College | Design, Creative and Digital Industries |
Head | Prof Catherine Dormor |
Chukwumaobi Ndukwe Ibe, Andreea Serbescu, Mohataz Hossain and Ikechukwu Ikwegbu Ibe 2025. Optimizing circular economy practices in construction: a systematic review of material management strategies. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. Advanced online publication.
Zhao, Yuxin, Wu, Jiahao and Zheng, Mianjie 2025. Noise-immune zeroing neural dynamics for dynamic signal source localization system and robotic applications in the presence of noise. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 19 1546731.
Jose A. Guridi, Cristobal Cheyre, Maria Goula, Duarte Santo, Lee Humphreys, Achilleas Souras and Aishwarya Shankar 2025. Image Generative AI to Design Public Spaces: a Reflection of How AI Could Improve Co-Design of Public Parks. Digital Government: Research and Practice. 6 (1) 7.
Watson, V.A. and Durelle, K. (ed.) 2025. Finite Impossibilities. A University of Westminster, School of Architecture + Cities Publication.
Aliaksandr Herasimenka, Xianlingchen Wang and Ralph Schroeder 2025. A Systematic Review of Effective Measures to Resist Manipulative Information About Climate Change on Social Media. Climate. 13 (2) 32.
Aliaksandr Herasimenka, Xianlingchen Wang and Ralph Schroeder 2024. Preprint: Promoting Reliable Knowledge about Climate Change: A Systematic Review of Effective Measures to Resist Manipulation on Social Media. arXiv.
Gregory Sporton 2024. Review: Dancing Dutch, Het Nationale Ballet, Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam, 11 April 2024. Scene. 12 (1-2), pp. 122-124.
Gregory Sporton 2024. Review: Madama Butterfly, Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier (dirs), Royal Opera House, London, 26 March 2024. Scene. 12 (1-2), pp. 119-121.
Michael Mazière and Lucy Reynolds 2024. Editorial. The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ). 13 (1-2), pp. 5-7.
Mansfield, K. and Breen, P. 2024. Bridging the Gap: Fostering Social Justice Through Inclusive Research Spaces. Caution! EAP under DEconstruction. University of Warwick 19 - 21 Apr 2023 BALEAP.
Mansfield, K., Farag, R., McDowell, H., Page, S. and Alves Jacob Pereira-Norri, I. 2024. The Evaluation and Evolution of a Framework that Integrates the Awareness of Social Justice into EAP Teaching and Learning Materials. in: Paul Breen and Michèle le Roux (ed.) Social Justice in EAP and ELT Contexts: Global Higher Education Perspectives London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 17-38
Alonso India, J., El Hajjar, A. and Kiss, T. 2024. An experimental study on the performance of post-Quantum lightweight cryptosystems in the context of IoT/NFC. The 25th International Web Information Systems Engineering Conference (WISE 2024). Doha, Qatar 02 - 05 Dec 2024 Springer.
Mr Wilfred Achille, Ayuso, A., Batty, S., Boulanger, A., Cascone, P., Durelle, K., Dr Ana Gatóo, Girardin, F., Golzari, N., Guibert, E., Kramer, M., Maragiannis, A., McLean, W., Nieva Mesas, G., Pollock, B., Zaide, P., Zhang, J., Sharif, Y., Silver, P., Urna Sodnomjamts, Tankard, J., Thwaites, A., Watson, V.A. and Wilkinson, C. Watson, V.A., McLean, W. and Urna Sodnomjamts (ed.) 2024. Design Practices. University of Westminster DPRG Publications.
Abu Eisheh, Bisan 2024. Breathing Archives: Art and Tacit Knowledge in the Post-Oslo Accords’ Palestine. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts
Bremner, L. and Cook, J. 2024. Anthropocene Desire Lines: A Coal Story. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman. 5 (1), p. 3.
Devi Roza Kausar, Nancy Stevenson, Dini Rosmalia and Sarojini Imran 2024. A case study of disaster management planning in Indonesia: tourism industry perspectives. in: Prideaux, B. and Beirman, D. (ed.) Handbook on Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism Edward Elgar. pp. 68-78
Georgiadou, M., Greenwood, D., Schiano-Phan, R. and Russo, F. 2024. Assessing retrofit policies for fuel-poor homes in London. Buildings and Cities. 5 (1), pp. 133-149.
Roberts, M. 2024. Night-time and strategies for regeneration in two medium sized town centres . Journal of Urban Design. 29 (5), pp. 517-535.
Trifan, C.A., de Waegh, R., Zhang, Y. and Ooi, C. S. 2024. Autoethnographic reflections on creating inclusive and collaborative virtual places for academic research. Journal of Organizational Ethnography. 13 (2), pp. 176-195.
Kamvasinou, K. 2024. Crisis and temporary public spaces: reflections from London, UK. in: Roberts, M. and Nelson, S. (ed.) Research Handbook on Urban Design Cheltenham, Glos., Northampton, Mass. Edgar Elgar Publishing. pp. 367-389
Mehrdad Borna, Giulia Turci, Marco Marchetti and Rosa Schiano-Phan 2024. Evaluating the Influence of Urban Blocks on Air Pollution Concentration Levels: The Case Study of Golden Lane Estate in London. Sustainability. 16 (2) 696.
Jay, H. 2024. A ‘Public Service Internet’—Reclaiming the Public Service Mission. The Political Quarterly. 95 (1), pp. 64-69.
Hamman, C. 2023. Contours of time: archival revelations + spatial representation. Interiors. 13 (2-3), pp. 839-861.
Russo, F., Chiara Jutzi and Koen Steemers 2023. Restorative Potential of Intermediate Environments. ANFA 2023 Academy of Neurosciences for Architecture 20th Anniversary Conference. University of California, San Diego 13 - 16 Sep 2023
Aliaksandr Herasimenka, Yung Au, Anna George, Kate Joynes-Burgess, Aleksi Knuutila, Jonathan Bright and Philip N. Howard 2023. The political economy of digital profiteering: communication resource mobilization by anti-vaccination actors. Journal of Communication. 73 (2), pp. 126-137.
Sporton, G. 2023. Review: Medea, Dominic Cooke (dir.) (2023), Robinson Jeffers After Euripides, Soho Place Theatre, London, 16 March 2023. Scene. 11 (1-2), pp. 99-101.
Sporton, G. 2023. Review: The Red Shoes, M. Powell and E. Pressburger (dirs) (2023), 75th Anniversary Release, UK: Archers BFI Southbank, London, 29 November 2023. Scene. 11 (1-2), pp. 106-110.
Gregory Sporton and Natalie Álvarez 2023. Artistic research: Methods that work. Scene. 11 (1-2), pp. 3-6.
Sporton, G. 2023. Review: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas, Marina Abramović (dir.) (2023) English National Opera, 8 November 2023. Scene. 11 (1-2), pp. 102-105.
Sporton, G. 2023. Models of knowledge. Scene. 11 (1&2), pp. 77-86.
Chukwumaobi Ibe, Andreea Serbescu and Mohataz Hossain 2023. Advancements in Building Deconstruction: Examining the Role of Drone Technology and Building Information Modelling. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 6 (2), pp. 14-32.
Leonardi, J. and Fawzy, A. 2023. A review of sustainable solutions in urban logistics in Europe. Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement. 6 (2), pp. 168-186.
Alshejari, Abeer, Kodogiannis, Vassilis S. and Leonidis, Stavros 2023. Combining Feature Selection Techniques and Neurofuzzy Systems for the Prediction of Total Viable Counts in Beef Fillets Using Multispectral Imaging. Sensors. 23 (23) 9451.
Verdini, G., El Ganadi, Y., Nolf, C., Vannoorbeeck, F., Anouar, S. and Siddiki, A. (ed.) 2023. Climate Adaptation and Cultural Resilience. The Case of the Oasis of Figuig, Morocco. Milan ILAUD PRESS.
Schiano-Phan, R., Georgiadou, M., Russo, F., Laurel, R., Anselmo, A. and Naccarato, M. 2023. Tackling Fuel Poverty in London. London University of Westminster.
Heynen, H., Lokko, L., Melhuish, C., Milne, S., Pandya, S., Saleem, S., Scriver, P. and Watson, V.A. Pandya, S. (ed.) 2023. After Belonging: Architecture, Nation, Difference. Abingdon (UK) and New York (USA) Routledge.
Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cane, J. and Geros, C. 2023. Monsoon as Method. Cultural Geographies. 31 (2), pp. 249 - 270.
Spitschan, Manuel, Biller, Anna and Russo, Filomena 2023. Interdisciplinary Summer School "Measuring Light and Illumination". mediaTUM.
El Hajjar, A. and Jahankhani, H. (ed.) 2023. Wireless Networks: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures. Switzerland Springer.
Cullen, B. 2023. Changing Monsoonal Waterworlds. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale. 31 (4), pp. 67-82.