
CollegeLiberal Arts and Sciences
HeadDr Lucy Bond
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Early Modern Aesthetics: Antony and Cleopatra and the Afterlife of Domination

Journal article

Mapp, N. 2020. Early Modern Aesthetics: Antony and Cleopatra and the Afterlife of Domination. Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico. 13 (2), pp. 169-184.

Uncovering variation within urban multilingualism

Book chapter

Karatsareas, P. 2020. Uncovering variation within urban multilingualism. in: Mar-Molinero, C, (ed.) Researching Language in Superdiverse Urban Contexts: Exploring Methodological and Theoretical Concepts Bristol Multilingual Matters. pp. 106–130

Reading Signs and Symbols with Abdelkébir Khatibi: From the Body to the Text

Book chapter

Kelly, D., Feriani, R. and Bolfek-Radovani, J. 2020. Reading Signs and Symbols with Abdelkébir Khatibi: From the Body to the Text. in: Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism, and Culture in the Maghreb and Beyond Liverpool Liverpool University Press. pp. 237-260

Lifestyle migrants and intercultural communication in Swedish villages

Book chapter

Tomozeiu, D. 2020. Lifestyle migrants and intercultural communication in Swedish villages. in: Lundmark, L., Carson, D.B. and Eimermann, M. (ed.) Dipping in to the North: Living, Working and Travelling in Sparsely Populated Areas Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 107-132

Multilingual practices in a disavowed community: The case of new Italian migrants in London

PhD thesis

Pepe, G. 2020. Multilingual practices in a disavowed community: The case of new Italian migrants in London. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Humanities

Hadatha, dissent and hegemonic masculinity in the short stories of Zakariyya Tamir

Book chapter

Columbu, A. 2020. Hadatha, dissent and hegemonic masculinity in the short stories of Zakariyya Tamir. in: Firat, A. and Shareah Taleghani, R. (ed.) Generations of dissent: Intellectuals, Cultural Production, and the State in the Middle East and North Africa New York Syracuse University Press. pp. 57 -79

The role of multilingualism in the emergence of a technical register in the Middle English period

Book chapter

Sylvester, L.M. 2020. The role of multilingualism in the emergence of a technical register in the Middle English period. in: Wright, L. (ed.) The Multilingual Origins of Standard English de Gruyter Mouton.

Perspectives on language education policy

Book chapter

Jiménez Raya, M., Lamb, T. and Manzano Vázquez, B 2020. Perspectives on language education policy. in: Jiménez Raya, M., Lamb, T. and Manzano Vázquez, B. (ed.) Insights into language education policies Frankfurt-am-Main Peter Lang. pp. 9-13

Insights into language education policies


Jiménez Raya, M., Lamb, T. and Manzano Vázquez, B. (ed.) 2020. Insights into language education policies. Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Peter Lang.

Differential Object Marking and Language Contact: An Introduction to this Special Issue

Journal article

Karatsareas, P. and Mardale, A. 2020. Differential Object Marking and Language Contact: An Introduction to this Special Issue. Journal of Language Contact. 13 (1), pp. 1-16.

Reconsidering the variable context: A phonological argument for (t) and (d) deletion

Journal article

Amos, J., Kasstan, J. and Johnson, W. 2020. Reconsidering the variable context: A phonological argument for (t) and (d) deletion. English Today. 36 (3), pp. 6-13.

The Role of Art in Subverting the “Ungrievability” of Migrant Lives

Journal article

Mazzara, F. 2020. The Role of Art in Subverting the “Ungrievability” of Migrant Lives. PARSE. 10, pp. 1-18.

More sugar and spice: Revisiting medieval Italian influence on the mercantile lexis of England

Book chapter

Tiddeman, M. 2020. More sugar and spice: Revisiting medieval Italian influence on the mercantile lexis of England. in: Wright, L. (ed.) The Multilingual Origins of Standard English Berlin de Gruyter Mouton.

The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics

Journal article

Alfer, A. 2020. The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics. Target. 32 (2), pp. 261-281.

On statues and history: The dialogue between past and present in public space


Catterall, Pippa 2020. On statues and history: The dialogue between past and present in public space. LSE British Politics and Policy.

Being Negative to be Popular: Style in Online Comments at the Mail Online

Journal article

Sutherland, S. 2020. Being Negative to be Popular: Style in Online Comments at the Mail Online. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL). 8 (5), pp. 67-77.

Long-Wellesley & Publicity: The Role of Celebrity in the Public Sphere (1788-1832)

PhD thesis

Roberts, G. 2020. Long-Wellesley & Publicity: The Role of Celebrity in the Public Sphere (1788-1832). PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities

Materialities and corridors: The Chinese diaspora and connected societies

Journal article

Wang, C., Zheng, V. and Gao, H. 2020. Materialities and corridors: The Chinese diaspora and connected societies. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 29 (2), pp. 133-138.

Desiring homeland: The return of the Indonesian Chinese women to Maoist China

Journal article

Wang, C. and Huang, J. 2020. Desiring homeland: The return of the Indonesian Chinese women to Maoist China. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 29 (2), pp. 163-185.

侨批研究的力作 国际学术沟通的桥梁: 评《亲爱的中国:1882—1980年的移民书信和汇款》

Book review

Wang, C. 2020. 侨批研究的力作 国际学术沟通的桥梁: 评《亲爱的中国:1882—1980年的移民书信和汇款》 . 华侨华人历史研究 (Overseas Chinese History Studies). 2020 (2), pp. 91-94.

WRITING UTOPIA NOW: Utopian Poetics In The Work Of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

PhD thesis

Willow, S. 2020. WRITING UTOPIA NOW: Utopian Poetics In The Work Of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities

Unpacking the 'Singapore New Wave'

Edited issue

Fong, S.Y. and Ng, H. 2020. Unpacking the 'Singapore New Wave'. Asian Cinema. 31 (1), pp. 3-15.

Taipei Golden Horse film awards and Singapore cinema: Prestige, privilege and disarticulation

Journal article

Ng, H. 2020. Taipei Golden Horse film awards and Singapore cinema: Prestige, privilege and disarticulation. Asian Cinema. 31 (1), pp. 99-122.

Why and how to integrate non-standard linguistic varieties into education: Cypriot Greek in Cyprus and the UK

Journal article

Ioannidou, E., Karatsareas, P., Lytra, V. and Tsiplakou, S. 2020. Why and how to integrate non-standard linguistic varieties into education: Cypriot Greek in Cyprus and the UK. Languages, Society and Policy.

From village talk to slang: the re-enregisterment of a non-standardised variety in an urban diaspora

Journal article

Karatsareas, P. 2020. From village talk to slang: the re-enregisterment of a non-standardised variety in an urban diaspora. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 42 (9), pp. 827-839.

Queering Public Spaces

Workshop item

Catterall, Pippa 2020. Queering Public Spaces. Queering Public Spaces, part of Arup’s “Lunchtime Learning” series in collaboration with the LGBTQ+ network Connect Out. 26 Feb 2020 University of Westminster.

Non-Standard and Minority Varieties as Community Languages in the UK: Towards a New Strategy for Language Maintenance

Discussion paper

Matras, Y. and Karatsareas, P. 2020. Non-Standard and Minority Varieties as Community Languages in the UK: Towards a New Strategy for Language Maintenance .

Left Lives in 20th Century Ireland, Vol. 3: Communist Lives

Scholarly edition

Smylie, P. (ed.) 2020. Left Lives in 20th Century Ireland, Vol. 3: Communist Lives. Dublin Umiskin Press.

Learning Across Institutions – Secretariats (and Secretaries) from the League of Nations to the ECSC High Authority and the EEC Commission

Book chapter

Seidel, K. 2020. Learning Across Institutions – Secretariats (and Secretaries) from the League of Nations to the ECSC High Authority and the EEC Commission. in: Gram-Skjoldager, K., Ikonomou, H.A. and Kahlert, T. (ed.) Organizing the 20th-Century World: International Organizations and the Emergence of International Public Administration, 1920-1960 London Bloomsbury.

Language learning experiences of postgraduate research students in the UK

Journal article

Álvarez, I., Montoro, C., de Medeiros, A., Kelly, D. and Hazard, A. 2020. Language learning experiences of postgraduate research students in the UK. The Language Learning Journal. 48 (5), pp. 672-684.

The Plural Society: Labour and the Commonwealth Idea 1900-1964

Book chapter

Catterall, Pippa 2020. The Plural Society: Labour and the Commonwealth Idea 1900-1964. in: Liberal Ideals and the Politics of Decolonisation Abingdon Routledge.

Reproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts

Journal article

Gimenez, J., Baldwin, M., Breen, P., Green, J., Roque Gutierrez, E., Paterson, R., Pearson, J., Percy, M., Specht, D. and Waddell, G. 2020. Reproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts. Text & Talk. 40 (3), pp. 293-324.

The Treatment


Nath, M.J. 2020. The Treatment. London Quercus.

Regimes of Temporality: China, Tibet and the Politics of Time in the Post-2008 Era

Journal article

Kehoe, S. 2020. Regimes of Temporality: China, Tibet and the Politics of Time in the Post-2008 Era. Media Culture and Society. 42 (7-8), pp. 1133-1152.

The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible


Wilson, L., Colby, G. and Marczewska, K. (ed.) 2020. The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Acts of Judgment and the Small Press: Learning from F.R. Leavis

Book chapter

Wilson, L. 2020. Acts of Judgment and the Small Press: Learning from F.R. Leavis. in: Colby, G. and Marczewska, K. (ed.) The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 219-236

Constructing women's "different voice": Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General Election

Journal article

Cameron, D. and Shaw, S. 2020. Constructing women's "different voice": Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General Election. Journal of Language and Politics . 19 (1), pp. 143-159.


Journal article

Copley, H. 2020. Lapwing. Poetry magazine. 215 (4), pp. 337-343.

Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde


Beck, J. and Bishop, R. 2020. Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde. Durham, North Carolina Duke University Press.

Women, Language and Politics


Shaw, S. 2020. Women, Language and Politics. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

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Alfer, Alexa

Assistant Head of School

Aqui, Lindsay

Research Fellow

Ashby, Patricia

Emeritus Fellow

Attwood, Rachael

Senior Lecturer

Bahri, Hayet


Baker, John

Senior Lecturer

Beck, John


Bezborodova, Anastasiya

PTVL - Student Experience

Blanco-Hermida, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Bond, Lucy

Head of School - Humanities

Bouabdallah, Mahammed

Senior Lecturer

Broch, Ludivine

Senior Lecturer

Bywood, Lindsay

Senior Lecturer

Caink, Andrew

Principal Lecturer

Charles, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Columbu, Alessandro

Senior Lecturer

Copley, Hannah

Senior Lecturer

Denroche, Charles

Senior Lecturer

Dominici, Sara

Senior Lecturer

Frampton, Saul

Senior Lecturer

Gao, Fei


Geric, Michelle

Senior Lecturer

Gimenez, Julio

Principal Lecturer

Glew, Helen

Senior Lecturer

Graham, Kate M.

Senior Lecturer

Guo, Rong



Senior Lecturer

Hess, Alison


Huc-Hepher, Saskia

Assistant Head of School

Huertas Barros, Elsa

Senior Lecturer

Jiao, Yu


Jones, Gwilym

Senior Lecturer

Kasstan, Jonathan

Senior Lecturer

Kehoe, Seagh

Senior Lecturer

Kelly, Debra

Principal Research Fellow

Kendall, Paul

Senior Lecturer

Lamb, Terry

Professor of Pedagogy (Arts/Sciences)

Linn, Andrew

DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

Lotem, Itay

Senior Lecturer

Mapp, Nigel

Senior Lecturer

McEvoy, Emma

Senior Lecturer

Mittelstadt, Daniela

Senior Lecturer

Nath, Michael

Senior Lecturer

Ng, How Wee

Senior Lecturer

Nunez Pineiro, Olga

Senior Lecturer

Pagan, Heather

Senior Lecturer

Peate, Ailsa


Percy, Martin

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Sylvia

Senior Lecturer

Skili, Dan


Smylie, Patrick

Senior Lecturer

Speiser, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Sutherland, Sean

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Elinor

Senior Lecturer

Vine, Juliet

Senior Lecturer

Wang, Caiwen

Senior Lecturer

Wang, Cangbai


Weir, Kate

Assistant Head of School

Williams, Robert

Principal Lecturer

Wilson, Leigh


Yip, Wendy
