Purpose: This pilot intervention aimed to compare and contrast two diet regimens (fruit salad versus fruit juice) on weight management in healthy individuals. Design/methodology: The effect of the daily consumption of a selection of fibre rich fruit (green apple, orange, pineapple and grapefruit) was examined in 15 subjects for three weeks. Dietary intake and anthropometric measurements were determined pre- and post-intervention. Findings: Most subjects (n59) managed to lose weight and their percentages of body fat were reduced after three weeks (p50.034). The average weight losses were 720g versus 817g for the fruit juice group and fruit salad group respectively. What is the value of the paper: Given its richness in dietary fibre, fruit salad is highly recommended over fruit juice to modulate weight management in healthy subjects, with up to 4.8% body fat reduction achieved within the three-week period. |