Architecture and Cities

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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BESTUFS policy and research recommendations IV: environmental zones in European cities, accommodating the needs of passenger and freight transport in cities, and BESTUFS Project recommendations

Project report

Allen, J. and Wild, D. 2008. BESTUFS policy and research recommendations IV: environmental zones in European cities, accommodating the needs of passenger and freight transport in cities, and BESTUFS Project recommendations. BESTUFS Project.

Internalising the external costs of light goods vehicle transport in Britain

Project report

Allen, J., Piecyk, M. and McKinnon, A. 2008. Internalising the external costs of light goods vehicle transport in Britain. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Sustainable freight distribution progress measures: progress report

Technical report

Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2008. Sustainable freight distribution progress measures: progress report. Prepared for Transport for London Freight Unit as part of the London Freight Data Centre.

Community asset management: life cycles and learning

Book chapter

Allen, J., Kalra, R. and Lloyd-Jones, T. 2008. Community asset management: life cycles and learning. in: Jakob, M.C. and Reichmouth, J. (ed.) Community development: local and global challenges Lucerne, Switzerland Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Transport: challenging disabling environments

Journal article

Aldred, R. and Woodcock, J. 2008. Transport: challenging disabling environments. Local Environment. 13 (6), pp. 485-496.

NHS LIFT and the new shape of neoliberal welfare


Aldred, R. 2008. NHS LIFT and the new shape of neoliberal welfare. Capital and Class. 32 (95), pp. 31-57.

Managing risk and regulation within new local ‘health economies’: The case of NHS LIFT (local improvement finance trust)


Aldred, R. 2008. Managing risk and regulation within new local ‘health economies’: The case of NHS LIFT (local improvement finance trust). Health, Risk & Society. 10 (1), pp. 23-36.

Flexible regulation: the birth of a qualitative audit society?


Aldred, R. 2008. Flexible regulation: the birth of a qualitative audit society? International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy. 3 (1), pp. 48-65.

Quik Build


McLean, W. McLean, W. (ed.) 2008. Quik Build. Bibliotheque McLean.

Aviation and tourism: implications for leisure travel


Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (ed.) 2008. Aviation and tourism: implications for leisure travel. Aldershot Ashgate.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Segal, R. and Verbakel, E. (ed.) Cities of dispersal Chichester, UK Wiley.

London freight data report

Technical report

Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Piotrowska, M. 2008. London freight data report. London Transport for London.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Hensel, M. and Menges, A. (ed.) Versatility and vicissitude, performance in morpho-ecological design Chichester, UK Wiley.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Preston, J. (ed.) Interior atmospheres Chichester, UK Wiley.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Shiel, B. (ed.) Protoarchitecture: analogue and digital hybrids Chichester, UK Wiley.

Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey

Journal article

Baumgartner, M., Leonardi, J. and Krusch, O. 2008. Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 13 (6), pp. 377-382.

Assessing the fitness-for-purpose of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy

Journal article

Tuominen, A., Leonardi, J. and Rizet, C. 2008. Assessing the fitness-for-purpose of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 8 (3), pp. 183-200.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Liauw, L. (ed.) New urban China Chichester, UK Wiley.

McLean's nuggets

Book chapter

McLean, W. 2008. McLean's nuggets. in: Cruz, M. and Pike, S. (ed.) Neoplasmatic design Chichester, UK Wiley.

Peri-urbanisation in East Asia: A new challenge for planning?


Hudalah, D., Winarso, H. and Woltjer, J. 2007. Peri-urbanisation in East Asia: A new challenge for planning? International Development Planning Review. 29 (4), pp. 315-332.

Memories of work: exploring identities through visual and oral approaches

Conference paper

Wall, C. and Kirk, J. 2007. Memories of work: exploring identities through visual and oral approaches. Working Lives Research Institute open seminar. London Metropolitan University 7th November 2007

Attitudes to change in ATM operations: introduction of CDA trials at Manchester, Bucharest, and Stockholm

Discussion paper

Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2007. Attitudes to change in ATM operations: introduction of CDA trials at Manchester, Bucharest, and Stockholm. Brussels, Belgium European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

Competition and change in the long-haul markets of Europe


Dennis, N. 2007. Competition and change in the long-haul markets of Europe. Journal of Air Transportation. 12 (2), pp. 4-26.

End of the free lunch? The responses of traditional European airlines to the low-cost carrier threat


Dennis, N. 2007. End of the free lunch? The responses of traditional European airlines to the low-cost carrier threat. Journal of Air Transport Management. 13 (5), pp. 311-321.

Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in London and Paris


Browne, M., Allen, J. and Attlassy, M. 2007. Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in London and Paris. International Journal of Logistics. 10 (3), pp. 205-219.

The role for rail in port-based container freight flows in Britain


Woodburn, A.G. 2007. The role for rail in port-based container freight flows in Britain. Maritime Policy and Management. 34 (4), pp. 311-330.

Back the bid: the 2012 summer games and the governance of London


Newman, P. 2007. Back the bid: the 2012 summer games and the governance of London. Journal of Urban Affairs. 29 (3), pp. 255-267.

Delivering value for money to government through efficient and effective public transit service continuity: some thoughts: response 4


White, P. 2007. Delivering value for money to government through efficient and effective public transit service continuity: some thoughts: response 4. Transport Reviews. 27 (4), pp. 432-434.

Evaluation of rail freight facilities grant funding in Britain


Woodburn, A.G. 2007. Evaluation of rail freight facilities grant funding in Britain. Transport Reviews. 27 (3), pp. 311-326.

From 'event-led' to 'event-themed' regeneration: the 2002 Commonwealth Games Legacy Programme


Smith, A. and Fox, T. 2007. From 'event-led' to 'event-themed' regeneration: the 2002 Commonwealth Games Legacy Programme. Urban Studies. 44 (5-6), pp. 1125-1143.

Airport traffic and financial performance: a UK & Ireland case study


Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2007. Airport traffic and financial performance: a UK & Ireland case study. Journal of Transport Geography. 15 (3), pp. 161-171.

The melancholic air of the city


Deriu, D. 2007. The melancholic air of the city. Abitare. 472, pp. 154-157.

The transferability of the low-cost model to long-haul airline operations


Francis, G., Dennis, N., Ison, S. and Humphreys, I. 2007. The transferability of the low-cost model to long-haul airline operations. Tourism Management. 28 (2), pp. 391-398.

Evaluating the potential for urban consolidation centres


Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Allen, J. 2007. Evaluating the potential for urban consolidation centres. European Transport / Trasporti Europei. 35, pp. 46-63.

Lemon Factory Extension


Martin, A., Yau, A., Berglund, J. and Hardy, S. 2007. Lemon Factory Extension. Messina, Sicily, Italy.

Developed space: Theo van Doesburg and the Chambre de Fleurs


Difford, R.J. 2007. Developed space: Theo van Doesburg and the Chambre de Fleurs. Journal of Architecture. 12 (1), pp. 79-98.

Closed policy networks, broken chains of communication and the stories behind an ‘entrepreneurial policy’: the case of NHS local improvement finance trust (NHS LIFT)


Aldred, R. 2007. Closed policy networks, broken chains of communication and the stories behind an ‘entrepreneurial policy’: the case of NHS local improvement finance trust (NHS LIFT). Critical Social Policy. 27 (1), pp. 139-151.

Tanner Street Estate


Barber, P. 2007. Tanner Street Estate. Barking, London.

Architectural voices: listening to old buildings


Littlefield, D. and Lewis, S 2007. Architectural voices: listening to old buildings. London Wiley.

Principles of Architectural and Urban Design in the Desert: Proportions, Mass, Materials, and Details

Journal article

Ajeeb, D. 2007. Principles of Architectural and Urban Design in the Desert: Proportions, Mass, Materials, and Details. Damascus University Press.

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Achille, Wilfred

Visiting Lecturer

Ajeeb, Dimah

Senior Lecturer

Allen, Julian

Senior Research Fellow

Ayuso, Alessandro

Senior Lecturer

Batty, Scott

Senior Lecturer

Bauer, Susanne

Senior Lecturer

Blyth, Alastair

Assistant Head of School

Boccaletti, Stefania

Senior Lecturer

Bolic, Tatjana

Senior Research Fellow

Bottazzi, Roberto

Senior Lecturer

Boulanger, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Cascone, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Chan, Tommy

Research Associate

Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

Senior Research Fellow

Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

Principal Lecturer

Ellston, Liz


Farrell, Helen

Assistant Head of School

Fevyer, David

Research Associate

Furlong, Jamie

Research Fellow

Girardin, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Golzari, Nasser

Senior Lecturer

Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

Senior Lecturer

Hui, Sam Sam


Inkson, Clare

Senior Lecturer

Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

Kalra, Ripin

Senior Research Fellow

Kramer, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Kremarik, Frances

Senior Lecturer

Kypraiou, Diony

Senior Lecturer

Lau, Constance

Senior Lecturer

Littlefield, David

Senior Lecturer

Martin, Andrei

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Mills, Tabatha

Senior Lecturer

Morgan, Sadie


Mukhia, Richa

Senior Lecturer

Musikavanhu, Rutendo

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Newey, Natalie

Senior Lecturer

Novy, Johannes

Senior Lecturer

O'Shea, John

Senior Lecturer

Odeke, Alice


Orefice, Chiara

Senior Lecturer

Papa, Enrica


Piotrowska, Marzena

Senior Lecturer

Pollock, Ben


Sharif, Yara

Senior Lecturer

Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

Silver, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Somers, John

Senior Lecturer

Soolaki, Majid

Research Fellow

Spankie, Ro

Assistant Head of School

Stringer, Ben

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tanner, Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Thwaites, Adam

Senior Lecturer

Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow

Watson, Victoria

Senior Lecturer

Weiszer, Michal

Research Fellow

White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

Wilkinson, Camilla

Senior Lecturer

Williams, Julian

Principal Lecturer

Yau, Andrew

Senior Lecturer

Zaide, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Zareian, Elham

Research Fellow

Zhang, John

Senior Lecturer