Computer Science and Engineering

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadDr Philip Trwoga
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Multi-level brokering solution for interoperating service and desktop grids

Book chapter

Kertesz, A., Farkas, Z. and Kacsuk, P. 2011. Multi-level brokering solution for interoperating service and desktop grids. in: Guarracino, M.R., Vivien, F., Larsson Traff, J., Cannataro, M., Danelutto, M., Hast, A., Perla, F., Knupfer, A., Di Martino, B. and Alexander, M. (ed.) Euro-Par 2010 parallel processing workshops Springer.

How to make BOINC-based desktop grids even more popular?

Book chapter

Kacsuk, P. 2011. How to make BOINC-based desktop grids even more popular? in: 2011 IEEE international symposium on parallel and distributed processing workshops and Phd forum (IPDPSW) IEEE .

A decision support system for EEG signals based on adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks


Jahankhani, P., Kodogiannis, V., Lygouras, J.N. and Petrounias, I. 2011. A decision support system for EEG signals based on adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 11 (4), pp. 209-225.

Exploring the effect of temperature variations on unplanned asthma admissions

Book chapter

Islam, M.S., Chaussalet, T.J., Balta-Ozkan, N. and Demir, E. 2011. Exploring the effect of temperature variations on unplanned asthma admissions. in: Operational Research Information National Health Policy: proceedings of the 37th ORAHS conference School of Mathematics, Cardiff University. pp. 74-88

The impact of temperature disparity on emergency readmissions and patient flows

Book chapter

Islam, M.S., Chaussalet, T.J., Balta-Ozkan, N., Chahed, S., Demir, E. and Sarran, C. 2011. The impact of temperature disparity on emergency readmissions and patient flows. in: Olive, M. and Solomonides, T. (ed.) Proceedings of CMBS: the 24th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, June 27th – 30th, 2011, Bristol, United Kingdom IEEE .

Development of user-friendly, high throughput screening for ligands and inhibitors of carbohydrate modifying enzymes

Conference paper

Heindl, H., Greenwell, P., Kiss, T., Reynolds, C.J., Farkas, D., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2011. Development of user-friendly, high throughput screening for ligands and inhibitors of carbohydrate modifying enzymes. 2nd glyco-bioinformatics Beilstein-Institut symposium. Potsdam, Germany 27th June – 1st July 2011

Substrate integrated waveguide cross-coupled filters for wireless applications

Conference paper

Glubokov, O., Nagandiram, S., Tarczynski, A. and Budimir, D. 2011. Substrate integrated waveguide cross-coupled filters for wireless applications. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propogation (AP-S) and 2011 USNC/CNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. Spokane, Washington, USA 03 - 08 Jul 2011

From invisible grids to smart cloud computing

Book chapter

Getov, Vladimir and Srinivasan, S. 2011. From invisible grids to smart cloud computing. in: Guarracino, M.R., Vivien, F., Traff, J.L., Cannatoro, M., Danelutto, M., Hast, A., Perla, F., Knupfer, A., Di Martino, B. and Alexander, M. (ed.) Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops Springer.

Component-oriented approaches for software development in the extreme-scale computing era

Book chapter

Getov, Vladimir 2011. Component-oriented approaches for software development in the extreme-scale computing era. in: Foster, I., Gentzsch, W., Grandinetti, L. and Joubert, G.R. (ed.) High performance computing: from grids and clouds to exascale IOS Press.

Granular security for a science gateway in structural bioinformatics

Book chapter

Gesing, S., Grunzke, R., Balasko, A., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Herres-Pawlis, S., Kacsuk, P., Kozlovszky, M., Kruger, J., Packschies, L., Schafer, P., Schuller, B., Schuster, J., Steinke, T., Szikszay Fabri, A., Wewior, M., Muller-Pfefferkorn, R. and Kohlbacher, O. 2011. Granular security for a science gateway in structural bioinformatics. in: Terstyanszky, G. and Kiss, T. (ed.) IWSG-Life 2011 science gateways for life sciences. Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on science gateways for life sciences London, United Kingdom, June 8-10, 2011 University of Westminster.

Development platforms for mobile applications: status and trends


Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2011. Development platforms for mobile applications: status and trends. IEEE Software. 28 (1), pp. 77-86.

Fast Autonomous Growing Neural Gas

Conference paper

Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Angelopoulou, A., Orts Escolano, S., García-Chamizo, J.M., Psarrou, A. and Garcia Rodriguez, J. 2011. Fast Autonomous Growing Neural Gas. 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). San Jose, California July 31 - August 5, 2011

Bioreactor control by genetic programming

Book chapter

Dracopoulos, D. and Piccoli, R. 2011. Bioreactor control by genetic programming. in: Schaefer, R., Cotta, C., Kolodziej, J. and Rudolph, G. (ed.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XI: 11th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, September 11-15, 2010. Proceedings, part II Berlin Heidelberg Springer.

Genetic evolution of controllers for challenging control problems


Dracopoulos, D. 2011. Genetic evolution of controllers for challenging control problems. Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. 11 (4), pp. 227-242.

Bioreactor control based on evolutionary computing and neural dynamic programming

Book chapter

Dracopoulos, D. 2011. Bioreactor control based on evolutionary computing and neural dynamic programming. in: Antolli, P.G. and Liu, Z. (ed.) Bioreactors: design, properties, and applications Nova Science Publishers. pp. 179-198

Modelling high dependency care in the local neonatal unit

Book chapter

Dalton, S. and Chaussalet, T.J. 2011. Modelling high dependency care in the local neonatal unit. in: Operational Research Information National Health Policy: proceedings of the 37th ORAHS conference Cardiff School of Mathematics, Cardiff University.

Blind multidimensional matched filtering for wireless channelswith multiple antennas

PhD thesis

Coskun, A. 2011. Blind multidimensional matched filtering for wireless channelswith multiple antennas. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Electronics and Computer Science

Temporal conflict in workflow schemas


Chountas, P. and Petrounias, I. 2011. Temporal conflict in workflow schemas. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 11 (4), pp. 193-207.

The pragmatics of the modal particles να, θα, ας and μη(ν)

Book chapter

Chondrogianni, M. 2011. The pragmatics of the modal particles να, θα, ας and μη(ν). in: Chatzopoulou, K., Ioannidou, A. and Yoon, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Greek linguistics. 29 October 2009 - 31 October 2009 Chicago, Illinois, USA University of Chicago. pp. 322-332

The pragmatics of prohibitive and hortative in modern Greek

Book chapter

Chondrogianni, M. 2011. The pragmatics of prohibitive and hortative in modern Greek. in: Kitis, E., Lavidas, N., Topintzi, N. and Tsangalidis, T. (ed.) Selected papers from the 19th international symposium on theoretical and applied linguistics (19th ISTAL, April 2009) Thessaloniki Monochromia. pp. 135-142

Identifying the user’s intentions: basic illocutions in modern Greek


Chondrogianni, M. 2011. Identifying the user’s intentions: basic illocutions in modern Greek. Polibits. 44, pp. 73-77.

Basic illocutions of the MG subjunctive

Conference paper

Chondrogianni, M. 2011. Basic illocutions of the MG subjunctive. 20th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Thessaloniki, Greece 1st - 3rd April 2011

Simulation game for training new teachers in class management

Book chapter

Bouki, V., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Protopsaltis, A. 2011. Simulation game for training new teachers in class management. in: SIGDOC'11: proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on design of communication: October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy ACM. pp. 79-82

"Cognitive theory of multimedia learning" and learning videos design: The "redundancy principle"

Book chapter

Bouki, V., Economou, D. and Angelopoulou, A. 2011. "Cognitive theory of multimedia learning" and learning videos design: The "redundancy principle". in: SIGDOC'11: proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on design of communication, October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy ACM. pp. 271-278

Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont

Conference paper

Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2011. Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont. In the Proceedings of the 5th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-2011). Tumkur, Karnataka State, India 14th - 16th December 2011 pp. 630-638

Natural deduction in the setting of paraconsistent logic

Conference paper

Bolotov, A. 2011. Natural deduction in the setting of paraconsistent logic. 18th Automated Reasoning Workshop 2011 (ARW2011). University of Glasgow 11th - 12th April 2011

Handling periodic properties: deductive verification for quantified temporal logic specifications

Book chapter

Bolotov, A. 2011. Handling periodic properties: deductive verification for quantified temporal logic specifications. in: 2011 5th international conference on secure software integration and reliability improvement companion IEEE . pp. 179-186

A growing neural gas algorithm with applications in hand modelling and tracking

Book chapter

Angelopoulou, A., Psarrou, A. and García Rodríguez, J. 2011. A growing neural gas algorithm with applications in hand modelling and tracking. in: Cabestany, J., Rojas, I. and Joya, G. (ed.) Advances in Computational Intelligence: 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings, Part II Springer.

Object representation with self-organising networks

Book chapter

Angelopoulou, A., Psarrou, A. and García Rodríguez, J. 2011. Object representation with self-organising networks. in: Cabestany, J., Rojas, I. and Joya, G. (ed.) Advances in computational intelligence: 11th international work-conference on artificial neural networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011 Springer. pp. 244-251

Load forecasting using fuzzy wavelet neural networks

Book chapter

Amina, M. and Kodogiannis, V. 2011. Load forecasting using fuzzy wavelet neural networks. in: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), Taipei, 27-30 June 2011 IEEE . pp. 1033-1040

An IFTr approach to approximate XML query matching

Book chapter

Alzebdi, M., Chountas, P. and Atanassov, K.T. 2011. An IFTr approach to approximate XML query matching. in: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) IEEE . pp. 2425-2430

Improved ultrasound digital beamforming using single-bit sigma-delta modulators with band-pass decimation filters

Book chapter

Altinok, G., Al-Janabi, M., Kale, I. and Altinok, G. 2011. Improved ultrasound digital beamforming using single-bit sigma-delta modulators with band-pass decimation filters. in: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 May 2011 IEEE . pp. 2091-2094

Improved sigma-delta ultrasound beamformers with adaptive low-pass decimation filters

Book chapter

Altinok, G., Al-Janabi, M., Kale, I. and Altinok, G. 2011. Improved sigma-delta ultrasound beamformers with adaptive low-pass decimation filters. in: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Hangzhou, China, 10-12 May 2011 IEEE . pp. 329-333

Nonproportional random effects modelling of a neonatal unit operational patient pathways


Adeyemi, S., Chaussalet, T.J. and Demir, E. 2011. Nonproportional random effects modelling of a neonatal unit operational patient pathways. Statistical Methods and Applications. 20 (4), pp. 507-518.

Dual-tracking multi-constellation GNSS front-end for high-performance receiver applications

Conference paper

Adane, Y., Ucar, A. and Kale, I. 2011. Dual-tracking multi-constellation GNSS front-end for high-performance receiver applications. 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2011). Portland, Oregon pp. 803-807

Measuring and modelling occupancy time in NHS continuing healthcare

Journal article

Chahed, S., Demir, E., Chaussalet, T.J., Millard, P.H. and Toffa, S.E. 2011. Measuring and modelling occupancy time in NHS continuing healthcare. BMC Health Services Research. 11 (155), p. 1.

Editorial: IMA Health 2010

Edited issue

Vasilakis, C., Chaussalet, T.J. and Baker, R.D. 2011. Editorial: IMA Health 2010. Health Care Management Science. 14 (3), pp. 213-214.

Robust estimation of nonlinear model coefficients for wireless power amplifiers

Conference paper

Vaskovic, M., Djurovic, Z., Tarczynski, A. and Budimir, D. 2011. Robust estimation of nonlinear model coefficients for wireless power amplifiers. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS 2011). Nis, Serbia. 5-8 October 2011 pp. 222-225

Folded substrate integrated waveguide cross-coupled filters with negative coupling structure for wireless systems

Journal article

Glubokov, O., Nagandiram, S., Tarczynski, A. and Budimir, D. 2011. Folded substrate integrated waveguide cross-coupled filters with negative coupling structure for wireless systems. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 53 (11), pp. 2521-2526.

Collectively intelligent information and knowledge management


Kapetanios, E., Chbeir, R. and Andres, F. 2010. Collectively intelligent information and knowledge management. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence. 1 (4).

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Abbas, Qasim


Al-Janabi, Mohammed

Senior Lecturer

Arusi, Usama


Barjamovic, Dragana

Assistant Head of School

Basukoski, Artie

Assistant Head of School

Bouki, Vassiliki

Principal Lecturer

Chahed, Salma

Senior Lecturer

Charalambous, George

Senior Lecturer

Chen, Huankai

Research Associate

Chondrogianni, Maria

Principal Lecturer

Chountas, Panagiotis

Principal Lecturer

Colom, Anne-Gaelle

Assistant Head of School

Courtenage, Simon

Principal Lecturer

Dagdeviren, Huseyin

Senior Lecturer

Deslauriers, Jay

Research Fellow

Dracopoulos, Dimitris

Senior Lecturer

Economou, Daphne

Senior Lecturer

El Hajjar, Ayman

Senior Lecturer

Fain, Vitaly


Ferguson, Jeffrey

Senior Lecturer

Giles, Martin

Senior Lecturer

He, Fang

Senior Lecturer

Huang, David

Senior Lecturer

Ingram, Jack


Jacobson, Ralph

Emeritus Professor

James, Jade


Jankovic, Uros

Research Fellow

Jin, Li

Senior Lecturer

Kagialis, Dimitris

Research Associate

Kiss, Tamas


Kolyda, Frantzeska

Senior Lecturer

Kotak, Gunjan

Research Associate

Kovacs, Jozef

Senior Research Fellow

Lukka, Girish

Senior Lecturer

Ma, Yang

Research Associate

Majeed, Ebad


Martina, Andrea

Assistant Head of School

Mentzelopoulos, Markos

Senior Lecturer

Michalas, Antonis

Research Fellow

Moullard, Olivier

Senior Lecturer

Olajide, Funminiyi

Senior Lecturer

Oliver, Tom


Osamor, Jude


Reni, Saumya

Senior Lecturer

Roubert, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Sandia, Imtiaz

Senior Lecturer

Smith, Stuart

Research Associate

Terstyanszky, Gabor

Principal Research Fellow

Trwoga, Philip

Head of School - Comp. Sci. & Eng.

Turgul, Volkan

Senior Research Fellow

Ullah, Amjad

Research Associate

Villarini, Barbara

Senior Lecturer

Weingarten, Noam

Senior Lecturer

Yeung, Chee

Senior Lecturer