Nutrigenomics-guided lifestyle intervention programmes: A critical scoping review with directions for future research

Aljasir, S., Eid, N., Volpi, E. and Tewfik, I. 2024. Nutrigenomics-guided lifestyle intervention programmes: A critical scoping review with directions for future research. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 64, pp. 296-306.

TitleNutrigenomics-guided lifestyle intervention programmes: A critical scoping review with directions for future research
TypeJournal article
AuthorsAljasir, S., Eid, N., Volpi, E. and Tewfik, I.

Genetic testing is increasingly used in clinical practice to provide personalized information and recommendations about health risks and lifestyle habits at a relatively low cost. Research on the effectiveness of nutrigenomics-guided lifestyle interventions is growing. A scoping review approach was adopted to identify pertinent published studies on nutrigenomics-guided intervention programmes from 2007 to 2023. The review shows that despite the growing interest in nutrigenomics-guided lifestyle interventions, there are still few empirically supported studies, primarily based on developed countries. Furthermore, the findings on the impact of personalised genetic advice are mixed, leaving the field unclear. Existing studies have some empirical strength, contributing to further understanding of the relationship between food and gene expression. However, some limitations that affect the robustness of findings exist, such as a small sample size, insufficient monitoring of the data collection process, and a short follow-up period. Future research needs to address reliability concerns and provide more robust practical evidence.

JournalClinical Nutrition ESPEN
Journal citation64, pp. 296-306
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published online16 Oct 2024
Published in printDec 2024

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Volpi, E. 2017. Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH): challenges and opportunities in the post-genomic era. Applications of in situ hybridisation in research and disease. Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge 17 - 18 May 2017

Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snail
Adema, C.M., Hillier, L.W., Jones, C.S., Loker, E.S., Knight, M., Minx, P., Oliveira, G., Raghavan, N., Shedlock, A., Rodrigues do Amaral, L., Arican-Goktas, H.D., Assis, A.G., Baba, E.H., Baron, O.L., Bayne, C.J., Bickham-Wright, U., Biggar, K.K., Blouin, M., Bonning, B.C., Botka, C., Bridger, J.M., Buckley, K.M., Buddenborg, S.K., Caldeira, R.L., Carleton, J., Carvalho, O.S., Castillo, M.G., Chalmers, I.W., Christensens, M., Clifton, S., Cosseau, C., Coustau, C., Cripps, R.M., Cuesta-Astroz, Y., Cummins, S.F., di Stephano, L., Dinguirard, N., Duval, D., Emrich, S., Feschotte, C., Feyereisen, R., FitzGerald, P., Fronick, C., Fulton, L., Galinier, R., Gave, S.G., Geusz, M., Geyer, K.K., Giraldo-Calderón, G.I., Gomes, M.D.S., Gordy, M.A., Gourbal, B., Grunau, C., Hanington, P.C., Hoffmann, K.F., Hughes, D., Humphries, J., Jackson, D.J., Jannotti-Passos, L.K., Jeremias, W.D.J., Jobling, S., Kamel, B., Kapusta, A., Kaur, S., Koene, J.M., Kohn, A.B., Lawson, D., Lawton, S.P., Liang, D., Limpanont, Y., Liu, S., Lockyer, A.E., Lovato, T.L., Ludolf, F., Magrini, V., McManus, D.P., Medina, M., Misra, M., Mitta, G., Mkoji, G.M., Montague, M.J., Montelongo, C., Moroz, L.L., Munoz-Torres, M.C., Niazi, U., Noble, L.R., Oliveira,, F.S., Pais, F.B., Papenfuss, A.T., Peace, R., Pena, J.J., Pila, E.A., Quelais, T., Raney, B.J., Rast, J.P., Rollinson, D., Rosse, I.C., Rotgans, B., Routledge, E.J., Ryan, K.M., Scholte, L.L.S., Storey, K.B., Swain, M., Tennessen, J.A., Tomlinson, C., Trujillo, D.L., Volpi, E., Walker, A.J., Wang, T., Wannaporn, I., Warren, W.C., Wu, X.J., Yoshino, T.P., Yusuf, M., Zhang, S.M., Zhao, M. and Wilson, R.K. 2017. Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snail. Nature Communications. 8, p. 15451 15451.

Genome instability in childhood obesity: A conceptual framework for an assessment, intervention and monitoring programme of inflammation and DNA damage in paediatric obesity
Usman, M., Tewfik, I. and Volpi, E. 2017. Genome instability in childhood obesity: A conceptual framework for an assessment, intervention and monitoring programme of inflammation and DNA damage in paediatric obesity. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 9 (1), pp. 1-12.

Formamide-free Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Volpi, E. 2017. Formamide-free Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH). in: Liehr, T. (ed.) Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) - Application Guide Berlin Springer.

A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial to Study the Impact of a Nutrition-Sensitive Intervention on Adult Women With Cancer Cachexia Undergoing Palliative Care in India
Kapoor, N., Naufahu, J., Tewfik, S., Bhatnagar, S., Garg, R. and Tewfik, I. 2017. A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial to Study the Impact of a Nutrition-Sensitive Intervention on Adult Women With Cancer Cachexia Undergoing Palliative Care in India. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 6 (1), pp. 74-84.

Fad Diets: Lifestyle Promises and Health Challenges
Khawandanah, Jomana and Tewfik, Ihab 2016. Fad Diets: Lifestyle Promises and Health Challenges. Journal of Food Research. 5 (6), pp. 80-94.

Palliative Nutritional Care for Cancer Patients
Kapoor, Neha, Garg, Rakesh and Tewfik, Ihab 2016. Palliative Nutritional Care for Cancer Patients. Palliative Medicine and Hospice Care. 1 (3), pp. e1-e6.

Risk Factors for Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency within the United Arab Emirates
Hussein, I., Taha, Z., Tewfik, I., Badawi, S., Siddieg, H., Adegboye, A.R. and McGrady, K. 2016. Risk Factors for Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency within the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health. 3 (5), p. 1000276 1000276.

A comparative study: long and short term effect of a nutrition sensitive approach to delay the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Nigeria
Amlogu, A., Tewfik, S., Wambebe, C. and Tewfik, I. 2016. A comparative study: long and short term effect of a nutrition sensitive approach to delay the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Nigeria. Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 6 (2), pp. 79-90.

Dietary Patterns of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study Based in Egypt
Meguid, N., Anwar, M., Zaki, S., Kandeel, W., Ahmed, N. and Tewfik, I. 2015. Dietary Patterns of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study Based in Egypt. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 3 (2), pp. 262-267.

Language impairment in a case of a complex chromosomal rearrangement with a breakpoint downstream of FOXP2
Moralli, D., Nudel, R., Chan, M.T.M., Green, C.M., Volpi, E., Benítez-Burraco, A., Newbury, D.F. and García-Bellido, P. 2015. Language impairment in a case of a complex chromosomal rearrangement with a breakpoint downstream of FOXP2 . Molecular Cytogenetics. 8 36.

A public health nutrition intervention to delay the progression of cachexia to refractory cachexia in Indian female cancer patients: A conceptual framework
Kapoor, N., Naufahu, J., Tewfik, S., Bhatnagar, S., Garg, R. and Tewfik, I. 2014. A public health nutrition intervention to delay the progression of cachexia to refractory cachexia in Indian female cancer patients: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 7 (1), pp. 1-11.

Therapeutic antioxidant activity of monascus-fermented durian seed: a potential functional food ingredient, Ignatius Srianta, Ira Nugerahani, Netty Kusumawati, Elisabet Suryatanijaya, Christine Subianto, Sundus Tewfik and Ihab Tewfik
Srianta I., Nugerahani, I., Kusumawati, N., Suryatanijaya, E., Subianto, C., Tewfik S. and Tewfik, I. 2014. Therapeutic antioxidant activity of monascus-fermented durian seed: a potential functional food ingredient, Ignatius Srianta, Ira Nugerahani, Netty Kusumawati, Elisabet Suryatanijaya, Christine Subianto, Sundus Tewfik and Ihab Tewfik. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 7 (1), pp. 53-59.

Physical activity delivered in workplace: A pilot study to assess the health outcomes among employees at work
Hammarberg, E., Papp, R., Gaywood, A., Ferraroli, J. and Tewfik, I. 2014. Physical activity delivered in workplace: A pilot study to assess the health outcomes among employees at work. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 7 (1), pp. 41-52.

Tailored Functional Recipe (TFR) Approach to Delay the Progression of HIV to AIDS among People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria
Amlogu, A., Tewfik, S., Wambebe C., Godden, K. and Tewfik, I. 2014. Tailored Functional Recipe (TFR) Approach to Delay the Progression of HIV to AIDS among People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria. Pharmacology & Pharmacy. 5 (10), pp. 926-936.

The impact of tailored nutrition intervention and dietary counseling on body weight in female cancer cachexia patients in India
Kapoor, N., Naufahu, J., Tewfik, S., Bhatnagar, S., Gargand, R. and Tewfik, I. 2014. The impact of tailored nutrition intervention and dietary counseling on body weight in female cancer cachexia patients in India. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32 (31), p. 67.

Nanofluidics to Enhance Single Molecule DNA Imaging: Detecting Genomic Structural Variation in Humans
David L.V. Bauer, Rodolphe M. Marie, Jonas N. Pedersen, Kristian H. Rasmussen, Mohammed Yusuf, Emanuela Volpi, Henrik Flyvbjerg, Anders Kristensen and Kalim U. Mir 2014. Nanofluidics to Enhance Single Molecule DNA Imaging: Detecting Genomic Structural Variation in Humans. Biophysical Journal. 106 (2, supplement 1), p. 395A.

Detailed phenotypic and genotypic characterization of bietti crystalline dystrophy
Halford, S., Liew, G., Mackay, D.S., Sergouniotis, P.I., Holt, R., Broadgate, S., Volpi, E., Ocaka, L., Robson, A.G., Holder, G.E., Moore, A.T., Michaelides, M. and Webster, A.R. 2014. Detailed phenotypic and genotypic characterization of bietti crystalline dystrophy. Ophtalmology. 121 (6), pp. 1174-1184.

De novo and rare inherited mutations implicate the transcriptional coregulator TCF20/SPBP in autism spectrum disorder
Babbs, C., Lloyd, D., Pagnamenta, A.T., Twiggs, S.R., Green, J., McGowan, S.J., Mirza, G., Naples, R., Sharma, V.P., Volpi, E., Buckle, V.J., Wall, S.A., Knight SJ; International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC), Parr, J.R. and Wilkie, A.O. 2014. De novo and rare inherited mutations implicate the transcriptional coregulator TCF20/SPBP in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Medical Genetics. 51 (11), pp. 737-747.

American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers
Brock, C., Whitehouse, J., Tewfik, I. and Towell, A. 2014. American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers. Phytotherapy Research. 28 (5), pp. 692-698.

Identity issues surrounding American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and an optimised high performance liquid chromatography method to authenticate commercially available products
Brock, C., Whitehouse, J., Tewfik, I. and Towell, A. 2013. Identity issues surrounding American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and an optimised high performance liquid chromatography method to authenticate commercially available products. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 3 (2), pp. 57-64.

Methods of Measuring Overweight and Obesity, Among 6-9 Years School Children in ALAIN CITY, UAE
Washi, S., Al Dhahiri, A., Platat, C., Ali, H., Masuadi, E., Jarar, A., Helou, F. and Tewfik, I. 2013. Methods of Measuring Overweight and Obesity, Among 6-9 Years School Children in ALAIN CITY, UAE. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 63 (Supplement 1), pp. 69-70.

Public Health Nutrition Intervention Programme to Attenuate the Progression of HIV to AIDS among People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework
Amlogu, A., Godden, K., Tewfik, I., Tewfik, S. and Wambebe, C. 2013. Public Health Nutrition Intervention Programme to Attenuate the Progression of HIV to AIDS among People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 6 (1), pp. 83-98.

The impact of dietary and lifestyle factors on the risk of dental caries among young children in Qatar
Bener, A., Al Darwish, Mohammed S., Tewfik, I. and Hoffmann, Georg F. 2013. The impact of dietary and lifestyle factors on the risk of dental caries among young children in Qatar. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association. 88 (2), pp. 67-73.

Comparative study of artificial chromosome centromeres in human and murine cells
Moralli, D., Jefferson, A., Volpi, E. and Larin Monaco, Z. 2013. Comparative study of artificial chromosome centromeres in human and murine cells. European Journal of Human Genetics. 21, pp. 948-956.

Fully Streched Single DNA Molecules in a Nanofluidic Chip Show Large-Scale Structural Variation
Jonas N. Pedersen, Rodolphe Marie, David L.V. Bauer, Kristian H. Rasmussen, Mohammed Yusuf, Emanuela V. Volpi, Anders Kristensen, Kalim U. Mir and Henrik Flyvbjerg 2013. Fully Streched Single DNA Molecules in a Nanofluidic Chip Show Large-Scale Structural Variation. Biophysical Journal. 104 (2, Supplement 1,), p. 175A.

Chromosomes and nuclear organisation in ICF syndrome
Volpi, E. 2013. Chromosomes and nuclear organisation in ICF syndrome. in: Yurov, Y.B., Vorsanova, S.G. and Iourov, I.Y. (ed.) Human interphase chromosomes: biomedical aspects New York Springer. pp. 107-121

Integrated view of genome structure and sequence of a single DNA molecule in a nanofluidic device.
Marie, R., Pedersen, J.N., Bauer, D.L., Rasmussen, K.H., Yusuf, M., Volpi, E., Flyvbjerg, H., Kristensen, A. and Mir, K.U. 2013. Integrated view of genome structure and sequence of a single DNA molecule in a nanofluidic device. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 (13), pp. 4893-4898.

Comprehensive cytogenomic profile of the in vitro neuronal model SH-SY5Y
Yusuf, M., Leung, K., Morris, K.J. and Volpi, E. 2013. Comprehensive cytogenomic profile of the in vitro neuronal model SH-SY5Y. Neurogenetics. 14 (1), pp. 63-70.

Hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction induced by fatty acids and ethanol
Gyamfi, D., Everitt, H.E., Tewfik, I., Clemens, D.L. and Patel, V. 2012. Hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction induced by fatty acids and ethanol. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 53 (11), pp. 2131-2145.

The use of Scutellaria lateriflora: a pilot survey amongst herbal medicine practitioners
Brock, C., Whitehouse, J., Tewfik, I. and Towell, A. 2012. The use of Scutellaria lateriflora: a pilot survey amongst herbal medicine practitioners. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 2 (2), pp. 34-41.,

Tailored food recipes-TFR: employing the European perspective
Amlogu, A., Godden, K., Tewfik, S., Wambebe, C. and Tewfik, I. 2012. Tailored food recipes-TFR: employing the European perspective. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 5 (1/2/3), pp. 3-18.

Structures of lysenin reveal a shared evolutionary origin for pore-forming proteins and its mode of sphingomyelin recognition
De Colibus, L., Sonnen, A.F.-P., Morris, K.J., Siebert, C.A., Abrusci, P., Plitzko, J., Hodnik, V., Leippe, M., Volpi, E., Anderluh, G. and Gilbert, R.J.C. 2012. Structures of lysenin reveal a shared evolutionary origin for pore-forming proteins and its mode of sphingomyelin recognition. Structure. 20 (9), pp. P1498-1507.

High-resolution fish on DNA fibers for low-copy repeats genome architecture studies.
Molina, O., Blanco, J., Anton, E., Vidal, F. and Volpi, E.V. 2012. High-resolution fish on DNA fibers for low-copy repeats genome architecture studies. Genomics. 100 (6), pp. 380-386.

Obesity and low vision as a result of excessive internet use, and television viewing
Bener, A., Al-Mahdi, H.S., Ali, A.I., Al-Nufal, M., Vachhani, P.J. and Tewfik, I. 2011. Obesity and low vision as a result of excessive internet use, and television viewing. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 62 (1), pp. 60-62.

Artificial trans fatty acids in food supply: A global health threat
Salomaa V.K. and Tewfik, I. 2011. Artificial trans fatty acids in food supply: A global health threat. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 8 (4), pp. 361-401.

A family with autism and rare copy number variants disrupting the Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy gene DMD and TRPM3
Pagnamenta, A.T., Holt, R., Yusuf, M., Pinto, D., Wing, K., Betancur, C., Scherer, S.W., Volpi, E.V. and Monaco, A.P. 2011. A family with autism and rare copy number variants disrupting the Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy gene DMD and TRPM3. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 3, pp. 124-131.

Characterization of a dominant cone degeneration in a green fluorescent protein-reporter mouse with disruption of Loci associated with human dominant retinal dystrophy.
Lipinski, D.M., Yusuf, M., Barnard, A.R., Damant, C., Charbel Issa, P., Singh, M.S., Lee, E., Davies, W.L., Volpi, E.V. and MacLaren R.E. 2011. Characterization of a dominant cone degeneration in a green fluorescent protein-reporter mouse with disruption of Loci associated with human dominant retinal dystrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 52 (9), pp. 6617-6623.

Perforin activity at membranes leads to invaginations and vesicle formation
Praper, T., Sonnen, A.F., Kladnik, A., Andrighetti, A.O., Viero, G., Morris, K.J., Volpi, E.V., Lunelli, L., Dalla Serra, M., Froelich, C.J., Gilbert, R.J. and Anderluh, G. 2011. Perforin activity at membranes leads to invaginations and vesicle formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 (52).

Combining M-FISH and Quantum Dot technology for fast chromosomal assignment of transgenic insertions
Yusuf, M., Bauer, D.L.V., Lipinski, D.M., MacLaren, R.E., Wade-Martins, R., Mir, K.U. and Volpi, E. 2011. Combining M-FISH and Quantum Dot technology for fast chromosomal assignment of transgenic insertions. BMC Biotechnology. 11, pp. 121-131.

Globesity in action: systematic review and pilot intervention to assess the potential health benefit of moderate physical activity
Salah, M. and Tewfik, I. 2011. Globesity in action: systematic review and pilot intervention to assess the potential health benefit of moderate physical activity. in: Ahmed, A. and Busler, M. (ed.) World sustainable development outlook 2011. Sharing knowledge, making a difference: the role of international scientific cooperation World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD).

Conceptual framework of public health-nutrition intervention programme to attenuate the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria
Amlogu, M.A., Tewfik, S., Wambebe, C., Godden, K. and Tewfik, I. 2011. Conceptual framework of public health-nutrition intervention programme to attenuate the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Abuja, Nigeria. in: Ahmed, A. and Busler, M. (ed.) World sustainable development outlook 2011. Sharing knowledge, making a difference: the role of international scientific cooperation World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD). pp. 11-20

An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells.
Moralli, D., Yusuf, M., Mandegar, M.A., Khoja, S., Monaco, Z.L. and Volpi, E.V. 2011. An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells. Stem Cell Reviews. 7 (2), pp. 471-477.

Functional human artificial chromosomes are generated and stably maintained in human embryonic stem cells
Mandegar, M.A., Moralli, D., Khoja, S., Cowley, S., Chan, D.Y.L., Yusuf, M., Mukherjee, S., Blundell, M.P., Volpi, E., Thrasher, A.J., James, W. and Monaco, Z.L. 2011. Functional human artificial chromosomes are generated and stably maintained in human embryonic stem cells. Human Molecular Genetics. 20 (15), pp. 2905-2913.

American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): an ancient remedy for today’s anxiety?
Brock, C., Whitehouse, J., Tewfik, I. and Towell, A. 2010. American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): an ancient remedy for today’s anxiety? British Journal of Wellbeing. 1 (4), pp. 25-30.

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for genomic investigations in rat
Jefferson, A. and Volpi, E.V. 2010. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for genomic investigations in rat. in: Bridger, J. and Volpi, E. (ed.) Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH). Methods in Molecular Biology (Methods and Protocols), vol 659 Humana Press. pp. 409-426

A novel three-dimensional culture system allows prolonged culture of functional human granulosa cells and mimics the ovarian environment.
Kossowska-Tomaszczuk, K., Pelczar, P., Güven, S., Kowalski, J., Volpi, E., De Geyter, C. and Scherberich, A. 2010. A novel three-dimensional culture system allows prolonged culture of functional human granulosa cells and mimics the ovarian environment. Tissue Engineering Part A. 16 (6), pp. 2063-73.

Expression profiling in progressive stages of fumarate-hydratase deficiency: the contribution of metabolic changes to tumorigenesis.
Ashrafian, H., O'Flaherty, L., Adam, J., Steeples, V., Chung, Y.L., East, P., Vanharanta, S., Lehtonen, H., Nye, E., Hatipoglu, E., Miranda, M., Howarth, K., Shukla, D., Pollard, P.J. and Volpi, E. 2010. Expression profiling in progressive stages of fumarate-hydratase deficiency: the contribution of metabolic changes to tumorigenesis. Cancer Research. 70 (22), pp. 9153-9165.

Is Africa facing a nutrition transition under the double burden of disease?
Tewfik, I., Bener, A. and Tewfik, S. 2010. Is Africa facing a nutrition transition under the double burden of disease? in: Ahmed, A. and Nwankwo, S. (ed.) Achieving sustainable development in Africa: science, technology & innovation trajectory London World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD).

Altered intra-nuclear organisation of heterochromatin and genes in ICF syndrome.
Jefferson, A., Colella, S., Moralli, D., Wilson, N., Yusuf, M., Gimelli, G., Ragoussis, J. and Volpi, E.V. 2010. Altered intra-nuclear organisation of heterochromatin and genes in ICF syndrome. PLoS ONE. 5 (6) e11364.

Facing Nutrition Transition under the Double Burden: Challenges and Potential Intervention Programmes in Africa
Tewfik, I. 2009. Facing Nutrition Transition under the Double Burden: Challenges and Potential Intervention Programmes in Africa. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 54 (3), p. 238.

Childhood Obesity Prevention in Emirates: A Conceptual Framework for an Anti-Obesogenic Pilot Intervention
Tewfik, Ihab, Mackenzie, Jennifer, Cunliffe, Adam, Al-Dhaheri, Ayesha, Ali, Habiba, Washi, Sidiga and Platat, Carine 2009. Childhood Obesity Prevention in Emirates: A Conceptual Framework for an Anti-Obesogenic Pilot Intervention. in: Ahmed, A. (ed.) Towards Epistemic Sovereignty: (re)-thinking Development in a Changing Global Political Economy World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD). pp. 255-259

Mapping of partially overlapping de novo deletions across an autism susceptibility region (AUTS5) in two unrelated individuals affected by developmental delays with communication impairment.
Newbury, D.F., Warburton, P.C., Wilson, N., Bacchelli, E., Carone, S., International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium, Lamb, J.A., Maestrini, E., Monaco, A.P. and Volpi, E. 2009. Mapping of partially overlapping de novo deletions across an autism susceptibility region (AUTS5) in two unrelated individuals affected by developmental delays with communication impairment. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 149A (4), pp. 588-597.

HAC stability in murine cells is influenced by nuclear localization and chromatin organization.
Moralli, D., Chan, D.Y., Jefferson, A., Volpi, E.V. and Monaco, Z.L. 2009. HAC stability in murine cells is influenced by nuclear localization and chromatin organization. BMC Cell Biology. 10 18.

Copy number variation and association analysis of SHANK3 as a candidate gene for autism in the IMGSAC collection.
Sykes, N.H., Toma, C., Wilson, N., Volpi, E., Sousa, I., Pagnamenta, A.T., Tancredi, R., Battaglia, A., Maestrini, E., Bailey, A.J., Monaco, A.P. and International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC) 2009. Copy number variation and association analysis of SHANK3 as a candidate gene for autism in the IMGSAC collection. European Journal of Human Genetics. 17, pp. 1347-1353.

Severe insulin resistance and intrauterine growth deficiency associated with haploin sufficiency for INSR and CHN2: new insights into synergistic pathways involved in growth and metabolism
Suliman, S.G., Stanik, J., McCulloch, L.J., Wilson, N., Edghill, E.L., Misovicova, N., Gasperikova, D., Sandrikova, V., Elliott, K.S., Barak, L., Ellard, S., Volpi, E.V., Klimes, I. and Gloyn, A.L. 2009. Severe insulin resistance and intrauterine growth deficiency associated with haploin sufficiency for INSR and CHN2: new insights into synergistic pathways involved in growth and metabolism. Diabetes. 58 (12), pp. 2954-2961.

Childhood obesity prevention in Emirates (COPE): a conceptual framework for pilot intervention
Tewfik, I., Mackenzie, J., Cunliffe, A., Al-Dhaheri, A., Ali, H., Washi, S. and Platat, C. 2009. Childhood obesity prevention in Emirates (COPE): a conceptual framework for pilot intervention. in: Ahmed, A. (ed.) World sustainable development outlook: the impact of the global financial crisis on the environment, energy and sustainable development 2009 London World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD).

Nutritional quality of deep fried street-vended foods: a public health concern
Tewfik, I., Ismail, H. and Tewfik, S. 2009. Nutritional quality of deep fried street-vended foods: a public health concern. in: Ahmed, A. (ed.) World sustainable development outlook: the impact of the global financial crisis on the environment, energy and sustainable development 2009 London World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD).

Hepatic oxidative stress and apoptosis following acute alcohol
Everitt, H.E., Tewfik, I., Preedy, V.R. and Patel, V. 2009. Hepatic oxidative stress and apoptosis following acute alcohol. Alcohol & Alcoholism. 44, p. p85.

Assessment of shelf-life of irradiated frozen chicken
Alnasser, M.A., Park, S.F., Jenesson, P. and Tewfik, I. 2009. Assessment of shelf-life of irradiated frozen chicken. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. 2 (1), pp. 48-58.

Would it still be possible to identify irradiated lipid-containing foods towards the end of their shelf-life?
Tewfik, I. and Tewfik, S. 2008. Would it still be possible to identify irradiated lipid-containing foods towards the end of their shelf-life? Food Science and Technology International. 14 (6), pp. 519-524.

Extraction and identification of cyclobutanones from irradiated cheese employing a rapid direct solvent extraction method
Tewfik, I. 2008. Extraction and identification of cyclobutanones from irradiated cheese employing a rapid direct solvent extraction method. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 59 (7 & 8), pp. 590-598.

Inter-laboratory trial to validate the direct solvent extraction method for the identification of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone in irradiated chicken and whole liquid egg
Tewfik, I. 2008. Inter-laboratory trial to validate the direct solvent extraction method for the identification of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone in irradiated chicken and whole liquid egg. Food Science and Technology International. 14 (3), pp. 277-283.

Does prolonged breastfeeding reduce the risk for childhood leukemia and lymphomas?
Bener, A., Hoffmann, G.F., Afify, Z., Rasul, K., Mian, M., Guiter, G. and Tewfik, I. 2008. Does prolonged breastfeeding reduce the risk for childhood leukemia and lymphomas? Minerva Pediatrica. 60 (2), pp. 155-161.

Research Student Supervision: Developing Reflective Practice in Higher Education
Tewfik, I. 2008. Research Student Supervision: Developing Reflective Practice in Higher Education. in: Ahmed, Allam (ed.) World Sustainable Development Outlook 2008: Managing Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future Routledge. pp. 85-92

FISH glossary: an overview of the fluorescence in situ hybridization technique.
Volpi, E.V. and Bridger, J.M. 2008. FISH glossary: an overview of the fluorescence in situ hybridization technique. BioTechniques. 45 (4), pp. 385-409.

Nutraceuticals, functional foods and botanical dietary supplements; promote wellbeing and underpin public health
Tewfik, S. and Tewfik, I. 2008. Nutraceuticals, functional foods and botanical dietary supplements; promote wellbeing and underpin public health. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 5 (2), pp. 104-123.

Childhood obesity prevention (CHOP) programme: a conceptual framework for nutrition intervention
Tewfik, I. 2008. Childhood obesity prevention (CHOP) programme: a conceptual framework for nutrition intervention. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. 1 (1), pp. 16-32.

Metabolic Syndrome and its components among Qatari population
Musallam, M., Bener, A., Zirie, M., Al-Gaud, Y.K., Al-Hamaq, A.A., Othman, M.A. and Tewfik, I. 2008. Metabolic Syndrome and its components among Qatari population. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. 1 (1), pp. 88-102.

Impact of lifestyle and dietary habits on hypovitaminosis D in type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy children from Qatar, a sun-rich country
Bener, A., Alsaied, A., Al-Ali, M., Hassan, A.S., Basha, B., Al-Kubaisi, A., Abraham, A., Mian, M., Guiter, G., Tewfik, I. and Agha, M. 2008. Impact of lifestyle and dietary habits on hypovitaminosis D in type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy children from Qatar, a sun-rich country. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 53 (3-4), pp. 215-222.

A rapid direct solvent extraction (DSE) method for the extraction of cyclobutanones from irradiated chicken and liquid whole egg
Tewfik, I. 2008. A rapid direct solvent extraction (DSE) method for the extraction of cyclobutanones from irradiated chicken and liquid whole egg. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 43 (1), pp. 108-113.

Nutrition and alcoholic liver disease
Everitt, H.E., Patel, V. and Tewfik, I. 2007. Nutrition and alcoholic liver disease. Nutrition Bulletin. 32 (2), pp. 138-144.

Nutrition and alcoholic liver disease
Everitt, H.E., Patel, V.B. and Tewfik, I. 2007. Nutrition and alcoholic liver disease. Nutrition Bulletin. 32 (2), pp. 138-144.

Research Supervision: Training, process and experience
Tewfik, I. and Tewfik, S. 2007. Research Supervision: Training, process and experience. in: World Sustainable Development Outlook 2007: Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Routledge.

Plasma 5-HT And Fatigue During Endurance Cycle Exercise: Effects Of Exercise Intensity And Duration
Vleck, Veronica E., Asensio, Karine, Tewfik, Ihab, Webb, Heather, McNaughton, Lars, Lowry, Christopher and Bentley, David J. 2007. Plasma 5-HT And Fatigue During Endurance Cycle Exercise: Effects Of Exercise Intensity And Duration. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 39 (5), p. S273.

Endothelial Nox2 overexpression potentiates vascular oxidative stress and hemodynamic response to angiotensin II: studies in endothelial-targeted Nox2 transgenic mice.
Bendall, J.K., Rinze, R., Adlam, D., Tatham, A.L., de Bono, J., Wilson, N., Volpi, E. and Channon, K.M. 2007. Endothelial Nox2 overexpression potentiates vascular oxidative stress and hemodynamic response to angiotensin II: studies in endothelial-targeted Nox2 transgenic mice. Circulation Research. 100, pp. 1016-1025.

Replication profile of PCDH11X and PCDH11Y, a gene pair located in the non-pseudoautosomal homologous region Xq21.3/Yp11.2.
Wilson, N.D., Ross, L.J., Close, J., Mott, R., Crow, T.J. and Volpi, E.V. 2007. Replication profile of PCDH11X and PCDH11Y, a gene pair located in the non-pseudoautosomal homologous region Xq21.3/Yp11.2. Chromosome Research. 15, pp. 485-498.

Search for neuroblastoma loci: characterization of tumor cell lines that could facilitate their positional cloning.
Romani, M., Muresu, R., Volpi, E.V., Rozzo, C., Marchi, J.M. and Casciano, I. 2007. Search for neuroblastoma loci: characterization of tumor cell lines that could facilitate their positional cloning. Journal of Neuro-oncology . 31, pp. 41-47.

The public health advocate: food irradiation's offer to food security
Tewfik, I. and Tewfik, S. 2007. The public health advocate: food irradiation's offer to food security. in: Ahmed, A. (ed.) Science, technology and sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa Genève InderScience. pp. 197-209

Competitive food safety program: the case of Qatar
Al-Hamaq, A.A., Zeyadah, S.S., Ahmed, A., Amuna, P. and Tewfik, I. 2007. Competitive food safety program: the case of Qatar. in: Ahmed, A. (ed.) Science, technology and sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa Genève InderScience. pp. 210-228

Book review: B. Freire Wilma (editor). Nutrition and an Active Life: From Knowledge to Action. Scientific and Technical Publication No. 612. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization 2005. US$ 36·00 (paperback) pp. 260. ISBN: 92 75 11612 1
Tewfik, I. 2006. Book review: B. Freire Wilma (editor). Nutrition and an Active Life: From Knowledge to Action. Scientific and Technical Publication No. 612. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization 2005. US$ 36·00 (paperback) pp. 260. ISBN: 92 75 11612 1. British Journal of Nutrition. 96 (4), p. 793.

Prevalence of overweight, obesity, and associated psychological problems in Qatari's female population
Bener, A. and Tewfik, I. 2006. Prevalence of overweight, obesity, and associated psychological problems in Qatari's female population. Obesity Reviews. 7 (2), pp. 139-145.

PCDH11 is X/Y homologous in Homo sapiens but not in Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes.
Wilson, N.D., Ross, L.J., Crow, T.J. and Volpi, E.V. 2006. PCDH11 is X/Y homologous in Homo sapiens but not in Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 114, pp. 137-139.

The leukocyte receptor complex in chicken is characterized by massive expansion and diversification of immunoglobulin-like Loci.
Laun, K., Coggill, P., Palmer, S., Sims, S., Ning, Z., Ragoussis, J., Volpi, E., Wilson, N., Beck, S., Ziegler, A. and Volz, A. 2006. The leukocyte receptor complex in chicken is characterized by massive expansion and diversification of immunoglobulin-like Loci. PLoS Genetics. 2 (5) e73.

Industrial and dietetic applications of the food multimix (FMM) concept in meeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable groups in South Africa
Zotor, F., Amuna, P., Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Adewuya, T., Prinsloo, G., Chinyanga, Y., Tewfik, I. and Amuna, N. 2006. Industrial and dietetic applications of the food multimix (FMM) concept in meeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable groups in South Africa. Academic Journal of Vaal University of Technology. 3, pp. 54-67.

CO2 photoassimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, lipid peroxidation and yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Giza 65) in response to O3
Hassan, I.A. and Tewfik, I. 2006. CO2 photoassimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, lipid peroxidation and yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Giza 65) in response to O3. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 3 (1), pp. 70-79.

Prevalence of dieting, overweight, body image satisfaction and associated psychological problems in adolescent boys
Bener, A., Kamal, A., Tewfik, I. and Sabuncuoglu, O. 2006. Prevalence of dieting, overweight, body image satisfaction and associated psychological problems in adolescent boys. Nutrition & Food Science. 36 (5), pp. 295-304.

Health habits and risk of obesity among 6–13 year old school children and adolescents
Al-Shammari, H., Bumejjdad, A., Amuna, P. and Tewfik, I. 2005. Health habits and risk of obesity among 6–13 year old school children and adolescents. in: Carr, T. and Descheemaeker, K. (ed.) Nutrition and health - Current Topics IV Garant. pp. 207–208

An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism.
Bowl, M.R., Nesbit, M.A., Harding, B., Levy, E., Jefferson, A., Volpi, E.V., Rizzoti, K., Lovell-Badge, R., Schlessinger, D., Whyte, M.P. and Thakker, R.V. 2005. An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 115 (10), pp. 2822-2831.

Unexpected complexity in the haplotypes of commonly used inbred strains of laboratory mice
Yalcin, B., Fullerton, J., Miller, S., Keays, D.A., Brady, S., Bhomra, A., Jefferson, A., Volpi, E., Copley, R.R., Flint, J. and Mott, R. 2004. Unexpected complexity in the haplotypes of commonly used inbred strains of laboratory mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Mapping of three translocation breakpoints associated with orofacial clefting within 6p24 and identification of new transcripts within the region
Davies, S.J., Wise, C., Venkatesh, B., Mirza, G., Jefferson, A., Volpi, E.V. and Ragoussis, J. 2004. Mapping of three translocation breakpoints associated with orofacial clefting within 6p24 and identification of new transcripts within the region. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 105, pp. 47-53.

Would food irradiation as a means of technology transfer assist food productivity and security in Africa and sustain its development?
Tewfik, I., Amuna, P. and Zotor, F. 2004. Would food irradiation as a means of technology transfer assist food productivity and security in Africa and sustain its development? International Journal of Technology Policy and Management. 4 (1), pp. 44-52.

Human and economic development in developing countries: a public health dimension employing the food multimix concept
Amuna, P., Zotor, F. and Tewfik, I. 2004. Human and economic development in developing countries: a public health dimension employing the food multimix concept. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 1 (2), pp. 129-137.

Cohesion, but not too close
Volpi, E.V., Sheer, D. and Uhlmann, F. 2001. Cohesion, but not too close. Current Biology. 11 (10), p. R378.

Large-scale chromatin organization of the major histocompatibility complex and other regions of human chromosome 6 and its response to interferon in interphase nuclei.
Volpi, E.V., Chevret, E., Jones, T., Vatcheva, R., Williamson, J., Beck, S., Campbell, R.D., Goldsworthy, M., Powis, S.H., Ragoussis, J., Trowsdale, J. and Sheer, D. 2000. Large-scale chromatin organization of the major histocompatibility complex and other regions of human chromosome 6 and its response to interferon in interphase nuclei. Journal of Cell Science. 113 (Pt 9), pp. 1565-1576.

Mini review: form and function in the human interphase chromosome
Chevret, E., Volpi, E.V. and Sheer, D. 2000. Mini review: form and function in the human interphase chromosome. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 90 (1-2), pp. 13-21.

The effect of intermittent heating on some chemical parameters of refined oils used in Egypt. A public health nutrition concern
Tewfik, I., Ismail, H. and Sumar, S. 1998. The effect of intermittent heating on some chemical parameters of refined oils used in Egypt. A public health nutrition concern. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 49 (5), pp. 339-342.

Nucleotide sequence and chromosomal mapping of the 5S rDNA repeat of the crustacean Proasellus coxalis.
Pelliccia, F., Barzotti, R., Volpi, E.V., Bucciarelli, E. and Rocchi, A. 1998. Nucleotide sequence and chromosomal mapping of the 5S rDNA repeat of the crustacean Proasellus coxalis. Genome. 41 (1), pp. 129-123.

Numerical abnormalities of chromosomes 1 and 10 in endometrial adenocarcinoma: fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of 23 archival paraffin-embedded samples.
Muresu, R., Cossu, A., Scarpa, A.M., Volpi, E.V., Rocca, P.C., Pintus, A., Tibiletti, M.G., Tanda, F., Pirastu, M. and Massarelli, G. 1998. Numerical abnormalities of chromosomes 1 and 10 in endometrial adenocarcinoma: fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of 23 archival paraffin-embedded samples. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 107 (1), pp. 37-42.

A rapid supercritical fluid extraction method for the detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in gamma irradiated beef and chicken
Tewfik, I., Ismail, H. and Sumar, S. 1998. A rapid supercritical fluid extraction method for the detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in gamma irradiated beef and chicken. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie = Journal of Food Sciences and Technology. 31 (4), pp. 366-370.

A rapid direct solvent extraction method (DSE-GC-MS) used to detect irradiated minced beef
Tewfik, I., Ismail, H. and Sumar, S. 1998. A rapid direct solvent extraction method (DSE-GC-MS) used to detect irradiated minced beef. Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health. 28 (3), pp. 85-92.

A rapid supercritical fluid extraction method for the qualitative detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in gamma-irradiated fresh and sea water fish
Tewfik, I. 1998. A rapid supercritical fluid extraction method for the qualitative detection of 2-alkylcyclobutanones in gamma-irradiated fresh and sea water fish. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 50 (1), pp. 51-56.

An integrated physical and genetic map spanning chromosome band 10q24.
Gray, I.C., Fallowfield, J., Ford, S., Nobile, C., Volpi, E.V. and Spurr, N.K. 1997. An integrated physical and genetic map spanning chromosome band 10q24. Genomics. 43 (1), pp. 85-88.

Detailed physical analysis of a 1.5-megabase YAC contig containing the MXI1 and ADRA2A genes.
Manca, A., Volpi, E.V., Laficara, F., Muresu, R., Gray, I.C., Spurr, N.K. and Nobile, C. 1997. Detailed physical analysis of a 1.5-megabase YAC contig containing the MXI1 and ADRA2A genes. Genomics. 45 (2), pp. 407-411.

Taxonomic and biogeographic analysis of the Proasellus coxalis-group (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellidae) in Sicily, with description of Proasellus montalentii n.sp.
Stoch, F., Valentino, F. and Volpi, E. 1996. Taxonomic and biogeographic analysis of the Proasellus coxalis-group (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellidae) in Sicily, with description of Proasellus montalentii n.sp. Hydrobiologia. 317, pp. 247-258.

More detailed characterization of some of the HL60 karyotypic features by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Volpi, E.V., Vatcheva, R., Labella, T. and Gan, S.U. 1996. More detailed characterization of some of the HL60 karyotypic features by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 87 (2), pp. 103-106.

Molecular and genetic studies on the region of translocation and duplication in the neuroblastoma cell line NGP at the 1p36.13-p36.32 chromosomal site
Casciano, I., Marchi, J.V.M., Muresu, R., Volpi, E.V., Rozzo, C., Opdenakker, G. and Romani, M. 1996. Molecular and genetic studies on the region of translocation and duplication in the neuroblastoma cell line NGP at the 1p36.13-p36.32 chromosomal site. Oncogene. 12 (10), pp. 2101-2108.

A rapid method (SFE-GC-MS) used to detect irradiated minced beef
Tewfik, I., Ismail, H., Amine, E. and Rady, A. 1996. A rapid method (SFE-GC-MS) used to detect irradiated minced beef. Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications. 29 (4), pp. 345-353.

Simple DNA repeats and sex chromosome differentiation in asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, isopoda)
Volpi, E.V., Pelliccia, F., Lanza, V., Barzotti, R. and Rocchi, A. 1995. Simple DNA repeats and sex chromosome differentiation in asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, isopoda). Heredity. 75, p. 267–272.

Cytogenetic and molecular studies on the neuroblastoma cell line NGP: identification of a reciprocal t(1;15) involving the "consensus region" 1p36.1.
Muresu, R., Casciano I., Volpi, E.V., Siniscalco, M. and Romani, M. 1995. Cytogenetic and molecular studies on the neuroblastoma cell line NGP: identification of a reciprocal t(1;15) involving the "consensus region" 1p36.1. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer. 13 (1), pp. 66-71.

Subregional mapping of the human lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase gene (LCK) to 1p35-->p34.3 and its position relative to the 1p marker D1S57.
Volpi, E.V., Romani, M. and Siniscalco, M. 1994. Subregional mapping of the human lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase gene (LCK) to 1p35-->p34.3 and its position relative to the 1p marker D1S57. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 67, pp. 187-189.

Telomeric sequences of ase/lus aquaticus (Crust. isop.)
Pelliccia, F., Volpi, E.V., Lanza, V., Gaddini, L., Balding, A. and Rocchi, A. 1994. Telomeric sequences of ase/lus aquaticus (Crust. isop.). Heredity. 72, pp. 78-80.

Concurrent mapping of an adenovirus 5/SV40 integration site and the U1 snRNA cluster (RNU1) within 400 kb of the chromosome region 1p36.1.
Romani, M., Baldini, A., Volpi, E., Casciano, I., Nobile, C., Muresu, R. and Siniscalco, M. 1994. Concurrent mapping of an adenovirus 5/SV40 integration site and the U1 snRNA cluster (RNU1) within 400 kb of the chromosome region 1p36.1. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 67, pp. 37-40.

MULTIPRINS: a method for multicolour primed in situ labelling
Volpi, E. and Baldini, A. 1993. MULTIPRINS: a method for multicolour primed in situ labelling. Chromosome Research. 1, pp. 257-260.

Morphological differentiation of a sex chromosome and ribosomal genes in asellus aquaticus (Crust. Isop.)
Volpi, E.V., Pelliccia, F., Lanza, V., Di Castro, M. and Rocchi, A. 1992. Morphological differentiation of a sex chromosome and ribosomal genes in asellus aquaticus (Crust. Isop.). Heredity.

GATA repeats in the genome of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, Isopoda).
Pelliccia, F., Di Castro, M., Lanza, V., Volpi, E.V. and Rocchi, A. 1991. GATA repeats in the genome of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, Isopoda). Chromosoma. 100, pp. 152-155.

Light-dark cycle and mitotic index in Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crustacea, Isopoda)
Valentino, F., Volpi, E.V., Antolini, R. and Migliore, L. 1990. Light-dark cycle and mitotic index in Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crustacea, Isopoda). Genetica. 82, pp. 147-150.

The genetic isolation between some populations of Proasellus coxalis
Volpi, E.V., Antolini, R. and Valentino, F. 1989. The genetic isolation between some populations of Proasellus coxalis. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 27 (3), pp. 246-251.

Characterization of the karyotype of proasellus meridianusby differential staining techniques
Di Castro, M., Lanza, V., Volpi, E.V. and Rocchi, A. 1989. Characterization of the karyotype of proasellus meridianusby differential staining techniques. Caryologia. 42 (3-4), pp. 235-242.

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