College | Design, Creative and Digital Industries |
Head | Prof Catherine Dormor |
Shipway, Richard and Stevenson, Nancy 2012. Experiencing sport tourism. Journal of Sport & Tourism. 17 (2), pp. 81-84.
Gregory Sporton 2012. The conservative revolution: the Bolshoi archives. Scene. 1 (1), pp. 85-98.
Cetinsel, S., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 2012. A Comparative Study of a Low Doppler Shift in a Carrier Tracking Loop for GPS. 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS). Kaohsiung, Taiwan 02 Dec 2012 IEEE .
Reni, S., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 2012. Automated Malaria Parasite Detection in Thin Blood Films:- A Hybrid, Illumination and Colour Constancy Insensitive Morphological Approach. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS. Kaohsiung, Taiwan 02 Dec 2012 IEEE .
Stevenson, N. 2012. The cultural legacy of the 2012 games. in: Shipway, R. and Fyall, A. (ed.) International sports events: impacts, experiences and identities Routledge.
Stevenson, N. 2012. Using complexity theory to develop understanding of tourism and the environment. in: Holden, A. and Fennell, D. (ed.) The Routledge handbook of tourism and the environment Routledge. pp. 84-93
Stevenson, N. 2012. Culture and the 2012 games: creating a tourism legacy? Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 10 (2), pp. 137-149.
Panagou, E.Z. and Kodogiannis, V. 2012. Application of expert systems in food mycology. in: Panagou, E.Z. and Dantigny, P. (ed.) Predictive mycology Nova Science Publishers.
Kodogiannis, V. and Petrounias, I. 2012. Power load forecasting using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks. 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS’12. Sofia, Bulgaria 6th - 8th September 2012
Kodogiannis, V. and Petrounias, I. 2012. Modelling of survival curves in food microbiology using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks. IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIMSA 2012). Tianjin, China 2th - 4th July 2012
Kareem, S., Kale, I., Morling, R.C.S. and Reni, S. 2012. Automated P.falciparum detection system for post-treatment malaria diagnosis using modified annular ring ratio method. in: Al-Dabass, D., Orsoni, A. and Cant, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2012 UKSim 14th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), Cambridge, 28-30 March 2012 IEEE . pp. 432-436
Angelopoulou, A., Economou, D., Bouki, V., Psarrou, A., Jin, L., Pritchard, C. and Kolyda, F. 2012. Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage. in: Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications: 4th international ICST conference, Mobilware 2011. London, UK, June 2011. Revised selected papers. Springer.
Amina, M., Kontogiannis, V., Petrounias, I., Lygouras, J.N. and Nychas, G.J.E. 2012. Identification of the Listeria monocytogenes survival curves in UHT whole milk utilising local linear wavelet neural networks. Expert Systems with Applications. 39 (1), pp. 1435-1450.
Kareem, S., Morling, R.C.S., Kale, I. and Reni, S. 2011. A novel method to count the red blood cells in thin blood films. in: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Rio de Janeiro, 15-18 May 2011 IEEE . pp. 1021-1024
Salvador Pinto, I. 2011. Lightweight and transparent covers. in: E. Oñate, B., Kröplin, B. and Bletzinger, K.-U. (ed.) Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures V: Volume containing the full length papers accepted for presentation at the V International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 October 2011 International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
Salvador Pinto, I. 2011. Evolution of Covers in Architecture. International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 4 (27).
Santo, D. 2011. Paisaje, arquitectura y turismo. El vino como excusa. in: Turismo del vino: análisis de casos internacionales
Sporton, Gregory 2011. The Watertower: Gaming for Heritage. in: Museums at Play: Games, Interaction and Learning MuseumsEtc.
Cetinsel, S., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 2011. An FPGA based decimation filter processor design for real-time continuous-time Σ−Δ modulator performance measurement and evaluation. 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD). Linkoping, Sweden 29 Aug 2011 IEEE .
Urwin, P.J., Karuk, V., David, A.H., Dodds, I. and Moss, G. 2011. The strategic economic impact of diversity on business performance. Commissioned by Diversity Works for London.
Smith, A., Stevenson, N. and Edmundson, T. 2011. The 2012 games: the regeneration legacy. RICS.
Kodogiannis, V., Amina, M., Lygouras, J.N. and Nychas, G.J.E. 2011. Application of wavelet neural networks as a non-linear modelling technique in food microbiology. in: Borgearo, S.R. (ed.) Animal feed: types, nutrition, and safety Nova Science Publishers. pp. 127-154
Kontogiannis, V., Amina, M. and Lygouras, J.N. 2011. Power load forecasting using extended normalised radial basis function networks. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 11 (4), pp. 243-255.
Jahankhani, P., Kontogiannis, V., Lygouras, J.N. and Petrounias, I. 2011. A decision support system for EEG signals based on adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 11 (4), pp. 209-225.
Dodds, I., David, A.H., Moss, G., Karuk, V. and Urwin, P.J. 2011. Diversity's contribution to the bottom line: assigning a monetary value to diversity initiatives. in: Moss, G. (ed.) Lessons on profiting from diversity Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.
Amina, M. and Kodogiannis, V. 2011. Load forecasting using fuzzy wavelet neural networks. in: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), Taipei, 27-30 June 2011 IEEE . pp. 1033-1040
Amina, M., Panagou, E.Z., Kontogiannis, V. and Nychas, G.J.E. 2010. Wavelet neural networks for modelling high pressure inactivation kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in UHT whole milk. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 103 (2), pp. 170-183.
Ghosheh, E., Black, S.E., Kapetanios, E. and Baldwin, M. 2010. Exploring the relationship between UML design metrics for Web applications and maintainability. Journal of Object Technology. 9 (3), pp. 125-144.
Sporton, Gregory 2010. Natural selection and the audition process: Dance science in context. Monaco Dance Forum/Association Danse Médecine Recherche Colloquium, Monaco, 1-4 April 2010. Research in Dance Education. 11 (2), pp. 139-142.
Sporton, Gregory 2010. Creative identity theft: issues for artists in collaborative online environments. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2010) (EVA). London, UK 05 - 07 Jul 2010 BCS Learning and Development Ltd.
Hossain, M. 2010. Sustainable Approaches to Ensure Construction Safety: An Assessment on the Scopes of Health and Environmental Safety (HES) Management in Context of Dhaka City. 2nd International Conference on ‘Construction in Developing Countries: Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research and Practice 2010’ - ICCIDC-II 2010. Cairo, Egypt 03 - 05 Aug 2010
Hossain, M. 2010. Daylight Inclusion to Save Energy: An Observation on Luminous Environment of Residential Apartment Building in Context of Dhaka. Proceeding of the Conference on ‘Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010’ (CERIE 2010). Sylhet, Bangladesh 11 - 13 Jan 2010
Hossain, M. 2010. To Conserve a Sacred Place: An Investigation on Moha Tirtha Langalbandh. Protibesh – Journal of the Department of Architecture. 14 (1), pp. 51-65.
Black, S.E., Harrison, R.V. and Baldwin, M. 2010. A Survey of Social Media Use in Software Systems Development. 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering. Cape Town, South Africa 02 - 08 May 2010
Stevenson, N. and Inskip, C. 2010. Seeing the sites: perceptions of London. in: Maitland, R. and Richie, B. (ed.) City tourism: national capital perspectives Wallingford CABI.
Stevenson, N. 2010. London 2012: developing and delivering a cultural legacy. 11th World Leisure Congress. ChunCheon, Korea 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2010
Stevenson, N. 2010. Events and cultural regeneration: creating a cultural legacy from the 2012 Games. Global Events Congress IV: Events and Festivals Research 'State of the Art'. Leeds Metropolitan University 14 - 16 Jul 2010
Lara, J.A., Jahankhani, P., Pérez, A., Valente, J.P. and Kodogiannis, V. 2010. Classification of stabilometric time-series using an adaptive fuzzy inference neural network system. in: Goebel, R., Siekmann, J. and Wahlster, W. (ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 10th International Conference, ICAISC 2010, Zakopane, Poland, June 13-17, 2010, Part I Berlin Heidelberg Springer.