50+ back to work evidence review and indicative guide for secondary data analysis

Vegeris, S., Smeaton, D. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2010. 50+ back to work evidence review and indicative guide for secondary data analysis. Norwich Department for Work and Pensions.

Title50+ back to work evidence review and indicative guide for secondary data analysis
AuthorsVegeris, S., Smeaton, D. and Sahin-Dikmen, M.
TypeProject report
PublisherDepartment for Work and Pensions
Place of publicationNorwich
Publication dates
Web address (URL)http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130314010347/http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2009-2010/rrep615.pdf
SeriesDWP Research Report
Journal citation615

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Breaking the low-pay, no-pay cycle: Final evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration
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Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration: delivery, take-up, and outcomes of in-work training support for lone parents
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Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal Evaluation: findings from longitudinal customer surveys and qualitative research
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Support for Newly Unemployed and Six Month Offer evaluations: a report on qualitative research findings
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Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal evaluation: a report on qualitative research findings
Vegeris, S., Vowden, K., Bertram, C., Davidson, R., Durante, L., Hudson, M., Husain, F., MacKinnon, K. and Smeaton, D. 2010. Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal evaluation: a report on qualitative research findings. London A report of research carried out by Policy Studies Institute on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.

The EHRC Triennial Review: developing the employment evidence base
Smeaton, D., Hudson, M., Radu, D. and Vowden, K. 2010. The EHRC Triennial Review: developing the employment evidence base. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report.

Development work for wave 2 of the food and you survey
Smeaton, D., Draper, A., Durante, L. and Vowden, K. 2010. Development work for wave 2 of the food and you survey. London Food Standards Agency. https://doi.org/UnitReport16

Better off working? Work, poverty and benefit cycling
Ray, K., Hoggart, L., Vegeris, S. and Taylor, R.F. 2010. Better off working? Work, poverty and benefit cycling. York Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal, the Six Month Offer and Support for the Newly Unemployed evaluations: An early process study
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The influence of outcome-based contracting on Provider-ledPathways to Work
Hudson, M., Phillips, J., Ray, K., Vegeris, S. and Davidson, R. 2010. The influence of outcome-based contracting on Provider-ledPathways to Work. Norwich Department for Work and Pensions.

Understanding the worklessness and financial exclusion of Riverside tenants
Francavilla, F., Kasparova, D., Taylor, R.F., Smeaton, D. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2010. Understanding the worklessness and financial exclusion of Riverside tenants. London Policy Studies Institute.

The Progression to Work Pathfinders development phase: impact evaluation designs and measuring progression to work
Morris, S., Vegeris, S., Speckesser, S. and Knight, G. 2010. The Progression to Work Pathfinders development phase: impact evaluation designs and measuring progression to work. Department for Work and Pensions.

The social support needs of the 80 plus
Smeaton, D. 2009. The social support needs of the 80 plus. London Big Lottery Fund.

Small grants thematic evaluation (UK wide)
Smeaton, D. and Vegeris, S. 2009. Small grants thematic evaluation (UK wide). London The Big Lottery Fund.

Older people inside and outside the labour market: a review
Smeaton, D. and Vegeris, S. 2009. Older people inside and outside the labour market: a review. Manchester EHRC.

Rewarding responsibility? Long-term unemployed men and the welfare-to-work agenda
Ray, K., Hoggart, L., Taylor, R.F., Vegeris, S. and Campbell-Barr, V. 2009. Rewarding responsibility? Long-term unemployed men and the welfare-to-work agenda. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 27 (6), pp. 975-990. https://doi.org/10.1068/c0852

People with mental health conditions and Pathways to Work
Hudson, M., Ray, K., Vegeris, S. and Brooks, S. 2009. People with mental health conditions and Pathways to Work. Norwich Department for Work and Pensions.

An ageing workforce: the employer's perspective
Barnes, H., Smeaton, D. and Taylor, R.F. 2009. An ageing workforce: the employer's perspective. Brighton Institute for Employment Studies.

Research report 43: Older workers: employment preferences, barriers and solutions
Smeaton, D., Vegeris, S. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2009. Research report 43: Older workers: employment preferences, barriers and solutions. Manchester EHRC.

Union organising: taking the first steps
Smeaton, D. 2008. Union organising: taking the first steps. London TUC.

Implementation and second-year impacts for lone parents in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration
Riccio, J.A., Bewley, H., Campbell-Barr, V., Dorsett, R., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Marsh, A., Miller, C., Ray, K. and Vegeris, S. 2008. Implementation and second-year impacts for lone parents in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration. Leeds Corporate Document Services.

Implementation and second-year impacts for New Deal 25 Plus customers in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration
Miller, C., Bewley, H., Campbell-Barr, V., Dorsett, R., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Homonoff, T., Marsh, A., Ray, K., Riccio, J.A. and Vegeris, S. 2008. Implementation and second-year impacts for New Deal 25 Plus customers in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration. Leeds Corporate Document Services.

Lone parents and the challenge to make work pay
Hoggart, L. and Vegeris, S. 2008. Lone parents and the challenge to make work pay. in: Strelitz, J. and Lister, R. (ed.) Why money matters: family income, poverty and children's lives London Save the Children. pp. 44-51

London student pledge evaluation
Hoggart, L., MacKinnon, K., Ray, K., Taylor, R.F., Vegeris, S. and Parsons, C. 2008. London student pledge evaluation. Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Mandating Intensive Activity Period for jobseekers aged 50+: final report of the quantitative evaluation
Dorsett, R. and Smeaton, D. 2008. Mandating Intensive Activity Period for jobseekers aged 50+: final report of the quantitative evaluation. Leeds Corporate Document Services.

Engaging older citizens: a study of London boroughs
Vegeris, S., Barnes, H., Campbell-Barr, V., MacKinnon, K. and Taylor, R.F. 2007. Engaging older citizens: a study of London boroughs. London London Councils.

The Lone Parents Pilots: A qualitative evaluation of Quarterly Work Focused Interviews (12+), Work Search Premium and In Work Credit
Ray, K., Vegeris, S., Brooks, S., Campbell-Barr, V., Hoggart, L., MacKinnon, K. and Shutes, I. 2007. The Lone Parents Pilots: A qualitative evaluation of Quarterly Work Focused Interviews (12+), Work Search Premium and In Work Credit. Leeds Corporate Document Services.

Supporting an intergenerational centre in London: Scoping the evidence
Vegeris, S. and Campbell-Barr, V. 2007. Supporting an intergenerational centre in London: Scoping the evidence. London Policy Studies Institute.

Network on Ethnicity and Women Scientists: state of the art report on the UK
Hudson, M. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2007. Network on Ethnicity and Women Scientists: state of the art report on the UK. Network on Ethnicity and Women Scientists.

Evaluation of the Pension Increase Pledge: Evidence from the first year of implementation
Sahin-Dikmen, M., Barnes, H. and Wilkinson, D. 2007. Evaluation of the Pension Increase Pledge: Evidence from the first year of implementation. A report of research carried out by Policy Studies Institute on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.

Beyond the tick box: older citizen engagement in UK local government
Vegeris, S., Barnes, H., Campbell-Barr, V., MacKinnon, K., Taylor, R.F., Martin, D. and Harris, J. 2007. Beyond the tick box: older citizen engagement in UK local government. Policy Studies Institute & Better Government for Older People.

The future of work: employers and workplace transformation
Smeaton, D., Young, V. and Spencer, S. 2007. The future of work: employers and workplace transformation. Manchester, UK Equal Opportunities Commission. https://doi.org/EOCworkingpaperseries

The future of work: individuals and workplace transformation
Holmes, K., Ivins, C., Hansom, J., Yaxley, D. and Smeaton, D. 2007. The future of work: individuals and workplace transformation. Manchester, UK Equal Opportunities Commission. https://doi.org/EOCworkingpaperseries

Implementation and first-year impacts of the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration
Dorsett, R., Campbell-Barr, V., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Marsh, A., Miller, C., Phillips, J., Ray, K., Riccio, J.A., Rich, S. and Vegeris, S. 2007. Implementation and first-year impacts of the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

New Zealand Working For Families programme: methodological considerations for evaluating MSD programmes
Bryson, A., Evans, M., Knight, G., La Valle, I. and Vegeris, S. 2007. New Zealand Working For Families programme: methodological considerations for evaluating MSD programmes. London, UK Policy Studies Institute. https://doi.org/ResearchDiscussionSeries26

A review of BIG funding for older people
Barnes, H., Smeaton, D., Taylor, R.F. and Vegeris, S. 2007. A review of BIG funding for older people. London Big Lottery Fund.

Managing to change? British workplaces and the future of work
White, M., Hill, S., Mills, C. and Smeaton, D. 2006. Managing to change? British workplaces and the future of work. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 44 (2), pp. 374-376. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8543.2006.00501_2.x

Work return rates after childbirth in the UK - trends, determinants and implications: a comparison of cohorts born in 1958 and 1970
Smeaton, D. 2006. Work return rates after childbirth in the UK - trends, determinants and implications: a comparison of cohorts born in 1958 and 1970. Work, Employment & Society. 20 (1), pp. 5-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017006061271

Employment Retention and Advancement demonstration project and Pathways to Work for Incapacity Benefit customers costing for staff time - ERA and IB cost studies
Vegeris, S., MacKinnon, K., Knight, G., Greenberg, D., Carrino, J., Olsen, K. and Strudwick, M. 2006. Employment Retention and Advancement demonstration project and Pathways to Work for Incapacity Benefit customers costing for staff time - ERA and IB cost studies. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Maternity and paternity rights and benefits: survey of parents 2005
Smeaton, D. and Marsh, A. 2006. Maternity and paternity rights and benefits: survey of parents 2005. London, UK Department of Trade and Industry.

Dads and their babies: a household analysis
Smeaton, D. 2006. Dads and their babies: a household analysis. Manchester, UK Equal Opportunities Commission.

Staying in work and moving up: evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration
Hoggart, L., Campbell-Barr, V., Ray, K. and Vegeris, S. 2006. Staying in work and moving up: evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Qualitative evaluation of Quarterly Work Focused Interviews (QWFI) and In Work Credit (IWC) for lone parents and partners and Work Search Premium (WSP) for lone parents: stage one report
Campbell-Barr, V., Vegeris, S., Hoggart, L. and Ray, K. 2006. Qualitative evaluation of Quarterly Work Focused Interviews (QWFI) and In Work Credit (IWC) for lone parents and partners and Work Search Premium (WSP) for lone parents: stage one report. London, UK Department for Work and Pensions.

Methodological considerations in evaluating Working for Families
Bryson, A., Evans, M., Knight, G., La Valle, I. and Vegeris, S. 2006. Methodological considerations in evaluating Working for Families. Wellington Ministry of Social Development.

Childcare for child development or childcare for mothers' work?
Vegeris, S. 2005. Childcare for child development or childcare for mothers' work? NatCen 5th Annual Seminar: Childcare - Reporting the Research. London, UK 25 April 2005

The Employment Retention and Advancement scheme - the early months of implementation: summary and conclusions
Hall, N., Hoggart, L., Marsh, A., Phillips, J., Ray, K. and Vegeris, S. 2005. The Employment Retention and Advancement scheme - the early months of implementation: summary and conclusions. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland
Callender, C., Wilkinson, D., MacKinnon, K. and Vegeris, S. 2005. Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland. Edinburgh, UK Scottish Executive Social Research.

Ethnic minority outreach: an evaluation
Barnes, H., Hudson, M., Parry, J., Sahin-Dikmen, M., Taylor, R.F. and Wilkinson, D. 2005. Ethnic minority outreach: an evaluation. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Bad jobs in Britain: nonstandard employment and job quality
McGovern, P., Smeaton, D. and Hill, S. 2004. Bad jobs in Britain: nonstandard employment and job quality. Work and Occupations. 31 (2), pp. 225-249. https://doi.org/10.1177/0730888404263900

Managing to change? British workplaces and the future of work
White, M., Hill, S., Mills, C. and Smeaton, D. 2004. Managing to change? British workplaces and the future of work. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Individuals' donations to charities and their use of tax relief
Smeaton, D., Marsh, A., Rajkumar, R. and Thomas, A. 2004. Individuals' donations to charities and their use of tax relief. London, UK HM Treasury and Customs.

Independent living in later life
Parry, J., Vegeris, S., Hudson, M., Barnes, H. and Taylor, R.F. 2004. Independent living in later life. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

The British lone parent cohort and their children 1991 to 2001
Marsh, A. and Vegeris, S. 2004. The British lone parent cohort and their children 1991 to 2001. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Employment and child poverty
Marsh, A. and Vegeris, S. 2004. Employment and child poverty. in: Dornan, P. (ed.) Ending child poverty by 2020: the first five years London, UK Child Poverty Action Group.

Maternity and paternity rights in Britain 2002: survey of parents
Hudson, M., Lissenburgh, S. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2004. Maternity and paternity rights in Britain 2002: survey of parents. London, UK Department for Work and Pensions.

Architecture and race: a study of black and ethnic minority students in the profession
Barnes, H., Parry, J., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Bonjour, D. 2004. Architecture and race: a study of black and ethnic minority students in the profession. London, UK Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.

Work-based learning for adults: an evaluation of labour market effects
Anderson, T., Dorsett, R., Hales, J., Lissenburgh, S., Pires, C. and Smeaton, D. 2004. Work-based learning for adults: an evaluation of labour market effects. Sheffield, UK Department for Work and Pensions. https://doi.org/187

Self-employed workers: calling the shots or hesitant independents?: A consideration of the trends
Smeaton, D. 2003. Self-employed workers: calling the shots or hesitant independents?: A consideration of the trends. Work, Employment & Society. 17 (2), pp. 379-391. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017003017002008

Families and children 2001: living standards and the children
Vegeris, S. and Perry, J. 2003. Families and children 2001: living standards and the children. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Working after state pension age: quantitative analysis
Smeaton, D. and McKay, S. 2003. Working after state pension age: quantitative analysis. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

Employment transitions of older workers: the role of flexible employment in maintaining labour market participation and promoting job quality
Lissenburgh, S. and Smeaton, D. 2003. Employment transitions of older workers: the role of flexible employment in maintaining labour market participation and promoting job quality. Bristol, UK Policy Press.

Families and children 2001: work and childcare
Kasparova, D., Marsh, A., Vegeris, S. and Perry, J. 2003. Families and children 2001: work and childcare. Leeds, UK Corporate Document Services.

The impact of adult basic skills pathfinder extension activities: stage 2 of the evaluation
Bonjour, D. and Smeaton, D. 2003. The impact of adult basic skills pathfinder extension activities: stage 2 of the evaluation. Nottingham, UK Department for Education and Skills.

Working with interpreters and translators in qualitative research: issues of quality and equality
Barnes, H. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2003. Working with interpreters and translators in qualitative research: issues of quality and equality. Social Research Association Annual Conference. London, UK 03 Dec 2003

Making second chances work : final report from the Qualitative Evaluation of Adult Basic Skills Pathfinder Extension Activities
Barnes, H., Hudson, M., Taylor, R.F., Parry, J. and Sahin-Dikmen, M. 2003. Making second chances work : final report from the Qualitative Evaluation of Adult Basic Skills Pathfinder Extension Activities. London, UK Department for Education and Skills.

'High-performance' management practices, working hours and work-life balance
White, M., Hill, S., McGovern, P., Mills, C. and Smeaton, D. 2003. 'High-performance' management practices, working hours and work-life balance. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 41 (2), pp. 175-191. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8543.00268

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