Drawing as a tool in metaphor-led discourse analysis Denroche, C. 2024. Drawing as a tool in metaphor-led discourse analysis. Metaphor and Symbol. 39 (2), pp. 132-148. https://doi.org/10.1080/10926488.2024.2307333
Translating Figurative Language Denroche, C. 2024. Translating Figurative Language. Cognitive Linguistic Studies. 10 (1), pp. 173-198. https://doi.org/10.1075/cogls.22011.den
The Three Grammars and the Sign Denroche, C. 2021. The Three Grammars and the Sign. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 19 (1), pp. 207-232. https://doi.org/10.1075/rcl.00081.den
A metonymic theory of translation Denroche, C. 2014. A metonymic theory of translation. 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference . Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK 29 Jul 2014
Figurative text phenomena and text metaphtonymy Denroche, C. 2014. Figurative text phenomena and text metaphtonymy. 1st Internatioonal Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language. Thessaloniki, Greece 26 Apr 2014
A Metonymic Theory of Translation Denroche, C. 2013. A Metonymic Theory of Translation. 3rd International Conference on Meaning Construction - Meaning Interpretation: Applications and Implications (CRAL 13). University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain 20 Jul 2013
Analysing Larkin: complementary approaches to teaching texts Denroche, C. 2011. Analysing Larkin: complementary approaches to teaching texts. The interface between English literature and English language: innovation in curriculum development. LLAS Subject Centre for English, University of Sussex 24 May, 2011
Pure learning and the discourse of knowledge Denroche, C. 2009. Pure learning and the discourse of knowledge. Language and linguistics research cluster: interface with linguistics conference. University of Westminster, London
Enriching learning through pedagogic problem solving Denroche, C. 2008. Enriching learning through pedagogic problem solving. 7th Annual Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium: Enhancing Learning. University of Westminster, London
Modelling the linguistic mind Denroche, C. 2007. Modelling the linguistic mind. Interfaces in Language. Canterbury, UK 23-25 Apr 2007
Multimodal metonymy Denroche, C. 2025. Multimodal metonymy. in: Wen, X. and Sinha, C. (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Cognitive Linguistics Cambridge University Press.
Metonym in Culture and Recreation Denroche, C. 2015. Metonym in Culture and Recreation. in: Metonymy and Language: a new theory of linguistic processing Routledge. pp. 81-105
Modelling the linguistic mind Denroche, C. 2010. Modelling the linguistic mind. in: Partridge, J. (ed.) Interfaces in language Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 311-334
Modelling Metaphor Denroche, C. 2006. Modelling Metaphor. in: Congresso Sobre a Metapfora na Linguaguem e no Pensamento.