College | Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Head | Prof Luke Mason |
Pedamon, C. 2010. How is Convergence Best Achieved in International Project Finance? Fordham International Law Journal. 24 1272.
Glinavos, I. 2010. Regulation and the Role of Law in Economic Crisis. European Business Law Review. 21 (4), pp. 539-557.
Glinavos, I. 2010. Neoliberalism and the law in post communist transition: The evolving role of law in Russia's transition to capitalism. Routledge.
Glinavos, I. 2010. Transition or development? Reassessing priorities for law reform. Progress in Development Studies. 10 (1), pp. 59-74.
Mason, L. 2010. The Hollow Legal Shell of European Race Discrimination Policy: The EC Race Directive. American Behavioral Scientist. 53 (12), pp. 1731-1748.
Kathrani, P. 2010. International Refugee Law and Legal Theory: Developing a New Global Ethic for the Contemporary Protection of Refugees. PhD thesis Kings College, London Law
Kathrani, P. 2010. Inside or Outside? Asylum Seekers on the Periphery of Borders.
Foster, K. and Osborn, G. 2010. Dancing on the edge of disciplines: law and the interdisciplinary turn. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal. 8 (1), p. 2.
Mandic, D. 2010. Copyright, Technology and Processes of De-materialisation. Critical Legal Conference 2010. Utrecht, The Netherlands 10 - 12 Sep 2010
Mandic, D. 2010. Copyright Law and Intangibility: Ideas, creativity and technology. Annual Conference SLSA 2010. Bristol Law School at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Mar 2010
Creutzfeldt, N. and Chakraborty, S. 2010. Implications of the Risk Communication Guidelines for the European Union. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 1 (4), p. 435.
Sommerlad, H., Webley, L., Duff, L., Muzio, D., Tomlinson, J. and Parnham, R. 2010. Diversity in the legal profession in England and Wales: A qualitative study of barriers and individual choices. London Legal Services Board.
Smis, S., Kingah, S.S. and Janssens, C. 2010. TRIPs and human rights: access to cheaper AIDS medicines. in: Brems, E., Wouters, J., Smis, S. and Schmitt, P. (ed.) Accountability for human rights violations by international organizations Antwerp Intersentia. pp. 485-504
Smis, S. and Kingah, S.S. 2010. Unassertive interregionalism in the Great Lakes Region. in: Söderbaum, F. and Stålgren, P. (ed.) The European Union and the global South Boulder, CO Lynne Rienner. pp. 205-224
Samuels, H. 2010. Women, culture and human rights: feminist interventions in human rights law? in: Banakar, R. (ed.) Rights in context: law and justice in late modern society Ashgate. pp. 317-332
Samuels, H. 2010. Commentary on Roberts v Hopwood. in: Hunter, R.C., McGlynn, C. and Rackley, E. (ed.) Feminist judgments: from theory to practice Hart.
Roscini, M. 2010. World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force. in: von Bogdandy, A., Wolfrum, R. and Philipp, C.E. (ed.) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Leiden Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 85-130
Roscini, M. 2010. The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law. Israel Law Review. 43 (2), pp. 330-359.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2010. Spatial justice: law and the geography of withdrawal. International Journal of Law in Context. 6 (3), pp. 201-216.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2010. Niklas Luhmann: law, justice, society. Abingdon Routledge.
Pedamon, C. 2010. Corporate social responsibility: a new approach to promoting integrity and responsibility. Company Lawyer. 31 (6), pp. 172-180.
Nicol, D. 2010. The constitutional protection of capitalism. Oxford Hart.
McClean, E. 2010. Human security and international law: much ado about nothing? in: Banakar, R. (ed.) Rights in context: law and justice in late modern society Ashgate. pp. 253-276
MacKenzie, R., Romano, C., Shany, Y. and Sands, P. 2010. Manual on international courts and tribunals. 2nd edition. Oxford Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie, R., Malleson, K., Martin, P. and Sands, P. 2010. Selecting international judges: principle, process, and politics. Oxford Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie, R. 2010. Monitoring and assessment of biodiversity under the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international agreements. in: Lawrence, A. (ed.) Taking stock of nature: participatory biodiversity assessment for policy, planning and practice Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 30-48
Lazowski, A. and Yosifova, S. 2010. Learning the hard way: Bulgaria and EU law. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
Lazowski, A. and Wentkowska, A. 2010. Poland: constitutional drama and business as usual. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
Lazowski, A. 2010. It works! The European Union in the wake of fifth and sixth enlargements. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
Lambert, H. and Silga, J. 2010. Transnational refugee law in the French courts: deliberate or compelled change in judicial attitudes? in: Goodwin-Gill, G.S. and Lambert, H. (ed.) The limits of transnational law: refugee law, policy harmonization and judicial dialogue in the European Union Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 35-56
Lambert, H. and Husain, R. 2010. The British judiciary and the search for reciprocal relations with its continental partners. in: Goodwin-Gill, G.S. and Lambert, H. (ed.) The limits of transnational law: refugee law, policy harmonization and judicial dialogue in the European Union Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 125-149
Lambert, H. and Farrell, T. 2010. The changing character of armed conflict and the implications for refugee protection jurisprudence. International Journal of Refugee Law. 22 (2), pp. 237-273.
Lambert, H. 2010. Transnational law, judges and refugees in the European Union. in: Goodwin-Gill, G.S. and Lambert, H. (ed.) The limits of transnational law: refugee law, policy harmonization and judicial dialogue in the European Union Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-16
Lambert, H. 2010. Introduction. in: Lambert, H. (ed.) International refugee law Aldershot Ashgate.
Kathrani, P. 2010. Social contract theory and the international normative order: a new global ethic. Jurisprudencija. 1 (119), pp. 97-109.
Kathrani, P. 2010. Legal realism. in: Introduction to legal theory Vilnius Mykolas Romeris University Books.
Kathrani, P. 2010. Constructing human freedom: the refugee convention and networks of power. Social Sciences Studies. 3 (7), pp. 115-124.
Greenfield, S., Osborn, G. and Robson, P. 2010. Film and the law. 2nd edition. Oxford Hart.
Greenfield, S. and Osborn, G. 2010. Regulating sport: finding a role for the law? Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 13 (2), pp. 367-379.