College | Design, Creative and Digital Industries |
Head | Ms Kate Cheyne |
Blyth, A. 2018. How can teachers move from traditional to innovative learning environments? Apprendimento… tesori nascosti : Learning... The Treasure Within. Bologna, Italy 01 - 02 Mar 2018
Allen, J., Bektas, T., Cherrett, T., Bates, O., Friday, A., McLeod, F., Piecyk, M., Piotrowska, M. and Wise, S. 2018. The scope for pavement porters: addressing the challenges of last-mile parcel delivery in London. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2672 (9), pp. 184-193.
Aldred, R. 2018. Road injuries in the National Travel Survey: under-reporting and inequalities in injury risk. London Department of Planning and Transport, University of Westminster.
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Ørving, T., Fossheim, K., Eidhammer, O., Andersen, J., Leonardi, J., van Rooijen, T., Nesterova, N., Talen, S., Kin, B., Verlinde, S., Cherrett, T., McLeod, F., Marcucci, E., Gatta, V., Romagnoli, G. C., Dablanc, L., Liu, Z., Lazarevic, N. and Rouhier, J. 2018. Impact and process assessment of the seven CITYLAB implementations.
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Stringer, B. 2018. Never Mind the Countryside. in: Stringer, B. (ed.) Rurality Re-imagined USA ORO Editions. pp. 4-14
Watson, V. 2018. Rurality and Minimal Architecture: An Inquiry into the Genealogy of Tate Modern’s Bankside Gallery Spaces. ARENA Journal of Architectural Research. 3 (1), p. 4.
Jackson, C., Morgan, J. and Laws, C. 2018. Creativity in events: the untold story. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 9 (1), pp. 2-19.
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Bottazzi, R. 2018. Digital Architecture Beyond Computers: Fragments of a Cultural History of Computational Design. Bloomsbury Academic.
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cristobal, S., Martín, J. and Cook, A.J. 2018. Vista D5.1 - Initial Assessment Report.
Dennis, N. and Pitfield, D.E. 2018. A tale of two cities: The impact of airline mergers and consolidation at London and New York. Transportation Research Record. 2672 (23), pp. 1-7.
Papa, E. 2018. Il coinvolgimento alla base della mobilità sostenibile. in: Mella, G. and Pentucci, P.P. (ed.) Mobilità urbana sostenibile: verso un nuovo paradigma Venezia Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina. pp. 62-87
Webb, R., Bai, X., Smith, M., Costanza, R., Griggs, D., Moglia, M., Neuman, M., Newman, P., Newton, P., Norman, B., Ryan, C., Schandl, H., Steffen, W., Tapper, N. and Thomson, G. 2018. Sustainable Urban Systems: Co-design and Framing for Transformation. Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment . 47 (1), pp. 57-77.
Neuman, M. and Zonnenveld, W. 2018. The Resurgence of Regional Design. European Planning Studies. 26 (7), pp. 1297-1311.
Neuman, M. 2018. The Collaborative Interdisciplinary Studio. in: Frank, A. and Silver, C. (ed.) Urban Planning Education: Beginnings, Global Movement and Future Prospects New York, USA Springer. pp. 269-292
Neuman, M. and Nur, N. 2018. Simplexity, Complicity, and Emergent Collectivities: Informal Urbanism in Rome. in: Haas, T. and Westlund, H. (ed.) In the Post-Urban World: Emergent Transformations of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy Abingdon, England Routledge. pp. 292-303
Allen, J., Bates, O., Friday, A., Cherrett, T., McLeod, F., Piecyk, M., Piotrowska, M., Bektas, B., Nguyen, T. and Wise, S. 2018. ICT for Sustainable Last-Mile Logistics: Data, People and Parcels. ICT4S 2018: 5th International Conference on ICT4S. Toronto, Canada 14 - 18 May 2018 ACM.
Palmer, A., Mortimer, P., Greening, P., Piecyk, M. and Dadchih, P. 2018. A cost and CO2 comparison of using trains and higher capacity trucks when UK FMCG companies collaborate. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 58, pp. 94-107.
Papa, E. 2018. Pianificare per l’accessibilità: misure, applicazioni e barriere. in: Mobilità e sviluppo: Strumenti e competenze per il futuro della mobilità Milano Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Papa, E., Carpentieri, G. and Angiello, G. 2018. A TOD Classification of Metro Stations: An Application in Naples. in: Papa R., Fistola R. and Gargiulo C. (ed.) Smart Planning: Sustainability and Mobility in the Age of Change Springer. pp. 285-300
Cook, A.J. 2018. Performance assessment in ATM – towards better collaborative methods. Performance Assessment Work Forum. Brussels, Belgium 07 Feb 2018
Watson, V.A. 2018. Doctor Watson Architects: AIR Grid Transnational. Vimeo
Crowther, P., Orefice, C. and Beard, C. 2018. At work and play: business events as entrepreneurial spaces. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 19 (2), pp. 90-99.
Orefice, C. 2018. Designing for events - a new perspective on event design. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 9 (1), pp. 20-33.
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Watson, V.A. 2018. Doctor Watson Architects: Publications in the History & Theory of Architecture. Vimeo
Watson, V.A. 2018. AIR Grid: Partial Recall. The Bridge Gallery, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road 20 Mar - 20 Jul 2008
Watson, V.A. 2018. AIR Grid: Exhibition Extract . London Gallery West, The Forum, Westminster School of Media, Arts & Design, University of Westminster, Watford Road, Harrow 22 Apr - 17 May 2009
Graham, A. and Zheng, X. 2018. Patterns and Drivers of Demand for Air Transport. in: Graham, A. and Halpern, N. (ed.) The Routledge Companion of Air Transport Management Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 313-330
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Bailey, Nick, Kleinhans, R. and Lindbergh, J. 2018. An assessment of community-based social enterprise in three European countries. London Power to Change.
Hijdra, A., Woltjer, J. and Arts, J. 2018. Dutch and American waterway development: identification and classification of tools for value creation. International Planning Studies. 23 (3), pp. 278-291.
Watson, V.A. 2018. Doctor Watson Architects: Plasma Department, Collection. Vimeo
Watson, V.A. 2018. Doctor Watson Architects: Bots, Collection. Vimeo
Leonardi, J. 2018. Greening of the Transport and Logistics Sector: Solutions for National and Local Governments . Forum on Inclusive Green Growth: Investing for a Sustainable Future. Chiang Mai 30 - 31 Jan 2018 Greater Mekong Subregion.
Dean, C., Santo, D. and Watson, V.A. 2018. Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection.
Watson, V.A. 2018. Doctor Watson Architects: Classic AIR Grid, Collection. Vimeo