Westminster Law School

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HeadProf Luke Mason
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Fresh Evidence and Factual Innocence in the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal

Journal article

Roberts, S. 2017. Fresh Evidence and Factual Innocence in the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal. Journal of Criminal Law. 81 (4), pp. 303-327. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018317713567

Technology and Legal Practice… How Disruptive Can It Possibly Be?


Kathrani, P. 2017. Technology and Legal Practice… How Disruptive Can It Possibly Be?

Huffington Post: No-Deal Brexit and Fear


Glinavos, I. 2017. Huffington Post: No-Deal Brexit and Fear.

Newsweek: The City of London is preparing for a hard Brexit


Glinavos, I. 2017. Newsweek: The City of London is preparing for a hard Brexit. Newsweek.

Forbes: Brexit Negotiations: A Greek Tragedy


Glinavos, I. 2017. Forbes: Brexit Negotiations: A Greek Tragedy. Forbes.

Reflections on the EPSRC Principles of Robotics from the New Far-Side of the Law

Journal article

Voiculescu, Aurora 2017. Reflections on the EPSRC Principles of Robotics from the New Far-Side of the Law. Connection Science. 29 (2), pp. 160-169. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540091.2017.1313818

Critical Environmental Law as Method in the Anthropocene

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2017. Critical Environmental Law as Method in the Anthropocene. in: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas and Brooks, V. (ed.) Research Methods in Environmental Law: A Handbook Edward Elgar. pp. 131-158

Confusion, gaps, and overlaps: A consumer perspective on alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses


Gill, C., Creutzfeldt, N., Williams, J., O'Neill, S. and Vivian. N. 2017. Confusion, gaps, and overlaps: A consumer perspective on alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses. London National Association of Citizens Advice Bureau.

Object or Subject? The Ongoing 'Objectification' of Asylum Seekers


Kathrani, P. 2017. Object or Subject? The Ongoing 'Objectification' of Asylum Seekers. International Comparative Jurisprudence . 3 (1), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.13165/j.icj.2017.03.001

‘Post-Truth and Time: Managing the PhD’


Kathrani, P. 2017. ‘Post-Truth and Time: Managing the PhD’.

"Hello...But you're not human...?" Exploring the Possibility of Robot Free Speech Rights in the Future

Conference paper

Kathrani, P. 2017. "Hello...But you're not human...?" Exploring the Possibility of Robot Free Speech Rights in the Future . In Search of the European Doctrine of the Freedom of Speech. Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland 23 - 24 Mar 2017

The External Dimension of Withdrawal from the European Union


Lazowski, A. and Wessel, R.A. 2017. The External Dimension of Withdrawal from the European Union. Revue des Affaires européennes. 2016 (4), pp. 623-638.

L’obbligo di verificare l’obiettivo e le conseguenze di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario e nuove forme di intelligence: profili di responsabilità internazionale

Book chapter

Longobardo, M. 2017. L’obbligo di verificare l’obiettivo e le conseguenze di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario e nuove forme di intelligence: profili di responsabilità internazionale. in: Spagnolo, A. and Saluzzo, S. (ed.) La responsabilità degli Stati e delle organizzazioni internazionali: nuove fattispecie e problemi di attribuzione e di accertamento Milan Ledizioni.

Women Asylum Seekers in the Current Crisis: A Conversation


Samuels, H. 2017. Women Asylum Seekers in the Current Crisis: A Conversation. Feminist Legal Studies. 25 (1), pp. 99-122. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10691-017-9346-z

Victor's Law?: colonial peoples, World War II and international law

Journal article

D'Souza, R. 2017. Victor's Law?: colonial peoples, World War II and international law. International Comparative Jurisprudence. 3 (1), pp. 67-84. https://doi.org/10.13165/j.icj.2017.03.006

An ‘existential’ shift? Technology and some questions for the legal profession


Kathrani, P. 2017. An ‘existential’ shift? Technology and some questions for the legal profession. Legal Ethics. 20 (1), pp. 144-146. https://doi.org/10.1080/1460728x.2017.1298324

Critical Environmental Law in the Anthropocene

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2017. Critical Environmental Law in the Anthropocene. in: Kotzé, L.J. (ed.) Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene Oxford Hart.

Temporary Refuge from War: Customary International Law and the Syrian Conflict

Journal article

Lambert, H. 2017. Temporary Refuge from War: Customary International Law and the Syrian Conflict. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 66 (3), pp. 723-745. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020589317000124

Genocide, Obligations Erga Omnes and Responsibility to Protect

Book chapter

Longobardo, M. 2017. Genocide, Obligations Erga Omnes and Responsibility to Protect. in: Grover, S. (ed.) The Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives on the Concept’s Meaning, Proper Application and Value Routledge. pp. 201-214

Animals and the law of armed conflict

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2017. Animals and the law of armed conflict. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. 47, pp. 35-67. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004341951_004

Beyond Kolpak: EU Law’s unforeseen contribution to the movement of African Cricketers

Journal article

Greenfield, S., Osborn, G. and Rossouw, J. 2017. Beyond Kolpak: EU Law’s unforeseen contribution to the movement of African Cricketers. International Journal of the History of Sport. 33 (15), pp. 1748-1766. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523367.2017.1320987

Spatial justice in a world of violence

Book chapter

Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas 2017. Spatial justice in a world of violence. in: Butler, C. and Mussawir, E. (ed.) Spaces of Justice: Peripheries, Passages, Appropriations London Routledge. pp. 21-36

Risk and benefits in lifestyle sports: parkour, law and social value

Journal article

Gilchrist, P. and Osborn, G. 2017. Risk and benefits in lifestyle sports: parkour, law and social value. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 9 (1), pp. 55-69. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2016.1272619

Listening to the World: Sounding Out the Surrounding of Environmental Law with Michel Serres

Book chapter

Mandic, D. 2017. Listening to the World: Sounding Out the Surrounding of Environmental Law with Michel Serres. in: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. and Brooks, V. (ed.) Research Methods in Environmental Law: a handbook Edward Elgar. pp. 509-533

Military objectives in cyber warfare

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2017. Military objectives in cyber warfare. in: Taddeo, M. and Glorioso, L. (ed.) Ethics and Policies for Cyber Operations Springer. pp. 99-113

Be careful what you wish for: procedural parameters of EU withdrawal

Book chapter

Lazowski, A. 2017. Be careful what you wish for: procedural parameters of EU withdrawal. in: Closa, C. (ed.) Dealing with Secession from a Member State and Withdrawal from the European Union: Troubled Membership Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 234-255

Inside but out? The UK and the EU

Book chapter

Lazowski, A. 2017. Inside but out? The UK and the EU. in: Jakab, A. and Kochenov, D. (ed.) The Enforcement of EU Law and Values: Ensuring Member States' Compliance Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 493-510

Splitting the Assets

Digital or visual media

Mason, M., Coleridge, P., Matheson-Durant, N., Reed, L., LeGrice, J. and Willis, M. 2016. Splitting the Assets. London

L’obbligo per gli Stati di assumere tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario fra nuove e vecchie forme di intelligence

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2016. L’obbligo per gli Stati di assumere tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario fra nuove e vecchie forme di intelligence. L’illecito internazionale tra nuove fattispecie, problemi di attribuzione e strumenti di controllo . Turin 17 Jan 2016

State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territory: The Case of the Exploitation of Natural Resources

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2016. State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territory: The Case of the Exploitation of Natural Resources. Fifth Annual Conference of the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL) on “Public and Private Power”. Cambridge 08 - 09 Apr 2016

International Humanitarian Law as the Basis of the Law of International Responsibility regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2016. International Humanitarian Law as the Basis of the Law of International Responsibility regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes. Expert Roundtable on the Impact of the Law of Armed Conflict on General International Law. Exeter 22 - 23 Sep 2016

Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2016. Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum. Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace. The Hague 29 - 30 Sep 2016


Book chapter

Marchetti, F., Bariatti, S., Viarengo, I., Villata, F.C. and Bernasconi, S. 2016. Italy. in: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe Hart Publishing. pp. 169-196

La strategia della Commissione europea per il mercato unico digitale nelle prossime iniziative legislative

Journal article

Marchetti, F. 2016. La strategia della Commissione europea per il mercato unico digitale nelle prossime iniziative legislative. Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale. 52 (1), pp. 326-335.

Lest we forget (matter) posthumanism, memory, and exclusion

Journal article

Howard, M. 2016. Lest we forget (matter) posthumanism, memory, and exclusion. Democratic Theory. 3 (1), pp. 71-90. https://doi.org/10.3167/dt.2016.030105

Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2015-2016


Alofs, E., Francois, A., Smis, S. and Van Limberghen, G. (ed.) 2016. Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2015-2016. Gent Larcier.

A Renegotiations of Status? Neo-tribal Sociality in the Barristers' Profession in England

Book chapter

Chronopoulou, A. 2016. A Renegotiations of Status? Neo-tribal Sociality in the Barristers' Profession in England. in: Frenkel, D.A. (ed.) Selected Issues in Modern Jurisprudence Athens, Greece ATINER. pp. 179-190

Parental Child Abduction: The Long-Term Effects

Journal article

Freeman, M. 2016. Parental Child Abduction: The Long-Term Effects. Singapore Law Gazette. November 2016, pp. 32-35.

Business and Human Rights on a Networked Governance Platform: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance in a System Perspective

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2016. Business and Human Rights on a Networked Governance Platform: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance in a System Perspective. Studies of Society and Business Symposium. Paris 26 Feb 2016

Business & Human Rights: Implications for Management, Knowledge Needs and Teaching

Conference paper

Voiculescu, Aurora 2016. Business & Human Rights: Implications for Management, Knowledge Needs and Teaching. Copenhagen Business School Conference. Copenhagen Business School 18 - 19 May 2016

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Abrams, Pamela

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Azam, Ayshea


Bacquet, Sylvie

Assistant Head of School

Betts, Paul

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Christodoulou, Dora

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Chronopoulou, Anna

Senior Lecturer

Chryssostalis, Julia

Principal Lecturer

Collins, Susan

Senior Lecturer

Cyprys, Dagmara

Senior Lecturer

Dawson, Sarah

Senior Lecturer

Dymott, Jochim

Assistant Head of School

Earle, Richard

Senior Lecturer

Fenton, Alan

Senior Lecturer

Fowler, Alexandra

Senior Lecturer

Freeman, Marilyn

Principal Research Fellow

Glinavos, Ioannis

Senior Lecturer

Kandelia, Seema

Senior Lecturer

Keramidas, Giannis

Assistant Head of School

Mandic, Danilo

Senior Lecturer

Marchetti, Filippo

Senior Lecturer

Mason, Luke

Head of School - Westminster Law School

Mason, Marc

Senior Lecturer

McClean, Emma

Senior Lecturer

Newman, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Osborn, Guy


Pedamon, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Roberts, Stephanie

Senior Lecturer

Samuel, Adam

Visiting Lecturer

Samuels, Harriet

Assistant Head of School

Sancho, Diana

Senior Lecturer

Sephton, Claire

Senior Lecturer

Spreeuw, Marloes

Principal Lecturer

Steiner, Anna

Senior Lecturer

Stewart, David

Principal Lecturer

Stonestreet, Jane

Principal Lecturer

Sutherland, Kate

Senior Lecturer

Turek, Krystof

Senior Lecturer

Whyte, Avis

Senior Research Fellow

Yu, Forest
