Architecture and Cities

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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Airport Management in Japan - Lessons learnt from the UK

Conference paper

Graham, A., Saito, S. and Nomura, M. 2012. Airport Management in Japan - Lessons learnt from the UK . Air Transport Research Society Annual World Conference. Tainan, Taiwan 27 Jun 2012

Intuitive interactive form finding of optimised fabric-cast concrete

Conference paper

Richens, P., Shepherd, P. and Bak, A. 2012. Intuitive interactive form finding of optimised fabric-cast concrete. Second International Conference on Flexible Formwork (icff2012). University of Bath, Bath 27 Jun 2012

The case for subdivision surfaces in building design


Richens, P. and Shepherd, P. 2012. The case for subdivision surfaces in building design. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 53 (4), pp. 237-245.

The Role of Urban Consolidation Centres in Sustainable Freight Transport

Book chapter

Allen, J., Browne, M., Jacques Leonardi and Woodburn, A.G. 2012. The Role of Urban Consolidation Centres in Sustainable Freight Transport. in: Evangelista, P., McKinnon, A., Sweeney, E. and Esposito, E. (ed.) Supply chain innovation for competing in highly dynamic markets: challenges and solutions Hershey, PA IGI Global. pp. 199-214

The demonstrators - six colour forms & their antiforms: Marilyn & Antim / Polia & Antip / Olivia & Antio / Chrystophene & Antichry / Vectorah & Antiv / Cobra & Antico


Watson, V.A. 2012. The demonstrators - six colour forms & their antiforms: Marilyn & Antim / Polia & Antip / Olivia & Antio / Chrystophene & Antichry / Vectorah & Antiv / Cobra & Antico. London Bibliotheque McLean.

Nostalgia as a postscript: building workers’ memories of large construction sites in 1960s Britain

Conference paper

Wall, C. and McGuire, C. 2012. Nostalgia as a postscript: building workers’ memories of large construction sites in 1960s Britain. European Social Science History Conference. Glasgow 11-14 April

The art of concrete: building the South Bank arts centre


Wall, C., Clarke, L., McGuire, C. and Munoz-Rojas, O. 2012. The art of concrete: building the South Bank arts centre. University of Westminster.

Building the M1 motorway


Wall, C., Clarke, L., McGuire, C. and Munoz-Rojas, O. 2012. Building the M1 motorway. University of Westminster.

Building the Barbican 1962-1982


Wall, C., Clarke, L., McGuire, C. and Munoz-Rojas, O. 2012. Building the Barbican 1962-1982. University of Westminster.

Something to show for it: the place of mementoes in women’s oral histories of work

Book chapter

Wall, C. 2012. Something to show for it: the place of mementoes in women’s oral histories of work. in: Goodwin, J. (ed.) Sage biographical research. Volume four: other documents of life: photographs, cyber documents and ephemera London Sage.

It was a new world: building Sizewell a nuclear power station


Wall, C. 2012. It was a new world: building Sizewell a nuclear power station. University of Westminster.

Concrete constructors: oral history accounts of building work on a large, complex site in 1960s Britain

Book chapter

Wall, C. 2012. Concrete constructors: oral history accounts of building work on a large, complex site in 1960s Britain. in: Carvais, R., Guillerme, A., Nègre, V. and Sakarovitch, J. (ed.) Nuts and bolts of construction history: culture, technology and society Picard.

D6.1 POEM stakeholder feedback on design.

Project report

Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Blanch, A. and Cristobal, S. 2012. D6.1 POEM stakeholder feedback on design. Eurocontrol.

Drawing out the censors’ room


Spankie, R. 2012. Drawing out the censors’ room. Interior territories: IDEA (Interior Architecture Educators Association) Journal. 2012, pp. 73-87.

Events and urban regeneration: the strategic use of events to revitalise cities


Smith, A. 2012. Events and urban regeneration: the strategic use of events to revitalise cities. London Routledge.

Community empowerment or a strategy of containment? Evaluating neighbourhood governance in the city of Westminster


Pill, M. and Bailey, Nick 2012. Community empowerment or a strategy of containment? Evaluating neighbourhood governance in the city of Westminster. Local Government Studies. 38 (6), pp. 731-751.

Evaluating and internalising the environmental costs of logistics

Book chapter

Piecyk, M. and Allen, J. 2012. Evaluating and internalising the environmental costs of logistics. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics (2nd edition) London Kogan Page. pp. 71-99

Cultural Olympiads & the creative industries: local engagement in Torino and London

Journal article

Pappalepore, I. and Westermann, J. 2012. Cultural Olympiads & the creative industries: local engagement in Torino and London. Culture @ the Olympics. 14 (2), pp. 3-20.

Planning for world cities: shifting agendas and differing politics

Book chapter

Newman, P. 2012. Planning for world cities: shifting agendas and differing politics. in: Derudder, B., Hoyler, M., Taylor, P.J. and Witlox, F. (ed.) International handbook of globalization and world cities Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 328-336

London strategic planning

Book chapter

Newman, P. 2012. London strategic planning. in: Vergano, A. and Caruana, A. (ed.) Gateways: smart planning for Europe’s gateway cities Rome INU Edizioni.

Les universités de Londres: concurrence, attractivité et gouvernance régionale

Book chapter

Newman, P. 2012. Les universités de Londres: concurrence, attractivité et gouvernance régionale. in: Ingallina, P. (ed.) Universités et enjeux territoriaux: une comparaison internationale de l'économie de la connaissance Paris Septentrion. pp. 113-123

Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships

Book chapter

McKinnon, A., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2012. Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics (2nd edition) London Kogan Page. pp. 145-171

Benefits and costs of switching to alternative fuels

Book chapter

Leonardi, J., Cullinane, S. and Edwards, J. 2012. Benefits and costs of switching to alternative fuels. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics London Kogan Page. pp. 313-326

Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London

Journal article

Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2012. Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Seventh International Conference on City Logistics which was held on June 7- 9,2011, Mallorca, Spain. 39, pp. 146-157.

Are inter-airport performance comparisons worthwhile?

Conference paper

Graham, A. 2012. Are inter-airport performance comparisons worthwhile? ACI Economics and Finance Conference. London, UK 7th - 9th March 2012

ACRP report 66: considering and evaluating airport privatization (member of consultancy team)

Book chapter

Graham, A. 2012. ACRP report 66: considering and evaluating airport privatization (member of consultancy team). in: ACRP report 66: considering and evaluating airport privatization Transport Research Board.

In defence of pictorial space: stereoscopic photography and architecture in the nineteenth century

Book chapter

Difford, R.J. 2012. In defence of pictorial space: stereoscopic photography and architecture in the nineteenth century. in: Camera constructs: photography, architecture and the modern city Farnham Ashgate. pp. 295-312

Critical perspectives on landscape: introduction


Deriu, D. and Kamvasinou, K. 2012. Critical perspectives on landscape: introduction. The Journal of Architecture. 17 (1), pp. 1-9.

The architectural model in the age of its mechanical reproducibility

Book chapter

Deriu, D. 2012. The architectural model in the age of its mechanical reproducibility. in: Heynen, H. and Gosseye, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the second international conference of the European architectural history network Brussels Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. pp. 166-170

Transforming ideas into pictures: model photography and modern architecture

Book chapter

Deriu, D. 2012. Transforming ideas into pictures: model photography and modern architecture. in: Camera constructs: photography, architecture and the modern city Farnham Ashgate. pp. 159-178

D3.1 The design of propagation- and passenger-oriented metrics

Project report

Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Zanin, M. 2012. D3.1 The design of propagation- and passenger-oriented metrics. Eurocontrol.

A quantitative exploration of flight prioritisation principles, using new delay costs


Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2012. A quantitative exploration of flight prioritisation principles, using new delay costs. Journal of Aerospace Operations. 1 (3), pp. 195-211.

The development of building labour in Britain in the twentieth century: is it distinct from elsewhere in Europe?

Book chapter

Clarke, L., McGuire, C. and Wall, C. 2012. The development of building labour in Britain in the twentieth century: is it distinct from elsewhere in Europe? in: Dainty, A. and Loosemore, M. (ed.) Human resource management in construction: critical perspectives (2nd edition) Taylor & Francis. pp. 51-79

London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows

Conference paper

Browne, M., Allen, J., Palmer, A. and Williams, I. 2012. London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows. Logistics Research Network Conference. Cranfield University 5-7 September 2012

Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: a review of some major cities


Browne, M., Allen, J., Nemoto, T., Patier-Marque, D. and Visser, J. 2012. Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: a review of some major cities. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Seventh International Conference on City Logistics which was held on June 7- 9,2011, Mallorca, Spain. 39, pp. 19-33.

On the move

Book chapter

Bremner, L. 2012. On the move. in: Mostafavi, M. (ed.) In the life of cities: parallel narratives of the urban Basel Lars Müller Publishers. pp. 207-221

Mobile Johannesburg

Book chapter

Bremner, L. 2012. Mobile Johannesburg. in: Mostafavi, M. (ed.) In the life of cities: parallel narratives of the urban Cambridge, MA Harvard University: Graduate School of Design.

Book review: Forensic architecture. Review of Weizman, E. The least of all possible evils. Humanitarian violence from Arendt to Gaza

Book review

Bremner, L. 2012. Book review: Forensic architecture. Review of Weizman, E. The least of all possible evils. Humanitarian violence from Arendt to Gaza. Architectural Review. 232 (1389), pp. 96-97.

6 ways of being a stranger

Book chapter

Bremner, L. 2012. 6 ways of being a stranger. in: Born, M., Furjan, H. and Jencks, L. (ed.) DIRT Cambridge MIT Press. pp. 40-47

D2.1 Design of the model scenarios

Project report

Blanch, A., Zanin, M., Cristobal, S., Perez, D., Loadman, J., Lloret, J., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2012. D2.1 Design of the model scenarios. Eurocontrol.

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Achille, Wilfred

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Allen, Julian

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Batty, Scott

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Bauer, Susanne

Senior Lecturer

Blyth, Alastair

Assistant Head of School

Boccaletti, Stefania

Senior Lecturer

Bolic, Tatjana

Senior Research Fellow

Bottazzi, Roberto

Senior Lecturer

Boulanger, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Cascone, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Chan, Tommy

Research Associate

Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

Senior Research Fellow

Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

Principal Lecturer

Ellston, Liz


Farrell, Helen

Assistant Head of School

Fevyer, David

Research Associate

Furlong, Jamie

Research Fellow

Girardin, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Golzari, Nasser

Senior Lecturer

Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

Senior Lecturer

Hui, Sam Sam


Inkson, Clare

Senior Lecturer

Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

Kalra, Ripin

Senior Research Fellow

Kramer, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Kremarik, Frances

Senior Lecturer

Kypraiou, Diony

Senior Lecturer

Lau, Constance

Senior Lecturer

Littlefield, David

Senior Lecturer

Martin, Andrei

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Mills, Tabatha

Senior Lecturer

Morgan, Sadie


Mukhia, Richa

Senior Lecturer

Musikavanhu, Rutendo

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Newey, Natalie

Senior Lecturer

Novy, Johannes

Senior Lecturer

O'Shea, John

Senior Lecturer

Odeke, Alice


Orefice, Chiara

Senior Lecturer

Papa, Enrica


Piotrowska, Marzena

Senior Lecturer

Pollock, Ben


Sharif, Yara

Senior Lecturer

Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

Silver, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Somers, John

Senior Lecturer

Soolaki, Majid

Research Fellow

Spankie, Ro

Assistant Head of School

Stringer, Ben

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tanner, Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Thwaites, Adam

Senior Lecturer

Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow

Watson, Victoria

Senior Lecturer

Weiszer, Michal

Research Fellow

White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

Wilkinson, Camilla

Senior Lecturer

Williams, Julian

Principal Lecturer

Yau, Andrew

Senior Lecturer

Zaide, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Zareian, Elham

Research Fellow

Zhang, John

Senior Lecturer