sabry, T. (ed.) Arab cultural studies: mapping the field London I.B. Tauris.

Arab cultural studies: mapping the field


Sabry, T. 2011. Arab cultural studies: mapping the field. London I.B. Tauris.

Arab cultural studies: between re-territorialization and deterritorialization

Book chapter

Sabry, T. 2011. Arab cultural studies: between re-territorialization and deterritorialization. in: Sabry, T. (ed.) Arab cultural studies: mapping the field London I.B. Tauris.

La política europea de comunicación y su impacto en los medios radiodifusión (“European media policy and its impact on broadcast media”)

Book chapter

Michalis, M. 2011. La política europea de comunicación y su impacto en los medios radiodifusión (“European media policy and its impact on broadcast media”). in: Campos Freire, F. (ed.) El nuevo escenario mediático Seville Comunicación Social. pp. 29-47

O'Brennan abroad: an Irish editor in London and Chicago

Book chapter

McNicholas, A. 2011. O'Brennan abroad: an Irish editor in London and Chicago. in: Rafter, K. (ed.) Irish journalism before independence: more a disease than a profession Manchester Manchester University Press. pp. 135-148

Popular music as journalism in Africa: issues and contexts

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2011. Popular music as journalism in Africa: issues and contexts. in: Wasserman, H. (ed.) Popular media, democracy and development in Africa Abingdon Routledge. pp. 91-104

Foundations of critical media and information studies


Fuchs, Christian 2011. Foundations of critical media and information studies. London Routledge.

Lost and found


Brown, C. 2011. Lost and found. Pangolin Gallery, London 19 May - 18 Jun 2011

The rise and fall of television journalism: just wires and lights in a box?


Barnett, S. 2011. The rise and fall of television journalism: just wires and lights in a box? London Bloomsbury Academic.

The Egyptian experience: sense and nonsense of the Internet revolution

Journal article

Aouragh, M. and Alexander, A. 2011. The Egyptian experience: sense and nonsense of the Internet revolution. International Journal of Communication. 5, pp. 1344-1358.

Palestine online: transnationalism, the Internet and the construction of identity


Aouragh, M. 2011. Palestine online: transnationalism, the Internet and the construction of identity. London I.B. Tauris.

Gender dynamics in Palestinian Internet cafés

Book chapter

Aouragh, M. 2011. Gender dynamics in Palestinian Internet cafés. in: Joseph, S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures Leiden, The Netherlands Brill.

News online: transformations and continuities


Meikle, G. and Redden, G. (ed.) 2011. News online: transformations and continuities. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Internet and surveillance: the challenges of web 2.0 and social media


Fuchs, Christian, Boersma, K., Albrechtslund, A. and Sandoval, M. (ed.) 2011. Internet and surveillance: the challenges of web 2.0 and social media. New York Routledge.

Tweeting the Oslo massacre: collateral damage

Journal article

Aouragh, M. and Sakr, L. 2011. Tweeting the Oslo massacre: collateral damage. Jadaliyya.

Chindia’s challenge to global communication: a perspective from China


Xin, X. 2010. Chindia’s challenge to global communication: a perspective from China. Global Media and Communication. 6 (3), pp. 296-301. https://doi.org/10.1177/1742766510384968

Media ownership policy in a recession: redefining the public interest


Barnett, S. 2010. Media ownership policy in a recession: redefining the public interest. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. 1 (2), pp. 217-232. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc.1.2.217_1

Faith and fatherland: cultural nationalism and the Irish press in mid-Victorian England


McNicholas, A. 2010. Faith and fatherland: cultural nationalism and the Irish press in mid-Victorian England. Cultural Studies. 24 (6), pp. 821-835. https://doi.org/10.1080/09502386.2010.502736

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Innes, Julie

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Iqbal, Musab


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Laurence, Hotessa

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Maguire, Ged

Senior Lecturer

Mano, Winston


Morgan, Robert

Senior Lecturer

O'Brien, Michaela

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Pitts, Virginia

Senior Lecturer

Roseblade, Eleanor

Assistant Head of School

Ryley, Stephen

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Sabry, Tarik


Sakr, Naomi

Emeritus Professor

Seaton, Jean


Shah, Reshel

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Stephenson, Laura

Senior Lecturer

Stockdale, Jonathan

Associate Dean Postgraduate Programme

Xin, Xin
