VANTAGE Phase 1, Traffic Flow Model

Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Dennis, N. 2007. VANTAGE Phase 1, Traffic Flow Model. University of Westminster.;DeliverableVANTAGE-UOW-4220-DD-08

TitleVANTAGE Phase 1, Traffic Flow Model
AuthorsCook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Dennis, N.
TypeProject report

This document summarises work completed for Stages 1 to 4 of the VANTAGE Traffic Flow Model (Workpackage 4.2.2). It comprises Deliverables D4.2.2.8 (updated methodological description, critical commentary on the forecasts and results for Stage 4 of the Traffic Flow Model) and D4.2.2.9 (the full model outputs, as CSV files, plus the electronic model itself). We have previously reported on Stages 1 and 2. Stage 3 refinements are reported alongside those made in Stage 4 in this Deliverable.

In Stage 1, we developed the route and passenger forecasts for 2015, for the UK regional airports. We produced passenger forecasts for the whole of the year 2015 (primarily based on 1995 and 2005 CAA-sourced data), and route and frequency forecasts which related to a peak week in July 2015 (primarily based on 1995 and 2005 OAG-sourced data), split into international, plus ‘domestic and Eire’ forecasts.

In Stage 2, we specified the actual routes forecast for all UK regional airports, for the peak week in July 2015. An example peak week schedule for Aberdeen was furnished.

The schedules and forecasts have been built from a supporting database of over 10 500 flights. Several independent models were built, and integrated, to produce the initial output tables. Extensive data cleaning was necessary for this task.

In Stages 3 and 4, a number of enhancements have been incorporated into the algorithms for the model, including the integration of some basic, alternative macro-level assumptions (such as higher/lower growth rates). New methods for the balancing of domestic routes and incorporation of different runway constraints are discussed. The challenges of producing parallel charter and cargo estimates are also explored.

Seven pre-defined forecast scenarios that simulate varying degrees of economic growth and fuel price have been developed and form the basis of the output generated by the model. The baseline (scenario 1) forecast is discussed in detail in this Deliverable, and forms the basis of the outputs herein. In addition, output tables (traffic forecasts and timetables) for all seven scenarios accompany this document.

Total CO2, aggregated across all the scheduled passenger flight movements from the 36 regional forecasts have been calculated for each of the seven scenarios. A new model was also built for this computation. CO2 estimates extend beyond the UK UIR/FIR boundary, thus complementing the higher-fidelity TMA estimates computed within the Synthetic Environment.

PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
Digital Object Identifier (DOI);DeliverableVANTAGE-UOW-4220-DD-08

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Domino D4.1 - Initial model design
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Pilon, N., Valput, D., Cristobal, S. and Tanner, G. 2018. Domino D4.1 - Initial model design.

Vista D1.2 - Final Project Results Report
Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G., Delgado, L. and Tanner, G. 2018. Vista D1.2 - Final Project Results Report. SESAR.

Vista D5.2 - Final Assessment Report
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cristobal, S., Martín, J. and Cook, A.J. 2018. Vista D5.2 - Final Assessment Report. SESAR.

A multi-layer model for long-term KPI aligment forecast
Gurtner, G., Delgado, L., Cook, A.J., Martín, J. and Cristobal, S. 2018. A multi-layer model for long-term KPI aligment forecast. 8th SESAR Innovation Days. Salzburg 03 - 06 Dec 2018 SESAR.

D2.1 – Establishment of Performance Framework
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Gurtner, G., Delgado, L. and Cristobal, S. 2018. D2.1 – Establishment of Performance Framework. Innaxis.

Domino D6.2 - Stakeholders' consultation on system and investigative case studies
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Tanner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2018. Domino D6.2 - Stakeholders' consultation on system and investigative case studies.

Domino D3.1 - Architecture definition
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Valput, D., Pilon, N., Guichard, L., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2018. Domino D3.1 - Architecture definition.

Domino D2.1 - Data management and sources
Bolic, T., Castelli, L., Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Tanner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2018. Domino D2.1 - Data management and sources.

Domino D6.1 - Dissemination plan and project visual identity
Ureta, H., Gomez, I., Tanner, G., Delgado, L., Guichard, L., Bolic, T., Lillo, F. and Cook, A.J. 2018. Domino D6.1 - Dissemination plan and project visual identity.

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Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Guichard, L., Bolic, T., Lillo, F. and Cristobal, S. 2018. Domino D1.1 - Project Management Plan.

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Dennis, N. and Pitfield, D.E. 2018. A tale of two cities: The impact of airline mergers and consolidation at London and New York. Transportation Research Record. 2672 (23), pp. 1-7.

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Cook, A.J. 2018. Performance assessment in ATM – towards better collaborative methods. Performance Assessment Work Forum. Brussels, Belgium 07 Feb 2018

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Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Plets, H., Perez, D., Cristobal, S., Triska, A., Patey, S. and Andrésson, E.I. 2017. Vista D2.1 Supporting Data for Business and Regulatory Scenarios Report.

Vista D6.2 - Stakeholder Consultation on Business and Regulatory Scenarios
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G. and Tanner, G. 2017. Vista D6.2 - Stakeholder Consultation on Business and Regulatory Scenarios.

DATASET2050 D5.2 - Assessment execution
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Gurtner, G., Ureta, H., Cristobal, S., Belkoura, S., Gómez, I., Paul, A., Kluge, U. and Hullah, P. 2017. DATASET2050 D5.2 - Assessment execution.

DATASET2050 D5.1 - Mobility assessment
Hullah, P., Kirby, S., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Gurtner, G., Ureta, H., Cristobal, S. and Gómez, I. 2017. DATASET2050 D5.1 - Mobility assessment.

Managing dwell times – a key challenge for the D2D target
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2017. Managing dwell times – a key challenge for the D2D target. SESAR Innovation Days 2017 - DATASET2050 workshop. Belgrade, Serbia 27 Nov 2017 Innaxis.

Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs
Gurtner, G., Delgado, L., Cook, A.J., Martin, J., Cristobal, S. and Plets, H. 2017. Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs. Schaefer, D. (ed.) SESAR Innovation Days 2017. Belgrade, Serbia 28 - 30 Nov 2017 SESAR.

Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs
Gurtner, G., Delgado, L., Cook, A.J., Martin, J., Cristobal, S. and Plets, H. 2017. Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs. Schaefer, D. (ed.) SESAR Innovation Days 2017. Belgrade, Serbia 28 - 30 Nov 2017 SESAR.

Indicator development: how could we improve existing indicators and which new ones do we need?
Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G. and Delgado, L. 2017. Indicator development: how could we improve existing indicators and which new ones do we need? Vista Workshop. Vienna, Austria 23 - 23 Oct 2017

The Vista model: the challenges of building a holistic model across the strategic, pre-tactical and tactical phases of ATM
Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J. and Delgado, L. 2017. The Vista model: the challenges of building a holistic model across the strategic, pre-tactical and tactical phases of ATM. Vista Workshop. Vienna, Austria 23 - 23 Oct 2017

Modelling the 2035 and 2050 timeframes: key business and regulatory factors to be considered
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2017. Modelling the 2035 and 2050 timeframes: key business and regulatory factors to be considered. Vista workshop. Vienna, Austria 23 Oct 2017

Modelling strategic trade-offs - insights into the SESAR ‘Vista’ project
Cook, A.J., Delgado, L. and Gurtner, G. 2017. Modelling strategic trade-offs - insights into the SESAR ‘Vista’ project . AGIFORS 57th Annual Symposium. London 02 - 06 Oct 2017

Understanding KPI trade-offs - key challenges of modelling architectures and data acquisition
Gurtner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2017. Understanding KPI trade-offs - key challenges of modelling architectures and data acquisition. Data Science in Aviation 2017 Workshop. Cologne, Germany 29 Sep 2017

Vista - market forces trade‐offs impacting European ATM performance
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2017. Vista - market forces trade‐offs impacting European ATM performance. COCTA Workshop: Improving Performance in ATM – Innovative institutions, mechanisms and incentives. Frankfurt, Germany 27 Sep 2017

UK Regional Connectivity on the North Atlantic: Hub-Bypassing or just changing hubs?
Kremarik, F., Dennis, N. and Graham, A. 2017. UK Regional Connectivity on the North Atlantic: Hub-Bypassing or just changing hubs? 21st ATRS World Conference. Antwerp, Belgium 05 - 08 Jul 2017 ATRS.

DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future Supply Profile
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2017. DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future Supply Profile. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile
Paul, A., Kluge, U., Mennig, P., Ureta, H., Tanner, G., Cook, A.J. and Hullah, P. 2017. DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile. Innaxis.

Cook, A.J. 2017. DATASET2050. Connectivity Workshop. EUROCONTROL, Brussels 18 Jan 2017

Performance measurement in a world of targets and trade-offs
Cook, A.J. and Gurtner, G. 2017. Performance measurement in a world of targets and trade-offs. EUROCONTROL Agency Research Team. University of Westminster, London 25 - 26 Apr 2017

Vista D4.1 - Initial Framework Definition
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Cristobal, S. and Martin, J. 2017. Vista D4.1 - Initial Framework Definition.

Vista D3.1 - Business and Regulatory Scenarios Report
Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Plets, H., Huet, D., Perez, D., Cristobal, S., Triska, A, Patey, S. and Andresson, E. I. 2017. Vista D3.1 - Business and Regulatory Scenarios Report.

Report on ALoSP implementation in EUROCONTROL Member States, including proposal for the initial definition and guidance to support its harmonised implementation in Europe
Cook, A.J., Netjasov, F, Kuljanin, J and Ganic, E 2017. Report on ALoSP implementation in EUROCONTROL Member States, including proposal for the initial definition and guidance to support its harmonised implementation in Europe.

Factors influencing European passenger demand for air transport
Cook, A.J., Kluge, U., Paul, A. and Cristobal, S. 2017. Factors influencing European passenger demand for air transport. Air Transport Research Society World Conference. University of Antwerp Stadscampus, Belgium 05 - 08 Jul 2017 Air Transport Research Society.

ATM performance measurement in Europe, the US and China
Cook, A.J., Belkoura, S. and Zanin, M. 2017. ATM performance measurement in Europe, the US and China. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 30 (2), pp. 479-490.

ComplexityCosts D4.5 - Final Technical Report
Delgado, L., Cristobal, S., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. ComplexityCosts D4.5 - Final Technical Report.

ComplexityCosts D3.2 - Investment trade-offs
Delgado, L., Cristobal, S., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Schultz, M. 2016. ComplexityCosts D3.2 - Investment trade-offs.

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D3.1 - Current Passenger Demand Profile
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D3.1 - Current Passenger Demand Profile. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model
Cristobal, S., Ureta, H., Perez, D., Paul, A., Gurtner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data Requirements and Acquisition
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data Requirements and Acquisition. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile
Hullah, P., Kirby, S., Ureta, H., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Graham, A., Rothfeld, R. and Paul, A. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile.

Complexity challenges in ATM
Lopez, P., Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. 2016. Complexity challenges in ATM. Madrid ComplexWorld Consortium.

Assessing European mobility
Cook, A.J. and Perez, D. 2016. Assessing European mobility. ACARE Implementation & Review Group. European Commission, Brussels 13 Dec 2016

The cost of delay
Cook, A.J. 2016. The cost of delay. EUROCONTROL Agency Research Team. Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse 24 Mar 2016

The challenge of ATM performance measurement
Cook, A.J. 2016. The challenge of ATM performance measurement. Global Workshop on Aviation System Performance. Tianjin, China 21 - 23 Jul 2016

Network modelling – performance, metrics, challenges
Cook, A.J. 2016. Network modelling – performance, metrics, challenges. Symposium on Complexity Science in Air Transportation. Beihang University, Beijng 10 - 12 Apr 2016

SATURN D6.5 - Final Report
Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Cook, A.J., Corolli, L., Costanzo, S., Jovanović, R., Marcotte, E., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G., Tošić, V. and Živanović, M. 2016. SATURN D6.5 - Final Report.

UDPP Credits concept description – White Paper
Cook, A.J., Ruiz, S., Bujor, A. and Castelli, L. 2016. UDPP Credits concept description – White Paper.

Study on the Modelling of Airport Economic Value
Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Graham, A. and Cristobal, S. 2016. Study on the Modelling of Airport Economic Value. Eurocontrol.

DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile
Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G., Graham, A., Delgado, L., Cristobal, S., Ureta, H., Paul, A., Kluge, U., Mennig, P. and Hullah, P. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile.

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition
Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Graham, A., Cristobal, S., Ureta, H. and Paul, A. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition.

MUAC Stakeholder Survey - MCG briefing
Cook, A.J. 2016. MUAC Stakeholder Survey - MCG briefing.

Data Science
Cook, A.J., Zanin, M. and Belkoura, S. 2016. Data Science. in: Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. (ed.) Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 105-129

Complex Network Theory
Cook, A.J. and Zanin, M. 2016. Complex Network Theory. in: Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. (ed.) Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 9-22

Improved flexibility and equity for airspace users during demand-capacity imbalance - an introduction to the user-driven prioritisation process
Pilon, N., Cook, A.J., Ruiz, S., Bujor, A. and Castelli, L. 2016. Improved flexibility and equity for airspace users during demand-capacity imbalance - an introduction to the user-driven prioritisation process. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Sixth SESAR Innovation Days. Delft, Netherlands 08 - 10 Nov 2016 SESAR.

Quantifying resilience in ATM - contrasting the impacts of four mechanisms during disturbance
Delgado, L., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Cristobal, S. 2016. Quantifying resilience in ATM - contrasting the impacts of four mechanisms during disturbance. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Sixth SESAR Innovation Days. Delft, Netherlands 08 - 10 Nov 2016 SESAR.

The economic value of adding capacity at airports – a data-driven model
Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Graham, A., Cristobal, S. and Huet, D. 2016. The economic value of adding capacity at airports – a data-driven model. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Sixth SESAR Innovation Days. Delft, Netherlands 08 - 10 Nov 2016 SESAR.

Understanding Consumer Preferences with Airline Scheduling
Graham, A., Dennis, N. and Nenum, S. 2016. Understanding Consumer Preferences with Airline Scheduling. Air Transport Research Society Annual Conference. Rhodes 23 - 26 Jun 2016

On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks
Belkoura, S., Cook, A.J., Pena, J.M. and Zanin, M. 2016. On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 94, pp. 95-109.

Measuring the cost of resilience
Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Tanner, G. and Cristobal, S. 2016. Measuring the cost of resilience. Journal of Air Transport Management. 56 (A), pp. 38-47.

Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK
Halpern, N., Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2016. Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 21, pp. 33-43.

ComplexityCosts D3.1 - Scenario Definition
Delgado, L., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Schultz, M. 2015. ComplexityCosts D3.1 - Scenario Definition.

ComplexityCosts D2.2 - Model Implementation
Cristobal, S., Delgado, L., Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Pérez, D. and Montlaur, A. 2015. ComplexityCosts D2.2 - Model Implementation.

ComplexityCosts D2.1 - Theoretical Stochastic Layered Network Model
Blanch, A., Cook, A.J., Cristobal, S., Delgado, L., Fürstenau, N. and Tanner, G. 2015. ComplexityCosts D2.1 - Theoretical Stochastic Layered Network Model.

The cost of passenger delay to airlines in Europe - consultation document
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2015. The cost of passenger delay to airlines in Europe - consultation document.

SATURN D4.2 - Pure Pricing Mechanisms
Andrić, V., Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Costanzo, S., Jovanović, R., Labbé, M., Marcotte, E., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G., Tošić, V., Violin, A. and Živanović, M. 2015. SATURN D4.2 - Pure Pricing Mechanisms.

SATURN D1.2 - Data Management (update report)
Andrić, V., Babić, O., Castelli, L., Corolli, L., Delgado, L., Ivanov, N., Jovanović, R., Marcotte, E., Netjasov, F., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G., Tošić, V. and Živanović, M. 2015. SATURN D1.2 - Data Management (update report).

Modulation of en-route charges to redistribute traffic in the European airspace
Castelli, L., Bolić, T., Costanzo, S., Rigonat, D., Marcotte, E. and Tanner, G. 2015. Modulation of en-route charges to redistribute traffic in the European airspace. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Fifth SESAR Innovation Days. Bologna 01 - 03 Dec 2015 SESAR.

‘POEM’ Outstanding Project Award
Cook, A.J. 2015. ‘POEM’ Outstanding Project Award. World ATM Congress. Madrid 07 - 12 Mar 2015 SESAR.

New insights into delay propagation?
Cook, A.J. 2015. New insights into delay propagation? 3rd INFORM Airline Forum. Lisbon 20 - 22 May 2015

European airline delay cost reference values
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2015. European airline delay cost reference values. Brussels EUROCONTROL Performance Review Unit.

Delay propagation – new metrics, new insights
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Zanin, M. 2015. Delay propagation – new metrics, new insights. Eleventh USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar . Lisbon 23 - 26 Jun 2015 EUROCONTROL/FAA.

Controller time and delay costs - a trade-off analysis
Delgado, L., Cook, A., Cristobal, S. and Plets, H. 2015. Controller time and delay costs - a trade-off analysis. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Fifth SESAR Innovation Days. Bologna 01 - 03 Dec 2015 SESAR.

Applying complexity science to air traffic management
Cook, A.J., Blom, H., Lillo, F., Mantegna, R., Miccichè, S., S, Rivas, D., Vázquez, R., Zanin, M. and Mantegnad, R. 2015. Applying complexity science to air traffic management. Journal of Air Transport Management. 42, pp. 149-158.

SATURN D6.2 - Communication and Dissemination Report
Tanner, G. 2014. SATURN D6.2 - Communication and Dissemination Report.

ComplexityCosts D4.3 - Communication and Dissemination Report
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2014. ComplexityCosts D4.3 - Communication and Dissemination Report.

ComplexityCosts D1.3 - Interim data requirements and scoping
Cook, A.J., Blanch, A., Cristobal, S., Delgado, L., Förster, P., Straube, K. and Tanner, G. 2014. ComplexityCosts D1.3 - Interim data requirements and scoping.

ComplexityCosts D1.2 - Design mechanisms and cost allocations
Cook, A.J., Blanch, A., Cristobal, S., Delgado, L., Förster, P., Pérez, D. and Tanner, G. 2014. ComplexityCosts D1.2 - Design mechanisms and cost allocations.

ComplexityCosts D1.1 - Update on the state of the art
Cook, A.J., Cristobal, S., Förster, P. and Tanner, G. 2014. ComplexityCosts D1.1 - Update on the state of the art.

SATURN D3.1 - Pricing mechanisms
Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Corolli, L., Ivanov, N., Jovanović, R., Marcotte, E., Netjasov, F., Rigonat, D., Scarcia, A., Tanner, G., Tošić, V. and Živanović, M. 2014. SATURN D3.1 - Pricing mechanisms.

SATURN D2.1 - Future airspace congestion - a users' discussion guide
Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Cook, A.J., Corolli, L., Delgado, L., Jovanović, R., Labbé, M., Lazarević, M., Marcotte, E., Netjasov, F., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G. and Tošić, V. 2014. SATURN D2.1 - Future airspace congestion - a users' discussion guide.

SATURN D1.1 - Data Management (main report)
Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Ivanov, N., Jovanović, R., Marcotte, E., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G. and Tošić, V. 2014. SATURN D1.1 - Data Management (main report).

Long Term Traffic Forecasts and Operating Pattern for a Regional Airport
Dennis, N. 2014. Long Term Traffic Forecasts and Operating Pattern for a Regional Airport. Air Transport Research Society World Conference. Bordeaux 17 - 20 Jul 2014 Air Transport Research Society.

Better Pricing Strategies for ATM?
Bolić, T, Rigonat, D, Castelli, L, Jovanović, R, Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2014. Better Pricing Strategies for ATM? Schaefer, D. (ed.) Fourth SESAR Innovation Days. Madrid 25 - 27 Nov 2014 SESAR.

What cost reslience?
Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Cristobal, S. and Blanch, A. 2014. What cost reslience? Schaefer, D. (ed.) Fourth SESAR Innovation Days. Madrid 25 - 27 Nov 2014 SESAR.

Optimizing Consumer Preference in Airline Scheduling
Nenum, S., Dennis, N. and Graham, A. 2014. Optimizing Consumer Preference in Airline Scheduling. 18th Annual World Conference of the Air Transport Research Society. KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France 17 Jul 2014

Flight prioritisation, delay costs and the passenger – where next?
Cook, A.J. 2013. Flight prioritisation, delay costs and the passenger – where next? 2nd INFORM Airline Forum. London Heathrow 18 - 20 Sep 2013

4D trajectories - assessing the cost of time
Cook, A.J. 2013. 4D trajectories - assessing the cost of time. NAV09 - Air: Aviation’s Future Trajectories (Organised by the Royal Institute of Navigation). Imperial College, London 25 Nov 2009

CASSIOPEIA D4.3 - case study 3 report: hub connectivity-driven variable aircraft speeds
Tanner, G., Blanch, A., Martín, J. and Cook, A.J. 2013. CASSIOPEIA D4.3 - case study 3 report: hub connectivity-driven variable aircraft speeds.

Strategies of Major Carriers Away from their Main Hub Airports: A Comparison of the European and US Experience
Dennis, N. and Stevens, K. 2013. Strategies of Major Carriers Away from their Main Hub Airports: A Comparison of the European and US Experience. Air Transport Research Society World Conference. Bergamo 26 - 29 Jun 2013 Air Transport Research Society.

POEM Final Technical Report
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Zanin, M. 2013. POEM Final Technical Report. SESAR.

New perspectives for air transport performance
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Zanin, M. 2013. New perspectives for air transport performance. Schaefer, D. (ed.) Third SESAR Innovation Days. Stockholm 26 - 28 Nov 2013 SESAR.

Towards superior air transport performance metrics – imperatives and methods
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2013. Towards superior air transport performance metrics – imperatives and methods. Journal of Aerospace Operations. 2, pp. 3-19.

The Traffic and Financial Performance of UK Regional Airports 2003-2013
Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2013. The Traffic and Financial Performance of UK Regional Airports 2003-2013 . Air Transport Research Society Annual World Conference. Bergamo 27 Jun 2013

A Method for Developing a Consumer Preference Centric Airline Schedule Quality Metric
Nenum, S., Dennis, N. and Graham, A. 2013. A Method for Developing a Consumer Preference Centric Airline Schedule Quality Metric. Air Transport Research Society Annual World Conference. Bergamo 27 Jun 2013

The hidden cost of airline unpunctuality
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Lawes, A. 2012. The hidden cost of airline unpunctuality. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 46 (2), pp. 157-173.

Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Zanin, M. 2012. Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics. Schaefer, D (ed.) Second SESAR Innovation Days. Braunschweig 27 - 29 Nov 2012 SESAR.

D6.1 POEM stakeholder feedback on design.
Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Blanch, A. and Cristobal, S. 2012. D6.1 POEM stakeholder feedback on design. Eurocontrol.

D3.1 The design of propagation- and passenger-oriented metrics
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Zanin, M. 2012. D3.1 The design of propagation- and passenger-oriented metrics. Eurocontrol.

A quantitative exploration of flight prioritisation principles, using new delay costs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2012. A quantitative exploration of flight prioritisation principles, using new delay costs. Journal of Aerospace Operations. 1 (3), pp. 195-211.

D2.1 Design of the model scenarios
Blanch, A., Zanin, M., Cristobal, S., Perez, D., Loadman, J., Lloret, J., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2012. D2.1 Design of the model scenarios. Eurocontrol.

D2.1A Logical architecture
Blanch, A., Zanin, M., Cristobal, S., Perez, D., Gonzalez, Y., Loadman, J., Lloret, J., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Benito, A., Lansorena, I. and Molina, M. 2012. D2.1A Logical architecture. Eurocontrol.

ComplexWorld Position Paper
Cook, A.J., Blom, H, Helmke, H, Herranz, R, Lillo, F, Micciche’, S, Perez, D and Rivas, D 2011. ComplexWorld Position Paper. Madrid ComplexWorld Consortium.

Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics
Cook, A.J. 2011. Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics. Schaefer, D. (ed.) First SESAR Innovation Days. Toulouse 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011 SESAR.

D1.2 Passenger and traffic data input to model
Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Blanch, A. and Cristobal, S. 2011. D1.2 Passenger and traffic data input to model. Eurocontrol.

D4.1 The preliminary POEM network model
Cristobal, S., Blanch, A., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2011. D4.1 The preliminary POEM network model. Eurocontrol.

D5.1 Design of the analysis plan
Cook, A.J., Zanin, M. and Tanner, G. 2011. D5.1 Design of the analysis plan. Eurocontrol.

D1.1 Passenger and traffic data specification
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Cristobal, S. and Zanin, M. 2011. D1.1 Passenger and traffic data specification. Eurocontrol.

Modelling the airline costs of delay propagation
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2011. Modelling the airline costs of delay propagation. AGIFORS Airline Operations Conference. London, United Kingdom 16th - 19th May 2011

European airline delay cost reference values
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2011. European airline delay cost reference values. EUROCONTROL Performance Review Unit.

D1.2 High-level functional specification: model outputs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2011. D1.2 High-level functional specification: model outputs. Eurocontrol.

D1.1 High-level functional specification: model inputs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2011. D1.1 High-level functional specification: model inputs. Eurocontrol.

The impact of low-cost airline operations to Malta
Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2010. The impact of low-cost airline operations to Malta. Journal of Air Transport Management. 16 (3), pp. 127-136.

Trajectory planning: where next?
Tanner, G. 2010. Trajectory planning: where next? 9th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition. Brétigny sur Orge, France 7th - 9th December 2010

Old conflicts, new rivals? Airline competition in the European market
Dennis, N. 2010. Old conflicts, new rivals? Airline competition in the European market. European Transport Conference 2010. Glasgow 11 - 13 October, 2010

Quantifying airline delay costs - the balance between strategic and tactical costs
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Enaud, P. 2010. Quantifying airline delay costs - the balance between strategic and tactical costs. 14th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference. Porto, Portugal 06 - 09 Jul 2010

Delay cost management and key challenges
Cook, A.J. 2010. Delay cost management and key challenges. 9th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition. Brétigny sur Orge, France 7th - 9th December 2010

Airline trends in Europe: network consolidation and the mainstreaming of low-cost strategies
Dennis, N. 2009. Airline trends in Europe: network consolidation and the mainstreaming of low-cost strategies. in: Gossling, S. and Upham, P. (ed.) Climate change and aviation: issues, challenges and solutions London Earthscan. pp. 151-176

The cost of delay to air transport in Europe: quantification and management
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Jovanovic, R. and Lawes, A. 2009. The cost of delay to air transport in Europe: quantification and management. 13th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference. Abu Dhabi, UAE 27th - 30th June 2009

The challenge of managing airline delay costs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2009. The challenge of managing airline delay costs. German Aviation Research Society and University of Belgrade, Conference on Air Traffic Management Economics. University of Belgrade, Serbia 10th - 11th September 2009

Dynamic cost indexing: managing airline delay costs
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Williams, V. and Meise, G. 2009. Dynamic cost indexing: managing airline delay costs. Journal of Air Transport Management. 15 (1), pp. 26-35.

Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Electronic prototype of a dynamic cost indexing tool
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Electronic prototype of a dynamic cost indexing tool. Deliverable (prototype tool), EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Airline costs of delayed passengers and how to estimate full network delay costs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Airline costs of delayed passengers and how to estimate full network delay costs. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Aircraft crewing – marginal delay costs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Aircraft crewing – marginal delay costs. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Aircraft maintenance – marginal delay costs
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Aircraft maintenance – marginal delay costs. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Including climate impacts of NOx in a Dynamic Cost Indexing
Cook, A.J., Williams, V. and Tanner, G. 2008. Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III: Dynamic Cost Indexing: Including climate impacts of NOx in a Dynamic Cost Indexing. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

DISTILLATE: A KonSULT-based strategy option generator
Kelly, C., May, A., Jopson, A., Gawthorpe, S., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. DISTILLATE: A KonSULT-based strategy option generator. KonSULT.

The impact of low cost airline operations to Malta
Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2008. The impact of low cost airline operations to Malta. 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Liverpool, UK 27 - 31 August 2008

Comparative analysis of regional airline industry in Europe and North America and some insight into current developments
Dennis, N., Smyth, A. and Stevens, K. 2008. Comparative analysis of regional airline industry in Europe and North America and some insight into current developments. Transportation Research Record. 2052, pp. 118-125.

Development of new services from regional airports
Dennis, N. 2008. Development of new services from regional airports. in: Lupi, M. (ed.) Methods and models for planning the development of regional airport systems Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 29-46

Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Williams, V. and Meise, G. 2008. Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines. NATS Workshop. NATS Corporate and Technical Centre, Swanwick 02 Jul 2008

Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Williams, V. and Meise, G. 2008. Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines. EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Brétigny sur Orge, France 17 June 2008

Dynamic cost indexing: cost estimations and building the prototype
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Williams, V. and Meise, G. 2008. Dynamic cost indexing: cost estimations and building the prototype. 7th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre 2 - 4 Dec 2008

Managing the Acceptance of Change in ATM
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Managing the Acceptance of Change in ATM. Air Traffic Control Quarterly. 16 (3), pp. 235-254.

Dynamic cost indexing
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2008. Dynamic cost indexing. European ATM Innovation Symposium. University of Southampton 16 Jan 2008

Attitudes to change in ATM operations: introduction of CDA trials at Manchester, Bucharest, and Stockholm
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2007. Attitudes to change in ATM operations: introduction of CDA trials at Manchester, Bucharest, and Stockholm. Brussels, Belgium European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

Competition and change in the long-haul markets of Europe
Dennis, N. 2007. Competition and change in the long-haul markets of Europe. Journal of Air Transportation. 12 (2), pp. 4-26.

End of the free lunch? The responses of traditional European airlines to the low-cost carrier threat
Dennis, N. 2007. End of the free lunch? The responses of traditional European airlines to the low-cost carrier threat. Journal of Air Transport Management. 13 (5), pp. 311-321.

Airport traffic and financial performance: a UK & Ireland case study
Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2007. Airport traffic and financial performance: a UK & Ireland case study. Journal of Transport Geography. 15 (3), pp. 161-171.

The transferability of the low-cost model to long-haul airline operations
Francis, G., Dennis, N., Ison, S. and Humphreys, I. 2007. The transferability of the low-cost model to long-haul airline operations. Tourism Management. 28 (2), pp. 391-398.

The principles of flight planning and ATM messaging
Tanner, G. 2007. The principles of flight planning and ATM messaging. in: Cook, A.J. (ed.) European air traffic management: principles, practice, and research Aldershot Ashgate. pp. 35-64

Option generation tools for sustainable urban transport strategies
May, A., Jopson, A., Gawthorpe, S., Kelly, C., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2007. Option generation tools for sustainable urban transport strategies. 11th World Conference on Transportation Research. Berkeley, USA 24 - 29 Jun 2007

The future of European air transport operations
Dennis, N. 2007. The future of European air transport operations. in: Dennis, N. (ed.) European air traffic management: principles, practice, and research Aldershot Ashgate. pp. 151-180

Stimulation or saturation? Perspectives on European low-cost airline market and prospects for growth
Dennis, N. 2007. Stimulation or saturation? Perspectives on European low-cost airline market and prospects for growth. Transportation Research Record. 2007, pp. 52-59.

Dynamic cost indexing
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Williams, V. and Meise, G. 2007. Dynamic cost indexing. 6th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshops & Exhibition. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Brétigny sur Orge, France 04 - 06 Dec 2007

A psychosocial approach to understanding pilot and controller acceptance of change in ATM, based on three CDA case studies
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Pilon, N. and Joyce, T. 2007. A psychosocial approach to understanding pilot and controller acceptance of change in ATM, based on three CDA case studies. 7th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar. Barcelona, Spain 02 - 05 Jul 2007 EUROCONTROL/FAA.

Designing an effective survey of air travellers
Cook, A.J. and Lawes, A. 2007. Designing an effective survey of air travellers. Marketing and Market Research for Air Transport: Theory and Practice (University of Westminster external short course). University of Westminster, London, UK 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2007

The management and costs of delay
Cook, A.J. 2007. The management and costs of delay. in: Cook, A.J. (ed.) European air traffic management: principles, practice, and research Aldershot Ashgate. pp. 97-122

Industry consolidation and future airline network structures in Europe
Dennis, N. 2005. Industry consolidation and future airline network structures in Europe. Journal of Air Transport Management. 11 (3), pp. 175-183.

Sustainable disposal of domestic sanitary waste
Ashley, R., Blackwood, D., Souter, N., Hendry, S., Moir, J., Dunkerley, J., Davies, J., Butler, D., Cook, A.J., Conlin, J., Squibbs, M., Britton, A. and Goldie, P. 2005. Sustainable disposal of domestic sanitary waste. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 131 (2), pp. 206-215.

"Citizens" study: results of European focus groups examining public perceptions of air transport growth and ATM
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2005. "Citizens" study: results of European focus groups examining public perceptions of air transport growth and ATM. London, UK EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Attitudes t societal demands in ATM operations: introduction of a B-CDA trial at Manchester Airport
Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2005. Attitudes t societal demands in ATM operations: introduction of a B-CDA trial at Manchester Airport. Cedex, France EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Measuring the effectiveness of campaigns: lessons for mobility management from the EU TAPESTRY project
Tyler, S. and Cook, A.J. 2004. Measuring the effectiveness of campaigns: lessons for mobility management from the EU TAPESTRY project. European Conference on Mobility Management (ECOMM 2004). Lyon, France 05-07 May 2004

Designing an effective survey of air travellers
Lawes, A. and Cook, A.J. 2004. Designing an effective survey of air travellers. Marketing and Market Research for Air Transport: Theory and Practice. London, UK 01-02 Dec 2004

The future of long-haul air services from Europe
Dennis, N. 2004. The future of long-haul air services from Europe. in: European Transport Conference (ETC 2004) Association for European Transport.

Running out of steam? The growth prospects for European low-cost airlines
Dennis, N. 2004. Running out of steam? The growth prospects for European low-cost airlines. 2004 Air Transport Research Society World Conference. Istanbul, Turkey 01-03 July 2004

Can the European low-cost airline boom continue? Implications for regional airports
Dennis, N. 2004. Can the European low-cost airline boom continue? Implications for regional airports. 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Porto, Portugal 25-29 Aug 2004

Understanding the true cost of delay to airline operators
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Anderson, S. 2004. Understanding the true cost of delay to airline operators. Managing Airline Operating Costs Conference. Lisbon, Portugal 08 Dec 2004

Evaluating the true cost to airlines of one minute of airborne or ground delay: final report
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Anderson, S. 2004. Evaluating the true cost to airlines of one minute of airborne or ground delay: final report. Brussels, Belgium Eurocontrol.

Analysing the potential impacts of sustainable distribution measures in UK urban areas
Allen, J., Browne, M., Tanner, G., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2004. Analysing the potential impacts of sustainable distribution measures in UK urban areas. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) Logistics systems for sustainable cities: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June 2003) UK Elsevier.

Boom or bust? The future of the low-cost airlines in Europe
Dennis, N. 2003. Boom or bust? The future of the low-cost airlines in Europe. in: Annual European Transport Conference (ETC 2003) UNKNOWN.

Sustainable urban distribution: evaluating policy measures
Browne, M., Allen, J., Tanner, G., Anderson, S., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2003. Sustainable urban distribution: evaluating policy measures. Proceedings of the 8th Logistics Research Network Conference. London 10 - 12 Sep 2003

Modelling policy measures and company initiatives for sustainable urban distribution
Allen, J., Tanner, G., Browne, M., Anderson, S., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2003. Modelling policy measures and company initiatives for sustainable urban distribution. UK University of Westminster.

Long-term route traffic forecasts and flight schedule pattern for a medium-sized European airport
Dennis, N. 2002. Long-term route traffic forecasts and flight schedule pattern for a medium-sized European airport. Journal of Air Transport Management. 8 (5), pp. 313-324.

The crisis in air transport and the future structure of European airlines and airports
Dennis, N. and Graham, A. 2002. The crisis in air transport and the future structure of European airlines and airports. in: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 9-11 September 2002 London, UK Association for European Transport.

Budget airlines
Dennis, N. 2002. Budget airlines. Insights. ISS-55 (ART-106), pp. D9-D17.

The valuation of reliability for personal travel
Bates, J., Polak, J., Jones, P.M. and Cook, A.J. 2001. The valuation of reliability for personal travel. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 37 (2-3), pp. 191-229.

Airport environmental capacity and developments in airline operations
Dennis, N. and Graham, A. 2001. Airport environmental capacity and developments in airline operations. SCAN-UK Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University 02 -03 Apr 2001

Conditional route implementation phase 1: AO use of CDRs
Cook, A.J., Tanner, G. and Anderson, S. 2001. Conditional route implementation phase 1: AO use of CDRs. UK University of Westminster.

Developments of hubbing at European airports
Dennis, N. 2001. Developments of hubbing at European airports. Air and Space Europe. 3 (1/2), pp. 51-55.

Scheduling issues and network strategies for international airline alliances
Dennis, N. 2000. Scheduling issues and network strategies for international airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management. 6 (2), pp. 75-85.

Low cost airlines and scheduled airline operations
Dennis, N. 2000. Low cost airlines and scheduled airline operations. Transport Economist. 27 (2), pp. 1-8.

UK generation of electricity from biomass resources: preliminary resource analyses and infrastructure modelling
Allen, J., Cook, A.J. and Palmer, H. 1996. UK generation of electricity from biomass resources: preliminary resource analyses and infrastructure modelling. Scottish Agricultural Economics Review. 9, pp. 73-79.

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