Westminster School of Media and Communication

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Michaela O'Brien
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Periodismo, democracia e interés público [Media, democracy and the public interest]


Barnett, S. 2010. Periodismo, democracia e interés público [Media, democracy and the public interest]. Infoamérica: Iberoamerican Communication Review. 3 (4), pp. 41-56.

What's wrong with media monopolies? A lesson from history and a new approach to media ownership policy


Barnett, S. 2010. What's wrong with media monopolies? A lesson from history and a new approach to media ownership policy. MEDIA@LSE Electronic Working Papers. No 18.

News, transparency and the effectiveness of reporting from inside Arab dictatorships

Journal article

Sakr, N. 2010. News, transparency and the effectiveness of reporting from inside Arab dictatorships. International Communication Gazette. 72 (1), pp. 35-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748048509350337

Introduction: whither the public interest in the new political economy?


Michalis, M. and Barnett, S. 2010. Introduction: whither the public interest in the new political economy? Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. 1 (2), pp. 167-170. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc.1.2.167_7

Xinhua News Agency in Africa


Xin, X. 2009. Xinhua News Agency in Africa. Journal of African Media Studies. 1 (3), pp. 363-377. https://doi.org/10.1386/jams.1.3.363/1

E-mail lists and the construction of an open and multifaceted identity: the case of the London 2004 European Social Forum


Kavada, A. 2009. E-mail lists and the construction of an open and multifaceted identity: the case of the London 2004 European Social Forum. Information, Communication & Society. 12 (6), pp. 817-839. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691180802304854

In the name of the child


Seaton, J. 2009. In the name of the child. Political Quarterly. 80 (3), pp. 405-406. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-923X.2009.02012.x

Between Image and Word: Minority Discourses and Community Construction in Eduardo Coutinho’s Documentaries

Book chapter

Cunha, M.A.C.D. 2009. Between Image and Word: Minority Discourses and Community Construction in Eduardo Coutinho’s Documentaries. in: Haddu, M. and Page, J. (ed.) Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 133-150

The old boys' club


Seaton, J. 2009. The old boys' club. Prospect.

Re-evaluating the Archive in Stephen Poliakoff's Shooting the Past


Hogg, C. 2009. Re-evaluating the Archive in Stephen Poliakoff's Shooting the Past. Journal of British Cinema and Television. 6 (3), pp. 437-451. https://doi.org/10.3366/E1743452109001125

Nollywood 2 doing it right

Digital or visual media

Thorburn, J. 2009. Nollywood 2 doing it right.

It was the BBC wot won it: winning the Peacock Report for the Corporation, or how the BBC responded to the Peacock Committee

Book chapter

Seaton, J. and McNicholas, A. 2009. It was the BBC wot won it: winning the Peacock Report for the Corporation, or how the BBC responded to the Peacock Committee. in: O'Malley, T. and Jones, J. (ed.) The Peacock Committee and UK Broadcasting policy Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 121-145

The BBC and metabolising Britishness: critical patriotism

Book chapter

Seaton, J. 2009. The BBC and metabolising Britishness: critical patriotism. in: Wright, T. and Gamble, A. (ed.) Britishness: perspectives on the British question Chichester Wiley. pp. 72-85

Le public et les 'questions de société' sur les chaînes arabes

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2009. Le public et les 'questions de société' sur les chaînes arabes. in: Gonzalez-Quijano, Y. and Guaaybess, T. (ed.) Les Arabes parlent aux Arabes: La revolution de l'information dans le monde arabe Paris Editions Sindbad (Actes Sud). pp. 180-190

Is the Arab TV viewer a king or a pawn? How Arab broadcasters deal with schedules and audience data

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2009. Is the Arab TV viewer a king or a pawn? How Arab broadcasters deal with schedules and audience data. in: Heinemann, A., Lamloum, O. and Weber, A.F. (ed.) The Middle East in the media: conflicts, censorship and public opinion London Saqi Books. pp. 131-146

Fragmentation or consolidation? Factors in the Oprah-ization of social talk on multi-channel Arab TV

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2009. Fragmentation or consolidation? Factors in the Oprah-ization of social talk on multi-channel Arab TV. in: Turner, G. and Tay, J. (ed.) Television studies after TV: understanding television in the post-broadcast era Abingdon Routledge. pp. 168-177

Media and cultural studies in the Arab world: making bridges to local discourses of modernity

Book chapter

Sabry, T. 2009. Media and cultural studies in the Arab world: making bridges to local discourses of modernity. in: Thussu, D.K. (ed.) Internationalizing media studies Abingdon Routledge. pp. 196-213

Interpreting news


Meikle, G. 2009. Interpreting news. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

British new media

Book chapter

Meikle, G. 2009. British new media. in: Sterling, C.H. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of journalism: volume 1 Thousand Oaks Sage.

Three decades of public television and political power in Zimbabwe: 1980-2009

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2009. Three decades of public television and political power in Zimbabwe: 1980-2009. in: Orgeret, K.S. and Rønning, H. (ed.) The power of communication: changes and challenges in African media Oslo Oslo Academic Press.

'Thank God it is Friday': responses to music scheduling on Radio Zimbabwe


Mano, W. 2009. 'Thank God it is Friday': responses to music scheduling on Radio Zimbabwe. Muziki: journal of music research in Africa. 6 (2), pp. 192-220. https://doi.org/10.1080/18125980903250764

Re-conceptualizing media studies in Africa

Book chapter

Mano, W. 2009. Re-conceptualizing media studies in Africa. in: Thussu, D.K. (ed.) Internationalizing media studies Abingdon Routledge. pp. 277-293

The Internet and decentralized architectures: email lists and the organizing process of the European Social Forum

Book chapter

Kavada, A. 2009. The Internet and decentralized architectures: email lists and the organizing process of the European Social Forum. in: Karatzogianni, A. (ed.) Cyber conflict and global politics London Routledge. pp. 188-204

Collective action and the social web: Comparing the architecture of Avaaz.org and Openesf.net

Book chapter

Kavada, A. 2009. Collective action and the social web: Comparing the architecture of Avaaz.org and Openesf.net. in: Carpentier, N., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Kilborn, R., Olsson, T., Nieminen, H., Sundin, E. and Nordenstreng, K. (ed.) Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe: The intellectual work of the 2009 European media and communication doctoral summer school Tartu University of Tartu Press. pp. 129-140

Reflection in action: practice-based research in the UK

Conference paper

Brown, C. 2009. Reflection in action: practice-based research in the UK. 43rd Annual Conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts. Phoenix, Arizona 08 - 11 Apr 2009

Fire and Brimstone


Brown, C. 2009. Fire and Brimstone. Gallery Pangolin, Stroud

Ceramics from Great Britain


Brown, C. 2009. Ceramics from Great Britain. Galerie fur Angewandte Kunst, Munich

Information and communication technologies and society: a contribution to the critique of the political economy of the Internet

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2009. Information and communication technologies and society: a contribution to the critique of the political economy of the Internet. European Journal of Communication. 24 (1), pp. 69-87. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323108098947

TV news and the echo of Murrow


Barnett, S. 2008. TV news and the echo of Murrow. British Journalism Review. 19 (4), pp. 37-44. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956474808100863

Everyday resistance on the internet: the Palestinian context

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2008. Everyday resistance on the internet: the Palestinian context. Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research. 1 (2), pp. 109-130. https://doi.org/10.1386/jammr.1.2.109/1

Structural Change journalism practice: Xinhua News Agency in the early 2000s


Xin, X. 2008. Structural Change journalism practice: Xinhua News Agency in the early 2000s. Journalism Practice. 2 (1), pp. 46-63. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512780701768501

Emerging communities, emerging media: the case of a Zimbabwean nurse in the British Big Brother show

Journal article

Mano, W. and Willems, W. 2008. Emerging communities, emerging media: the case of a Zimbabwean nurse in the British Big Brother show. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 22 (1), pp. 101-128. https://doi.org/10.1080/02560040802166300

Cross-Cultural Filmmaking in New Zealand National Cinema

PhD thesis

Pitts, V. 2008. Cross-Cultural Filmmaking in New Zealand National Cinema. PhD thesis University of Auckland Media, Film and Television

A diversity of understanding: the increasing importance of major public service broadcasting institutions

Book chapter

Seaton, J. 2008. A diversity of understanding: the increasing importance of major public service broadcasting institutions. in: Gardam, T. and Levy, D. (ed.) The price of plurality: choice, diversity and broadcasting institutions in the digital age New York, USA Reuters. pp. 120-125

Research into Chinese media organisations. The case of Xinhua Shanghai bureau


Xin, X. 2008. Research into Chinese media organisations. The case of Xinhua Shanghai bureau. Javnost / The Public. 15 (1), pp. 39-56.

The family legacy

Digital or visual media

Thorburn, J. 2008. The family legacy.

Nollywood just doing it

Digital or visual media

Thorburn, J. 2008. Nollywood just doing it.

Journeys to truth: the BBC as a pragmatic ethical engineer at home and abroad


Seaton, J. 2008. Journeys to truth: the BBC as a pragmatic ethical engineer at home and abroad. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 28 (4), pp. 441-451. https://doi.org/10.1080/01439680802310167

The BBC an imperfect beauty

Book chapter

Seaton, J. 2008. The BBC an imperfect beauty. in: Thomas, I. and Almqvist, K. (ed.) The future of public service broadcasting Stockholm, Sweden Ax:son Johnson Foundation. pp. 43-58

Gaps in the market: insights from scholarly work on Arab media economics

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2008. Gaps in the market: insights from scholarly work on Arab media economics. in: Hafez, K. (ed.) Arab media: power and weakness London Continuum. pp. 195-198

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Angeli, Silvia


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Brown, Lucy

Assistant Head of School

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Dixit, Toral


Dwyer, Paul


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Principal Research Fellow

Hogg, Christopher

Senior Lecturer

Hooper, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Hort, Peter

Principal Lecturer

Innes, Julie

Senior Lecturer

Iqbal, Musab


Koksal, Ozlem

Senior Lecturer

Laurence, Hotessa

Senior Lecturer

Lodhi, Aasiya

Senior Lecturer

Maguire, Ged

Senior Lecturer

Mano, Winston


Morgan, Robert

Senior Lecturer

O'Brien, Michaela

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Pitts, Virginia

Senior Lecturer

Roseblade, Eleanor

Assistant Head of School

Ryley, Stephen

Principal Lecturer

Sabry, Tarik


Sakr, Naomi

Emeritus Professor

Seaton, Jean


Shah, Reshel

Senior Lecturer

Stephenson, Laura

Senior Lecturer

Stockdale, Jonathan

Associate Dean Postgraduate Programme

Xin, Xin
