College | Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Head | Dr Lucy Bond |
Kehoe, S. 2021. Old Photo Sharing and the Politics of Time in Post-2008 Tibet. China from the Margins: New Narratives of the Past and Present. Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 16 - 17 Apr 2021
Karatsareas, P. 2021. Linguistic (il)legitimacy in Migration Encounters. Languages. 6 (2) e66.
Lotem, I. 2021. The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence. London Palgrave Macmillan.
Meyerhoff, Miriam, Abtahian, Maya Ravindranath, Gafter, Roey J., Horesh, Uri, Kasstan, Jonathan R., Keegan, Peter and King, Jeanette 2021. Styles, standards and meaning: Issues in the globalisation of sociolinguistics. Language Ecology. 4 (1), pp. 1-16.
Huc-Hepher, S. 2021. Navigating the London-French Transnational Space: The Losses and Gains of Language as Embodied and Embedded Symbolic Capital. Languages. 6 (1) 57.
Sheehan, M., Corr, A., Havinga, A., Kasstan, J. and Schifano, N. 2021. Rethinking the UK Languages Curriculum: Arguments for the Inclusion of Linguistics. Modern Languages Open. (1), p. 14.
Taylor, E. 2021. Class. in: Steven, M. (ed.) Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 209-211
Taylor, E. and Hubble, N. (ed.) 2021. The 1930s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction. London Bloomsbury Academic.
Benson, P. and Lamb, T. 2021. Autonomy in the Age of Multilingualism. in: Jiménez Raya, M. and Vieira, F. (ed.) Autonomy in Language Education: Theory, Research and Practice London Routledge. pp. 74-88
Bond, L. 2021. 9/11. in: Davis, C. and Meretoja, H. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Literature and Trauma London and New York Routledge. pp. 407-418
Dominici, S. 2021. The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination. Journal of Victorian Culture Online.
Kehoe, S. 2021. Sexual Knowledge and the Formation of Chinese Modernity. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. 27 (1), p. 155–157.
Dominici, S. 2021. DARKROOM NETWORKS: Mundane subversiveness for photographic autonomy, 1880s-1900s. Photographies. 14 (2), pp. 265-286.
Ride, P. 2021. Participation in the Art Museum: Defining New Models for Public Engagement at Tate Exchange . Tate Papers. 34.
Wilson, L. 2021. Whose sister? ‘Convenient pigeonholes’, Peter Owen and the publishing of Anna Kavan. in: British Experimental Women's Fiction, 1945-75: 'Slipping Through the Labels' Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-101
Doherty, M.A. 2021. ‘No Pope Here.’ Britain, the Vatican, the IRA and the Papal Visit to Ireland, September 1979. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture. 90 (3), pp. 603-620.
Catterall, Pippa 2021. Edmund Burke, Delegates, Trustees and Parliament: From Constituency Instructions to Delegatory Government. in: Constitutions under pressure: France and the United Kingdom in an age of populism and Brexit Paris Société de Législation Comparée. pp. 83-103
Wang, C. 2021. Explicitations in Political Texts and the Translator’s Rationale. in: Wang, C. and Zheng, B. (ed.) Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: the Post-structuralist Approach Routledge. pp. 137-155
Wang, C. and Zheng, B. (ed.) 2021. Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: the Post-structuralist Approach. Routledge.
Linn, A. 2021. English grammar writing. in: Aarts, B., McMahon, A. and Hinrichs, L. (ed.) The Handbook of English Linguistics, Second Edition Hoboken NJ Wiley. pp. 63-80
Karatsareas, P. 2021. The UK’s shifting diasporic landscape: negotiating ethnolinguistic heterogeneity in Greek complementary schools post-2010. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 2021 (269), pp. 99-121.
Beck, J. 2021. On the Beach. Cultural Politics. 17 (1), pp. 135-144.
Glew, H. 2021. ‘[A] stronger position as women alone’: women’s associations in the British civil service and feminism, 1900-1959. Women's History Review. 30 (4), pp. 669-687.
Linn, A. and Radjabzade, S. 2021. English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education in the Countries of the South Caucasus. London British Council.
Wang, C. 2021. Museum Representations of Chinese Diasporas: Migration Histories and the Cultural Heritage of the Homeland. UK Routledge.
Denroche, C. 2021. The Three Grammars and the Sign. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 19 (1), pp. 207-232.
Ingham, R., Sylvester, L.M. and Marcus, I. 2021. Lone other-language items in later medieval texts. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics. 7 (2), pp. 179-205.
Seidel, K. 2021. „Europa wird nur sein, wenn es einig ist.“ Deutsche Christliche Demokraten in der Hohen Behörde der EGKS und der Kommission der Euratom, 1952-1967. in: Borchard, M. (ed.) Christliche Demokraten in Europa Sankt-Augustin Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung.
Beck, J. 2021. Landscape as Weapon: Cultures of Exhaustion and Refusal. London Reaktion Press.
Kelly, D. 2021. Fishes with Funny French Names: The French Restaurant in London from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Liverpool Liverpool University Press.
Copley, H. 2020. ‘A small, fierce being’: Jon Silkin, Isaac Rosenberg, and the definition of the Anglo-Jewish poet. Textual Practice.
Wright, A. Forthcoming. Piecing it Together- curator and facilitator of exhibition from participatory project. St Pancras Hospital 29 Apr - 04 Jul 2016
Latino, P. 2020. La rose initiatique : de la rose de Dante et des Fidèles d’Amour à la rose de Nerval. Revue Nerval. 4, pp. 277-292.
Latino, P. 2020. The Forgotten Man of Letters Gabriele Rossetti: His Discovery of Dante’s Esoteric Love and Its Influence on 19th and 20th-century English Literature. English Literature and Cultural Studies Research Seminars, Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture. University of Westminster, London 02 Dec 2020
Latino, P. 2020. Sartre et Foucault : l’hétérotopie du jardin public dans La Nausée. Enthymema. 26, pp. 211-220.
Wang, C., Zheng, V and Gao, H 2020. Special Issue: Diasporic Heritage, Maritime Corridors and Connected Societies in Asia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 29 (2), pp. 133-253.
Percy, M. 2020. Facilitating the Acquisition of Critical Writing Skills? An exploration of Pedagogical Practices at a New University in the UK. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (JCIE). 15 (2), pp. 104-120.