Organisations, Economy and Society

CollegeWestminster Business School
HeadDr Randhir Auluck
Sort by Date Title

Seapower and naval warfare, 1650-1830


Harding, R. 2003. Seapower and naval warfare, 1650-1830. Seoul, Korea Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy.

Employment group seminar: refreshment samples, matching and attrition bias

Discussion paper

Dorsett, R. 2003. Employment group seminar: refreshment samples, matching and attrition bias. Policy Studies Institute.

Education and skills mismatch in the Italian graduate labour market

Conference paper

Di Pietro, G. and Urwin, P.J. 2003. Education and skills mismatch in the Italian graduate labour market. Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2003. Warwick, UK 07-09 Apr 2003

The impact of research and teaching quality on the employment outcomes of postgraduates

Conference paper

Di Pietro, G. 2003. The impact of research and teaching quality on the employment outcomes of postgraduates. Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Edinburgh, UK 10-13 Sep 2003

Gli effetti del ciclo economico sull'incidenza di poverta: l'esperienza dell'Italia tra il 1980 e il 1997


Di Pietro, G. 2003. Gli effetti del ciclo economico sull'incidenza di poverta: l'esperienza dell'Italia tra il 1980 e il 1997. Politica Economica. 1, pp. 5-30.

Equality of opportunity in Italian university education: is there any role for social welfare spending?


Di Pietro, G. 2003. Equality of opportunity in Italian university education: is there any role for social welfare spending? International Journal of Educational Development. 23 (1), pp. 5-15.

EU enlargement: construction labour relations as a pilot


Clarke, L., Cremers, J. and Janssen, J. 2003. EU enlargement: construction labour relations as a pilot. Brussels, Belgium Reed Business Information.

Do policies change practices?: ethnic minorities in the Netherlands and the UK

Conference paper

Beck, V., Michielsens, E., van der Meer, M. and Roosblad, J. 2003. Do policies change practices?: ethnic minorities in the Netherlands and the UK. International Employment Relations Association Conference. London, UK 08-11 Jul 2003

Gender and ethnic segregation in the British labour market: marginalisation and inclusion

Conference paper

Beck, V., Clarke, L. and Michielsens, E. 2003. Gender and ethnic segregation in the British labour market: marginalisation and inclusion. 3rd International Gender Work and Organisation Conference. Keele, UK 25-27 Jun 2003

Appraisal pitfalls and the training implications: part 2


Rees, W.D. and Porter, C. 2003. Appraisal pitfalls and the training implications: part 2. Industrial and Commercial Training. 36 (1), pp. 29-34.

Technological change, labor markets, and 'low-skill, low-technology traps'


Di Pietro, G. 2002. Technological change, labor markets, and 'low-skill, low-technology traps'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 69 (9), pp. 885-895.

Management by panacea: the training implications


Rees, W.D. and Porter, C. 2002. Management by panacea: the training implications. Industrial and Commercial Training. 34 (6), pp. 229-232.

The connection between access to university and net social welfare expenditure in Southern Italy


Di Pietro, G. 2002. The connection between access to university and net social welfare expenditure in Southern Italy. Education Economics. 10 (1), pp. 25-39.

Corporate Governance


Proctor, G. and Miles, L. 2002. Corporate Governance. Cavendish Publishing.

The German corporate governance code: what implications?

Journal article

Miles, L. 2002. The German corporate governance code: what implications? Business Law Review. 23 (6), pp. 140-145.

The impact of culture on international assignments


Shortland, S. 2002. The impact of culture on international assignments. Managing Internationally Mobile Employees Briefing. (30), pp. 2-4.

Breaking down the dual career mobility barrier


Shortland, S. 2002. Breaking down the dual career mobility barrier. Managing Internationally Mobile Employees Briefing. (33), pp. 8-10.

Why have an international assignment policy?


Shortland, S. 2002. Why have an international assignment policy? Managing Internationally Mobile Employees Briefing. (35), pp. 2-5.

Forecasting the conditional covariance matrices of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence

Conference paper

Ñíguez, T.M. and Rubia, A. 2002. Forecasting the conditional covariance matrices of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence.

Volatility and VaR forecasting for the IBEX-35 stock-return index using FIGARCH-type processes and different evaluation criteria

Conference paper

Ñíguez, T.M. 2002. Volatility and VaR forecasting for the IBEX-35 stock-return index using FIGARCH-type processes and different evaluation criteria. XXVII Symposium of the Economic Analysis. Salamanca, Spain. Dec 2002

Forecasting the conditional covariance matrix of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence

Conference paper

Ñíguez, T.M. 2002. Forecasting the conditional covariance matrix of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence. XXVII Symposium of the Economic Analysis. Salamanca, Spain. Dec 2002

Comparative leadership study: women in executive management

Conference paper

Michielsens, E. and Liddle, J. 2002. Comparative leadership study: women in executive management. XV ISA World Congress of Sociology: the Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges. Brisbane, Australia 07-13 Jul 2002

Personality under pressure: management styles in the fire brigade


Mansi, A. 2002. Personality under pressure: management styles in the fire brigade. Fire Safety, Technology & Management Journal. 7 (4).

What do we learn from longitudinal research?: second interviews with women entrepreneurs

Conference paper

Knowles, D. 2002. What do we learn from longitudinal research?: second interviews with women entrepreneurs. Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference: theoretical and empirical advances in internal entrepreneurship. Nottingham, UK 15-16 Apr 2002

The Royal Navy

Book chapter

Harding, R. 2002. The Royal Navy. in: Dickinson, H.T. (ed.) A companion to eighteenth-century Britain Oxford, UK Blackwell. pp. 481-488

Gendering first-line management roles

Conference paper

Hales, C. and Knowles, D. 2002. Gendering first-line management roles. Employment Research Unit Annual Conference. Cardiff, UK 12-13 Sep 2002

Measuring the employment effects of networking and the accumulation of social capital: does the 2000 UK time use survey add to this understanding?

Conference paper

Di Pietro, G. and Sturgis, P. 2002. Measuring the employment effects of networking and the accumulation of social capital: does the 2000 UK time use survey add to this understanding? International Association for Time Use Research Conference 2002: Work Time and Leisure Time. Lisbon, Portugal 15-18 Oct 2002

High tech manufacturing and economic growth in the APEC region: how important is absorptive capacity?


Di Pietro, G., Kramer, S. and Urwin, P.J. 2002. High tech manufacturing and economic growth in the APEC region: how important is absorptive capacity? APEC Review. 9 (1), pp. 117-139.

Lifelong learning in rural areas: a report to the Countryside Agency

Technical report

Clarke, R., Cara, S., Thompson, A., Gray, F., Jones, B., Jackson, S., Mount, D. and Schuller, T. 2002. Lifelong learning in rural areas: a report to the Countryside Agency. London CEPAR.

Bosnia and Hercegovina

Book chapter

Clarke, R. 2002. Bosnia and Hercegovina. in: Carter, F.W. and Turnock, D. (ed.) Environmental Problems in East Central Europe. 2nd edition London Routledge. pp. 283-304

The institutionalisation of class divisions: education and training for professionals and operatives in the construction industry.

Conference paper

Clarke, L. and Herrmann, G. 2002. The institutionalisation of class divisions: education and training for professionals and operatives in the construction industry. First International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment. London, UK 11-12 Jul 2002

Regulation of the labour process vs. control of the building product

Conference paper

Clarke, L. and Beck, V. 2002. Regulation of the labour process vs. control of the building product. 20th Annual International Labour Process Conference. Strathclyde, UK 02-04 Apr 2002

The use of propensity score matching in the evaluation of active labour market policies


Bryson, A., Dorsett, R. and Purdon, S. 2002. The use of propensity score matching in the evaluation of active labour market policies. London, UK Department for Work and Pensions.

Joint claims for JSA: quantitative evaluation of labour market effects

Project report

Bonjour, D., Dorsett, R., Knight, G. and Lissenburgh, S. 2002. Joint claims for JSA: quantitative evaluation of labour market effects. Sheffield, UK Department for Work and Pensions.

New deal for partners: characteristics and labour market transitions of eligible couples

Project report

Bonjour, D. and Dorsett, R. 2002. New deal for partners: characteristics and labour market transitions of eligible couples. Sheffield, UK Department for Work and Pensions.

Gender and ethnic segregation in the British labour market: mechanisms of marginalisation and inclusion

Conference paper

Beck, V., Clarke, L. and Michielsens, E. 2002. Gender and ethnic segregation in the British labour market: mechanisms of marginalisation and inclusion. Gender Research Forum: the Gender Pay and Productivity Gap. London, UK 08 Nov 2002

Equality for women and ethnic minorities in an unequal labour market: comparing the UK and Germany.

Conference paper

Beck, V., Clarke, L. and Michielsens, E. 2002. Equality for women and ethnic minorities in an unequal labour market: comparing the UK and Germany. BUIRA 2002 Annual Conference. Stirling, UK 04 Jul - 06 Jul 2002

Gleichstellung von Frauen und ethnische Minderheiten in einem von Benachteilingungen gepraegten Arbeitsmarkt: Das Beispiel Grossbritannien


Beck, V. and Clarke, L. 2002. Gleichstellung von Frauen und ethnische Minderheiten in einem von Benachteilingungen gepraegten Arbeitsmarkt: Das Beispiel Grossbritannien. Zeitschrift fur Frauenforschung Geschlecterstudien. 1/2, pp. 89-97.

Regulation and control of the labour process and the division of skill

Conference paper

Arkani, S., Clarke, L. and Herrmann, G. 2002. Regulation and control of the labour process and the division of skill. 20th Annual International Labour Process Conference. Glasgow, UK 02-04 Apr 2002

Age and participation in vocational education and training


Taylor, P. and Urwin, P.J. 2001. Age and participation in vocational education and training. Work, Employment & Society. 15 (4), pp. 763-779.

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Arif, Gazi


Auluck, Randhir

Head of School - Org. Econ. & Soc.

Bakry, Walaa-Eldeen

Principal Lecturer

Bolam, Caroline

Assistant Head of School

Bowyer, Alex

Research Fellow

Buchmueller, Gerda

Research Fellow

Cao, Yihui


Cardoso, Catarina

Senior Lecturer

Clarke, Linda


D'Costa, Sabine

Senior Lecturer

De Kock, Dawn

Senior Lecturer

Dias, Shehan

Senior Lecturer

Duran-Palma, Fernando

Senior Lecturer

Gorman, Emma

Principal Research Fellow

Hadjivarnava, Vasoula

Senior Lecturer

Hiew, Ailu

Senior Lecturer

Hussain, Supin

Senior Lecturer

Kameshwara, Kalyan

Research Fellow

Kausar, Rukhsana

Senior Lecturer

Kearney, Paul

Senior Lecturer

Ketkar, Sumita

Principal Lecturer

Kofkin, Darrell

Senior Lecturer

Li, Jane


Madhavan, Shobhana

Emeritus Professor

Mansi, Angela

Senior Lecturer

Masino, Serena

Senior Lecturer

Mathews, Martin

Senior Lecturer

Mereish, Suhair

Senior Lecturer

Michielsens, Elisabeth

Principal Lecturer

Miles, Lilian


Mujan, Aida


Munoz-Torres, Rebeca

Senior Lecturer

Parker, Daniela

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Christine

Principal Lecturer

Qaseem, Naveeda

Senior Lecturer

Razzaq, Sobia

Senior Lecturer

Richardson, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Rodriguez, Anne-Line

Research Fellow

Saundry, Frankie

Research Associate

Shen, Shujie

Senior Lecturer

Sholarin, Olasunkanmi

Principal Lecturer

Snijders, Sylvia

Senior Lecturer

Specht, Doug

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Srinivasan, Sangeetha

Senior Lecturer

Thapar, Ann

Principal Lecturer

Urwin, Peter


Wang, Rebecca (Yi)

Assistant Head of School

Wilkowska, Iwona

Senior Lecturer

Wu, Yupei


Yang, Shubin


Zhang, Min

Research Fellow