Abstract | We tend to use the terms engineering management (EM) and management of technology (MOT) interchangeably. This paper tries to examine what these mean through a bibliometric study of IEEE transactions on engineering management. As well as introducing bibliometric ideas, network analysis tools identify and explore central concepts covered by EMMOT and their inter-relationships. Specific results to be presented will cover different levels of analysis and so show different dimensions which can be extracted form citation data: *Co-word terms from article keywords used to identify themes *Journal title co-citation network: link MOT to other disciplines *Individual publications co-citation networks used to show concentrations of underlying themes and how they relate. Citation patterns of publication titles show that MOT appears dominant in IEEE TEM and the discipline has a bridging role in integrating ideas from several distinct areas including innovation, NPD, strategy, organisation science and management science. The analysis further suggests that MOT essentially relates to the firm rather than policy. |