Production systems and supplier selection: a multi-phase process model

Pedraza-Acosta, I., Pilkington, A. and Barnes, D. 2016. Production systems and supplier selection: a multi-phase process model. Production Planning and Control. 27 (9), pp. 717-726.

TitleProduction systems and supplier selection: a multi-phase process model
TypeJournal article
AuthorsPedraza-Acosta, I., Pilkington, A. and Barnes, D.

Purpose: This paper presents a combined multi-phase supplier selection model. The process repeatedly revisits the criteria and sourcing decision as the development process continues. This enables a structured adoption of product and production system innovation from strategic suppliers, where previously the literature purely focuses on product innovation or cost reduction. Design/methodology/approach: The authors adopted an embedded researcher style, inductive, qualitative case study of an industrial supply cluster comprising a focal automotive company and its interaction with three different strategic stamping suppliers. Findings: Our contribution is the multi-phased production and product innovation process. This is an advance from traditional supplier selection and also an extension of ideas of supplier-located product development as it includes production system development, and complements the literature on working with strategic suppliers. Specifically, we explicitly articulate the previously unreported issue of whether a supplier chosen for its innovation capabilities at the start of the new product development process will also be the most appropriate supplier during the production system development phase, when an ability to work collaboratively may be the most important attribute, or in the large-scale production phase when an ability to manufacture at low unit cost may be most important. Originality/value: The paper identifies a multi-phase approach to tendering within a fixed body of strategic suppliers which seeks to identify the optimum technological and process decisions as well as the traditional supplier sourcing choice. These areas have not been combined before and generate a valuable approach for firms to adopt as well as for researchers to extend our understanding of a highly complex process.

JournalProduction Planning and Control
Journal citation27 (9), pp. 717-726
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Publication dates
Published11 Apr 2016

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Pilkington, A. and Dyerson, R. 2004. Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: the Case of Electric Vehicles in California. International Journal of Innovation Management. 8 (4), pp. 339-354.

Technology portfolio alignment commercialisation: an investigation of fuel cell patenting
Pilkington, A. 2004. Technology portfolio alignment commercialisation: an investigation of fuel cell patenting. Technovation. 24 (10), pp. 761-771.

Defining technology management: A citation/co-citation study
Pilkington, A. 2004. Defining technology management: A citation/co-citation study. 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development, IEMC 2004. Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore 18 - 21 Oct 2004 IEEE .

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Pilkington, A. and Dyerson, R. 2004. Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: The Case of Electric Vehicles in California. International Journal of Innovation Management. 8 (4), pp. 339-354.

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Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2004. Expecting the Unexpected: Disruptive Technological Change Processes and the Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 1 (2), pp. 165-184.

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Pilkington, A. 2004. Defining Technology Management. in: Tang, H.K., Durani, T.S. and Xie, M. (ed.) 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Proceedings : Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development : 18-21 October 2004, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore IEEE .

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Rowbotham, F.E. and Barnes, D. 2004. A questionnaire operationalising Hayes and Wheelwright's four-stage concept. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 15 (7), pp. 651-661.

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Barnes, D. and Rowbotham, F. 2003. Developing a questionnaire for the four-stage model of operations strategy. Production Planning and Control. 14 (7), pp. 613-622.

Competitive advantage through e-operations
Barnes, D., Hinton, M. and Mieczkowska, S. 2003. Competitive advantage through e-operations. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 14 (6), pp. 659-675.

Integrating operations and information strategy in e-business
Barnes, D., Mieczkowska, S. and Hinton, M. 2003. Integrating operations and information strategy in e-business. European Management Journal. 21 (5), pp. 626-634.

All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology
Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2002. All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology. 2002 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. Cambridge, United Kingdom 18 - 20 Aug 2002 IEEE .

The electric vehicle: Patent data as indicators of technological development
Pilkington, A. 2002. The electric vehicle: Patent data as indicators of technological development. World Patent Information. 24 (1), pp. 5-12.

Extending simultaneous engineering: electric vehicle supply chains and new product development
Pilkington, A. and Dyerson, R. 2002. Extending simultaneous engineering: electric vehicle supply chains and new product development. International Journal of Technology Management. 23 (1-3), pp. 74-88.

All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology
Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2002. All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology. 2002 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. Cambridge, United Kingdom 18 - 20 Aug 2002 IEEE .

Developing a framework to investigate the impact of e-commerce on the management of internal business processes: E-commerce and the management of internal business processes
Barnes, D., Hinton, M. and Mieczkowska, S. 2002. Developing a framework to investigate the impact of e-commerce on the management of internal business processes: E-commerce and the management of internal business processes. Knowledge and Process Management: the Journal of Corporate Transportation. 9 (3), pp. 133-142.

The complexities of the manufacturing strategy formation process in practice
Barnes, D. 2002. The complexities of the manufacturing strategy formation process in practice. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 22 (10), pp. 1090-1111.

The manufacturing strategy formation process in small and medium-sized enterprises
Barnes, D. 2002. The manufacturing strategy formation process in small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

Patent data as indicators of technological development: Investigating the electric vehicle
Pilkington, A., Dyerson, R. and Tissier, O. 2001. Patent data as indicators of technological development: Investigating the electric vehicle. Technology Management in the Knowledge ERA (PICMET). Portland, OR 29 Jul - 02 Aug 2001

Mass-Customization Definitions for Operations Marketing and Strategy: Conflict at the Interface
Pilkington, A. 2001. Mass-Customization Definitions for Operations Marketing and Strategy: Conflict at the Interface. 8th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association. Bath 03 - 05 Jun 2001

Introducing Alternative Technologies: The case of the electric vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2001. Introducing Alternative Technologies: The case of the electric vehicle. in: Dorf, R. (ed.) Technology, Humans, and Society Academic Press. pp. 389-394

Conflict at the Interface: Mass Customization Definitions for Operations, Marketing and Strategy
Pilkington, A. 2001. Conflict at the Interface: Mass Customization Definitions for Operations, Marketing and Strategy. in: Blackon, K., Brown, S., Cousins, P., Graves, A., Harland, C., Lamming, R. and Maylor, H. (ed.) What Really Matters in Operations Management Bradford Press.

Capability Alignment and the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2001. Capability Alignment and the Electric Vehicle. in: Kogaoglu, D. and Anderson, T. (ed.) Technology Management in the Knowledge Era IEEE . pp. 497-505

Research methods for the empirical investigation of the process of formation of operations strategy
Barnes, D. 2001. Research methods for the empirical investigation of the process of formation of operations strategy. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 21 (8), pp. 1076-1095.

Switched on? Patterns of patent activity and the development of the electric vehicle
Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2000. Switched on? Patterns of patent activity and the development of the electric vehicle. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2000). Singapore 12 - 15 Nov 2000 IEEE .

Mass customization: Conflicting definitions
Pilkington, A. and Chong, D. 2000. Mass customization: Conflicting definitions. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2000). Singapore 12 - 15 Nov 2000 IEEE .

The Demise of Best Practice
Pilkington, A. 2000. The Demise of Best Practice. in: Cortada, J. and Woods, J. (ed.) The Quality Yearbook 2000 McGraw-Hill.

Patterns of Activity and the Development of the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2000. Patterns of Activity and the Development of the Electric Vehicle. in: Wei, F. and Bauley, J. (ed.) Management in the 21st Century IEEE .

Multiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2000. Multiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle. Technology Management: Strategies and Applications. 5 (2), pp. 131-140.

Innovation in Complex Systems: Regulation and Technology towards the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2000. Innovation in Complex Systems: Regulation and Technology towards the Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Innovation Management. 4 (1), pp. 33-49.

Evidence for an Integrated Product-Service Matrix
Pilkington, A. 2000. Evidence for an Integrated Product-Service Matrix. in: Smith, M., Sun, M. and Smunt, T. (ed.) Expanding Boundaries of POM POMS.

Conflicting Definitions: Mass Customization
Pilkington, A. and Chong, D. 2000. Conflicting Definitions: Mass Customization. in: Wei, F. and Bauley, J. (ed.) Management in the 21st Century IEEE .

In search of the source of the stream: the process of formation of manufacturing strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises
Barnes, D. 2000. In search of the source of the stream: the process of formation of manufacturing strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 7 (3), pp. 261-271.

Is production and operations management a discipline? A citation/co-citation study
Pilkington, A. and Liston-Heyes, C. 1999. Is production and operations management a discipline? A citation/co-citation study. International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

Strategic alliance and dependency in design and manufacture: The Rover-Honda case
Pilkington, A. 1999. Strategic alliance and dependency in design and manufacture: The Rover-Honda case. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 19 (5/6), pp. 460-474.

Environmental Regulation and New Product Development: Extending Simultaneous Engineering
Pilkington, A. 1999. Environmental Regulation and New Product Development: Extending Simultaneous Engineering. in: Gregory, M. and Gardiner, G. (ed.) International Product Development Management Cambridge University Press.

Complementary Innovation: Systems and Technologies towards the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 1999. Complementary Innovation: Systems and Technologies towards the Electric Vehicle. in: Kogaoglu, D. and Anderson, T. (ed.) Technology and Innovation Management: Setting the Pace for the Third Millennium IEEE .

The fit and misfit of technological capability: responses to vehicle emission regulation in the US
Pilkington, A. 1998. The fit and misfit of technological capability: responses to vehicle emission regulation in the US. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 10 (2), pp. 211-224.

International Joint Ventures in Manufacturing and Design
Pilkington, A. 1998. International Joint Ventures in Manufacturing and Design. 1998 EurOMA Workshop on International Operations. Aston University, Birmingham 1998

Manufacturing Strategy Regained: Evidence for the Demise of Best-Practice
Pilkington, A. 1998. Manufacturing Strategy Regained: Evidence for the Demise of Best-Practice. California Management Review. 41 (1), pp. 31-42.

Emissions or Economics: The Status and Potential of Alternative Fuel Technology
Pilkington, A. 1997. Emissions or Economics: The Status and Potential of Alternative Fuel Technology.

Transforming Rover: Renewal Against the Odds, 1981-94
Pilkington, A. 1996. Transforming Rover: Renewal Against the Odds, 1981-94. Bristol Academic Press.

Learning from joint venture: The Rover Honda relationship
Pilkington, A. 1996. Learning from joint venture: The Rover Honda relationship. Business History. 38 (1), pp. 90-114.

Manufacturing Methods: Lessons from the Japanese Motor Industry
Pilkington, A. 1996. Manufacturing Methods: Lessons from the Japanese Motor Industry. Asia Pacific Business Review. 2 (3), pp. 163-166.

Japanese Production Strategies and Competitive Success: Mazda's Quiet Revolution
Pilkington, A. 1995. Japanese Production Strategies and Competitive Success: Mazda's Quiet Revolution. Journal of Far Eastern Business. 1 (4), pp. 15-35.

A Benchmarking Handbook for Managers
Pilkington, A. 1994. A Benchmarking Handbook for Managers. BMW Group.

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