Abstract | This chapter briefly explores the relationship between disease and mental health including the example of cardiovascular disease and aspects of the global burden of mental health disorders and their impact on morbidity and mortality. For example, studies have reported the prevalence of depression in subjects with coronary heart disease may be as high as 50%. By discussing data from the Global Burden of Disease study, we examine the prevalence and ranking of mental health conditions in comparison to other diseases. The challenges faced in treating mental health disorders and the importance of addressing the stigma associated with these conditions are described. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the need for increased awareness, improved access to care, and continued research to effectively address the global burden of mental health. The occurrence and treatment of mental health disorders in patients with communicable and noncommunicable disease merits further attention and indeed may be overlooked by attending physicians who will be focused on treating the disease per se, rather than its effects on mental health. |