Westminster School of Media and Communication

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Michaela O'Brien
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Mapping futures for news: trends, challenges and opportunities for Scotland

Project report

McNair, B., Dekavalla, M., Boyle, R. and Meikle, G. 2010. Mapping futures for news: trends, challenges and opportunities for Scotland. Glasgow Scottish Universities Insight Institute.

Between vigilante and citizen journalism: ZimDaily's FairDeal campaing and the Zimbabwe crisis


Mano, W. 2010. Between vigilante and citizen journalism: ZimDaily's FairDeal campaing and the Zimbabwe crisis. Communicare: Journal for the Communication Sciences in Southern Africa. 29, pp. 57-70.

A familiar assault on the BBC: a response to David Graham's report for the Adam Smith Institute


Barnett, S. 2010. A familiar assault on the BBC: a response to David Graham's report for the Adam Smith Institute. openDemocracy.

The defence and security review we need


Seaton, J. 2010. The defence and security review we need. Political Quarterly. 81 (3), pp. 363-364. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-923X.2010.02111.x

Mob journalism in Web 2.0 forums: ZimDaily’s FairDeal campaign and the Zimbabwe crisis


Mano, W. 2010. Mob journalism in Web 2.0 forums: ZimDaily’s FairDeal campaign and the Zimbabwe crisis. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research.

Why the BBC matters: memo to the new parliament about a unique British institution


Barnett, S. and Seaton, J. 2010. Why the BBC matters: memo to the new parliament about a unique British institution. Political Quarterly. 81 (3), pp. 327-332. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-923X.2010.02117.x

Email lists and participatory democracy in the European Social Forum


Kavada, A. 2010. Email lists and participatory democracy in the European Social Forum. Media, Culture & Society. 32 (3), pp. 355-372. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443709361167

Minding the regional news gap


Barnett, S. 2010. Minding the regional news gap. British Journalism Review. 21 (1), pp. 13-18. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956474810365394



Pitts, V. 2010. Beat. Aotearoa New Zealand

Criteria for the assessment of student work

Book chapter

Hort, P. 2010. Criteria for the assessment of student work. in: Burov, A and Storchak, T (ed.) Film Education: Traditions and Innovations Moscow VSMU. pp. 53 - 65

Etty Hillesum. Le pratiche di scrittura come trasformazione


Angeli, S. 2010. Etty Hillesum. Le pratiche di scrittura come trasformazione. Rome Edizioni Universitarie Romane.

Why can’t we hear women talking about politics?


Seaton, J. 2010. Why can’t we hear women talking about politics? Prospect.

Four women in the cabinet? You cannot be serious


Seaton, J. 2010. Four women in the cabinet? You cannot be serious. Prospect.

An academic question


Seaton, J. 2010. An academic question. Prospect.

From Process to Product: Intercultural Collaboration in the Making of Whale Rider

Conference paper

Pitts, V. 2010. From Process to Product: Intercultural Collaboration in the Making of Whale Rider. Impure Cinema Conference. University of Leeds 02 - 05 Dec 2010 University of Leeds.

Africa: Media Systems

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2010. Africa: Media Systems. in: The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication Wiley.

Public diplomacy games: a comparative study of American and Japanese responses to the interplay of nationalism, ideology and Chinese soft power strategies around the 2008 Beijing Olympics


Xin, X. and Finlay, C.J. 2010. Public diplomacy games: a comparative study of American and Japanese responses to the interplay of nationalism, ideology and Chinese soft power strategies around the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 13 (5), pp. 876-900. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430431003651115

The impact of "citizen journalism" on Chinese media and society


Xin, X. 2010. The impact of "citizen journalism" on Chinese media and society. Journalism Practice. 4 (3), pp. 333-344. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512781003642931

Xinhua News Agency in the context of the 'crisis' of news agencies

Book chapter

Xin, X. 2010. Xinhua News Agency in the context of the 'crisis' of news agencies. in: Boyd-Barrett, O. (ed.) News agencies in the turbulent era of the Internet Barcelona Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 283-303

Enriching or impoverishing discourse on human rights? Talk about freedom of expression on Arab television

Journal article

Sakr, N. 2010. Enriching or impoverishing discourse on human rights? Talk about freedom of expression on Arab television. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. 3 (1), pp. 101-119. https://doi.org/10.1163/187398609X12584657078240

Cultural encounters in the Arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday


Sabry, T. 2010. Cultural encounters in the Arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday. London I.B. Tauris.

Is the public interest under threat? Public service broadcasting, market failure and new technologies: the view from the European Union

Journal article

Michalis, M. 2010. Is the public interest under threat? Public service broadcasting, market failure and new technologies: the view from the European Union. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. 1 (2), pp. 185-202. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc.1.2.185_1

EU broadcasting governance and public service broadcasting: between a rock and a hard place

Book chapter

Michalis, M. 2010. EU broadcasting governance and public service broadcasting: between a rock and a hard place. in: Iosifides, P. (ed.) Reinventing public service communication: European broadcasters and beyond Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 36-48

It’s like talking to a wall

Book chapter

Meikle, G. 2010. It’s like talking to a wall. in: Wittkower, D.E. (ed.) Facebook and philosophy: what's on your mind? Chicago Open Court Press. pp. 13-20

Intercreativity: mapping online activism

Book chapter

Meikle, G. 2010. Intercreativity: mapping online activism. in: Hunsinger, J., Klastrup, L. and Allen, M. (ed.) International handbook of internet research Dordrecht Springer. pp. 363-377

Debating Zimbabweanness in diasporic Internet forums: technologies of freedom?

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2010. Debating Zimbabweanness in diasporic Internet forums: technologies of freedom? in: McGregor, J. and Primorac, R. (ed.) Zimbabwe's new diaspora: displacement and the cultural politics of survival Oxford Berghahn Books.

Communication: an African perspective

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2010. Communication: an African perspective. in: Allan, S. (ed.) Rethinking communication: keywords in communication research Cresskill, N.J. Hampton Press.

Between individuality and collectiveness: email lists and face-to-face contact in the global justice movement


Kavada, A. 2010. Between individuality and collectiveness: email lists and face-to-face contact in the global justice movement. International Journal of E-Politics. 1 (1), pp. 41-56. https://doi.org/10.4018/jep.2010102203

Activism transforms digital: the social movement perspective

Book chapter

Kavada, A. 2010. Activism transforms digital: the social movement perspective. in: Joyce, M. (ed.) Digital activism decoded: the new mechanism of change New York & Amsterdam International Debate Education Association. pp. 101-118

Labor in informational capitalism and on the Internet

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2010. Labor in informational capitalism and on the Internet. The Information Society: An International Journal. 26 (3), pp. 179-196. https://doi.org/10.1080/01972241003712215

Power without responsibility: press, broadcasting and the internet in Britain (7th edition)


Curran, J. and Seaton, J. 2010. Power without responsibility: press, broadcasting and the internet in Britain (7th edition). Abingdon Routledge.

The human animal hybrid


Brown, C. 2010. The human animal hybrid. Perimeter Gallery, Chicago, USA 5 Nov - 30 Dec 2010

The Taiwan Ceramic Biennale 2010


Brown, C. 2010. The Taiwan Ceramic Biennale 2010. Taipei, Taiwan

In the playroom: a work in progress

Conference paper

Brown, C. 2010. In the playroom: a work in progress. The Go-Between Conference. University of Glamorgan and National Museum of Wales, Cardiff

Hybrid toys


Brown, C. 2010. Hybrid toys.



Brown, C. 2010. Hermaphrodites. Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, USA



Brown, C. 2010. Crucible. Gloucester Cathedral with Gallery Pangolin

Constructing public service media at the BBC

Book chapter

Brown, C. and Goodwin, P. 2010. Constructing public service media at the BBC. in: Lowe, G.F. (ed.) The public in public service media. RIPE@2009 Nordicom. pp. 119-132

There is nothing wrong with my uncle by Dul Johnson

Digital or visual media

Bringas, S. 2010. There is nothing wrong with my uncle by Dul Johnson.

Uutisjournalismin kehitys USA: ssa ja Britanniassa [changing trends in television news in the US and Britain]

Book chapter

Barnett, S. 2010. Uutisjournalismin kehitys USA: ssa ja Britanniassa [changing trends in television news in the US and Britain]. in: Leppänen, A., Heino, T.E. and Mäntymäki, E. (ed.) Yleisradio: median murroksessa Tampere Vastapaino. pp. 95-108

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Allsop, Zoe

Senior Lecturer

Angeli, Silvia


Bringas, Sylvie

Senior Lecturer

Brown, Lucy

Assistant Head of School

Cope, Jon

Senior Lecturer

Dixit, Toral


Dwyer, Paul


Goodwin, Peter

Principal Research Fellow

Hogg, Christopher

Senior Lecturer

Hooper, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Hort, Peter

Principal Lecturer

Innes, Julie

Senior Lecturer

Iqbal, Musab


Koksal, Ozlem

Senior Lecturer

Laurence, Hotessa

Senior Lecturer

Lodhi, Aasiya

Senior Lecturer

Maguire, Ged

Senior Lecturer

Mano, Winston


Morgan, Robert

Senior Lecturer

O'Brien, Michaela

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Pitts, Virginia

Senior Lecturer

Roseblade, Eleanor

Assistant Head of School

Ryley, Stephen

Principal Lecturer

Sabry, Tarik


Sakr, Naomi

Emeritus Professor

Seaton, Jean


Shah, Reshel

Senior Lecturer

Stephenson, Laura

Senior Lecturer

Stockdale, Jonathan

Associate Dean Postgraduate Programme

Xin, Xin
