Westminster School of Media and Communication

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Michaela O'Brien
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Devolver a História, Materializar o Trauma: Observações sobre os corpos migrantes em Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) e Vitalina Varela (2019) de Pedro Costa

Journal article

Cunha, M. and Andrade, C. 2021. Devolver a História, Materializar o Trauma: Observações sobre os corpos migrantes em Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) e Vitalina Varela (2019) de Pedro Costa. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image . 8 (2), pp. 112-135. https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n2.769

‘Double Lives: A Conversation between Grace Ndiritu and George Clark’

Book chapter

Clark, G. and Ndiritu, G 2021. ‘Double Lives: A Conversation between Grace Ndiritu and George Clark’. in: Ball, E. (ed.) Old Land New Waters Freelands Foundation.

BBC School Broadcasting, Progressivism in Education and Literacy 1957-1979

PhD thesis

Barclay, Steven 2021. BBC School Broadcasting, Progressivism in Education and Literacy 1957-1979. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/vw731

EU Digital COVID Certificates: When governments move fast and break things

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2021. EU Digital COVID Certificates: When governments move fast and break things. github. 84 Troyan, Cassandra; Aouragh, Miriyam; Awan, Nishat; Barnard, Gwendolin; Boudiaf, Yasmine; Gürses, Seda; Hill, Clareese; Pritchard, Helen; Snelting, Femke.

Helmut Schmidt and British–German relations: a European misunderstanding

Book review

Day, Christopher 2021. Helmut Schmidt and British–German relations: a European misunderstanding. Cold War History. 22 (2), pp. 242-244. https://doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2021.1993524

Geopolitics of China's Rising Media and Soft Power in Africa: Eating and Being Eaten

Journal article

Mano, W. 2021. Geopolitics of China's Rising Media and Soft Power in Africa: Eating and Being Eaten. Communicatio. 47 (3), pp. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/02500167.2021.2001554

Günther Anders’ Theory of Media and Communication: Developing a Conception of Technological Domination, Alienation and Ideology with Marx beyond Marx

PhD thesis

Marino, O. 2021. Günther Anders’ Theory of Media and Communication: Developing a Conception of Technological Domination, Alienation and Ideology with Marx beyond Marx. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/vq22z

Media Consumption and the Construction of Diasporic Identities of Youth of Pakistani Origin in Britain

PhD thesis

Rizvi, S. 2021. Media Consumption and the Construction of Diasporic Identities of Youth of Pakistani Origin in Britain. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/vq22v

Social media literacy for empowering children with new literacy skills for reading, writing and interacting in the networked digital setting: An Action Research Study of teenage students in Mumbai

PhD thesis

Vadakkemury, S. 2021. Social media literacy for empowering children with new literacy skills for reading, writing and interacting in the networked digital setting: An Action Research Study of teenage students in Mumbai. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v97v0

The Implications of Parental and Child Smartphone Use on Parent-Child and Family Relationships: a Case-Study of the Turkish-Speaking Community in London

PhD thesis

Yaman, E. 2021. The Implications of Parental and Child Smartphone Use on Parent-Child and Family Relationships: a Case-Study of the Turkish-Speaking Community in London. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v9757

Preface: Manfred Knoche’s Critique of the Political Economy of the Media and Communication

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. Preface: Manfred Knoche’s Critique of the Political Economy of the Media and Communication . tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique . 19 (2), pp. 371-373. https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v19i2.1298

Apocalyptic films have lulled us into a false sense of security about climate change


Angeli, S. 2021. Apocalyptic films have lulled us into a false sense of security about climate change. The Conversation.

‘A polyphonic tale’: Arendt, Cavarero and storytelling in Sarah Polley’s Stories We Tell (2012)

Journal article

Angeli, S. 2021. ‘A polyphonic tale’: Arendt, Cavarero and storytelling in Sarah Polley’s Stories We Tell (2012). Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication. 12 (1), pp. 75-89. https://doi.org/10.1386/ejpc_00029_1

Edu-Communication Strategies of Cashew Production in a Rural Ghanaian Community

Journal article

Anyarayor, B.K., Amadu, M.F. and Alhassan, A. 2021. Edu-Communication Strategies of Cashew Production in a Rural Ghanaian Community. Journal of Extension Education. 32 (3) 6532. https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2020.3.32.6532-6541

The Corset and the Hijab: the Discursivisation of Identity Between the West and the Orient

PhD thesis

Hernandes Jardim, M. 2021. The Corset and the Hijab: the Discursivisation of Identity Between the West and the Orient. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v824v

Progressive social movements

Journal article

Kavada, A. 2021. Progressive social movements. Progressive Review. 27 (4), pp. 344-353. https://doi.org/10.1111/newe.12231

“Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’”

Book chapter

Sabry, T. 2021. “Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’” . in: Bacon, S. (ed.) Transmedia Cultures London Peter Lang.

The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto


Fuchs, Christian and Unterberger, Klaus (ed.) 2021. The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto. London University of Westminster Press.

Communicating COVID-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times


Fuchs, Christian 2021. Communicating COVID-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times. Bingley Emerald Publishing Limited.

Popular Conservatism and the Culture of National Government in Inter-War Britain. By Geraint Thomas

Book review

Day, Christopher 2021. Popular Conservatism and the Culture of National Government in Inter-War Britain. By Geraint Thomas. Twentieth Century British History. 33 (2), pp. 306-308. https://doi.org/10.1093/tcbh/hwab026

Chinese Media in Africa: Perception, Performance, and Paradox

Book review

Boughen, R. 2021. Chinese Media in Africa: Perception, Performance, and Paradox. Critical Arts. 35 (4), pp. 126-128. https://doi.org/10.1080/02560046.2021.1956984

Labor Participation and Gender Inequalities in India: Traditional Gender Norms in India and the Decline in the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)

Journal article

Costagliola, A. 2021. Labor Participation and Gender Inequalities in India: Traditional Gender Norms in India and the Decline in the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR). The Indian Journal of Labour Economics. 64 (3), p. 531–542. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41027-021-00329-7

Why should we care about media policy? Critical directions in media policy research

Book chapter

Michalis, M. 2021. Why should we care about media policy? Critical directions in media policy research. in: McDonald, P. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Media Industries London and New York Routledge. pp. 66-75

Olmi and Pasolini: Industrialisation, the underdog and ‘ecological eschatology’ in Manon finestra 2 (1956) and Grigio (1957)

Journal article

Angeli, S. 2021. Olmi and Pasolini: Industrialisation, the underdog and ‘ecological eschatology’ in Manon finestra 2 (1956) and Grigio (1957). Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies. 55 (3), pp. 850-864. https://doi.org/10.1177/00145858211025486

Journalism and the Problem of Progress

PhD thesis

Boyles, D. 2021. Journalism and the Problem of Progress. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v60q7

Ecological Civilisation Discourse in Xinhua’s African Newswires: Towards a Greener Agency?

Journal article

Boughen, Robert 2021. Ecological Civilisation Discourse in Xinhua’s African Newswires: Towards a Greener Agency? African Journalism Studies. 42 (3), pp. 67-81. https://doi.org/10.1080/23743670.2021.1927783

Foundations of Communication/Media/Digital (In)justice

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. Foundations of Communication/Media/Digital (In)justice. Journal of Media Ethics. 36 (4), pp. 186-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/23736992.2021.1964968

Modelo de Escalas da Visibilidade: Mapeando Percursos de Visibilidade e suas Consequências para Midiativistas do Sul Global

Journal article

Medrado, A. and Rega, I. 2021. Modelo de Escalas da Visibilidade: Mapeando Percursos de Visibilidade e suas Consequências para Midiativistas do Sul Global. Revista Comunicação Mídia e Consumo (CMC). 18 (52), pp. 220-251. https://doi.org/10.18568/CMC.V18I52.2490

Salada Sonora: O Que Dizem as Paisagens Sonoras e a Rádio de Poste Sobre Viver em Comunidade em um Bairro Popular de Salvador

Book chapter

Medrado, A. 2021. Salada Sonora: O Que Dizem as Paisagens Sonoras e a Rádio de Poste Sobre Viver em Comunidade em um Bairro Popular de Salvador. in: Capistrano. I. (ed.) Radios Comunitárias no Brasil: Resistências, Lutas e Desafios. Curitiba Appris Editora. pp. 140-162

Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan

PhD thesis

Lin, G. 2021. Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v4zzq

IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? – Summary

Project report

Ramsay, G. and Barnett, S. 2021. IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? – Summary. London Communications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster. https://doi.org/10.34737/v4zx9

IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? How UK News Publishers Set Up Their Own Regulator to Avoid Scrutiny

Project report

Ramsay, G. and Barnett, S. 2021. IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? How UK News Publishers Set Up Their Own Regulator to Avoid Scrutiny. London Communications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster. https://doi.org/10.34737/v4zx8

A Miraculous Materialism: Lines of Flight in We Have a Pope and Corpo Celeste

Journal article

Angeli, S. 2021. A Miraculous Materialism: Lines of Flight in We Have a Pope and Corpo Celeste. Film-Philosophy. 25 (1), pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3366/film.2021.0154

Black Women in Parliament and on Social Media: Link visibility as an Intersectional and Solidarity-Building Tool

Journal article

Medrado, A., Souza, R. and Paulla, M. 2021. Black Women in Parliament and on Social Media: Link visibility as an Intersectional and Solidarity-Building Tool. Global Perspectives. 2 (1) 24503. https://doi.org/10.1525/gp.2021.24503

Social Media: A Critical Introduction


Fuchs, Christian 2021. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. London Sage.

Marxist Humanism and Communication Theory


Fuchs, Christian 2021. Marxist Humanism and Communication Theory. Routledge.

The BBC: Guardian of Public Understanding

Book chapter

Seaton, J. 2021. The BBC: Guardian of Public Understanding. in: Boin, A., Fahy, L. and 't Hart, P. (ed.) Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organisations Become and Remain Institutions Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 87-110

Blog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s


Day, C. 2021. Blog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s. Past & Present.

The Digital Commons and the Digital Public Sphere: How to Advance Digital Democracy Today

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. The Digital Commons and the Digital Public Sphere: How to Advance Digital Democracy Today. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 16 (1), pp. 9-26. https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.917

Afrokology as a transdisciplinary approach to media and communication studies

Book chapter

Milton, V. and Mano, W. 2021. Afrokology as a transdisciplinary approach to media and communication studies. in: Mano, W. and Milton, V. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies Routledge. pp. pp.256-275

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Allsop, Zoe

Senior Lecturer

Angeli, Silvia


Bringas, Sylvie

Senior Lecturer

Brown, Lucy

Assistant Head of School

Cope, Jon

Senior Lecturer

Dixit, Toral


Dwyer, Paul


Goodwin, Peter

Principal Research Fellow

Hogg, Christopher

Senior Lecturer

Hooper, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Hort, Peter

Principal Lecturer

Innes, Julie

Senior Lecturer

Iqbal, Musab


Koksal, Ozlem

Senior Lecturer

Laurence, Hotessa

Senior Lecturer

Lodhi, Aasiya

Senior Lecturer

Maguire, Ged

Senior Lecturer

Mano, Winston


Morgan, Robert

Senior Lecturer

O'Brien, Michaela

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Pitts, Virginia

Senior Lecturer

Roseblade, Eleanor

Assistant Head of School

Ryley, Stephen

Principal Lecturer

Sabry, Tarik


Sakr, Naomi

Emeritus Professor

Seaton, Jean


Shah, Reshel

Senior Lecturer

Stephenson, Laura

Senior Lecturer

Stockdale, Jonathan

Associate Dean Postgraduate Programme

Xin, Xin
