Guest Editorial: Developing Sustainable, Innovative, and Agile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Elezi, E., Bamber, C and Nazarian, A. 2023. Guest Editorial: Developing Sustainable, Innovative, and Agile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy.

TitleGuest Editorial: Developing Sustainable, Innovative, and Agile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
TypeEdited issue
AuthorsElezi, E., Bamber, C and Nazarian, A.

The guest editorial advances a synopsis of the Special Issue on Developing Sustainable, Innovative, and Agile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It starts with the presentation of the overall framework for developing this special issue, arguing its topical opportunity. In this vein, the Covid-19 pandemic pointed to the imperative to evaluate the suitability of institutional models and systems to align them with the market and the inherent transformations. Giving credit to the complexity and dynamics of the HEIs ecosystems, a good comprehension of how sustainable HEIs can be properly developed claims for a holistic approach that covers issues around institutional governance and risk management, teaching and learning strategies, and student journey experience as the three fundamental concepts. Alongside, looking into innovation, leadership, organizational agility and performance comes forward as pivotal perspectives when addressing current challenges across sectors and industries.

JournalManagement Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Web address (URL)
Publication dates
Published24 Sep 2023

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Nazarian, A. 2018. Trust and balanced culture: their effect on leadership style and organisational citizenship behaviour. Academy of World Business, Marketing & Management Development Conference (AWBMMD). Greece, Athens 17 - 20 Jul 2018 AWBMMD.

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Investigating Stakeholder Perceptions of ISO Management Systems in the UK Agricultural Sector
Bamber, C, Elezi, E. and Guoxi, L. 2017. Investigating Stakeholder Perceptions of ISO Management Systems in the UK Agricultural Sector. European Journal of Business and Management. 9 (17), pp. 151-165.

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Nazarian, A., Atkinson, P. and Foroudi, P. 2017. Influence of national culture and balanced organizational culture on the hotel industry's performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 63, pp. 22-32.

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Nazarian, A. 2016. Impact of organisational culture and leadership style on organisational effectiveness. IIACD. Barcelona Jul 2016 IIACD.

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Elezi, E. 2016. Investigating the role of Knowledge Management and its transfer in the context of British Educational Consortium. British Academy of Management: Doctoral Workshop 2016. Newcastle, United Kingdom 04 - 04 Sep 2016 University of Manchester.

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Elezi, E. 2016. A critical case study review of knowledge management and knowledge transfer frameworks in FE/HE consortium - From an International business development perspective. Post Graduate Research Student Conference. University of Bolton, Bolton, UK. 01 Apr 2016

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Elezi, E. 2016. Applying curricula design principles to enhance students learning experience via in-class formative assessments. Practice and Research in Education. 3 (1), pp. 5-14.

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Elezi, E. and Bamber, C. 2016. Investigating knowledge management in emerging markets: an Albanian case example. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. 7 (3/4), pp. 192-215.

Organisational Culture As a Mediator on The Relationship Between Leadership style and Organisational Effectiveness: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations
Nazarian, A. 2015. Organisational Culture As a Mediator on The Relationship Between Leadership style and Organisational Effectiveness: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations. Euroasian Conference. Lisbon Jan 2015 Euroasia conference.

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Nazarian, A. 2014. Impact of Organisational Size on the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Organisational Effectiveness: The Case of Small and Medium Size Organisations in Iran. 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations. Said Business School, Oxford University, Oxford, UK 04 - 05 Aug 2014 Organizational culture change.

The Mediating Impact of Organisational Culture On The Relationship Between Leadership Style And Organisational Effectiveness: The Case Of Iranian Private Sector Organisations
Nazarian, A. 2014. The Mediating Impact of Organisational Culture On The Relationship Between Leadership Style And Organisational Effectiveness: The Case Of Iranian Private Sector Organisations. International Conference for Academic Disciplines 2012. Rome, Italy 29 Oct 2012 - 01 Nov 2022 IIAIC.

Impact of organisational size on the relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: Case of Medium and Large size organisations in Iran
Nazarian, A. 2014. Impact of organisational size on the relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: Case of Medium and Large size organisations in Iran. 10th The Macrotheme International Conference on Business and Social Science. Monte Carlo, Monaco 09 - 10 Mar 2014 The Macrotheme.

Organizational culture and its effect on the growth and fall of companies
Nazarian, A. 2014. Organizational culture and its effect on the growth and fall of companies. Magazine of Engineering the Development of Bazaar.

Investigation of Adoption of the Apprenticeship Framework in the Agricultural Sector in England
Bamber, C., Elezi, E., Bamber, D., Sharp, J. and Changchun, L. 2014. Investigation of Adoption of the Apprenticeship Framework in the Agricultural Sector in England. 9th MIBES International Conference. 30 May - 01 Jun 2014

A Critical Review of ISO Management Systems Certification in the UK Agricultural Sector
Bamber, C., Elezi, E., Bamber, D. and Sharp, J. 2014. A Critical Review of ISO Management Systems Certification in the UK Agricultural Sector. 9th MIBES International Conference. 30 May - 01 Jun 2014 MIBES.

The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: Case of Medium and Large Size Organisations in Iran
Nazarian, A., Atkinson, P. and Greaves, L. 2014. The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: Case of Medium and Large Size Organisations in Iran. Macrotheme Review: a multidisciplinary journal of global macro trends. 3 (6), pp. 66-78.

The relationship between national culture and organisational effectiveness: the case of Iranian private sector organisations
Nazarian, A. and Atkinson, P. 2013. The relationship between national culture and organisational effectiveness: the case of Iranian private sector organisations. International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy. 1 (2), pp. 73-81.

The relationship between NC and OC: the case of Iranian private sector organisation
Nazarian, A. 2013. The relationship between NC and OC: the case of Iranian private sector organisation. 2nd International Conference on Economics Business and Marketing Management . Rome, Italy 24 - 25 Feb 2013 CEBMM.

The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations
Nazarian, A., Irani, Z. and Ali, M. 2013. The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations. Journal of Economics, Business and Management. 1 (1), pp. 11-15.

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