Architecture and Cities

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HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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ICT for rail freight management

Book chapter

Woodburn, A.G. 2016. ICT for rail freight management. in: Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. (ed.) E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage London Kogan Page. pp. 85-107

The Roles of ‘Conventional’ and Demand-Responsive Bus Services

Book chapter

White, P. 2016. The Roles of ‘Conventional’ and Demand-Responsive Bus Services. in: Mulley, C. and Nelson, J.D. (ed.) Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 307-330

‘Don’t look down!’: A short history of rooftopping photography

Journal article

Deriu, D. 2016. ‘Don’t look down!’: A short history of rooftopping photography. The Journal of Architecture. 21 (7), pp. 1-29.

Understanding Consumer Preferences with Airline Scheduling

Conference paper

Graham, A., Dennis, N. and Nenum, S. 2016. Understanding Consumer Preferences with Airline Scheduling. Air Transport Research Society Annual Conference. Rhodes 23 - 26 Jun 2016

An Assessment of the Prospects for Small UK Airports

Conference paper

Graham, A. 2016. An Assessment of the Prospects for Small UK Airports. Air Transport Research Society Annual Conference. Rhodes 23 - 26 Jun 2016

Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy


Graham, A. and Morrell, P. 2016. Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy. London Routledge.

The impacts of telecommuting in Dublin


O'Keefe, P., Caulfield, B., Brazil, W. and White, P. 2016. The impacts of telecommuting in Dublin. Research in Transportation Economics. 57, pp. 13-20.

Rules for the governance of coastal and marine ecosystem services: An evaluative framework based on the IAD framework


Li, R., van den Brink, M. and Woltjer, J. 2016. Rules for the governance of coastal and marine ecosystem services: An evaluative framework based on the IAD framework. Land Use Policy. 59, p. 298–309.

On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks

Journal article

Belkoura, S., Cook, A.J., Pena, J.M. and Zanin, M. 2016. On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 94, pp. 95-109.

Urban Regeneration

Book chapter

Smith, A. 2016. Urban Regeneration . in: Olympic Cities Abingdon Routledge. pp. 217-228

The Co-Creation of Urban Tourism Experiences

Book chapter

Pappalepore, I. and Smith, A. 2016. The Co-Creation of Urban Tourism Experiences. in: Russo, A.P. and Richards, G. (ed.) Reinventing the Local in Tourism Bristol Channel View Publications. pp. 87-100

Measuring the cost of resilience

Journal article

Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Tanner, G. and Cristobal, S. 2016. Measuring the cost of resilience. Journal of Air Transport Management. 56 (A), pp. 38-47.

Metropolitan Governance and Institutional Design: Transportation in the Jakarta Metropolitan Region

Book chapter

Putra, T., Woltjer, J. and Tan, W. 2016. Metropolitan Governance and Institutional Design: Transportation in the Jakarta Metropolitan Region. in: Holzhacker, R., Wittek, R. and Woltjer, J. (ed.) Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia New York Springer. pp. 171-200

How coastal strategic planning reflects interrelationships between ecosystem services: a four-step method


Li, R., Woltjer, J., van den Brink, M. and Li, Y. 2016. How coastal strategic planning reflects interrelationships between ecosystem services: a four-step method. Marine Policy. 70 (2016), pp. 114-127 70.

Modernidad en Miniatura: Puntos de Vista / Modernity in Miniature: Points of View

Book chapter

Deriu, D. 2016. Modernidad en Miniatura: Puntos de Vista / Modernity in Miniature: Points of View. in: Bergera, Inaki (ed.) Fotografía de maquetas de arquitectura en España / Modelling for the Camera: Photography of Architectural Models in Spain, 1925–1970 Madrid, Spain La Fabrica. pp. 28-41

Further Studies in the History of Construction: the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Construction History Society


Campbell, J.W.P., Bill, N., Driver, M., Heaton, M., Pan, Y., Tutton, M., Wall, C. and Yeomans, D. (ed.) 2016. Further Studies in the History of Construction: the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Construction History Society. Cambridge Construction History Society.

Site parade

Book chapter

Williams, J. 2016. Site parade. in: Brown, J.B., Harriss, H., Morrow, R. and Soane, J. (ed.) A gendered profession: the question of representation in space making London, UK RIBA. pp. 79-85

Learning Environments in Design Studio Culture

Conference paper

Williams, J. 2016. Learning Environments in Design Studio Culture. AAE2016 Research Based Education. Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London 07 - 09 Apr 2016 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.

Architecture, Energy, Matter


Bremner, L. and Bottazzi, R. 2016. Architecture, Energy, Matter. London Department of Architecture, University of Westminster.

Filter | Funnel

Book chapter

Bremner, L. 2016. Filter | Funnel. in: Malaquais, D. and Khouri, N. (ed.) D’Afrique en Asie, d’Asie en Afrique Rencontres au coeur d’un monde globalisé Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre. pp. 17-42

Thinking Architecture with an Indian Ocean Aquapelago

Journal article

Bremner, L. 2016. Thinking Architecture with an Indian Ocean Aquapelago . GeoHumanities. 2 (2), pp. 284-310.

Urban China's Rural Fringe: Actors, dimensions and management challenges


Verdini, G., Wang, Y. and Zhang, X. 2016. Urban China's Rural Fringe: Actors, dimensions and management challenges. London-New York Routledge.

Preserving the historic landscape of a Chinese village: the case of Wujiang, Suzhou, China, in, The HUL Guidebook: Managing heritage in dynamic and constantly changing urban environments

Project report

Verdini, G., Re, A., Rogers, A.P., Veldpaus, L., Juma, M., Fayad, S. and Zhou, J. 2016. Preserving the historic landscape of a Chinese village: the case of Wujiang, Suzhou, China, in, The HUL Guidebook: Managing heritage in dynamic and constantly changing urban environments. Shanghai WHITRAP.

The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies

Book chapter

Verdini, G. 2016. The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies. in: Verdini, G., Wang, Y. and Zhang, X. (ed.) Urban China's Rural Fringe: Actors, dimensions and management challenges London-New York Routledge. pp. 1-15

English Cathedrals: Events and Spiritual Capital


Curtis, S. 2016. English Cathedrals: Events and Spiritual Capital. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. 4 (2), p. Article 3 Article 3.

Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK

Journal article

Halpern, N., Graham, A. and Dennis, N. 2016. Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 21, pp. 33-43.



Watson, V.A. 2016. T A Q. Doctor Watson Architects.

Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance


Halpern, N. and Graham, A. 2016. Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance. Journal of Air Transport Management. 56 (B), pp. 69-78.

Is effective city-regional governance viable in the next urbanisation campaign of China?


Verdini, G. 2016. Is effective city-regional governance viable in the next urbanisation campaign of China? China Policy Review. 2016 (4), pp. 95-97.


Book chapter

Verdini, G. 2016. Conclusion. in: Verdini, G., Wang, Y. and Zhang, X. (ed.) Urban China's rural fringe London and New York Routledge. pp. 199-200

The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies

Book chapter

Verdini, G. 2016. The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies. in: Verdini, G., Wang, Y. and Zhang, X. (ed.) Urban China's rural fringe London and New York Routledge. pp. 1-15

La mobilità alla scala metropolitana

Book chapter

Papa, E. 2016. La mobilità alla scala metropolitana . in: Lo stato della città. Napoli e la sua area metropolitana Monitor.

Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 02

Digital or visual media

Watson, V.A. 2016. Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 02. London

Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 01

Digital or visual media

Watson, V.A. 2016. Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 01. London

Nineteen Cosmological Leaps

Digital or visual media

Watson, V.A. 2016. Nineteen Cosmological Leaps. London

LUTI models, freight transport and freight facility location

Book chapter

Nuzzolo, A., Papa, E. and Comi, A. 2016. LUTI models, freight transport and freight facility location. in: dell'Olio, L., Ibeas, A. and Cordera, R. (ed.) Land use – Transport Interaction Models: The Transpace Model Santander, Spain CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. pp. 6-33

M & CO


Watson, V.A. 2016. M & CO. Doctor Watson Architects.



Watson, V.A. 2016. CO & CHRY. Doctor Watson Architects.



Watson, V.A. 2016. COBRA. Doctor Watson Architects.

Business Improvement Districts in Urban Freight Sustainability Initiatives: A Case Study Approach


Browne, M., Allen, J. and Alexander, P. 2016. Business Improvement Districts in Urban Freight Sustainability Initiatives: A Case Study Approach. Transportation Research Procedia. 12, pp. 450-460.

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Cascone, Paolo

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Chan, Tommy

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Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

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Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

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Ellston, Liz


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Assistant Head of School

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Guibert, Eric

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Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

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Hui, Sam Sam


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Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

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Papa, Enrica


Piotrowska, Marzena

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Pollock, Ben


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Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

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Spankie, Ro

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Stringer, Ben

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Tankard, Jane

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Tanner, Graham

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Thwaites, Adam

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Verlinghieri, Ersilia

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Weiszer, Michal

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White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

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Williams, Julian

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Yau, Andrew

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Zaide, Paolo

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Zareian, Elham

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Zhang, John

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