Group leader | Prof Izzet Kale |
Coskun, A., Kale, I., Morling, R.C.S., Hughes, R., Brown, S. and Angeletti, P. 2016. Efficient Digital Signal Processing Techniques and Architectures for On-Board Processors. 3rd ESA Workshop on Advanced Flexible Telecom Payloads. Noordwijk, The Netherlands 21 - 24 Mar 2016 European Space Agency.
Omana, M., Rossi, D., Beniamino, E., Metra, C., Tirumurti, C. and Galivanche, R. 2016. Low-Cost and High-Reduction Approaches for Power Droop during Launch-On-Shift Scan-Based Logic BIST. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 65 (8), pp. 2484-2494.
Omana, M., Rossi, D., Edara, T and Metra, M. 2016. Impact of Aging Phenomena on Latches’ Robustness. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 15 (2), pp. 129-136.
Rossi, D., Tenentes, V., Sheng Yang, Khursheed, S. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. 2016. Reliable Power Gating with NBTI Aging Benefits. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 24 (8), pp. 2735-2744.
Halak, B., Tenentes, V, and Rossi, D. 2016. The impact of transistor aging on the reliability of level shifters in nano-scale CMOS technology. Microelectronics Reliability. 57 (December), pp. 74-81.
Turgul, V. and Kale, I. 2016. A Novel Pressure Sensing Circuit for Non-invasive RF/Microwave Blood Glucose Sensors. IEEE 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2016). Abu Dhabi 14 - 16 Nov 2016 IEEE .
de Cacqueray-Valmenier, M., Coskun, A. and Kale, I. 2016. The Use of Almost Linear Phase IIR filters In DFT Modulated Filter Banks for Communication Systems . 2016 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). Edinburgh 03 - 06 Jul 2016 IEEE .
Reni, S., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 2015. Analysis of Thin Blood Images for Automated Malaria Diagnosis. E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB). Iasi, Romania 19 - 21 Nov 2015 IEEE .
Vimalathithan, R., Rossi, D., Omana, M., Metra, C. and Valarmathi, M.L. 2015. Cryptanalysis of Simplified-AES Encrypted Communication. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security. 13 (10), pp. 142-150.
Omana, M., Rossi, D., Giaffreda, D., Metra, C., Mak, T.M., Rahman, A. and Tam, S. 2015. Low-Cost On-Chip Clock Jitter Measurement Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 23 (3), pp. 435-443.
Rossi, D., Omana, M., Giaffreda, D. and Metra, C. 2015. Modeling and Detection of Hotspot in Shaded Photovoltaic Cells. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 23 (6), pp. 1031-1039.
Rossi, D., Omana, M., Metra, C. and Paccagnella, A. 2015. Impact of Bias Temperature Instability on Soft Error Susceptibility. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 23 (4), pp. 743-751.
Tenentes, V., Khursheed, S., Rossi, D., Sheng Yang and Al-Hashimi, B.M. 2015. DFT Architecture with Power-Distribution-Network Consideration for Delay-based Power Gating Test. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 34 (21), pp. 2013-2024.
Talebzadeh, J. and Kale, I. 2015. Time Interleaved Delta Sigma Modulator. WO2015/144771A1
Tek, F.B., Cannavo, F., Nunnari, G. and Kale, I. 2014. Robust localization and identification of African clawed frogs in digital images. Ecological Informatics. 23, pp. 3-12.
Coskun, A., Kale, I., Morling, R.C.S., Hughes, R., Brown, S. and Angeletti, P. 2014. The Design of Low Complexity Low Power Pipelined Short Length Winograd Fourier Transforms. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Melbourne VIC, Australia 01 - 05 Jun 2014 IEEE .
Rossi, D., Omana, M., Cazeaux, J.M., Metra, C. and Mak, T.M. 2014. Clock Faults Induced Min and Max Delay Violations. Journal of Electronic Testing. 30 (1), pp. 111-123.
Cetinsel, S., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 2014. Nonlinear Phase Filtering Effects on GNSS Receiver Positioning Accuracy. 7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC). Noordwijk, Netherlands 03 Dec 2014
Dallet, C., Reni, S. and Kale, I. 2014. Real Time Blood Image Processing Application for Malaria Diagnosis Using Mobile Phones. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systemss, ISCAS 2014. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 01 Jun 2014 IEEE .
Vimalathithan, R., Rossi, D., Omana, M., Metra, C. and Valarmathi, M.L. 2013. Polynomial Based Key Distribution Scheme for WPAN. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 7 (S), pp. 59-72.
Rossi, D., Omana, M., Garrammone, G., Metra, C., Jas, A. and Galivanche, R, 2013. Low Cost Concurrent Error Detection Strategy for the Control Logic of High Performance Microprocessors and Its Application to the Instruction Decoder. Journal of Electronic Testing. 29 (3), pp. 401-413.
Omana, M., Rossi, D., Bosio, N. and Metra, C. 2013. Low Cost NBTI Degradation Detection and Masking Approaches. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 62 (3), pp. 496-509.
Omana, M., Rossi, D., Giaffreda, D., Specchia, R., Metra, C., Marzencki, M. and Kaminska, B. 2013. Faults Affecting Energy-Harvesting Circuits of Self-Powered Wireless Sensors and Their Possible Concurrent Detection. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 21 (12), pp. 2286-2294.
Cetinsel, S., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 2012. A Comparative Study of a Low Doppler Shift in a Carrier Tracking Loop for GPS. 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS). Kaohsiung, Taiwan 02 Dec 2012 IEEE .
Reni, S., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 2012. Automated Malaria Parasite Detection in Thin Blood Films:- A Hybrid, Illumination and Colour Constancy Insensitive Morphological Approach. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS. Kaohsiung, Taiwan 02 Dec 2012 IEEE .
Cetinsel, S., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 2011. An FPGA based decimation filter processor design for real-time continuous-time Σ−Δ modulator performance measurement and evaluation. 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD). Linkoping, Sweden 29 Aug 2011 IEEE .
Omana, M., Rossi, D. and Metra, M. 2010. High-Performance Robust Latches. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 59 (11), pp. 1455-1465.
Rossi, D., Cazeaux, J.M., Omana, M., Metra, C. and Chatterjee, A. 2009. Accurate Linear Model for SET Critical Charge Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems . 17 (8), pp. 1161-1166.
Rossi, D., Nieuwland, A.K. and Metra, C. 2008. Simultaneous Switching Noise: The Relation Between Bus Layout and Coding. IEEE Design & Test of Computers. 25 (1), pp. 76-86.
Rossi, D., Nieuwland, A.K., Van Dijk, V.E.S., Kleihorst, R.P. and Metra, C. 2008. Power Consumption of Fault Tolerant Busses. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 16 (5), pp. 542-553.
Rossi, D., Omana, M. and Metra, C. 2008. Checkers' No-Harm Alarms and Design Approaches to Tolerate Them. Journal of Electronic Testing. 24 (1), pp. 93-103.
Metra, C., Rossi, D. and Mak, T.M. 2007. Won’t On-Chip Clock Calibration Guarantee Performance Boost and Product Quality ? IEEE Transactions on Computers . 56 (3), pp. 415-428.
Rossi, D., Cazeaux, J.M., Metra, C. and Lombardi, F. 2007. Modeling Crosstalk Effects in CNT Bus Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 6 (2), pp. 133-145.
Omana, M., Rossi, D. and Metra, C. 2007. Latch Susceptibility to Transient Faults and New Hardening Approach. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 56 (9), pp. 1255-1268.