Westminster School of Media and Communication

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Michaela O'Brien
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Afrokology of media and communication studies: theorising from the margins

Book chapter

Mano, W. and Milton, V. 2021. Afrokology of media and communication studies: theorising from the margins. in: Mano, W. and Milton, V. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Media and Communication Studies Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies Routledge. pp. pp.19-42

Decoloniality and the push for African media and communication studies

Book chapter

Mano, W. and Milton, V. 2021. Decoloniality and the push for African media and communication studies. in: Mano, W. and Milton, V. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 1-18

A Quantitative Examination of the Phenomenon of Soli and Public Relations Practice in Ghana

Journal article

Chentiba, A.T., Amadu, M. F. and Mumuni, E. 2021. A Quantitative Examination of the Phenomenon of Soli and Public Relations Practice in Ghana. Journal of Development and Communication Studies. 8 (1), pp. 74-98. https://doi.org/0.4314/jdcs.v8i1.4

Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies


Mano, W. and Milton, V.C. (ed.) 2021. Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies. Routledge.

Curation as methodological enhancement in researching production cultures behind screen content about displaced children in Europe

Journal article

Sakr, N. and Steemers, J. 2021. Curation as methodological enhancement in researching production cultures behind screen content about displaced children in Europe . Critical Studies in Television. 16 (2), pp. 181-195. https://doi.org/10.1177/17496020211004102

How Did Donald Trump Incite a Coup Attempt?

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. How Did Donald Trump Incite a Coup Attempt? tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique . 19 (1), pp. 246-251. https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v19i1.1239

Cornel West and Marxist Humanism

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. Cornel West and Marxist Humanism. Critical Sociology. 47 (7-8), pp. 1219-1243. https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920520988314

South Africa: Beyond democratic deficit in public service broadcasting

Book chapter

Milton, V. and Mano, W. 2021. South Africa: Beyond democratic deficit in public service broadcasting. in: Thussu, D.K. and Nordenstreng, K. (ed.) BRICS Media Reshaping the Global Communication Order? Book Routledge.

Friedrich Engels and Digital Capitalism. How Relevant Are Engels’s Works 200 Years After His Birth?

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. Friedrich Engels and Digital Capitalism. How Relevant Are Engels’s Works 200 Years After His Birth? Triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 19 (1), pp. 15-51. https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v19i1.1228

Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism. Introduction

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism. Introduction. Triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 19 (1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v19i1.1229

Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Scholarly edition

Fuchs, Christian (ed.) 2021. Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism. TripleC.

Divergent Trajectories of Creativity and Coercion - An Introduction to the Media and Popular Culture Section

Book chapter

Sakr, N. 2021. Divergent Trajectories of Creativity and Coercion - An Introduction to the Media and Popular Culture Section. in: The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Egypt Abdingdon Routledge. pp. 389-400

From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media

Journal article

Kavada, Anastasia and Poell, Thomas 2021. From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media. Communication Theory. 31 (2), pp. 190-208. https://doi.org/10.1093/ct/qtaa025

History and Class Consciousness 2.0: Georg Lukács in the age of digital capitalism and big data

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2021. History and Class Consciousness 2.0: Georg Lukács in the age of digital capitalism and big data. Information, Communication & Society. 24 (15), pp. 2258-2276. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2020.1759670

Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer

Journal article

Sabry, T. 2021. Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 24 (4), pp. 816-831. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549421994577

Adapting Television Drama: Theory & Industry


Hogg, C. 2021. Adapting Television Drama: Theory & Industry. Palgrave Macmillan.

About Time: Addressing Intersectionality in the Casting and Performance of Chris Chibnall/Jodie Whittaker Era Doctor Who

Book chapter

Hogg, C. 2021. About Time: Addressing Intersectionality in the Casting and Performance of Chris Chibnall/Jodie Whittaker Era Doctor Who. in: Cherry, B., Hills, M. and O’Day, A. (ed.) Doctor Who: New Dawn - Essays on the Jodie Whittaker Era Manchester University Press.

Children's television in an era of digital distribution: European and Arab responses

Book chapter

Sakr, N. and Steemers, J. 2021. Children's television in an era of digital distribution: European and Arab responses. in: Digital Media Distribution: Portals, Platforms, Pipelines New York New York University Press. pp. 222-241

Which Visual Transmission Of Knowledge For A Hawza Knowledge?

Book chapter

Fusari, M. 2021. Which Visual Transmission Of Knowledge For A Hawza Knowledge? in: Gleave, R. (ed.) Knowledge and Authority in Shi'i Islam: Volume 1: Clerics and the Hawza System in the Middle East London I.B. Tauris.

Regulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper

Technical report

Sabry, T. and Ait Mansour, H Forthcoming. Regulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper. Morocco Economia Magazine.

Cultural Icons

Conference paper

Peters, T. and Brown, C. 2020. Cultural Icons. Clay, Mindfulness and Memory: National Council on the Education for the Ceramic Arts 54th Annual Conference. Richmond, Virginia 25 - 28 Mar 2020

O SILÊNCIO NÃO É A MELHOR ARMA: MISOGINIA E VIOLÊNCIA CONTRA AS MULHERES NO GAME LEAGUE OF LEGENDS | Silence is not the weapon of choice: Misogyny and violence against women in the League of Legends Game

Journal article

Andrea Meyer Medrado and Adler Moreno Mendes 2020. O SILÊNCIO NÃO É A MELHOR ARMA: MISOGINIA E VIOLÊNCIA CONTRA AS MULHERES NO GAME LEAGUE OF LEGENDS | Silence is not the weapon of choice: Misogyny and violence against women in the League of Legends Game. Animus. Revista Interamericana de Comunicação Midiática. 19 (39). https://doi.org/10.5902/2175497740329

Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.2, maio-ago. 2020


Denise Tavares and Andrea Medrado 2020. Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.2, maio-ago. 2020. Revista Mídia e Cotidiano. 14 (2), pp. i-ii. https://doi.org/10.22409/rmc.v14i2.42904

Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.1, jan-abr. 2020

Edited issue

Denise Tavares and Andrea Medrado 2020. Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.1, jan-abr. 2020. Revista Mídia e Cotidiano. 14 (1), pp. I-II. https://doi.org/10.22409/rmc.v14i1.40737

Mediated ownership: capital as media

Journal article

Nathan Schneider 2020. Mediated ownership: capital as media. Media, Culture & Society. 42 (3), pp. 449 - 459. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443719899035

User trusts: broad-based ownership for online platforms

Journal article

Schneider, N. 2020. User trusts: broad-based ownership for online platforms. Informatik Spektrum. 43, pp. 9-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-020-01242-x

True Journey is Return: On Detours and Returning in Ute Aurand's films

Book chapter

Clark, G. 2020. True Journey is Return: On Detours and Returning in Ute Aurand's films. in: Ortega, G. and Palacios Cruz, M. (ed.) Meditations on the Present: Ute Aurand, Helga Fanderl, Jeannette Muñoz and Renate Sami Spain Punto de Vista.

A Reverse-Engineered Insurrection

Journal article

Aouragh, M. 2020. A Reverse-Engineered Insurrection. American Ethnologist website. 25 August 2020.

The extractive infrastructures of contact tracing apps

Journal article

Aouragh, M., Gürses, S., Pritchard, H and Snelting, F. 2020. The extractive infrastructures of contact tracing apps. Journal of Environmental Media. 1 (1), pp. 9.2-9.9. https://doi.org//10.1386/jem_00030_1

Resisting Disappearance: Military Occupation and Women’s Activism in Kashmir, by Ather Zia,

Book review

Aouragh, M. 2020. Resisting Disappearance: Military Occupation and Women’s Activism in Kashmir, by Ather Zia,. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. 43 (6), pp. 1228-1230. https://doi.org/10.1080/00856401.2020.1843786

Lina Wertmüller Symposium: A report, 13 December 2019, University of Westminster


Angeli, S. 2020. Lina Wertmüller Symposium: A report, 13 December 2019, University of Westminster. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies. 8 (3), pp. 419-423. https://doi.org/10.1386/jicms_00033_7

From the margins: Alice Rohrwacher’s liminal adolescents

Journal article

Angeli, S. 2020. From the margins: Alice Rohrwacher’s liminal adolescents. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies. 8 (3), pp. 339-356. https://doi.org/10.1386/jicms_00026_1

Is Democracy a Prerequisite for Economic Growth? A Sectoral Analysis of Authoritarian Capitalism in Rwanda's Coffee Sector


Costagliola, A. 2020. Is Democracy a Prerequisite for Economic Growth? A Sectoral Analysis of Authoritarian Capitalism in Rwanda's Coffee Sector. Global Politics Review. 6 (1-2), pp. 66-76. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3890856

Exploring Takfir, Its Origins and Contemporary Use: The Case of Takfiri Approach in Daesh’s Media

Journal article

Kadivar, J. 2020. Exploring Takfir, Its Origins and Contemporary Use: The Case of Takfiri Approach in Daesh’s Media. Contemporary Review of the Middle East. 7 (3), p. 259–285. https://doi.org/10.1177/2347798920921706

Can Arabs Represent America? The Performativity of U.S-Arab Mediated Public Diplomacy

PhD thesis

Fakhreddine, Jihad 2020. Can Arabs Represent America? The Performativity of U.S-Arab Mediated Public Diplomacy. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v66q6

Favela Digital Activism: The Use of Social Media to Fight Oppression and Injustice in Brazil

Book chapter

Medrado, A., Souza, R. and Cabral, T. 2020. Favela Digital Activism: The Use of Social Media to Fight Oppression and Injustice in Brazil. in: Martens, C., Venegas, C. and Sharupi Tapuy, E. (ed.) Digital Activism, Community Media and Sustainable Communication in Latin America London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 177-202

Brazil: More than Just a Little Flu

Book chapter

Joathan, I., Medrado, A. and Medeiros, T. 2020. Brazil: More than Just a Little Flu. in: Lilleker, D., Coman, I., Gregor, M. and Novelli, E. (ed.) Political Communication and COVID-19: Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis London and New York Routledge. pp. 220-230

A mediação de vídeos pelo YouTube: política conectiva na comunicação de um partido e de dois movimentos sociais

Journal article

Medrado, A. 2020. A mediação de vídeos pelo YouTube: política conectiva na comunicação de um partido e de dois movimentos sociais. Revista Eptic. 22 (1), pp. 197-216.

African Politics in the Digital Age: A Study of Political Party-Social Media Campaign Strategies in Ghana

PhD thesis

Asante, J. 2020. African Politics in the Digital Age: A Study of Political Party-Social Media Campaign Strategies in Ghana. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication https://doi.org/10.34737/v4656

Can Tim Davie save the BBC?


Seaton, J. 2020. Can Tim Davie save the BBC? Prospect.

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Allsop, Zoe

Senior Lecturer

Angeli, Silvia


Bringas, Sylvie

Senior Lecturer

Brown, Lucy

Assistant Head of School

Cope, Jon

Senior Lecturer

Dixit, Toral


Dwyer, Paul


Goodwin, Peter

Principal Research Fellow

Hogg, Christopher

Senior Lecturer

Hooper, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Hort, Peter

Principal Lecturer

Innes, Julie

Senior Lecturer

Iqbal, Musab


Koksal, Ozlem

Senior Lecturer

Laurence, Hotessa

Senior Lecturer

Lodhi, Aasiya

Senior Lecturer

Maguire, Ged

Senior Lecturer

Mano, Winston


Morgan, Robert

Senior Lecturer

O'Brien, Michaela

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Pitts, Virginia

Senior Lecturer

Roseblade, Eleanor

Assistant Head of School

Ryley, Stephen

Principal Lecturer

Sabry, Tarik


Sakr, Naomi

Emeritus Professor

Seaton, Jean


Shah, Reshel

Senior Lecturer

Stephenson, Laura

Senior Lecturer

Stockdale, Jonathan

Associate Dean Postgraduate Programme

Xin, Xin
