College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Dr Randhir Auluck |
Di Pietro, G. and Mora, T. 2011. The effect of the L’Aquila earthquake on labour market outcomes. Barcelona, Spain Institut d’Economia de Barcelona.
Wall, C., McGuire, C., Clarke, L. and Brockmann, M. 2011. Building a community: construction workers in Stevenage, 1950-1970. University of Westminster.
Urwin, P.J., Karuk, V., David, A.H., Dodds, I. and Moss, G. 2011. The strategic economic impact of diversity on business performance. Commissioned by Diversity Works for London.
Urwin, P.J. 2011. Self employment, small firms and enterprise. London Institute of Economic Affairs.
Urwin, P.J. 2011. Access to the legal profession. in: Webster, M. (ed.) Diversity League Table 2011: a demographic survey of the legal profession. 6th edition London Black Solicitors Network.
Shepherd, D., Muñoz Torres, R.I. and Mendoza, M.A. 2011. Economic growth and regional integration in Mexico. in: Muralidhar Rao, N.V. (ed.) Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Economics Research (QQE 2011) Singapore Global Science & Technology Forum. pp. Q31-Q37
Patel, Z. 2011. Coaching provision: added value project for the MBA students at Westminster Business School: an innovative approach. 3rd European Coaching Psychology Conference. City University 13th December 2011
Patel, Z. 2011. Brain-writing technique: application as an evaluative and revision tool. 10th Annual Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium. University of Westminster 19th July 2011
Parry, E., Urwin, P.J., Tyson, S., Buscha, F. and Gould, M. 2011. The impact of the economy on recruitment and retention in the armed forces: final report. Ministry of Defence.
Ñíguez, T.M., Perote, J. and Rubia, A. 2011. Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates. 4th workshop in risk management and insurance. Seville, Spain. October 2011
Ñíguez, T.M., Perote, J. and Rubia, A. 2011. Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates. European financial management association annual conference. Braga, Portugal. June 2011
Ñíguez, T.M., Perote, J. and Rubia, A. 2011. Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates. International risk management conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands. June 2011
Ñíguez, T.M., Perote, J. and Rubia, A. 2011. Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates. Workshop in time series econometrics. Zaragoza, Spain. April 2011
Ñíguez, T.M., Paya, I., Peel, D. and Perote, J. 2011. On the stability of the CRRA utility under high degrees of uncertainty. Lancaster University Management School.
Mathews, M. 2011. When we trust too much: on the implications of learning to trust in highly socialised environments. 27th Annual Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies. Goteborg July 2011
Mathews, M. 2011. Strategic intent and inter-organisational conflict management in the Arve Valley industrial district. 21st Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research. Hanken School of Economics, Vaasa, Finland August, 2011
Hendra, R., Riccio, J.A., Dorsett, R., Greenberg, D., Knight, G., Phillips, J., Robins, P.K., Vegeris, S., Walter, J., Hill, A., Ray, K. and Smith, J. 2011. Breaking the low-pay, no-pay cycle: Final evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration. Sheffield Department for Work and Pensions.
Harding, R. 2011. Parliament and the British fiscal-military state: ideology, consent and state expenditure in Britain, 1739-1748. in: Conway, S. and Torres Sanchez, R. (ed.) The spending of states: military expenditure during the long eighteenth century: patterns, organisation, and consequences, 1650-1815 Saarbrucken, Germany VDM. pp. 31-49
Dodds, I., David, A.H., Moss, G., Karuk, V. and Urwin, P.J. 2011. Diversity's contribution to the bottom line: assigning a monetary value to diversity initiatives. in: Moss, G. (ed.) Lessons on profiting from diversity Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.
Clarke, R., Mount, D. and Anteric, M. 2011. Evaluation of the Heritage Lottery Fund Landscape Partnership Programme: report to the Heritage Lottery Fund. London CEPAR.
Clarke, R. and Anteric, M. 2011. Fanny Copeland and the geographical imagination. Scottish Geographical Journal. 127 (3), pp. 163-192.
Clarke, L. and Westerhuis, A. 2011. Establishing equivalence through zones of mutual trust. in: Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. (ed.) Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market: what's in a vocational qualification? Abingdon Routledge. pp. 136-148
Clarke, L. and Holborough, A. 2011. The forthcoming Olympics in London. CLR News. 2, pp. 44-53.
Clarke, L., Donnelly, E., Hyman, R., Kelly, J., McKay, S. and Moore, S. 2011. What’s the point of industrial relations? The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 27 (3), pp. 239-253.
Clarke, L. 2011. Trade? Job? Or occupation? The development of occupational labour markets for bricklaying and lorry driving. in: Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. (ed.) Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market: what's in a vocational qualification? Abingdon Routledge. pp. 102-119
Clarke, L. 2011. Building capitalism: historical change and the labour process in the production of built environment. London Taylor & Francis.
Buscha, F., Latreille, P. and Urwin, P.J. 2011. Patterns of representation in SETA 2008. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).
Buscha, F., Latreille, P. and Urwin, P.J. 2011. Analysis of the survey of employment tribunal applications. Commissioned by the Trades Union Congress.
Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. 2011. Introduction: cross-national equivalence of skills and qualifications across Europe? in: Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. (ed.) Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market: what's in a vocational qualification? Abingdon Routledge. pp. 1-21
Brockmann, M., Clarke, L. and Winch, C. 2011. Europäische qualifikationen und unterschiedliche kompetenzkonzepte. in: Fischer, M., Becker, M. and Spöttl, G. (ed.) Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen bildung: probleme und perspektiven Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang.
Brockmann, M. 2011. Higher education qualifications: convergence and divergence in software engineering and nursing. in: Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. (ed.) Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market: what's in a vocational qualification? Abingdon Routledge. pp. 120-135
Harding, R. and Doe, H. (ed.) 2011. Naval leadership and management 1650-1950. Boydell & Brewer.
Brockmann, M., Clarke, L., Winch, C., Hanf, G., Méhaut, P. and Westerhuis, A. (ed.) 2011. Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market: what's in a vocational qualification? Abingdon Routledge.
Shen, S., Li, G. and Song, H. 2011. Combination forecasts of international tourism demand. Annals of Tourism Research. 38 (1), pp. 72-89.
Clark, J.R.A. and Clarke, R. 2011. Local sustainability initiatives in English National Parks: what role for adaptive governance? Land Use Policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use. 28 (1), pp. 314-324.
Patel, Z. 2010. The role of coaching and positive psychology in achieving an enhanced performance. International conference: Social challenges resulting from European integrations: Serbia and comparative experiences. University for Legal and Business studies, Serbia November 2010
Ketkar, S. and Sett, P.K. 2010. Environmental dynamism, human resource flexibility and firm performance: analysis of a multi-level causal model. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21 (8), pp. 1173-1206.
Cappellari, L., Dorsett, R. and Haile, G.A. 2010. State dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in the employment transitions of the over-50s. Empirical Economics. 38 (3), pp. 523-554.
Clarke, R., Mount, D. and Anteric, M. 2010. The HLF Landscape Partnerships programme: report to the Heritage Lottery Fund. London CEPAR.
Brockmann, M., Clarke, L. and Winch, C. 2010. The Apprenticeship Framework in England: a new beginning or a continuing sham? Journal of Education and Work. 23 (2), pp. 111-127.