Home away from Home: Research Report

Lamb, T., Roksandić, A., Mayer, D., Meissner, H., Gimenez, J., Lang, L. and Bastiaan, R. 2019. Home away from Home: Research Report. Osijek, Croatia Centar za Mir. https://doi.org/10.34737/v25x4

TitleHome away from Home: Research Report
AuthorsLamb, T., Roksandić, A., Mayer, D., Meissner, H., Gimenez, J., Lang, L. and Bastiaan, R.
TypeProject report

The Home away from Home ERASMUS+ project has been developed within a context of increasing levels of migration in Europe. Some of this migration is occurring into areas with a long experience of migration, whereas in other areas it is a new phenomenon. Though this tends to mean that there are different perspectives on the issue in different contexts, generally speaking migration is the subject of debate and political and social concern across the European Union. Nevertheless, there is considerably lack of knowledge and awareness about the topic. As the Special Eurobarometer report showed in 2018 (Survey 469 related to the integration of immigrants)1 , most European citizens are not aware of the actual facts and figures on migration, with only 37% being well informed about immigration and integration. At the same time, according to this report, negative perceptions of the impact immigrants have on society are more likely amongst those who do not feel well informed about immigration and integration issues and also amongst those who have little interaction with immigrants (p.82).
This is the context, in which the Home away from Home project was designed with the aim of supporting the integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. Though the construct of integration is a contested one, for Home away from Home it relates to the successful co-existence of two or more cultures within one society, which requires change and re-education for all in order to address negative attitudes towards increasing diversity, rather than responsibility for integration residing completely in the migrant communities, which suggests a more assimilationist process. This necessity to consider carefully and critically the language and discourse that surrounds issues of migration is a thread, which has run throughout the project and will be seen in this report on the research undertaken as part of the project. However, the diversity of background experiences, histories, and languages brought together by this project has proven to be a rich source of learning and reflection, enhanced by the opportunities grasped to see the world through different sets of eyes.

Keywordsmigration, refugees, asylum seekers, integration, young volunteers, youth
PublisherCentar za Mir
Place of publicationOsijek, Croatia
Publication dates
PublishedSep 2019
Page range1-190
FunderEuropean Union Erasmus+ Youth
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.34737/v25x4

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Fragile identities: Exploring learner identity, learner autonomy and motivation through young learners’ voices
Lamb, T. 2011. Fragile identities: Exploring learner identity, learner autonomy and motivation through young learners’ voices. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique. 14 (2), pp. 68-85.

La formazione dei docenti per lo sviluppo dell’autonomia dell’apprendente e del docente/Teacher education for the development of learner and teacher autonomy
Lamb, T. 2010. La formazione dei docenti per lo sviluppo dell’autonomia dell’apprendente e del docente/Teacher education for the development of learner and teacher autonomy. in: Diadori, P. (ed.) Formazione, qualità e certificazione per la didattica delle lingue moderne in Europa/TQAC in FLT. Training, Quality and Certification in Foreign Language Teaching Florence Le Monnier. pp. 22-30

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Lamb, T. 2010. Assessment of autonomy or assessment for autonomy? Evaluating learner autonomy for formative purposes. in: Paran, A. and Sercu, L. (ed.) Testing the untestable in language and education Clevedon Multilingual Matters. pp. 98-119

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Gimenez, J. 2010. Academic writing in the disciplines: practices in nursing, midwifery and social work. in: Ruiz-Garrido, M., Palmer-Silveira, J.C. and Fortanet-Gomez, I. (ed.) English for Professional and Academic Purposes Amsterdam Rodopi. pp. 199-214

Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe: An FIPLV perspective
Lamb, T. 2009. Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe: An FIPLV perspective. in: Newby, D. and Penz, H. (ed.) Languages for social cohesion: Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe Council of Europe.

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Lamb, T. 2009. Controlling learning: relationships between motivation and learner autonomy. in: Pemberton, R., Toogood, S. and Barfield, A. (ed.) Maintaining control: Autonomy and Language Learning Hong Kong Hong Kong University Press. pp. 67-86

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Lamb, T. 2008. Interrogating the notion of autonomy in education: Tensions and possibilities. in: Raya, M.J. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Pedagogy for autonomy in modern languages education: Theory, practice, and teacher education Authentik.

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Lamb, T. 2008. Learner autonomy in eight European countries: Opportunities and tensions in education reform and language teaching policy. in: Raya, M.J. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Pedagogy for autonomy in modern languages education: Theory, practice, and teacher education Authentik.

Language learner autonomy in an English context
Lamb, T. 2008. Language learner autonomy in an English context. in: Miliander, J. and Trebbi, T. (ed.) Educational policies and language learner autonomy in schools: a new direction in language education? Dublin Authentik. pp. 26-39

International business communication: helping advanced learners of English cope with the demands
Gimenez, J. 2008. International business communication: helping advanced learners of English cope with the demands. in: Palmer-Silveira, J.C., Ruiz-Garrido, M.F. and Fortanet-Gómez, I. (ed.) Intercultural and international business communication: Theory, research, and teaching. 2nd Edition Frankfurt, Germany Peter Lang.

Academic writing in nursing: genres, marking criteria and course design
Gimenez, J. 2008. Academic writing in nursing: genres, marking criteria and course design. The Asian ESP Journal. 4 (2), pp. 23-34.

Beyond the academic essay: discipline-specific writing in nursing and midwifery
Gimenez, J. 2008. Beyond the academic essay: discipline-specific writing in nursing and midwifery. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 7 (3), pp. 151-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2008.03.005

Backward planning for lifelong language learning
Lamb, T. 2007. Backward planning for lifelong language learning. Lenguas en Aprendizaje Autodirigido [Electronic Journal of the Mediateca del CELE].

Pedagogy for autonomy in language education in Europe: a framework for learner and teacher development
Jiménez Raya, M., Lamb, T. and Vieira, F. 2007. Pedagogy for autonomy in language education in Europe: a framework for learner and teacher development. Dublin Authentik.

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Listening to learners' voices: On task knowledge in language learning
Lamb, T. 2006. Listening to learners' voices: On task knowledge in language learning. Scottish Languages Review. 14.

Feeling my way through my thoughts on a rainy day
Lamb, T. 2006. Feeling my way through my thoughts on a rainy day. in: Skier, E.M. and Kohyama, M. (ed.) More autonomy you ask! JALT LD SIG.

Supporting independence: Students' perceptions of self-management
Lamb, T. 2006. Supporting independence: Students' perceptions of self-management. in: Lamb, T. and Reinders, H. (ed.) Supporting independent learning: Issues and interventions Frankfurt-am-Main Peter Lang.

Embedded business emails: meeting new demands in international business communication
Gimenez, J. 2006. Embedded business emails: meeting new demands in international business communication. English for Specific Purposes. 25 (2), pp. 154-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2005.04.005

Dynamic evolution: An exploration of textual changes in business emails
Gimenez, J. 2006. Dynamic evolution: An exploration of textual changes in business emails. in: Del Lungo Camiciotti, G., Dossena, M. and Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (ed.) Variation in Business and Economics Discourse Rome, Italy Officina Edizioni. pp. 69-83

Learner independence in language teaching: A concept of change
Lamb, T. 2005. Learner independence in language teaching: A concept of change. in: Cunningham, D. and Hatoss, A. (ed.) An international perspective on language policies, practices and proficiencies: Festschrift for David E. Ingram Fédération internationale des professeurs de langues vivantes.

The language of business email: An opportunity to bridge theory and practice
Gimenez, J. 2005. The language of business email: An opportunity to bridge theory and practice. Scripta Manent: Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers. 1 (1), pp. 13-23.

Unpacking business emails: message embeddedness in international business email communication
Gimenez, J. 2005. Unpacking business emails: message embeddedness in international business email communication. in: Gotti, M. and Gillaerts, P. (ed.) Genre Variation in Business Letters Frankfurt, Germany Peter Lang.

Individualising learning: Organising a flexible learning environment
Lamb, T. 2003. Individualising learning: Organising a flexible learning environment. in: Raya, M.J. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Differentiation in the modern languages classroom Peter Lang.

Learning independently? Pedagogical and methodological implications of new learning environments
Lamb, T. 2003. Learning independently? Pedagogical and methodological implications of new learning environments. Supporting Independent Language Learning in the 21st Century: The Inaugural Conference of the Independent Learning Association. University of Melbourne, Australia 13 - 14 Sep 2003

Dealing with diversity in the modern languages class
Lamb, T. 2003. Dealing with diversity in the modern languages class. in: Raya, M.J. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Differentiation in the modern languages classroom Peter Lang.

Escaping from the treadmill: practitioner research and professional autonomy
Lamb, T. and Simpson, M. 2003. Escaping from the treadmill: practitioner research and professional autonomy. The Language Learning Journal. 28 (1), pp. 55-63. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571730385200211

New media and conflicting realities in multinational corporate communication: a case study
Gimenez, J. 2002. New media and conflicting realities in multinational corporate communication: a case study. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. 40 (4), pp. 323-343. https://doi.org/10.1515/iral.2002.016

A 'modern' European education
Cotton, T. and Lamb, T. 2001. A 'modern' European education. Pedagogika. pp. 62-69.

Metacognition and motivation: Learning to learn
Lamb, T. 2001. Metacognition and motivation: Learning to learn. in: Chambers, G. (ed.) Reflections on motivation London CILT. pp. 85-93

Language Policy in Multilingual UK
Lamb, T. 2001. Language Policy in Multilingual UK. Language Learning Journal. 23 (1), pp. 4-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571730185200031

Ethnographic observations in cross-cultural business negotiations between non-native speakers of English: an exploratory study
Gimenez, J. 2001. Ethnographic observations in cross-cultural business negotiations between non-native speakers of English: an exploratory study. English for Specific Purposes. 20 (2), pp. 169-193. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0889-4906(99)00038-1

Self-management in the secondary school language curriculum
Lamb, T. 2000. Self-management in the secondary school language curriculum. AUTONOMY 2000: The Development of Learning Independence in Language Learning. King Mongkut's Institute of Technology ThAt: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand 20 - 22 Nov 1996

Finding a voice: Learner autonomy and teacher education in an urban context
Lamb, T. 2000. Finding a voice: Learner autonomy and teacher education in an urban context. in: Sinclair, B., McGrath, I. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Learner autonomy, teacher autonomy: Future directions Longman.

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Lamb, T. 2000. Reconceptualising disaffection: issues of power, voice and learner autonomy. in: Walraven, G., Parsons, C., Van Veen, D. and Day, C. (ed.) Combating Social Exclusion through Education Louvain, Belgium and Apeldoorn, Netherlands Garant. pp. 99-115

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Putting it in black and white: the role of writing in business negotiations
Gimenez, J. 2000. Putting it in black and white: the role of writing in business negotiations. Journal of Language and International Business (JOLIB). 11 (1), pp. 17-30.

Business e-mail communication: some emerging tendencies in register
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Making connections: football, the internet and reluctant language learners
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Responding to cultural and linguistic diversity in the primary school
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The promotion of multilingualism at a local level
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Now you're on your own: Developing independent language learning strategies
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The multilingual city
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