Architecture and Cities

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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Tourism and Water: A Human Rights Perspective to Enhance Sustainable Tourism

Book chapter

Cole, S. and Sandang, Y. 2023. Tourism and Water: A Human Rights Perspective to Enhance Sustainable Tourism. in: Korstanje, M.E. and Gowreesunkar, V.G.B (ed.) Global Perspectives on Human Rights and the Impact of Tourism Consumption in the 21st Century IGI Global. pp. 13-35

Between the Sacred and Secular: Faith, Space and Place in the Twenty-First Century

Journal article

Jordan, K. 2023. Between the Sacred and Secular: Faith, Space and Place in the Twenty-First Century. Architecture and Culture. 11 (1). Advanced online publication.

The Impact of 2020 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Levels of Car/Van Driving among Residents: Findings from Lambeth, London, UK

Journal article

Anna Goodman, Anthony A. Laverty, Jamie Furlong and Rachel Aldred 2023. The Impact of 2020 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Levels of Car/Van Driving among Residents: Findings from Lambeth, London, UK. Findings. June.

Transitions in Motion: Accelerating Active Travel Infrastructure in London through Grassroots Groups and Activist Researchers

PhD thesis

Sharkey, Megan 2023. Transitions in Motion: Accelerating Active Travel Infrastructure in London through Grassroots Groups and Activist Researchers. PhD thesis University of Westminster Architecture and Cities

Moving Pictures: Reusing Cinemas as Places of Worship in Diaspora


Jordan, K. 2023. Moving Pictures: Reusing Cinemas as Places of Worship in Diaspora.

Road transport and urban logistics

Book chapter

Piecyk, M. and Allen, J. 2023. Road transport and urban logistics. in: Manios, J., Budd, L. and Ison, S. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics London Routledge. pp. 27-44

Road Freight Transport SMEs: Trading, Operational and Decarbonisation Perspectives - Summary slideset


Allen, J., Piecyk, M. and Cao, M. 2023. Road Freight Transport SMEs: Trading, Operational and Decarbonisation Perspectives - Summary slideset. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary slideset


Allen, J. and Piecyk, M. 2023. Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary slideset. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary Report


Allen, J. and Piecyk, M. 2023. Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary Report. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Full Briefing Report

Project report

Allen, J. and Piecyk, M. 2023. Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Full Briefing Report. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

Road Freight Transport SMEs: Trading, Operational and Decarbonisation Perspectives - Briefing Report

Project report

Allen, J., Piecyk, M. and Cao, M. 2023. Road Freight Transport SMEs: Trading, Operational and Decarbonisation Perspectives - Briefing Report. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

The Image of the Road Freight Transport and Warehousing Industry

Project report

Allen, J. and Piecyk, M. 2023. The Image of the Road Freight Transport and Warehousing Industry. Centre for Sustainable Road Freight.

Travelling to Ankara: Western Perspectives of the Modern Capital

Journal article

Deriu, D. 2023. Travelling to Ankara: Western Perspectives of the Modern Capital. Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory. 8 (Spring/Summer), pp. 190-195.

Exploring the Relationship between Urban Form, Mobility and Social Well-Being: Towards an Interdisciplinary Field of Sustainable Urban Planning and Transport Development

Edited issue

Cao, M., Papaix, C., Yang, T. and Büttner, B. 2023. Exploring the Relationship between Urban Form, Mobility and Social Well-Being: Towards an Interdisciplinary Field of Sustainable Urban Planning and Transport Development . Sustainability. 15 (11) 8498.

Sense of Humour and its Effects on Great Britain's Destination Image

PhD thesis

Mohamadi, F. 2023. Sense of Humour and its Effects on Great Britain's Destination Image. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Architecture and Cities

Mini-Publics as an innovation in spatial governance

Journal article

Durrant, D. and Cohen, T. 2023. Mini-Publics as an innovation in spatial governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 41 (6), pp. 1183-1199.

Synthesising the existing literature on the market acceptance of autonomous vehicles and the external underlying factors

Journal article

Rezaei, A., Cao, M., Liu, Q. and De Vos, J. 2023. Synthesising the existing literature on the market acceptance of autonomous vehicles and the external underlying factors. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2023 6065060.

The industry’s inconvenient truth. We can’t just afford to build greener, we must build less

Journal article

Novy, J. 2023. The industry’s inconvenient truth. We can’t just afford to build greener, we must build less. Planning in London. (125), pp. 14-15.

The Changing Nature of Long-Haul Traffic on the North Atlantic: An Examination of Airline Network Strategies

PhD thesis

Kremarik, Frances 2023. The Changing Nature of Long-Haul Traffic on the North Atlantic: An Examination of Airline Network Strategies. PhD thesis University of Westminster Architecture and Cities

Doctor Watson Architects, Incomplete Works Volume Four


Watson, V.A. 2023. Doctor Watson Architects, Incomplete Works Volume Four. London AIR Grid Publications.

Is it possible to compete with car use? How buses can facilitate sustainable transport

Journal article

Liu, Q., Liu, Y., Chen, C-L., Papa, E., Ling, Y. and Cao, M. 2023. Is it possible to compete with car use? How buses can facilitate sustainable transport. Urban Planning. 8 (3).

Multi- Level Governance Framework for Global Political Renewal

Conference keynote

Ajeeb, D. 2023. Multi- Level Governance Framework for Global Political Renewal . The Global Council for Political Renewal Conference. London 14 - 15 Apr 2023

“Doors that could take you elsewhere”: The Architectural Practice of Reading Science Fiction

PhD thesis

Butt, Amy 2023. “Doors that could take you elsewhere”: The Architectural Practice of Reading Science Fiction. PhD thesis University of Westminster Architecture and Cities

Interface: Resistance and Response in Planning

Journal article

Fainstein, S., Forester, J., Novy, J. and et. al. 2023. Interface: Resistance and Response in Planning. Planning Theory & Practice. 24 (2), pp. 245-283.

Right-wing populism and urban planning

Journal article

Fainstein, S. and Novy, J. 2023. Right-wing populism and urban planning. Journal of Urban Affairs. Advanced online publication.

Spatial risk for a superspreading environment: Insights from six urban facilities in six global cities across four continents

Journal article

Loo, B.P.Y., Tsoi, K.H., Axhausen, K.W., Cao, M., Lee, Y. and Koh, K.P. 2023. Spatial risk for a superspreading environment: Insights from six urban facilities in six global cities across four continents. Frontiers in Public Health. 11 1128889.

NOSTROMO: Lessons learned, conclusions and way forward

Working paper

Gurtner, G., Bolic, T. and Cook, A.J. 2023. NOSTROMO: Lessons learned, conclusions and way forward.

De-municipalisation? Legacies of austerity for England’s urban parks

Journal article

Smith, A., Whitten, M. and Ernwein, M. 2023. De-municipalisation? Legacies of austerity for England’s urban parks. The Geographical Journal. Advanced online publication.

Do residents living in transit-oriented development station catchment areas travel sustainably? The impacts of life events

Journal article

Shen, T., Cheng, L., Yang, Y., Deng, J., Jin, T. and Cao, M. 2023. Do residents living in transit-oriented development station catchment areas travel sustainably? The impacts of life events. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2023 9318505.

Spaces for children's play and travel close to home: the importance of threshold spaces

Journal article

Weir, H. 2023. Spaces for children's play and travel close to home: the importance of threshold spaces. Children's Geographies. 21 (6), pp. 1487-1513.

Private events for public benefit? Events and the emergence of public-private parks

Journal article

Smith, A. 2023. Private events for public benefit? Events and the emergence of public-private parks. Event Management. 27 (5), pp. 809-813.

Exploring Associations between the Built Environment and Cycling Behaviour around Urban Greenways from a Human-Scale Perspective

Journal article

Bai, Yiwei, Bai, Yihang, Wang, Ruoyu, Yang, T., Song, Xinyao and Bai, Bo 2023. Exploring Associations between the Built Environment and Cycling Behaviour around Urban Greenways from a Human-Scale Perspective. Land. 12 (3) 619.

On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo


Deriu, D. 2023. On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo. London Lund Humphries.

Statistical Analysis Plan: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London: Interrupted time series analysis of sensor count data


Furlong, J., Armstrong, B., Aldred, R. and Edwards, P. 2023. Statistical Analysis Plan: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London: Interrupted time series analysis of sensor count data .

Beyond the pale: fencing off parks for festivals

Journal article

Smith, A. 2023. Beyond the pale: fencing off parks for festivals . Urban Studies. 60 (14), pp. 2763-2778.

The operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square

MPhil thesis

Driva, Lida-Evangelia 2023. The operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square . MPhil thesis University of Westminster Architecture and Cities

Festive Parks as Inclusive Spaces: Celebrating Latin American London in Finsbury Park

Journal article

Smith, A. and Ertem, D. 2023. Festive Parks as Inclusive Spaces: Celebrating Latin American London in Finsbury Park. The London Journal. 48 (3), pp. 279-298.

Market Developments on Chinese International Air Passenger Markets in Light of COVID-19 Policy Measures

Journal article

Graham, A., Warnock-Smith, D., O'Connell, J.F., Efthymiou, M. and Zheng, X. 2023. Market Developments on Chinese International Air Passenger Markets in Light of COVID-19 Policy Measures. Sustainability. 15 (2) 1525.

Development of a composite regional vulnerability index and its relationship with the impacts of the COVID‑19 pandemic

Journal article

Cao, M., Yao, Q., Chen, B., Ling, Y., Hu, Y. and Xu, G. 2023. Development of a composite regional vulnerability index and its relationship with the impacts of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Computational Urban Science. 3 1.

Opening the Simulation Box: Towards Explainable Metamodels for Enhanced Air Traffic Management Performance Assessment

Conference paper

Riis, C., Antunes, F., Bolic, T., Gurtner, G., Camara Pereira, F. and Lima Azevedo, C. 2023. Opening the Simulation Box: Towards Explainable Metamodels for Enhanced Air Traffic Management Performance Assessment. Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., USA 08 - 12 Jan 2023 Transportation Research Board.

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Achille, Wilfred

Visiting Lecturer

Ajeeb, Dimah

Senior Lecturer

Allen, Julian

Senior Research Fellow

Ayuso, Alessandro

Senior Lecturer

Batty, Scott

Senior Lecturer

Bauer, Susanne

Senior Lecturer

Blyth, Alastair

Assistant Head of School

Boccaletti, Stefania

Senior Lecturer

Bolic, Tatjana

Senior Research Fellow

Bottazzi, Roberto

Senior Lecturer

Boulanger, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Cascone, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Chan, Tommy

Research Associate

Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

Senior Research Fellow

Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

Principal Lecturer

Ellston, Liz


Farrell, Helen

Assistant Head of School

Fevyer, David

Research Associate

Furlong, Jamie

Research Fellow

Gatoo, Ana


Girardin, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Golzari, Nasser

Senior Lecturer

Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

Senior Lecturer

Hui, Sam Sam


Inkson, Clare

Senior Lecturer

Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

Kalra, Ripin

Senior Research Fellow

Kramer, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Kremarik, Frances

Senior Lecturer

Kypraiou, Diony

Senior Lecturer

Lau, Constance

Senior Lecturer

Littlefield, David

Senior Lecturer

Martin, Andrei

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Mclean, William

Principal Lecturer

Mills, Tabatha

Senior Lecturer

Morgan, Sadie


Mukhia, Richa

Senior Lecturer

Musikavanhu, Rutendo

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Newey, Natalie

Senior Lecturer

Novy, Johannes

Senior Lecturer

O'Shea, John

Senior Lecturer

Odeke, Alice


Orefice, Chiara

Senior Lecturer

Papa, Enrica


Perkin, Emma


Piotrowska, Marzena

Senior Lecturer

Pollock, Ben


Sharif, Yara

Senior Lecturer

Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

Silver, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Somers, John

Senior Lecturer

Soolaki, Majid

Research Fellow

Spankie, Ro

Assistant Head of School

Stringer, Ben

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tanner, Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Thwaites, Adam

Senior Lecturer

Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow

Watson, Victoria

Senior Lecturer

Weiszer, Michal

Research Fellow

White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

Wilkinson, Camilla

Senior Lecturer

Williams, Julian

Principal Lecturer

Yau, Andrew

Senior Lecturer

Zaide, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Zareian, Elham

Research Fellow

Zhang, John
