Reproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts

Gimenez, J., Baldwin, M., Breen, P., Green, J., Roque Gutierrez, E., Paterson, R., Pearson, J., Percy, M., Specht, D. and Waddell, G. 2020. Reproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts. Text & Talk. 40 (3), pp. 293-324.

TitleReproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts
TypeJournal article
AuthorsGimenez, J., Baldwin, M., Breen, P., Green, J., Roque Gutierrez, E., Paterson, R., Pearson, J., Percy, M., Specht, D. and Waddell, G.

This article reports on a research project that uses two innovative heuristics to examine the changes that texts – produced to disseminate new scientific knowledge – undergo when they travel across space and time. A critical analysis of such transformations would enhance our understanding of the processes involved in knowledge dissemination and inform the practice of communicating scientific knowledge to a variety of audiences. Based on our study of 520 closely linked science and science-related sources collected over 12 months in 2016, we argue that when scientific knowledge is re-contextualized to be disseminated to different audiences, it is not <jats:italic>simply</jats:italic> rephrased or simplified to make it more accessible. Rather, it also undergoes transformational processes that involve issues of social power, authority and access that require new analytical tools to surface more clearly. We report on the methodology of the study with a particular focus on its heuristics, and the transformations that result from a critical analysis of the data collected. We finally discuss a number of theoretical and practical implications in relation to contemporary practices for re-entextualizing scientific knowledge.

Keywordstext trajectories
scientific knowledge
science communication
knowledge dissemination
Linguistics and Language
Language and Linguistics
JournalText & Talk
Journal citation40 (3), pp. 293-324
PublisherDe Grutyer
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Publication dates
Published08 Feb 2020

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Gimenez, J. 2010. Academic writing in the disciplines: practices in nursing, midwifery and social work. in: Ruiz-Garrido, M., Palmer-Silveira, J.C. and Fortanet-Gomez, I. (ed.) English for Professional and Academic Purposes Amsterdam Rodopi. pp. 199-214

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Mediated communication
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Green, J. 2009. Trials and tribulations: is herbal practice effective in treating menopausal symptoms? College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy Conference. London 2009

International business communication: helping advanced learners of English cope with the demands
Gimenez, J. 2008. International business communication: helping advanced learners of English cope with the demands. in: Palmer-Silveira, J.C., Ruiz-Garrido, M.F. and Fortanet-Gómez, I. (ed.) Intercultural and international business communication: Theory, research, and teaching. 2nd Edition Frankfurt, Germany Peter Lang.

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Gimenez, J. 2008. Academic writing in nursing: genres, marking criteria and course design. The Asian ESP Journal. 4 (2), pp. 23-34.

Beyond the academic essay: discipline-specific writing in nursing and midwifery
Gimenez, J. 2008. Beyond the academic essay: discipline-specific writing in nursing and midwifery. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 7 (3), pp. 151-164.

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Green, J. 2008. Changing with herbs: treatment of menopausal symptoms by qualified herbal practitioners: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. 144th Conference of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. Chester 2008

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Gimenez, J. 2007. Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Green, J., Hawkey, S., Ingram, J. and Denham, A. 2007. Not on my own: women's experience of herbal practice as participants in a randomised controlled trial. Power and Autonomy in Alternative and Complementary Medicine: The Alternative and Complementary Health Research Network (ACHRN) 4th international academic & experiential conference for researchers & practitioners. Nottingham University 04 - 06 Jul 2007

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Gimenez, J. 2006. Embedded business emails: meeting new demands in international business communication. English for Specific Purposes. 25 (2), pp. 154-172.

Dynamic evolution: An exploration of textual changes in business emails
Gimenez, J. 2006. Dynamic evolution: An exploration of textual changes in business emails. in: Del Lungo Camiciotti, G., Dossena, M. and Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (ed.) Variation in Business and Economics Discourse Rome, Italy Officina Edizioni. pp. 69-83

Investigating complex systems in herbal medicine: reflections on the black box (Abstract from the Developing Research Strategies Conference 28 April 2005)
Green, J. 2005. Investigating complex systems in herbal medicine: reflections on the black box (Abstract from the Developing Research Strategies Conference 28 April 2005). Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 13 (3), pp. 217-225.

The language of business email: An opportunity to bridge theory and practice
Gimenez, J. 2005. The language of business email: An opportunity to bridge theory and practice. Scripta Manent: Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers. 1 (1), pp. 13-23.

Unpacking business emails: message embeddedness in international business email communication
Gimenez, J. 2005. Unpacking business emails: message embeddedness in international business email communication. in: Gotti, M. and Gillaerts, P. (ed.) Genre Variation in Business Letters Frankfurt, Germany Peter Lang.

SMS communication and announcement classification in managed learning environments
Clement, R., Baldwin, M., Vassell, C. and Amin, N. 2005. SMS communication and announcement classification in managed learning environments. First International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, part of the Second International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications Networks. Reading, UK 03-04 Oct 2005

Choice of an outcome measure for a pilot randomised controlled trial into the treatment by herbal practitioners of symptoms associated with the menopause
Denham, A., Green, J., Hawkey, S. and Ingram, J. 2003. Choice of an outcome measure for a pilot randomised controlled trial into the treatment by herbal practitioners of symptoms associated with the menopause. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 8 (4), p. 493.

New media and conflicting realities in multinational corporate communication: a case study
Gimenez, J. 2002. New media and conflicting realities in multinational corporate communication: a case study. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. 40 (4), pp. 323-343.

Ethnographic observations in cross-cultural business negotiations between non-native speakers of English: an exploratory study
Gimenez, J. 2001. Ethnographic observations in cross-cultural business negotiations between non-native speakers of English: an exploratory study. English for Specific Purposes. 20 (2), pp. 169-193.

A self-access center for business English learners: meeting individual learners' needs
Gimenez, J. 2000. A self-access center for business English learners: meeting individual learners' needs. in: Hanson-Smith, E. (ed.) Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments Alexandria, VA TESOL.

Strategic Delivery for Business English Presentations
Gimenez, J. 2000. Strategic Delivery for Business English Presentations. in: Master, P. (ed.) Responses to ESP United Information Agency. pp. 113-118

Putting it in black and white: the role of writing in business negotiations
Gimenez, J. 2000. Putting it in black and white: the role of writing in business negotiations. Journal of Language and International Business (JOLIB). 11 (1), pp. 17-30.

Business e-mail communication: some emerging tendencies in register
Gimenez, J. 2000. Business e-mail communication: some emerging tendencies in register. English for Specific Purposes. 19 (3), pp. 237-251.

Requirement specification for a ground ADS end system
Baldwin, M. and Thorpe, C 1995. Requirement specification for a ground ADS end system. Brussels EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Kaurenoids and Gibberellins, including the newly characterized Gibberellin A88, in developing apple seeds
Hedden, P., Hoad, G.V., Gaskin, P., Lewis, M.J., Green, J., Furber, M. and Mander, L.N. 1993. Kaurenoids and Gibberellins, including the newly characterized Gibberellin A88, in developing apple seeds. Phytochemistry. 32 (2), pp. 231-237.

Three Wave Soliton Interactions in Warm Magnetized Plasmas
Turner, J. and Baldwin, M. 1988. Three Wave Soliton Interactions in Warm Magnetized Plasmas . Physica Scripta. 37 (4), pp. 549-554.

The control of biennial bearing in cider apples
Green, J. 1988. The control of biennial bearing in cider apples. PhD thesis University of Bristol Department of Agricultural Sciences, Long Ashton Research Station

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