Multiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle

Pilkington, A. 2000. Multiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle. Technology Management: Strategies and Applications. 5 (2), pp. 131-140.

TitleMultiple Contexts in Technological Development: Hardware and Software Development of the Electric Vehicle
TypeJournal article
AuthorsPilkington, A.
JournalTechnology Management: Strategies and Applications
Journal citation5 (2), pp. 131-140
PublisherUniversity Press of Maryland
Publication dates

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Defining technology management: A citation/co-citation study
Pilkington, A. 2004. Defining technology management: A citation/co-citation study. 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development, IEMC 2004. Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore 18 - 21 Oct 2004 IEEE .

Inventive Concentration: An Analysis of Fuel Cell Patents
Liston-Heyes, C. and Pilkington, A. 2004. Inventive Concentration: An Analysis of Fuel Cell Patents. Science and Public Policy. 31 (1), pp. 14-25.

Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: The Case of Electric Vehicles in California
Pilkington, A. and Dyerson, R. 2004. Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: The Case of Electric Vehicles in California. International Journal of Innovation Management. 8 (4), pp. 339-354.

Expecting the Unexpected: Disruptive Technological Change Processes and the Electric Vehicle
Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2004. Expecting the Unexpected: Disruptive Technological Change Processes and the Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 1 (2), pp. 165-184.

Defining Technology Management
Pilkington, A. 2004. Defining Technology Management. in: Tang, H.K., Durani, T.S. and Xie, M. (ed.) 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Proceedings : Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development : 18-21 October 2004, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore IEEE .

Technology Introduction: Fuel Cell Patents
Pilkington, A. 2003. Technology Introduction: Fuel Cell Patents. Academy of Management 2003 Meeting. Seattle, Washington 01 - 06 Aug 2003

Patent Portfolio Alignment and the Fuel Cell: Technology Commercialisation
Pilkington, A. 2003. Patent Portfolio Alignment and the Fuel Cell: Technology Commercialisation. in: Kogaoglu, D. and Anderson, T. (ed.) PICMET '03: Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology Technology Management for Reshaping the World, 2003 IEEE .

All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology
Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2002. All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology. 2002 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. Cambridge, United Kingdom 18 - 20 Aug 2002 IEEE .

The electric vehicle: Patent data as indicators of technological development
Pilkington, A. 2002. The electric vehicle: Patent data as indicators of technological development. World Patent Information. 24 (1), pp. 5-12.

Extending simultaneous engineering: electric vehicle supply chains and new product development
Pilkington, A. and Dyerson, R. 2002. Extending simultaneous engineering: electric vehicle supply chains and new product development. International Journal of Technology Management. 23 (1-3), pp. 74-88.

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Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2002. All steering in the same direction? Patterns of patent activity and the development of fuel cell technology. 2002 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. Cambridge, United Kingdom 18 - 20 Aug 2002 IEEE .

Patent data as indicators of technological development: Investigating the electric vehicle
Pilkington, A., Dyerson, R. and Tissier, O. 2001. Patent data as indicators of technological development: Investigating the electric vehicle. Technology Management in the Knowledge ERA (PICMET). Portland, OR 29 Jul - 02 Aug 2001

Mass-Customization Definitions for Operations Marketing and Strategy: Conflict at the Interface
Pilkington, A. 2001. Mass-Customization Definitions for Operations Marketing and Strategy: Conflict at the Interface. 8th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association. Bath 03 - 05 Jun 2001

Introducing Alternative Technologies: The case of the electric vehicle
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Dyerson, R. and Pilkington, A. 2000. Switched on? Patterns of patent activity and the development of the electric vehicle. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2000). Singapore 12 - 15 Nov 2000 IEEE .

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Pilkington, A. and Chong, D. 2000. Mass customization: Conflicting definitions. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2000). Singapore 12 - 15 Nov 2000 IEEE .

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Patterns of Activity and the Development of the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2000. Patterns of Activity and the Development of the Electric Vehicle. in: Wei, F. and Bauley, J. (ed.) Management in the 21st Century IEEE .

Innovation in Complex Systems: Regulation and Technology towards the Electric Vehicle
Pilkington, A. 2000. Innovation in Complex Systems: Regulation and Technology towards the Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Innovation Management. 4 (1), pp. 33-49.

Evidence for an Integrated Product-Service Matrix
Pilkington, A. 2000. Evidence for an Integrated Product-Service Matrix. in: Smith, M., Sun, M. and Smunt, T. (ed.) Expanding Boundaries of POM POMS.

Conflicting Definitions: Mass Customization
Pilkington, A. and Chong, D. 2000. Conflicting Definitions: Mass Customization. in: Wei, F. and Bauley, J. (ed.) Management in the 21st Century IEEE .

Is production and operations management a discipline? A citation/co-citation study
Pilkington, A. and Liston-Heyes, C. 1999. Is production and operations management a discipline? A citation/co-citation study. International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

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Pilkington, A. 1999. Strategic alliance and dependency in design and manufacture: The Rover-Honda case. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 19 (5/6), pp. 460-474.

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Pilkington, A. 1998. International Joint Ventures in Manufacturing and Design. 1998 EurOMA Workshop on International Operations. Aston University, Birmingham 1998

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Pilkington, A. 1998. Manufacturing Strategy Regained: Evidence for the Demise of Best-Practice. California Management Review. 41 (1), pp. 31-42.

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Pilkington, A. 1997. Emissions or Economics: The Status and Potential of Alternative Fuel Technology.

Transforming Rover: Renewal Against the Odds, 1981-94
Pilkington, A. 1996. Transforming Rover: Renewal Against the Odds, 1981-94. Bristol Academic Press.

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Pilkington, A. 1996. Learning from joint venture: The Rover Honda relationship. Business History. 38 (1), pp. 90-114.

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Pilkington, A. 1995. Japanese Production Strategies and Competitive Success: Mazda's Quiet Revolution. Journal of Far Eastern Business. 1 (4), pp. 15-35.

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